DUSEL Working Group Zoltan Ligeti & Ernst Sichtermann Introduction • Neutrino oscillations & proton decay • Dark matter • Nuclear astrophysics • Neutrinoless double beta decay • Recommendations • August 17, 2009 DUSEL facility Report of the p.1 DUSEL WG DUSEL facility NSF is developing DUSEL • South Dakota investing $120M • Expect MREFC $500 600M ∼ − • for initial suite of experiments 4850 ft level is dry since May • Physics starting 2009–2010 7400 ft level will be dry in 2011 Physics starting 2012–2013, after NSB decides on MREFC DUSEL will be an active lab for the coming decades, and a major part of the US • program, so we should plan what part of the science we want to be a part of Report of the p.1 DUSEL WG Committee formed (early 2009) Physics Nuclear Science Engineering Zoltan Ligeti (co-chair) Ernst Sichtermann (co-chair) Christian Bauer Jason Detwiler Henrik von der Lippe Murdock Gilchriese Stuart Freedman Steve Marks Richard Kadel Volker Koch David Plate Yury Kolomensky Kevin Lesko Yasunori Nomura Natalie Roe Report of the p.2 DUSEL WG Charge of the committee “In the context of the scientific opportunities in high energy and nuclear physics presented by DUSEL, the Committee is asked to assess the present LBNL participation in its initial suite of experiments, and to propose a roadmap for our future participation in the facility. Proposals for experimental development have been submitted to the NSF (S4) in the following broad areas: Long Baseline Neutrinos, Proton Decay, Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, Dark Matter Searches, Nuclear Astrophysics Experiments and Low Background Counting. For each topic, the committee should identify the scientific opportunity, and summarize the scale of current LBNL participation, the impact that LBNL is likely to have on experiments at the present level of effort, the value of additional manpower, and opportunities for synergistic Detector R&D activities. Since both NP and HEP funding is anticipated for DUSEL experiments, the Committee should comment on the match of the proposed experiments to the HEP P5 report and NP long range plan. DUSEL presents many opportunities, but the roadmap should be presented in the context of long-term commitments to other high priority programs such as JDEM, LHC, RHIC and existing neutrino efforts such as Daya Bay, KamLAND and CUORE.” Report of the p.3 DUSEL WG Inventory of projects / proposals Concentrate on four science areas: • Nuclear astrophysics: DIANA Neutrinoless double beta decay: Majorana, High pressure Xe R&D, EXO Long baseline neutrinos / proton decay: Water Cherenkov, Liquid Argon Dark Matter: GeoDM (cont. of CDMS); MAX, LZ20 (2-phase) DEAP/CLEAN (1-phase); DRIFT, DM-TPC (gas, directional) COUPP (single bubble in warm CF3I, triggered by nuclear recoil, not min. ion.) Won’t cover technical details in much depth here NSF S4 proposals: at least $15M for 3 yrs: “Development of Technical Designs for • Potential Candidates for the DUSEL Suite of Experiments” (expect 10-15 awards) Report of the p.4 DUSEL WG Process: talks + discussions Topic Presenter Date Dark Matter: Current and Future Y. Nomura Feb 5 The DRIFT detector D. Loomba Feb 6 Discussion of the Charge J. Siegrist & J. Symons Feb 10 