ATOMIC EEttEY AGEECY STUDY GROUP oar KSSSARCII RSACTOR UTILIZATION -."Casa'ccia, Italy, 2-6 February 19?0 PRODUCTION 01? RAJDIOISOTOSCS IK RESEARCH REACTORS V.V. Bochkarev, V.i. Levin Radioactive isotope producee sar researcn di h reactorr sfo nearly a quarter of a centurjr* Is addition to the increase in number of these reactors their geographic location has been rapid- ly expanded* At present in the whole world we count already several hundreds of research reactors, many of them having neutron from'1012 to 5-10*15 c/cm2.scc. The proble researcf mo h reacto productioe th r usr efo f no radioisotopes and labelled compounds is therefore of much signi- ficance especially as related to short-lived isotopes and to medi- cal preparations of these isotopes primarily for countries and areas remoted from the main v/orld centers of isotope production* Recently many countries have commenced isotope production, organi- sing isotope radio chemi-cal laboratorie theit sa r research reactors Production of isotopes in research reactors (as a rule being mul- tipurpose) however is not -she only task of these facilities and even usually not the forst one. Taking account of all said above IAEA already in November 1962 held a seminar on short-lived isotopes production in small research reactors and their use. In 1966 IAEA, published a special manua isotopn lo e production (Manua Radioisotopf lo e Production, Technical Reports, Serie s6J)N whicn , i basi e hth c aspectf so this problem arc discussed* Radioisotope productio researcn ni h reactor mans sha y diffe- rent aspects whicf o l h ,al canno discussee tb singla n di e paper* 243 However, some "basic aspects might be difined and illustrated by examples* In the p^eofcnt paper we do not consider purely engineering problems connected with desig maintenancd nan variouf eo s auxi- liary loadin unloading- g (and other) devices. These problems requir separatea e discussio probleme welth s n a s la s o« protecti\ boxes and othor specific equipment used in further procesci^s of irradiated materials* considet no V.'o d e r method technologd san productionf yo , control and certification of labelld compounds and specific pr*;?:-- rations with radioactive compound thess sa independene ear t prob- lems. V/o concentrate our attention on the very process of isotope production in research reactors. generan I l nearl radioisotopel yal producee b n a sca n di nuclear reactor although productio neutron-deficienf no t ivaclides requires the bombardment of initial targets v/ith charged particles This procedur raann ei y more caseb en sca effectivel y performed acceleratorf o e us e bcyclotronthaa l yth firsd f al ts o an f to * Altogc-cher 1500 raaioisotopes are know, out of them for regular productio availabls ni mort eno e than 155-14-0 oneo- ,in cluding abou p~educe0 t10 nuclean di r reactors obvious i t .I o that the choice of isotopes for production is determined by locc.1 r.oeds and its operation program. In addition it should be notec. that out of the great number of reactor isotopes the folio-wins 25 may be asevii"l '~ to the cost widely used in industry, agricul- ture, biology and. medicine /except the transuranium elements/1 1 52 35 42 *B, *0, «fc, P, S, K, *5Ca, 51Cr, 55*,, 244 652n, icierejf o Besids s i noto t tt si e a. grou short-:f po . tvcd isotopeo use therapn di y a&i dia&ioctic 'T?s( , '''c^, 'yfl'ic, , 1*1, Wat) and in other fields C28^, " main propsrtieo of fcb.e a'oove isotope & are presented in Sables 1b d l.aan 2h.es groupo tw e s aal:e up A-0 pe- rl isotope cenal f to s i:ore or less regularly produced in nuclear reactors. By their pro- duction volune (total activity, cost, the numb a r of supplies; an dassortneAe alsth y ob compoundf to sourced san s they probably exceed 98 per cei.t of the total production* Ail these isotopes can bo produced in research reactors of medium povre productiot rbu oojsf no theif o e a (tritium^ corbon-14, long-lived isotope fissioa f so n product group and. cobalt-60n )i these conditions is practically unreasonable. The general schema of radioa.ctive isotope production in a reactor consists of 5 n&li. stages. 1. The choice of a suitable target snd its irradiation conditions* Targ. 2 e v preparatio irradiatiod nan n i reactor£a . 3* Processing of the irradiated target and production of necessara y compound or drug. 4. Analysis, measuremen necessarf i d tan ybiologicaa l con- trol and certification of a ready-aade product. 