56th Year, No. 14 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Friday, January 16, 1976 Ralston Proposes University Senate by Mark McAdams "ultimate goal is a tripartite governing Student Government President Dave body consisting of the Board of Directors, Ralston has proposed to "scrap all student University President, and the Student­ government committees and replace them Faculty Senate." with a Joint Faculty Student University Commenting on Ralston's tripartite Senate." This Sunday, he will ask the suggestion University President Rev. Student Senate to direct the Student Robert J. Henle, S.J., said, "The idea of a Faculty Task Force to investigate the tripartite is obviously a piece of rhetoric feasability of such a Senate. The Task which has very little meaning." Force was originally started in November Taking exception to Ralston's concept to research issues related to both student of students and faculty sharing the and faculty interests in order to create University President's decision making joint student·faculty committees. power, Henle said, "The Board of Directors The faculty·student Senate would re­ delegate the power to the President of the place the present Faculty Senate and University. I'm responsible to the Board Rev. R.J. Henle, S.J. Student Senate. The group would serve in because they're legally responsible. Any Dave Ralston an advisory capacity to the President of the time they want to get rid of me they can." Henle forsees immediate objections to University. Ralston has stated that his Task Force Chairman WiII Smith said, Ralston's proposal coming from the faculty "At this time Ralston's hope for a stating that, "There are many issues that tripartite has to be meaningless rhetoric are only faculty problems and of faculty because we haven't yet shown that the interest. " GU Student Parking Rates faculty and students can work together." He was also skeptical of any real need Faculty Senate President Francis P. for a combined senate, saying, "Most Dineen, S.J., was hesitant to g;ve his University committees are mixed anyway." Will Be Raised Next Year opinion before seeing Ralston's specific Ralston maintains that the joint senate Starting next year it will cost students University is not able to hold an proposals. However, he did say that, "the would "give the senate unquestionable $54 for a sticker to park their car in Lot 3, impounded car until the fine is paid, the process of restructuring the constitution legitimacy" and would result in an eventual according to an administration source. towing has not been able to control the would be very cumbersome." decentralization of power from the Stu­ Main Campus Finance Director Melvil Bell problem. Henle said he considers the proposed dent Body President to the senate. joint senate a possible threat to student Both Ralston and Smith concede that confirmed an increase, saying "the maxi· Proposed New Facilities mum increase would be $2 a month to the voice on campus, stating, "In a situation there is little likelihood of realizing a joint present $4." The University is at present planning to where the opposition comes and goes the senate in the near future. Bell explained that the additional add another deck to the Medical School permanent members [faculty J would tend Ralston stated his belief that if the Task money raised will be used for maintenance parking lot, but has no definite plans to to gain control" Force's original mandate is actively pur· of main campus buildings and facilities. expand parking facilities on the main Dineen expressed similar concerns over sued along with its new obligation Vice President for Administrative Ser­ campus, said Lorch. the permanent and non-pennanent aspects concerning the Cormation of a University vices Daniel Altob!'lIo said that part of the Altobello explained that the parking tax of the membelShip, pointing out that, "this Senate, the possibility oC actually achieving increase will go toward th!' 8 per cent tax has already gone into effect, but that the could have a negative effect on the Ii joint senate wiII increase. on parking which was r!'cently passed by University was planning to pay for it rather committees, considering the fact that it He said, "If we could just work with the the District City Council. Altobello added, than levy an additional charge on students sometimes takes three years ~o find out faculty, it would be a step in the right however, that the parking was created after who have already bought stickers this year. what the committee can do." direction." the University decided to raise parking rates. In addition to the increasp, the Univer­ sity will not issue stickers to many RAs Initiate Sexuality Seminar off-campus students who Iivp within close proximity to the University. According to by Cary Fulbright Mary's RA) acknowledged, "The people Traffic Administrator Lawrence Lorch, Nearly one hundred people attended who came to me were embarrassed asking "we wiII attempt pliminate as many the second in a series of group discussions questions about sex, something every­ commuters as we can. We will not give sponsored by the Georgetown Human one's gone through, is going through, or stickers to tho!