LUX, LZ20 and the race to detect WIMP dark matter T. Shutt Feb 10 Directional Dark Matter Search G. Sciolla Feb 12 Some Science Motivations for DUSEL W. Haxton Feb 24 Germanium Observatory for Dark Matter at DUSEL (GEODM) B. Sadoulet Feb 26 MAX: Multi-ton Argon and Xenon TPCs C. Galbiati Mar 3 Preparations for writing the report Z. Ligeti & E. Sichtermann Mar 13 The US LAr TPC Program Leading to DUSEL B. Fleming Mar 17 EXO Status and Perspectives G. Gratta Mar 20 DIANA D. Leitner & P. Vetter Mar 24 Development of a High Pressure Xenon Imager A. Goldschmidt Mar 25 Present Status of COUPP J. Collar Mar 26 Large Cavity Detectors at DUSEL R. Kadel Mar 31 The Majorana Project S. Elliott Apr 7 Analysis and discussions for the report all Apr 10, 17, 24 May 1, 5, 8, 15 Slides available at: http://www-theory.lbl.gov/∼ligeti/dusel/ Report of the p.5 DUSEL WG Berkeley involvement ;#"B2 &!%(;2 &!%(;2%C2 Survey of current + imminent !"# $%& '& ()* +%& !4/1 "6)50-5 '167640. $,-./012345167894:-4 • efforts in the four areas !"#$# % % % &'( &'( $/,51:)6./442&6,D./2#/502&/-092(<7/1:=/)54 !)*+,-+%.'/01'23( 4'-5-672 % % % % &'( &'( 839'/-+%.'/01'23( Several check marks corre- <H7/0D027 % % % % 2:; 2:; • <)8=+ % % % % % 2:; 2:; spond to the same individuals BJ-F'172(3/;37/-;3- K71'(3;L' % % % % &'( 27 =>! K0I9M/'((H/'-N' % % % 27 27 Some are substantial, some C7E71'3/0D-=>! % % % 27 27 ;6)*2#04/.:)/2$/,51:)62(<7/1:=/)520)>2'1656)2&/-092%/01-8/4 • are modest efforts O;3'/-<9'/'2L7P % &'( &'( &01?2+055/12 !)*+,-+%.'/01'23( ,?@A % % % % % &'( &'( 4+8!B % &'( &'( 839'/-'%.'/01'23( <!B* % 2:; 2:; Seems clear that dark matter *H.'/<!B* % 2:; 2:; • ,)N:,?Q-;3-K71'(3;L' % % % % % &'( 2:; and neutrinoless double beta 3--/./10561@2A/0-561@20)>2%6.012$/,51:)62(<7/1:=/)54 *$8 % % % 2:; 2:; decay are Nobel Prize experi- R;1,#$!-" % % % % 2:; 2:; R;1,#$!-"" % % % % 2:; 2:; "<+<)C+ % % % % 2:; 2:; ments, in case signal is found !;&;C;& % % % 2:; 2:; +%.'/01'23-D71.E'3'FG-;2;E&(0(-D72302H02I +%.'/01'23--H2F'/-D72(3/HD3072 Report of the p.6 DUSEL WG Timeline of considered projects Fiscal Year Research Topic 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 DUSEL Facility PDR FDR 4850L 7400 0vbb CUORE upgrade options for DUSEL? MJ - demonstrator semi-funded MJ - 1 T S-4 7400 EXO-200 EXO 1T S-4 4850 LBNE Water C S-4 4850 LAr S-4 Nuclear Astrophysics DIANA S-4 4850 Dark Matter CDMS LUX Funded 4850 LZ3 4850 LZ20 S-4 4850 GEODM S-4 7400 XeHP-TPC Drift/LP TPC COUPP S-4 4850? Theta13 Daya Bay Solar Neutrinos SNO Analysis Only KamLAND upgrade Neutrino Astronomy ICECUBE R&D Proposal Construction Operation Report of the p.7 DUSEL WG Neutrino oscillations and p decay Neutrino oscillation measurements Two large mixing angles observed CDHSW CHORUS • NOMAD NOMAD 2 2 2 NOMAD 0 KARMEN2 CHORUS Oscillation between two flavors (δm = m1 m2) 10 MiniBo − oNE • 2 Bugey LSND 90/99% 2 2 δm L GeV Posc = sin (2θ) sin 1.27 K2K 2 SuperK 90/99% eV km E CHOOZ „ « PaloVerde 10–3 Data - BG - Geo !e all solar 95% MINOS Expectation based on osci. parameters Cl 95% ! 1 determined by KamLAND Atmospheric: about half ] KamLAND 2 95% • 0.8 of upgoing νµ lost + Kam- ! 