CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 RAJASTHAN filii POPUlATION fl'URES (TOTAL POPULATION, SC.HEDULED CASTE POPULATJON AND SCHEDULED TRIBE POPULATION) V. S. SISODIA Director of Census Operations, Rajasthan C 0 :\f T ,_. :.,. T S Pa.ges PRE?;:..CS (i 1i) F I GUR:c.S AT (I. G L/v.' JeE (iv) Table~1 Decennial F09ulation Growth 1981--91 1 Table:2 Sex Ratio 2 T3ble~3 ,c,.rea 8.nd Density of Pc;;ulation 3 Table:4.1 Literacy ~ate for Total Areas 4 4.2 Lit0xacy Rate :fox rtuxal :treas 5 4.3 Literacy Rate fox: Urban /\..1::eas 6 Table~5 Scheduled C~stes in total population 7 by residence. Table~6 Scheduled Tribes in total population 8 by residence. Table:7 .. 1 M~in '8orkers~ MarginE\l workers and 9 Non workers in total population (Total ,\roas) 7. ~ ]\1ain \'\ferkers 51 IJ.larqinal vmrkers fI.nd 10 Non \iIJ~rkers in total popula tion (Rural Areas) 7.::; !',;ain vlnrkers 51 l"Targinl.l vTorkers and 11 Non v:!Orkers in tot2l populA.tion (Urban Areas) Table~8.1 Total Population? Scheduled Caste nnd 12-14 Scheduled Tribe P09ulation at statel District l0vel. 8.2 T{"'ItFAl P"'IpulA tioD ~ Scheduled Ca s te ,"tnd 15--36 Scheduled Tribe Population at Panch2yat Samiti level. 8.3 Tot~l Population, Schedulod Caste nnd 37-~7 Scheduled Tri.be Porul<3 tion at UA!Ci ty / T~wn level. 8.4 Total Popul~tion, Scheduled Caste and 48-67 Scheduled Tribe Population ~t Tehsil level. Table:9.1 P~pula tion & Lit8rates by Sex Total areas 68 9.2 Population & Liter?\tes hy Sex Hur,l areas 69 9.3 Populo. tion & LiteriO\tos by Sex Urban arGas 70 Table:10 Occupied Hes identi '~l Houses by Residence. 71 Table~11 Househ~lds by Residence. 72 ANNEXURE state Primary Census AbstTact 73-74 (ii) PREFACE The final figures of tot~l populations> scheduled caste and scheduled tribe population of Hajasthan State are now ready for !:'elease at State/District/Panchayat Samiti/Tehsil and Town levels. This PriJI1;l.ry Census Abstract9 as it is called 1 as against the provisi~nal figures contAined in our b'lo publications viz. Paper 1 and Paper 2 of 1991 has been prepared through manual tabula tion by over 1800 census officials \,,/hose constant and sustained efforts spread over ~Nelve months enabled the Directorate to complete the work as per the schedule prescribed at the national level. As it wi 11 take a few months m,re to publish the" final figures at the village F.l.S well as ward levels in tovms in the form of Di strict Census Handboeks s> it is h~ped, this puhlication will me0t the most essential and immediate demands of various Government departments, nutonomous bodies!, corporations!, universities and research institutions in relation to salient population statistics .f the state. V.S.5ISODIA DlilECTOR (iii) FIGURES AT A GLANCE ( R/-\.JAS TH.,!