AniCura Quality Report 2015 Preamble This AniCura Quality Report is an important veterinary care for on average more than 20 years, milestone as it is the first quality report in and our oldest hospital has been helping ailing AniCura’s history and the first quality report animals for more than 100 years! As we constantly by a European veterinary group. The report witness the many benefits from working together provides a summary of many of the ongoing within AniCura, we felt the time was ripe to push quality initiatives within our organisation, as the boundaries even further by also comprehen- well as highlights areas in need of increased sively and systematically addressing the area of focus and improvement. For us, developing quality from a group perspective. quality is an ongoing effort! To ensure sufficient focus and progress, The veterinary care industry is evolving AniCura appointed a team of highly qualified rapidly, and AniCura is taking an active role and dedicated vets to lead the initiative, with in this development. In terms of quality, the the invaluable support from the many vets and industry has been relatively quick to pick up on nurses in our animal hospitals. The team’s first quality enhancing practices even though it has task was to identify best practices within quality historically been implemented clinic-by-clinic development, both externally in other industries based on individual preference and approach, at such as human healthcare, as well as internally times leading to relatively large local variations. through discussions and observations in many The most advanced expertise and equip- of our hospitals and clinics. The results of these ment making up the specialised segment of the efforts became QualiCura, our internally devel- veterinary industry is typically present in the oped companywide program for systematic larger animal hospitals and clinics that have quality improvement launched in 2015. become AniCura’s hallmark. QualiCura embodies many of the AniCura Just as in human medicine, where quality characteristics that we are so proud of. Working of care has played an important role in the together to enhance veterinary care, being past decades to both patients and practitioners fanatic about the importance of high quality, alike, the veterinary industry is now increas- sharing knowledge and best practice and being ingly looking at ways to systematically develop transparent about what we are up to. quality. This is further facilitated by many We hope that you will find this AniCura animal hospitals joining forces, as has been Quality Report inspiring to read. Thank you for the case within AniCura. showing an interest in the work that we do and For AniCura, quality is the number one the everyday continuous improvements we priority and our ambition is to provide the strive for at all our animal hospitals! highest quality veterinary care available. What is best for our patients always forms the basis AniCura – shaping the future of of our clinical decisions and we are dedicated veterinary care, together to provide the most empathetic care and the best veterinary expertise. The AniCura animal hospitals and clinics PETER DAHLBERG have been in the business of providing excellent GROUP CEO, ANICURA Contents Background 7 Interviews 18 What is quality? 7 Improving professional 21 communication skills Introducing QualiCura 8 The AniCura Professional 21 Design principles 8 Communication Project The QualiCura approach 8 Providing reliable 22 diagnostic medicine Organisation and resources 10 Laboratory Quality Assurance program 23 Encouraging professional 12 development and specialisation Ensuring wiser 24 antimicrobial use Specialisations within AniCura 12 Monitoring surgical Referral centres 13 26 site infections Creating and sharing 15 Securing proper infection best practice 28 prevention and control Clinical research 15 Promoting patient medical 29 AniCura Research Fund 15 record quality Scientific journal and Patient medical record reviews 29 16 data base access Enabling good incident handling 31 Knowledge sharing 16 External controlling bodies 32 Journal clubs 16 Future development 33 Medical Interest Groups 17 of program Online knowledge base 17 About AniCura 34 Background AniCura’s vision “Shaping the future of We believe improvements can be identified veterinary care, together” has been a guiding and implemented in all these areas by working principle since the company’s foundation. This together and applying a continuous improve- vision rests equally on two pillars; Quality ment methodology across AniCura. excellence and Customer service. AniCura Within this broad perspective, we have seeks to ensure both quality and service as initially chosen to focus on the medical these are intrinsically linked. aspects of quality, as the medical outcome for a patient is the ultimate result of quality in a WHAT IS QUALITY? long chain of decisions and actions, efforts The term quality can mean different things to and prioritisations. different people. AniCura has chosen to main- tain a broad perspective on quality, encom- passing almost all of the actions and processes that our members of staff perform and that our patients receive and our customers appreciate. AniCura Quality Report 2015 7 Introducing QualiCura Continuous quality improvement has for a to enable comparative studies and make long time been at the heart of all the animal sure AniCura has a fact- and evidence- hospitals forming AniCura. Since AniCura’s based approach not only in the field of foundation in 2011, these efforts have been veterinary medicine, but also within quality made easier through sharing knowledge, development. best practice and ideas around quality improvements between the animal hospitals. QualiCura is initially focusing on areas that we In order to accelerate quality development, believe have a particularly large impact on the AniCura has in 2015 designed and launched a safety and medical outcome of our patients: company-wide program for systematic quality improvement called QualiCura. The principal • Encouraging professional aim of the QualiCura program is “To enable development and specialisation AniCura’s patients to receive safer care, with • Creating and sharing medical better medical outcome”. In essence, AniCura’s best practices quality of care efforts are patient-centred with • Improving professional a specific focus on patient safety. communications skills DESIGN PRINCIPLES • Providing reliable diagnostic medicine In order to continuously and effectively identify • Ensuring wiser antimicrobial use and implement quality improvement initiatives, • Monitoring surgical site infections AniCura believes that this responsibility needs • Securing proper infection to reside at the local hospital as well as within prevention and control each individual working at AniCura. • Enabling good incident handling In terms of quality improvement, our overall • Promoting patient medical QualiCura approach is designed to trigger record quality relevant measurements and discussions at the hospital level, aided by comparisons across animal hospitals and over time. As everything For each of the focus areas AniCura sets (hospitals, individuals, processes, systems, etc.) certain input or output-oriented quality can always improve, the QualiCura program indicators by which the animal hospitals focuses on relative improvement over time, can measure themselves and compare their irrespective of starting point. progress over time and with other hospitals. THE QUALICURA APPROACH QualiCura has chosen a holistic approach to quality in order to avoid sub-optimisation and silo thinking. This approach also caters to a wide variety of clinical settings in many different countries. Moreover, QualiCura is gathering data from the animal hospitals 8 AniCura Quality Report 2015 st practi cal be ces – edi Imp g m ro in vin ar Q g h se 1: M p s l u on r bia ito o d ro ri f n ic ng e a m s s g ti Feedback & u s an Prepare rg io n r Discussion ic i e a n t s l a i s a e w it l r g Measure J Measure e c n D i o C i n r f m – u e s c n t m n N F i E o o : n i u 4 s t Q n a i s Feedback & c i Prepare l O M Discussion a a QualiCura t i i o c n e l p s o s r Q k S A t 3 Feedback & i d Prepare n : l l P o n Discussion 2016 c s r a o a d – t m n n a P n d o r e t A M n e i o n n o g i v m a t b p n i d p li a Measure J J Measure e o n t v i l i n g e re e n g g t p v o m Feedback & n r e o d e Prepare io e d d t l Discussion i c i l i n c e a a c a f id l r in b n e l e c r e o n o e i r p t d d s h q ro i s a u p n al g a e it d y in g f li ur n c n o g 2: Se r Q o p s t g i c n i m g a e r d u i c o i c n n e E QUALICURA APPROACH: Each quarter, AniCura’s hospitals participate in various topical surveys, after which they receive their results and benchmarks together with best practice and guideline documents to enable further clinic-specific improvement discussions. Some focus areas and quarterly timings change and develop over time. AniCura Quality Report 2015 9 Organisation and resources The vast majority of quality improvement ANICURA’S SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL is conducted locally in the various AniCura The council promotes evidence based medicine and animal hospitals, but to further focus, structure clinical research within AniCura.
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