The Observer VOL. XXIII NO. 112 TUESDAY , MARCH 27, 1990 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY’S FBI nabs Mafia boss, uncovers initiation rite BOSTON (API — An FBI Island and Connecticut to ar­ swoop through three states on rest the alleged criminals on a Monday netted New England’s range of charges including top organized crime boss, cul­ murder, racketeering, kidnap­ minating a five-year probe in ping, drug trafficking, gam­ which investigators taped the bling, obstruction of justice and Mafia's solemn blood initiation witness intimidation. Fifteen of rite,.authorities said. the 21 were in custody Monday The 113-count indictments afternoon. naming 21 alleged mobsters were especially significant for “ These three indictments rep­ their extensive description of resent an unprecedented as­ the induction ceremony, said sault on New England orga­ U.S. A ttorney General Dick nized crime activity,” said Thornburgh. Thornburgh, who was joined in “ It should lay to rest once Boston by the FBI Director and for all any doubts that the W illiam Sessions and U.S. at­ Cosa Nostra is a figment of law torneys for the three New Eng­ enforcement’s imagination,” land states. Thornburgh told reporters. Sessions said the dragnet and “ It establishes beyond doubt court-approved tapes of an in­ Crazy bookstore names Theobserver/BMiMowie the existence of a secret, clan­ duction ceremony in Medford in destine operation that takes it­ October shows the bureau’s Steve Gawlik on the left and Chris Ford on the right both admire the variety of unique names for Book­ self very seriously.” “ ability to invade the inner store Basketball teams at Monday’s tournament meeting. Gawlik’s team is “Mr. Bubble and Four Other FBI agents fanned out Mon­ sanctums ... with the intention Guys Who Come in Boxes.” Ford will vie for the championship on “Apocalypsie and the Four Horsemen.” day over Massachusetts, Rhode to destroy them.” University meets needs of disabled students on individual, special basis By SANDRA WIEGAND many of the older buildings on here now.” the teachers...are quite accom­ Assistant News Editor campus are not fully equipped Disabilities Kolman said that the modating to it,” she said. for students with mobility-re­ Grounds/Maintenance depart­ Students with disabilities March has been designated lated disabilities, “there are Awareness ment stays in touch with her of­ such as blindness and deafness Disabilities Awareness Month several halls that can accom­ fice and a special effort is made are also given special attention, by the Governor’s Planning modate them.” at ND to clear the snow on the paths Kolman said. For example, a Council for People w ith Disabil­ She said she knew of no un­ First in a two part series disabled students use to get to deaf student in the Notre Dame ities. dergraduates in wheelchairs, class. Law School has an interpreter There are 30 to 40 students but knew of a few graduate She also pointed out that a who signs the professors’ lec­ with disabilities on the Notre students in wheelchairs who As renovations on the old cart service is available both to tures in his classes. The inter­ Dame campus now, according live in Grace-O’Hara. halls occur, Reinebold said, the students with disabilities and to preter was arranged through to Eileen Kolman, associate Students are sent forms after special needs of the disabled students with temporary in­ William McLean, assistant dean provost and coordinator for acceptance to the University, w ill be kept in mind. juries. of law, and a local organiza­ disabled students. Because of asking if they are disabled and Regarding the difficulties Although there is no policy by tion, Kolman said, and had to the small number of disabled have special needs, according students with mobility-related which students with disabilities be brought in from Kankakee. students, their problems are to Evelyn Reinebold, director of disabilities face at Notre Dame, are given special excuses when Kolman spoke of a bill that is dealt with individually, and no student residences. Disabled Kolman said, “South Bend is they are unable to get to class, before Congress now, which, if overall policy is necessary, she students are specifically placed not a good place for winter, but professors are generally very passed, would require that said. in dorms that have facilities to there are basically not too understanding, she said. Kolman said that although accommodate them, she said. many students with disabilities “My experience is that all of see DISABLED/ page 6 Divorce, incomes change families Police arraign Gonzalez on By MICHAEL OWEN men,” said McAdoo. Other pressures include di­ 87 counts of murder for fire News Writer vorce and teenage pregnancy. NEW' YORK (API — The