0.6 [eV SNO 2 –6 95% m 10 LAND sees oscillation 0.4 Super-K Survival Probability ∆ 95% 0.2 Ga 95% 0 2 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Solar ν-s: δm L/E 1 L /E (km/MeV) 0 !e # –9 • 10 νe↔νX νµ↔ντ Two mixing angles and two mass-squared differ- νe↔ντ ν ↔ν • e µ ences are known, but not the absolute mass scale All limits are at 90%CL unless otherwise noted 10–12 From WMAP: mi < 1 eV 10–4 10–2 100 102 ∼ tan2θ ! Report of the p.8 DUSEL WG Neutrino mixing iδ iα1/2 1 c13 s13e− c12 s12 e U = c s 1 s c eiα2/2 #i 0 23 23 1 0 1 0 − 12 12 1 0 1 s c s eiδ c 1 1 B − 23 23 C B − 13 13 C B C B C @ A @ A @ A @ A θ23 45◦ (atm) θ13 < 10◦, δ unknown θ12 34◦ (solar) Majorana phases ≈ ∼ ≈ | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } 2 3 2 Atmospheric: δm23 = (1.9 3.0) 10− eV • 2 − × sin (2θ23) > 0.92 2 5 2 Solar: δm12 = (7.6 0.2) 10− eV 2 ± +0.×03 sin (2θ12) = 0.87 0.04 − Unknown: absolute mass scale, Majorana / Dirac • Unknown: smaller splitting between the lighter or the Unknown: heavier states (normal / inverted hierarchy) If inverted hierarchy: 0νββ experiments may distinguish between Majorana / Dirac • Report of the p.9 DUSEL WG Future of θ13 2 sin 2Θ13 sensitivity limit !NH, 90% CL" GLoBES 2009 ! 10 2 reach Double Chooz sensitivity !1 T2K 13 10 Θ 2 2 RENO sin Daya Bay %% NO#A: Ν#Ν CHOOZ# NO#A: Ν only Solar excluded 100 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 Year [arXiv:0907.1896] Report of the p.10 DUSEL WG LBNE measurements Sensitivity of a 300 kT water Cherenkov detector — well tested techniques • A water Cherenkov detector 300 kT is required to pursue CP violation and mea- • ≥ sure mass hierarchy and θ13 beyond reach of currently constructed experiments Report of the p.11 DUSEL WG 2 sin (2θ13) and CP violation Reconstructing sin2(2θ ) • 13 and δCP using a 300 kT water Cherenkov detector Report of the p.12 DUSEL WG Proton lifetime limits Dictates depth requirement (also useful for supernova ν-s) • Report of the p.13 DUSEL WG Proton lifetime limits Dictates depth requirement (also useful for supernova ν-s) • To be competitive with SuperK (22 kT), requires a water Cherenkov detector of • 300 kT (p e+π0) or a LAr detector 100 kT fiducial size (p K+ν¯) ∼ → ∼ → Order of magnitude increase always interesting (no clear theory motivated target) • Report of the p.13 DUSEL WG Recommendations — LBNE Modestly expand current involvement in a multi-100 kT water Cherenkov detector • if funds can be attracted through DUSEL, the LBNE project, or other sources – Coordination between experiment and DUSEL facility – cavity design, liner, drainage, maximizing fiducial volume – Help is sought by collaboration / FNAL / BNL Could provide a basis for increased future scientific involvement, which should be • revisited when results of current experiments looking for θ13 are known Report of the p.14 DUSEL WG Dark matter What is Dark Matter? Overwhelming evidence for DM: rotation curves, gravitational lensing, cosmology • We know: non-baryonic (BBN), cold = nonrelativistic at z 3000 (structure forma- ∼ tion), long lived, neutral (charge, color), abundance Cannot be a SM particle ⇒ Don’t know: interactions, mass, quantum numbers, one/many species Without theoretical prejudices, huge range of masses and cross sections allowed • 15 18 40 (10−
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