DIBEOTOBY.] WARWICKSHIRE. FILLO~Q Lh'Y. 105 Knight Thoma~, tailor Xewman George, boot maker HogfCrs Philip, coal merchant Lines Caroline (Miss), drass maker Reading John, farmer & landowner Smith Fredk. & Son, grcrs. Pest office­ ::\Iatthews Thomas, milller (wind) Rf'ading Thos. Blick,frmr. & landownr White Wm. Red Lion lP .H. & butcher ~laycock Edwin, baker Hicketts Thomas & Arthur John, iYhite ..Alfred George, carpent_!lr }forton Thomas, ola{!ksmith farm_!lrs, ·woad farm \Viggins Charles, boot & shoe maker FILLONGLEY, in Domesday "Filunger" and "Fi- j lient. P.C.; the Hon. Henry Arden A.dderley D.L., J.P., linglei," is a. considerable parish and village, with farms Col. John ·woodcock, of Inverne Towers, Scotland, Sidney very much scattered, about It miles south from the 1 Dugdale esq. of Blythe Hall, Coleshill, Wm. Hunt esq. of Arley station on the Birmingham and Nuneaton section Camuerwell, Surrey, Mr3. ArrowsiD.ith, of Moor House, of the Midland railway, 6 north-west from Coventry, and Herbert J. Nutt esq., :Mrs. l\fargaret Nutt, Miss Adams, the same distance east from Coleshill, I6 from Birming- Junius Ea,·e;; Minett and th~ trustees of Bond's Hospital, ham, and 98 from London, in the North-Eastern division Coventry. The annual feast is held in the week following of the county, Coleshill division of Hemlingford hundred, the first Sunday in August. The charities, consisting of Coleshill petty se-ssional division, Meriden union, Coventry lands and farms situated in this parish, areo as follows:­ county court district, rural deanery of Atherstone, arch- Avery's charity, 42 acres, Green's charity, 32a. Ir. 25p., deaconry of Coventry, and diocese of Worcester. The \Valner's charity, 30a. ra. r3p., Butt Fields charity, r6~ church of St. Mary and All Saint-s is a building of sand- acres, Brierley's charity, 4a. 2r. 25p., Wr..lm:31Py's charity, stone, dating from the r2th and 13th centuries, and con- invested in Cons-1ls, Ecclesiastical charity, 3a. u. 4P·• sist.s of chancel, nave, :south porch, and a very massive Cllllin's charity, ~2 acres (Coventry charity), Bond's embattled westBrn tower with pinnacles, containing a Ho3pital, 204 acres (Coventry charity),also the Fillongley clock and 5 bells: it was new roofed in I83I and re-pewed Bread ch~>rities. The soil lS. excellent red loam, with in 1837 and in r887-8 was thoroughly reSitored by Messrs. some poor gravel; subsoil, clay, rock and gravel. The Bodley & Garner, architects, of London, at a cost of chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and turnips. The [2,649: the work included a new roof to the chancel, new area is 4•73I acres; rateable value, £7,075; the popula­ panelled ceiling to the nave, the repairing of the floor tiun in r8gr was r,o66, including 159 in the Industrid and the removal of a gallery : the interior was also re- School. seated throughout with oak benches and furnished with Wood End is I mile east; Green End I mile south­ a new organ and various fittings presented by the parish. west; Corley Moor r mile south; Chapel Green I mila­ ioners, four stained windows have since been inserted, south-west. also a rer~dos pre.'lented by th~ architects: several win- Post & M. 0. 0., s. B. & Annuity & Insurance. Office_ d?W:S ret~m fragments of anc1ent glass: there are 450 Edwin White, sub-postm3.<!ter. Letters from Coventry s1ttmgs: m the churchyard stands the base and a portwn arrive at 7.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 5.50 p.m. The of t-he- shaft of an !-'nc1ent cr~ss, now (I895) about to be nearest telegraph oflice is at Arley station, :\Iidland restored. The registers are m a good state of preserva- railwaY tion and date from the year 1538, being cor. tained, in • 1832, in seven volumes, most of which were reported to Schools. be defective. The Jiving is n. discharged vicarage, (Separate), built in I878, for 112 boys- & as many girls, commuted value of tithe. [330, average £250; gro~s in­ aV£,rage attendance, 89 boys & 63 girls; Peter Kaye, come £240, net £220, including 5 acres of glebe, with resi­ master; Mis:i Margaret Ball, mistress dence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since Infants' School, held in the Sunday ~chool brilt by MI". I888 by the Rev. Arthur Bicknell Stevenson. The Work­ Johnson in 1840, on land given by Lord Leigh, for bo men's Club and Reading Room is an iron building erected children, average attendance, 47; Mrs. Jene Kaye, mist in 18go. Fillongley