County Criminal Court, Gon­ External pressures, such as McAdoo called divorce for man accused of setting fire zalez was charged with 87 poverty, divorce, and teen women today “the feminization to the Happy Land social counts of murder committed pregnancy, have caused serious of poverty.” This is supported club was arraigned Monday during the course of arson; changes in the structure and by the fact that women’s in­ on 87 counts of murder, and 87 counts of murder by de­ function of the American fam­ comes decrease and stay lower police said he told them “ the praved indifference to hu­ ily, according to Harriette after a divorce in contrast to devil got into me.” man life; one count of at­ McAdoo, professor of social mens’ incomes that decrease Authorities began shutting tempted murder; and two work at Howard University. and quickly continue to in­ other illegal clubs in re­ counts of arson. Her lecture titled, “Marriage: crease. sponse to New York City’s He was held under a sui­ What’s the Future?” focussed worst fire in 79 years. cide watch at the Bikers Is­ on the history, consequences The families of the 87 vic­ land jail, authorities said. and future of the two-parent Harriette McAdoo McAdoo stated that teenage tims, most of whom were The case was turned over to American family facing external their desks, seven years in the pregnancy causes approxi­ Honduran or Dominican a grand jury, and Gonzalez pressures. bathroom, and only seven m in­ mately one third of single par­ immigrants, sought solace in will not be asked to enter a McAdoo explained one of utes a day with their children. ent families. This figure is not their grief, and a government plea unless an indictment is these pressures as, “ increases Businesses suffer from this as high as most people would task force was set up to issued. in inflation and fear of over­ shift in families, also. There is believe, according to McAdoo. counsel them and help make The deaths were believed coming poverty.” Husbands and evidence of “higher absences, funeral arrangements. to be the most ever charged wives must both work now, ac­ more stress and an increase in Results of various studies Julio Gonzalez, 36, was ac­ to a single suspect in the cording to McAdoo. health insurance costs,” ac­ have showed that families “are cused of setting the fire early continental United States. Only 18 percent of fam ilies cording to McAdoo. retaining the same family val­ Sunday with $1 worth of ga­ “ He is a double anim al,” today have mothers who stay at The shift to a dual income ues,” she concluded. Problems soline after arguing with a said Rene Mena, 63, whose home with their children, she family has also caused dispari­ experienced by the modern former girlfriend who son, Rene Jr., 30, died. said. ties between husbands and family can be helped by an in­ worked at the illegal club. He “ Here, they’re going to have The demographic changes' wives. Men are allowed to creasing number of government is said to have threatened to good food for him, a book, a within the American family spend more time with their and local programs designed to “ shut this place down.” movie. In Central America, have caused some serious per­ children since they do not par­ help families cope with new “ I got angry, the devil got we don’t do it that way.” sonal and public consequences, ticipate equally in household pressures. into me, and I set the place District Attorney Robert l ime spent with the family has chores, she said. on fire," Gonzalez told au­ Johnson said he hoped that decreased sharply. “In addition to their work McAdoo’s lecture yesterday thorities, according to a po­ if Gonzalez is convicted, he McAdoo cited a Newsweek days, women perform an aver­ was the first in a series of lec­ lice source who spoke to The would get consecutive prison study that showed Americans age of 22.6 hours of household tures to be sponsored by the Associated Press on condi­ sentences amounting to spend one year of their lives chores per week as compared Program of Gender Studies at tion of anonymity. 2,000 years. searching through clutter on to seven hours performed by Notre Dame. During a hearing at Bronx see FIRE / page 6 page 2 The Observer Tuesday, March 27, 1990 I n s id e C o l u m n W e a t h e r Where have Forecast tor noon, i uesoay, Marcn z /. Lines show high temperatures. Notre Dame’s goofs gone? My brother Rich was a thief. Well, not Yesterday’s high: 41 really. My Dad thinks Yesterday’s low: 29 he allowed Rich too Nation’s high: 94 much license during those odd years in the (Bullhead City, Ariz) seventies, and that Nation’s low: 1 Rich stole his way j 0hn Cronin (Yellowstone,Wy.) through Notre Dame- -he was a drama ma- Asst.
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