THI EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1958 SPORTS A-13 6 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS OPEN DAILY 8 A. M.-9 P. M. 4 **¦:;' Jii. ¦v% J 4MHBB TIRE NAME or TIRE VALUE? AM^ LESTER PIGGOTT HOWARD GRANT German Horae His Hope Aboard Australian YOU GET BOTH at MARKET TIRE GRANT RIDES AUSTRALIAN * X ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ Practically all major manufacturers make several different ¦¦BBflMpPNjl Piggott Hopes Orsini AMD NEW grades of tires ... as many as 5 grades, each one varying in quality. So, be careful when you're tempted to buy a tire by Brings Better Luck n M YA|I the name of the manufacturer alone. You may be getting a low-grade tire, even it's a famous tire company. Lester Piggott will be seek- > best victories. He won the Ebor though made by ing a better reward than in his i with Gladness, John McShain’s am m wmm Best thing to do is come to one of our 6 convenient locations first venture for making the i fine mare who since has been immm MJM [ and check Market Tire's grade charts. Then see if name- journey from England to Laurel retired. ¦MH HI jjßyw tire I when he hops aboard Ger- When Sailor's Guide, the Aus- gUk for-name, grade-for-grade you don't get by far the best buy fl many’s Orsini in next Tues- tralian representative, goes wm day’s Washington, D. C., Inter- postward a week from today at Market Tire. No obligation. national. in the Washington, D. C. In- "W But whatever the conclusion ternational at Laurel, his Jockey it can’t be any worse than his i may be getting as much “play” first effort. He finished last! ,Jat the mutuel windows as the aboard Dorothy Paget’s Nu-1 | horse. cleus, England's color bearer,, That’s because 19-year-old LOWEST PRICE IN THE CITY! I in the 13-horse field in the! !! Howard Grant will be astride 1955 International. the horse. And to many Wash- '• ington racegoers, of area the name Yinvle RAYON Piggott, known as one quite synonym BRAND-NEW Europe’s i Grant often is a most daring jockeys, money pocket. TIRES 10.95 bringing for in the isn’t used to up the Howard, a native rear, and improve of Cincin- exacting & 7.10x15 12.95 Orsini could nati, began his competitive rid- Made to TIRE TUBE I Jr. Lester’s fortunes in the Inter- ing career two years ago at specifications by one 6.70<g ML KB JM national. Charles Town’s winter meeting. of America's oldest x)5 IQeYv ... n a Orsini is considered the best In his first full year he was the and largest menu- none brought here M]f 311(1 HOW It PrOtOCtS TOE ever over Nation’s sixth leading jockey Q PoHCV by Baron Henry von Thyssen with 249 winners from 1,170 15 TUBELESS give you better tire deal any day ofth# and Trainer Adrian von Borcke percent- sef/-dwning twmf Mill) "I'll a mounts. His winning DIIPPCR week or I willrefund your money promptly. Neither horse nor rider is a age of 21 per cent was surpassed resists skidding on Blockwoll[Whitewall KIIUIIEbII Ifllll#" stranger to the other. Piggott only by Bill Hartack, Manuel! wet, snowy streets. TIKE | Di»c. Mac. —Joe Granville rode the German steed to vic- Yeaza and Willie Shoemaker. Mounted and de- J™ _Mw M 1 JillP|l| 1 MIAMI IkrAIIIB tory in the German Derby last' ! Grant was the leading rider mounted FREE at the 6.70*15_16.95 1995 M VMI|W year and has won five of six at Laurel's meeting last spring 95 f end of each season L)M5. 1895 IllvVlllV races with him this year. after taking top honors at Trop- Hf WllwWW FIIIPATAftIP UPAA99 * ,e ok * Piggott won the English j ical Park. Prom Laurel he type - T«.I Derby with Never Say Die. the jwent to Atlantic City where he FIRESTONE 500 American-owned runner, in maintained his leadership. ErZ Z lUn 1954 and repeated with Crepello While riding 53 winners at last year. He also piloted the the New Jersey track, he had *’sll#Bß m&h §1 7.60x,5 ..iiBB Queen’s Carozza to a triumph one hot streak in which he TUBELESS in the Oaks last year. booted home 16 winners over This year, Piggott the a five-day stretch. - counts JnmoZiMs ’m°ls.Bß 18w,ww ~M Goodwood Cup, Ascot Gold Cup Howard is under contract to -«s;»sa 88 8.20x15 ..1288 NTLVNNYLON and Ebor Handicap among his the Carolyn K. Stable. TIRE ] Din. Disc. 14" TUBELESS REMEMBER, these ore retreaded with nn 670*151 2188" '27*l Rubber, on laclory »« . 