DfieJ\l&heDame PUBLISHED WEEKLY — FOUNDED 1867 Volume 73 November 3. 1939 Number 7 A BRILLIANT array NBC Air« Army of speakers: Rev. J. Rally Tonight Hugh O'Donnell, C.S.C., vice president of the University; Elmer F. Layden, director of athletics; and" Capt. William Wood, football coach at West Point, will head­ line an NBC broadcast from New York, tonight at 9:30 o'clock. (See page 5) • SCRIP, THE campus "Scrip" Out literary quarterly, will Next Friday meet its autumn dead­ line next Friday after­ noon when the Ave Maria presses throw off the first run of magazines printed under the editorship of John Meaney. The best student work in poetry, book reviews and fiction will be presented. (See page 6) WHILE Johnny Bull, Hall Debate jr., Adolph Schultz and Teams Battle other boys in Europe are trying to pass their daily quizzes in the difficult subject of blowing off heads, the Notre Dame Interhall debaters are engaged in deadly verbal struggle. (See page 7) THE REV. FRANCIS Academy Fetes J. Wenninger, C.S.C, Fr. Wenninger dean of the College of Science, was honored by the Academy of Science last Friday morning on his 51st birthday, when the entire Academy attended a mass cele­ brated by him in Sacred Heart Church. Cheerleader Jerry Flynn in a Disney setting—Bat Irish backs and Army forwards (See page 9) will stage real battle before 79,000 tomorrow. (See page 12) THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC »•»•»•••»•»•»•»»»»»»»»•»••••••»•»•••••*•*•*••••* • • * * • : ^Jn ilus weeks Jost • * you med amdke^ famwics b&rson « • THROUGH THE • * I ojHdm H(wes mother io Helm, HoAJes'dauaJder alnnd • • • • • • • * • rlere is a unique story: what the S^ Mother, she reveals to her • outsider does iwl see of Helen granddaughter (and to Post Hayes, the anecdotes the world hasn't heard. readers) the struggles and glamorous career of Here, as Helen Hayes' mother says, is "every America's great actress, who has spent thirty- litde thing I can recall about my Helen Hayes" four of her thirty-nine years in the theater and X ..In a series of letters called Mary, Tliisis Your "on the road." First of eight parts—this week. % I IN THIS SAME ISSUE A half hour of excitement: Harold riiMtiniiigWirp'B yam GloTy Holc about a cave4n 1700 fi^ down! (Too bad they'd fixed ibe lad fbey thought was 'fellow." ''iSH^r tiie on^ man who had the key to the AND a lively stozy of a giil reporter tdto went out to cover the races and ran into a story with a real news an^— ««aedio, the vdien she Cell in love with a gentleman rider, and he walked away! a7«. f ^ "* «>e Post ir"'^ Wallace. ^ *^ « digger £ spine diills in the dimax of Akc Hndsbn's vvrad and anflientic submarine war story, Battfe Stetibnx. PUIS... an artid^ The Great Bed Father, by W.G.Krivitdor. on the bloody tmdeioover work of tiie. Comintern in Geimaiq^ and ff You Mitt Borrow—hy Lowell Bventano. (Attention—students low on thdr podcet money!) Also stories Iqr Zadiaxy Gold and iraiiam Faulkner, ^''"'^ "/fie rest r poems, editorials, cartoons. THE SATUIiDAY EVENING POST THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC eating imtil 3:00 a.m.—with 45 minutes College Parade Iry Jack WUlmann of unconcentrated effort. His condasion: "All your, lessons studied are better than a part of them, but a part is bet* Pardon the Personal, But— fornia girls have organized the Powder- ter than nothing at all. However, noth­ Away with sham! Enough of these puff Football League. ' They wear soft- ing is better than a good lesson, so why college parades concocted from the pub­ ball shoes and chest protectors, and play spend eight hours a night stadsdng lications of the nation's academic insti­ 12 minute quarters Minnesota's when five minutes will be enough." tutions. This week the SCHOLASTIC dis­ humor mag, the Ski-U-Mah, is having patched Managing Editor Foskett to the censor troubles U. of California's Associated Collegiate Press Convention Sophs are conducting a "Dream Date" Jive on the Greensward and, we visited the Michigan State contest among 75 colleges—the winner Charlie Bamett will keep his date for campus to look over the publications will appear on the campus with full the Kansas Frosh Frolic despite the department. ACP delegate reports there cooperation of major Hollywood studios. half-million dollar Palomar fire which were some serious round-table discus­ • destroyed his arrangements... Good boy, sions, and we made the startling discov­ Charlie, sheet-men are a dime a dozen.. Wacky Antidote ery that co-ed colleges have CO-EDS. On .. Clemson signed Russ Morgan for the that angle the ACP service oflPers this Cedric used to snore so loud that he Thanksgiving Hop Tommy Dorsey, news bit: woke himself up, but now he sleeps in now giving out at the Palmer House "Michigan State College's date bureau the next room.