*' who live within walking Sexuality Committee (GHSC). The wiII go through." distance of the University or who can take committee was set up by Residence Life The Med Center's Dr. John O'Bri!'n , a thl' GUTS bus." and includes resident assistants (RA's) member of GHSC. noted, "Students need from every dorm. It met Monday at contact with adults who are comfortable Possible Toll Gates Darnall-St. Mary's for the first of three with the traditional sex valups." Sader Lorch hm; also proposed installing gates special programs. stressed that thl' program would be ob­ at the Canal Road and Prospect Street jective and would not be limited by any GHSC was organized by Resident bias. entrances to Lot 3. The gates which would Assistants Bob Sader (4th Copley) and accept money and tokens would be similar The lecture-discussions covered many Linda Carter (3rd St. Mary's), who said and varied facets of the subject of Human to gates in the other University lots. The they started the program because of the purpose of the gates, according to Lorch, Sexuality. Presentations included: a large number of upperclass students lecture on "The Psychology of Sex," and would be to keep unregistered cars from coming to them for advice. They also the lot. He said that he believed it was a film on childbirth entitled "Not Me cited a party organized by two dorm Alone," which was followed by a important to have the means to effectively floors, which resulted in the men standing keep out unregistered cars because of the discussion of various techniques of on one side of the room and the women delivery by Linda Londsdale, a midwife Probability of the passage of the parking on the other, as a motivating factor. restrictions before the city council. The at Georgetown Hospital. restrictions, he said, "would seriously ·"1 thought we might be able to fill a The discussion groups were smaU, affect parkin,. People in desperation will gap in sexual education, to present ranCing from twenty to forty. The topics look for anyplace they can. information academicaOy so as to make discussed ranged widely. One coed group everyone view it in that light," Sader said dealt with questions on religion and sex, The University tows unregistered cars in an interview. Kim Haren (4th St. Bob Sader (continued to ...... ) that are parked illeplly. However, as the Page 2 The HOY A Friday, January 23, 1976 Democratic Caucus To Slate Delegates for Its Convention by Margaret lIenry Congressional District On£', of uncommittt'd slates that can be Election year 1976 begins for wards 1. 2. 6. and H will m£>£>t at selected so any Democrat who DC Democrats on Jan. 27 wlwn 7:30 p.m. in tilt' Cannon Building wants to appt'ar on the ballot will the slates of delegatt's to tlw on Capital Hill, while District be abl£> to do so by organizing Democratic National Convt'ntion Two. wards 3. 4, 5 and 7 is their own slate of candidates. The are st'lectt'd in opt'n caucus. scheduled for Caldwell Audi­ slatt's compost'd of individuals Tht' District's votNS will go to torium at Catholic lJniVt'rsity at committed to particular presi­ tht' polls on May ,tth for tht' the same tim('. dential hopefuls must select their Presidt'ntial Primary. as well as to slates in accordanc£> with th£> indicate tht'ir choices for the Uncommitted Slates maximums. seventt'en delegate positions, ac­ cording to tht' DC Democratic At the January 27th caucus at Petition Party Affirmative Action Com­ the CongreSSional Districts, there mittee Chairman Elizabeth Abt'r­ will be sub-eaucuses which will Once this is complete, a peti­ nathy. determine the number of delegate tion must be signed between Jeff Fogelson candidates who will run on their February 5 and March 5 which Students Included individual slates. Each slate may must have 500 signatures. May 4 All Democrats rt'gistered in the have no more than 18 candidat£>s. is the day the 13 District delegates Henle Task Force To Focus capital. including students, pre­ There is no limit to the number will be selected. sently 215,000 are eligible to participatt' in the caucuses. In each caucus, the party members On Hilltop Theatre's Future will divide according to their by Rod Kuckro The initial move to form the candidate prt'ft'rt'nces or uncom­ Years of controversy con­ Task Force came in a letter from mittt'd status to nominatt' slates cerning the role of theater at Henle last week to certain admini­ of dt'lt'gate candidatt's to apt'ar on MeAT Georgetown have prompted Uni­ strators and faculty members, tht' primary ballots.
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