Lodge, formerly the residence of the The City of Birmingham Industrial School for outcast late Charles Haden Adams. esq. now belongs to, and is boys, Ii miles south-east from Shustoke railway sta.tion occupied by, his daughter, Miss Adams; it is one mile & 2 miles north-west of the church, is an extensive north-west and near to Arley railway station, and was structure of brick surrounded by about I ro acres of enlarged and much improved by the late owner, and is land: it was. enlarged in 1890 when additional schoGl a hands-ome mansion, pleasantly standing in a finely rooms & officeS' were erected : the institution is avail· wooded and undulating park. Fillongley Hall, the resi­ able for r6o boys, q6 being now resident, who are dence of the Hon. Henry Arden Adderley D.L., J.P. one taught farm work, tailoring, shoe making, carpentry & mile west, is a mansion of stone, in an extensive park. also all lcinds of house-work, including stocking mend­ Fillongley Grange, the residence of Mrs. Rollick, js about ing & washing; Frederic George Horth, master a mile south-east, pleasantly seated on an eminence. The Mount, the residence of James Bla.ckham esq. is an ancient Carriers to house with an intt>resting porch, and stands in finely tim- Birminghazn.-Arthers, from his own house, thursday bered gronnrls. The l~arl of Aylesford is lord of the Coventry-Arthers, from his own house, mon. fri. .t manor. Th~ principal landowners are Lord Leigh, lord- sat.; Billson, fri. & sat PRIYATE RESIDENTS. Baker Thomas, farmer, The Firs Horth Frederic George, master of Ade.ms Miss, The Lodge Barker Charl!'ls, Bell P .H. & butcher the City of Birmingham Industrial Adderl!"ly The Hon. Henry .A;rden D.L., Barker John, farmer, Green end School, The S-trawberries J.P. Fillong:ey hall Barker Thomas, farmer, Corley moor Huboord Jabez,blacksmth.& whlwrgh.t Anderson William James, Stone cott Bennett· Aemillian, shoe maker, Hunt John, farmer, Dove house Arrowsmith Mrs. The Mooil." house Corley moor Hutt Geo. cowkeeper, Savage's lane Baker Miss, Sponfields cottage Billson Wm.fnnr. & carrier,Green end Ireland Thomas·, farmer, assist-ant Blackham James, The Mount Birch Henry, beer retailer overseer & clerk to the parish coun- Hollick Mrs. The Gr-ang~ Chattock Christopher, farmer, Stone- cil, Black Hall farm Horth Frederic George, Shawbury house farm Keatley Charles, shoeing & genaral Marigold Frederick Percy, The Up- City of Birmingham Industrial School smith; agricultural implements lands., Wood end (Frederic George Horth, master) repaired Minett Junius Eaves, Arley house Clarkson Josepb, farmer, Old Fi:- Key l<redk. Wm. farmer, The Firs Nutt Herbert John, White house longley hall Lancaster Wm. Weavers' Arms P.H Nutt l\Lrs. White house Craig Wm. farmer, Bircl1ley hS.:l Loone Julia (Miss), shopkeeper Prentis Frederick Robinron, Hill side Croydon John Albert, baker Matthews John Jsph. Red Lion P.H Reynolds Thomas Dawkins Edward, farmer, Woodend Matthews Seymour, builder, housg Stevens()n Rev. .A.rth. Bicknell,Vicarage Deacon Goorgs, saddler decorator & plumber, Ivy cottage Vaughan Miss, Arden house Downs Saml. frmr. Muswn Hall frm ~fayou Harry, frmr. Blabershall farm Wallis William, Springfield towers Ellis Jn. Shiply, frmr. Aston's farm Meek Thomas, Butchers' Arms P.H Watson Arthur, Feil."n cottage Elsom Char:es Edward, farmer, Fern ~Iinett Junius Eaves, miller (water}, Wright IMrs. Park cottage Cottage fa.rm Fillongley mill COHM:RRCIAL. Gibbs Georg.e, farmer, Shut!toke lane Nutt Herbert Jn. farmer, White house Adcock Edmd. frmr. & miller (water) Gilber~ Henry, grocer Oddfellows' Club (Manchester Unity), Anderoon Williarn Jarnes. ilurgeon & Gilbert Thomas, butcher, farmer & (B. Kay, sec) medical offic~r & public vaccinator, cattle dealer Peake Joseph, farmer, Park house l<"illongley district, Mer:den union, Glover William, boot maker P~ttifor John, farmer, :Big House farm Stone cottage Goolding William, police constable Saunders Thomas, Cock P.H Arthers Alfred, carrier Harris Thoa. market grdnr. Wood end Savage William, farmer, Mordico frm ..Aston Harry, farmer, Corley moor Hincks Maria (Mrii.), farmer Scattergood Ann (Mrs.), Durham Ox Bachelor Herbert, boot & shoe maker Rollick Frances (Mrs.), laudowner & P. H Baker Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Green grazier Shreard Thomas, ia.rmer & maltstel"",. Charity farm Hollyoak Joseph, farm~r, High h01ue Tipper's hill .
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