—De Paulia Empire Room, gave a blow to N. D. will soon begin the third year of its Clarinetist Bob Richardson who recog­ existence. The idea proved very success­ nized the "Sentimental Gentleman of ful there. Michigan State co-eds no Badger By-play Swing" Ben Bemie was a hit at longer grace sorority house firesides." When Coach Harry Stuhldreher ad­ Stephen's College Canisius men wel­ • dressed a pep meeting before the Indi­ comed Glenn Miller to Buffalo Most ana game his son, Skippy, pulled the college pulps have a hep-cat colunm with At Least, It Rhymes number that won an airplane trip to the record reviews For four hours Char­ She sat on the steps at eventide, Northwestern game "Koundy" lie Bamett beat it out on the solid side Enjoying the balmy air. Coughlin, the Sage of Mendota, also for dancers and alligators- at the U. of He came and asked, "May I sit by your spoke to the 10,000 students Ina Kansas Frosh Frolics. After the regu­ side?" Ray Hutton appeared at a Madison lar program the band retired to an eat­ And she gave him a vacant stair. theater two Cardinal staif men dated ing establishement where it "jammed" —Cornell Widow her a la interview They found her for another two hours, abetted by cam­ • to be a nice date, admittedly 21, on the pus musicians and encouraged by munch­ With No Further Comment co-ed side, quite personable, and enthus­ ing lookers-on. Bamett's liffing tenor "Just who is the 'dreat bid he-mans' iastic about hot music. sax stole the allegiance of many Jurg- freshman football player at Notre Dame ens. Miller, and Dorsey enthusiasts. to whom Priscilla Kukolsky, frosh cutie, sends cookies which she bakes with her Professor Indicted own 'itty-bitty' hands?" In a signed article, the Georgia One Always Turns Up —LaCrosse Racquet Technique challenges the campus pro­ This week it's the Ka Leo o Hawaii, fessor who theorized that a student is the publication of the U. of Hawaii Attorney for the Defense expected to study at least three hours Offered a prize for the loudest aloha- The popular mji;h about the carefree for every credit hour received. For the shirt at a football pep meeting... Take college boy who sleeps late, dates a engineer taking 21 hours the writer con­ the game seriously — scheduling several glamor girl nightly, becomes dizzy jectures a day of classes, study, and California teams. changing clothes, drives a convertible and sings rah-rah songs in the interim has been dispelled by an editorial in the ETT^i Daily Dartmouth: "The college boy may seem that way at times, and particularly when he be­ gins to reminisce for the benefit of the homefolks during vacation periods, but that is only because he is learning that the only way to please is to give people what they expect, and that jno one will believe, much less listen to him if he tries to tell the crowd that he is doing a serious job of going to college, and that he has a lot of things on his mind." • Between the Lines Father Hubbard, the glacier priest, extinguished a fire in the projection room of a Marquette movie emporiimi A co-ed writes a football column in the Missouri Stutdent Southern Cali­ THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC TThc W^CCk by Frank Wemhoff OPINION Tim is the fourth of a series of ar­ ticles concerning student opinion on Top of the Week gantic effort he again hurled his body questions submitted by the students themselves. The question chosen this Notre Dame by a "nose" or "Kerrsed" at the left side of the line so ably tceek, entered by Harry Snyder of Fresh­ by the Irish. defended by the four darkies. To his man Hall, is: "Are you in favor of in­ • great satisfaction a hole opened and he sent his pain-wracked frame hurtling tercollegiate boxing being introduced Notice to conceited inovie stars through it. Ten yards up the field he here on the campus?" Following are If you think your stuff is A-1 Acad­ spied the huge fullback, a white man, typical comments: emy Award material, just sit in with roaring down upon him. The thought Lyons—Michael Humphries: "I think the Washington Hall boys on some lone­ of another bonecrushing tackle caused the introduction of intercollegiate box­ ly Saturday night and get a little criti­ his inner self to rebel. So he took off ing here on the campus would be a swell cism off the elbow. his helmet, stood stock still, thru-st out idea. As it is, the same fellows fight his hand to the white fullback, and said, in the Bengal Bouts year after year, • "Dr.
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