\1\l ) -1981 1991 :20PULATION TOTAL 34261862 44005990 RURAL 27051354 33938877 URDf\N 7210508 10067113 :JENSITY TOTAL 100 129 RURAL 80 101 URBAN 1603 2070 DECE\lHIAL POPULATION TOTAL + 32.97 -+- 28.44 GROltlTH RU~~L + 27.47 + 25.46 URBAN + 58.69 + 39.62 SeX RATIO TOT\L 919 910 RUi{AL 930 919 URBAN 877 879 LITERACY HATE P;::'RSONS 30.09 38.55 (Population aged .MALES 44.76 54.99 7 years and above) FEVlALES 13.99 20.44 SCHEDULED CAST;2S TOTAL 17.04 17.29 IN TOTAL POPULATION RUBAL 17.71 17.98 URBAI') 14.54 14.95 SCHEDULEO TRIBES TOT,;'L 12.21 12.44 IN TOTAL POPULATION RURA.L 14.89 15.38 URbAN 2.16 2.53 fv'lAlh! WORKERS TOT: .. L 30.48 31.62 RUP..,'\.L 31.53 32.94 URB,\J,'\] 26.54 27.18 Mi;nGINAL ';;,'0 RKE RS TOT.\L 6.13 7.28 RUP.:i.L 7.54 9010 URB.\N 0.83 0.99 NON :,[ORKERS TOTA.L 63.39 61 .13 RUFL:..L 60.93 57.96 URB/'lN 72.63 71.83 NU;vll3ER OF TUdNS URBAN 201 222 NlJMBER OF VILLAGES RURAL 37124 39810 ***** (iv) --1 Table .0 1 DEC.c:, :i-JIAL POPULATION GRo",~TH 1981-91 State/ _.,_~ ..... __ ..-__ aoo-. _______Growth.... _-=- _________________Rate 1 981 --91 .,,_ ___ District Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 RAJASTHAN + 28.44 + 25.46 + 39.62 1 • Ganganagar + 29.20 + 28.48 + 31.99 2. Bikaner + 42.70 + 42.12 + 43.59 3. Churu + 30.84 + 31 .43 + 29.41 4. Jhunjhunun + 30.61 + 30.93 + 29.36 5. Alvva.r + 30.82 + 26.74 + 63.24 6. Bharatpur + 27.14 + 24.78 + 37.94 7. Dhaulpur + 28.10 + 25.15 + 44.53 8. Sawai Madhopur + 27.83 + 25.73 + 41.33 9. Jaipur + 37.44 + 30.67 + 49.27 1 O. Sikar + 33.81 + 32.51 + 38.93 11. Ajmer + 20.05 + 24.48 + 14.14 12. Tonk + 24.42 + 22.63 + 32.38 13. Jaisalmer + 41.73 + 38.43 + 62.78 14. Jodhpur + 29.12 + 27.67 + 31085 15. Nagaur + 31.69 + 29.50 + 44.53 16. Pali + 16.63 + 11 .86 + 37.73 17. Barmer + 28.27 + 26 .. 49 + 46.77 18. Jalor + 26.52 + 27.59 + 14.31 19. Sirohi + 20.66 + 18.29 + 31.53 20. Bhilwara + 21.58 + 14.28 + 65.01 21 • Udaipur + 22059 + 19.65 + 39.11 22. Chittaurgarh + 20.42 + 17.05 + 42.61 23. Dungarpur + 28.07 + 26.93 + 44.62 24. Banswara + 30.34 + 28.26 + 61.62 25. Bundi + 25.85 + 25.29 + 28.62 26. Kota + 32.32 + 24.04 + 49.78 27. Jhalawar + 21 .91 + 16.23 + 64.96 - 2 - Table : 2 SEX-RATIO state/ __ E2~9!~~ __ E2!__ 1222_~~!