5* Packin deliveryr gfo * 245 considee w w Ho r sbiae question relation si tho nt e firso ttw thstageo t e d primarsan y processin irradiatef go d targets* Sine target choice« 2he choice of initial chemical materials - targets for irradiation, plays an important role in the whole matter of isotope production* 3te initial materials should meet Many serious and often contradictory requirements* .She first one is quite certain irradiatio wf no e targe reactoa n ti r shoul2 d0 safe* Vhe second requirement is related to the rational choice of a type Of irradiated naterial f^on the point of view of obtaining an optimum yield and specific activity of the necessary isotope; third is related - to the production of necessary isotopes wi'sl sh radioisotpic purity choice th £ort e o e;t th hof- . necessary isotopes from the point of view of convenience o.f further proces- sin irradiatef go d material (separatio necessara f no y isotope frotargee mth direcr to t pi-oa-.ctici labellea f io d compound). As for the second requiresent, i.e. effective use of neutron fluxe exposurd san e tim o"stainind ean g larger isotope yields, it eight appear that irradiation «.£ necessary material in an ele- mentar fore th ym n fori ol r amostlo y compact compounds wite hth maximum content of the principal, elexent is of greater advantage* But the fourth requirement (prccarcing of the target) forces one to reject such.choice and to us» suitable compounds even at the expense of significant vrorsenirg in the utilisation of the useful volume in a reactor* She third .requirement (radioisotopic purity of the product) is usually settled by compromise in relation to other conditions tar satisfo et y tris requiremen rula s s eti a very difficult* 246 generan I propee lth r target choic achievo et necessae eth - ry specific activity in the irradiation and to obtain the least quantit radioisotopif yo c impuritie connectes si d ttit nocace hth - sity to consider nany factors and essentially depends on the irra- .diation conditions. If we consider only tie simplest v/ay of isotope production by neutron capture reaction than v/e should distinguish at Itast three source radioisotopif so c impurities: radioactive impurities by activation of other chemical elements contained in the irra- diated material, formatio differenf no t radioactive isotopef so the principal element and, ilnally formatio othef no r radioactive isotopes by paralell and secondary processes in isotope activatioi in a nuclear reactor. Naturally the materials to be irradiated should be of grea- test chemical purity and chemical compounds selected for target preparation should introduc lease th et quantity of. radioactive, at any rate - long-lived impurities into the principal radioioo- tope. Certainly, often it is possible to eliminate radioactive impurities of other ic-otopes by radiocheraical methods but thic procedur mors ei e difficul sometimed tan s even practically it^js- feible wit isotopee hth same th e f selemento * Therefore radioiso- topic futurpurite th f eyo radioactive product shoul providee db d for beforhand, These questions v.'il discussee lb mora n edi detailed Torn considerinn i processee gth targef so t irradiatio reactora n ni * Isotope,production ways* Of practical value for isotope productio followine th e nar g nuclear reactions excite neuty db - reactorr^',a n 3i : 247 1« C&tV - reactio) n c£ 'radio. iiv$ sout^on capture C-* c-iccci.w/ capture of two aud xacre aotttrossu* 2» (n,1^ ) v.'ith subsequent isotope de.cay leading ti v';.c- formation of secondary radioactive product* 3* Eeac-cicns -.7ifti charged particles cr^issios:: (n, %) cr«i Cnsct ) and (n, 2^:} rd&ction* 4, Secondary reactions (t, r;) ;^-:d (t, n) v/ith taltcns fo;r:'.c~ ^ by neutron reaction cX;i(*i.,ol), and clso :-;->cc:idAr7 -.vitii roccil protons jrciousec «i'rc.di&.-;:in i . c i:yf :o d rials \vith i'sct re&ctor noutrons. $* Mission rcacticn ln,-y }* A nors deudlsd di.scv.ssio.-. ^cilc;7o. fi;otopc G of She noct part oi' v?:.3.v.s-.ts be oouained "by VR,^) reactic-i. 2ho yields cf this se^ct*c>i; uav al- decreasy l e v/ith tlae iricr.-;aso ou* aa'a^rML inersy* Irradiation of tho target- therefors ?i e performe reacton di r channoie *./itn prc- do^inatic thermaf ao l neuvrons* In cUoooinc irradiation conditions oosides activation croi<s - sectio «h.f no c initial i^vtop necessars i t ei consideo yt r u number of other factors SMo activates aa d i&otope abundance, isotopic and non-isotopic impurities in the tsr^et, half~livos thf o e radioacvivo product ,^.;acr production anini-;^i"iieas ait , foraation cross-section lattee th f sro an;L cross-section o^ r-sut- ron captur radioactive th y eb e pi--auct» Irraaiatior.
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