100% Grode A Cold 6.00x16 HAI ‘SI i>W J —MAS BlackwßH Whitewall inspected casings. Snow tires mounted H 7.60*15 1 26.68 U2.1l LAST RACE FOR CHAMPION ££ on<l demounted at end of each season fli¦ 100*15 29JS |)S6t H?!?-!—I!-—!?“1261 _l668 ci'rr* 2“: I 1 7.10*15J *,-LT-U^forthe life of the tires at no extra cost. 6 70*15 870*15 ! 186a 7.60*15 1 15.88 1968 760*14 15.86 I 17.86 1 Ballymoss Starts Trip BM*is 18.88 23 88 8.50*14 1868 88 MARKET AAI A CCA I To Laurel Tomorrow ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT *UII, T,RES - ' LONDON, Nov. 4 (AP).—The s together star performers from 14 TUBELESS Anglo-Irish bloodstock agency r all over the world. Cifl ATAAAIT DHHjfK used, shop reconditioned has completed arrangements * Trainer Bir Richards $ transport of its most Gordon for the ' today valuable cargo in years—the said it had been decided win- deposit journey of Ballymoss, valued I not to send London Cry, 1 & at $700,000, to the United I ner of last week’s Cambridge- mm ice snow States. shire, to Laurel. The 4-year-old chestnut colt, “We like him to go,” rs undisputed champion of Eu- ; would rope, will London by air I Richards said, "but in view of leave his fairly hard races recently, tomorrow night in a specially r r GOODRICH including TIRE&TUBE Cambridgeshire. -m'ZZZ'ZZ the chartered freighter for New r „ we have decided that it would York and Friendship Airport l Fih T“w“RiM' Baltimore, be wisest to let him rest.” near Md. ----- On ,! | mSjk,' Ballymoss GOODYEAR November 11 1 will take part in the Washing- ! 670x15 ton, D. C., International at. FISK rISK || C D|)YAI Ml flfl last of MARYLAND Laurel—the race hisij Custom De Custom Deluxe m MAr I Hi* 7.10x15 fabulous career. Continued From Page A-12 Luxe 1/^ Mont told the squad it could Royon 8.00x14,21.82 Born Traveler FIRST LINE III win the last four. After the I<M A.82 8.50x14,23.82 “I’m not worried about the • poor start he would consider FIRST LINE mamam mmma M*W 7.60x15 O Q O long journey from Tipperary j that a good season. to Laurel,” Irish Trainer Vin- . | Last year. Mont's second as tirf with NYLON predicted IIIIC VTIIn Blockwoll changeovers. These tires 8.40x15 cent O’Brien said. “Ballymoes I I head coach, he a 5-5 TIDETlntftlUßtt TIIRP RMHEffils? 1 season, hove subject insignificant usage. ¦ . is a bom traveler. He loves although later he said Brand wSPfIF IF*' been to .¦ , ~.. WL . t s i TIIDC S* t* Quantities. White- flying and seeing differenttjhe secretly had hoped for 7-3. Now TUBt RtJ yv|MltM g imt Limited quantities. Not every size in places. He seems even happier r He made no won-lost predic- ¦KrV .iWMMpwe everv make walls slightly higher. In a plane than he does atation this year, but did say it ALSO FITS TUItLESS KIMS m m 0 f home.” would be better. Os course Tommy was de- And O'Brien should know 1079 lsJn>!,. _____ top ' pending upon some sophomore _____ He’s one of the trainers develop on side of the Atlantic- 5 help which didn't be- 11#6.70x15 this ’ cause of Injuries, inexperience. IReckwß WMW. AUCpif TIIIC many people say the greatest. ' tike td*. obc lx. EDEEK* Wm MEvnLUA InlO O’Brien shot into the .| etc. i rISK head- ’ Maryland record, ti« tikt ¦TBmBiMB with brilliant had a 3-4 n« | r Tinr aiihiitv lines successes as ' games year, SIZE | & TUBE & TUB! 6.70*15 1561 18.70 Custom Deluxe I llfp ll||Ol|Tf after six last and I I Jr lSo3*«3?Wbr! * ’ B a trainer of steeplechasers. His > only fourth-period 79 79 | 1644 119.51 .... , ... aL-L horses National, 5 ilost to a 6.70*15113 116 7.10*15 ¦ IIVI AM won the Orand .rally by Alignment Check the toughest steeplechase Clem son hi Its final 7io*isi 1545 ilB 84 7 60*15 11863 121 84 m N FREE Wheel |P||APT of games. The Terps beat f ION RFFADF them times four j 7.60*15116 86 120 86 8 00*15 2141 2562 MM on our $3,000 machines. Includes: VNfMII DLIVRC all. three in a row- 1 Carolina, I I in 1953, 1954 and 1955. ' South Miami and Vir-1 1.00*151 18.81 2243 8.20*15 12317 12741 ¦« 1 UIL, ".? 4r.1 FIRST LINE Inspecting caster, camber, toe-in, It jginia. I VAII DIIV was in 1955 that O’BrienM Maryland needs get stal-| toe out bought Ballymoss yearling to MuLfg* DUI as a ! wart performances about 80 TUBELESS for John McShain of Philadel- ' per cent of the game from sev- FLATS FIXED Tiro Quality Is More phia.
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