~~ __ 122! __ District Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 BAlAS TP.AN 910 919 879 1 • Ganganagar 877 883 855 ...... L. Bikaner 885 894 871 3. Churu 937 942 925 4. Jhunjhunun 931 942 889 5. Alwar 880 888 831 6. Bharatpur 832 826 857 7. Dhaulpur 795 786 841 8 .. Sawai Madhopur 854 852 866 9. Jaipur 891 903 873 10. Sikar 946 952 924 11 .. Ajmer 918 935 895 12. Tonk 923 926 914 13. Jaisalmer 807 815 764 14. Jodhpur 891 914 852 15. Nagaur 942 949 902 16. Pali 956 972 902 17 .. Barmer 891 896 846 18. Jalor 942 947 881 19. Sirohi 949 965 888 20. Bhilwara 945 957 897 21 • Udaipur 965 982 891 22. Chittaurgarh 950 959 899 23. Dungarpur 995 1003 897 24. Banswara 969 974 918 25. B"mdi 889 887 896 26. Kota 887 895 873 27. Jhalawar 918 921 904 - 3 - Table 3 - AReA AND DENSITY OF POPULATI'ON State/ Area in ~=cpor~- ~f2.§:I]~!!y~~t.:~P-£E~1~~.t~!2 Dlstrict tion to Km2 total Rank -Total Rural Urban area of the Sta.te 1 2 3 4 5, , 6 . 7 RAJASTHAN 342239 100.00 129 101 2010 1 • Ganganagar 20634 6.03 5 127 1 01 4813 2. Bikaner 27244 7.96 3 44 27 2603 3. Churu 16830 4.92 8 92 , 66 2332 4. 3hunjhunun 5928 1 .73 21 267 217 2294 5. Alwa.!:' 8380 2.45 17 274 240 2010 6 .. Bharatpur 5066 1 .48 24 326 270 2457 7. Dhaulpur 3034 0.89 27 247 209 2003 8. Sa,wai Madhopur 10527 3.08 14 186 161 1746 9. Jaipur 14068 4.11 9 336 211 3557 10. Sikar 7732 2.26 18 238 193 2022 11. Ajrner 8481 2 • .£'l-8 16 204 126 2167 12. Tonk 7194 2.10 19 136 112 1147 13. 3aisalmer 38401 11 .22 1 9 8 399 14. Jodhpur 2285)) 6.68 4 94 61 3665 15. Nagaur 17718 ~,.18 6 121 103 1272 16. Pali 12387 3.62 1 1 120 96 1035 17. Barmer 28387 8.29 2 51 LI-6 2432 18. J<3101' 10640 3. 11 13 107 100 1775 19. Sirohi 5136 1 .50 23 127 104 1608 20. BhilvJara 10/j.55 3.05 15 152 127 381 r 21 • Udaipur 17279 5.05 7 167 141 2127 22. Chitt3.urga.!:'h 10856 3.17 12 137 117 1518 23. Dungarpur 3770 1 .1 0 26 232 217 2340 24. Banswara 5037 1 • /~ 7 25 229 213 3486 25. Bundi 5550 1 062 22 139 118 810 26. Kota 12436 3.63 10 163 107 2087 27. Jha1awar 6219 1.82 20 ...:154 131 1833 - 4 ~ Ta.ble ·1.1 LITERACY RATE FOR TOTAL AREAS ( Population aged 7 years and -":lbove ) State/ District Persons Males FGmales 1 2 3 4 RAJASTHAN 38.55 54.99 20_44 1 • Ganganagar 41.82 55.29 26.39 2. Bikaner 41.73 54.63 27.03 3. Churu 34.78 51 .30 17.32 4. Jhunjhunun 47060 68.32 25.54"- 5. Alwnr 43.09 60.98 22.54 6~ Bharatpur 42 .. 96 62.11 19.60 7. Dhaulpur 35.09 50.45 15.25 8. Sawai MadhopuJ:< 36.27 5,,+060 14.64 9. Jaipur 47.88 64.83 28.69 10. Sikar /).2.49 64.13 19.88 11 . Ajrner 52.34 68.75 34.50 120 Tonk 33.67 50.64 15.24 13. Jaisalmer 30.05 '-:c4.99 11 .28 14. Jodhpur 40.69 56.74 22.58 150 I'!aq3.ur 31.80 49.35 13.29 16. Pali 35.96 54.42 16.97 17. Barmer 22.98 36.56 7.68 18.
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