Man Spricht Deutsch lei On Parle Francois Bit-sen Sie nach rechts, links. THES TRIPES Qu'est-ce que e'est que ca? Beegen Zee nahkh reshts, links. kess kuh say kuh SA? Turn to the right, left. tally Newspaper of IM. Armed Form the European Theater of Operations What's that? Vol. 1—No. 120 lFr. New York—PARIS — London lFr. Tuesday, Nov. 21, 1944 Metz Falling to 3rd Army — First Pictures o f Doughs Inside Toppling Nazi Bastion French Rip Into Belfort The mighty fortress city of Metz was falling last night to U.S. Third Army infantry, while in the south the reborn French Army reached the Rhine after smashing 30 miles in two days through the Bel- fort gap and into the fortified bastion of Belfort itself. All organized resistance inside Metz ceased last night, but sporadic fighting and sniping continued in Battalion Pulls the city, which is officiaUy consi- dered three-quarters captured, Stars Night Attack; and Stripes Correspondent Earl Mazo reported from the city. Mazo said that E Company of All Men Safe the Fifth Division's Tenth Regi- ment, rounding up Germans on the By Russell Jones outskirts of the city, took General Stars and Stripes Staff Writer. Anton Dunckern, Storm Troop Com- WITH A FIRST U.S ARMY IN- mander of all Lorraine and the FANTRY BATTALION Nov. 20.— Saar. The German commandant of This outft pulled the first night at- the city also was captured, Mazo tack on this front last night and reported. caught the Germans so fast asleep Along the western front from that the battalion moved through Holland to the Swiss frontier, the Siegfried defenses and heavy woods German line was bending before vithout losing a man. the push of six Allied armies. After battering the dug-in Nazis North of Lt. Gen. George Patton's left flank, where Tenth Armored U.S. Arm; Signal Corps photo. for two days, the infantrymen jumped off at 1800 hours last night While the fighting goes on in Metz, the first pictures out of the old fortress city in eastern France show and by midnight advanced 1,000 members of the Fifth Infantry Divi sion as they inched their way into the town. Top left, doughs smash yards. They passed through Ger- Fifth, 95th—and Metz in a front door to clear out enemy stragglers. Another Joe, (top right) looks over a German 20mm. gun mans in concrete pillboxes and blasted to pieces by American 60mm. mortar fire. Infantrymen crouch behind a wall (bottom),where they field fortifications and today they An error in transcription of a were pinned down by German 20mm. gunfire. mopped them up at leisure. cabled story by Staff Writer Col. Robert R. Clark, of St. Joseph, Earl Mazo telling of the taking Mo., battalion commander. His of Metz listed the 95th Division 760 Bombers Nazis Threw All They Had attack was preceded by an assault but failed to mention the Fifth on HUT 287, which dominates the Division in The Stars and Stripes entire ""area and which has been Monday. As Ma?o said in his Hit OHPlants In Path of Fifth and 95th compared to famous Hill 609 in Tu- story, it was the "blood and nisia. guts of the Fifth and 95th Divi- Heavy bomber blows at Nazi fuel Storm Vital Hill sions" that won at Metz. production, halted Armistice Day, By Earl Mazo began again yesterday with a The battalion, led by Lt. Col. Division units neared the German Stars and Stripes Staff Writer. double punch from 160 Eighth Air Leon Rouge, Los Angeles, and border already crossed by the slash- Force Fortresses, smashing with- About the only obstacle the Germans didn't throw into backed by tanks commanded by ing Third Cavalry, Lt. Gen. Court- out loss at the Scholven-Buer syn- the path of the Metz attackers was an ocean, and flood Lt Col. John A. White, stormed the ney H. Hodges' U.S. First Army thetic oil plant at Gelsenkirchen, hUl yesterday. units stood astride the Adolph Hit- waters from the Moselle almost produced that. Americans With HUT 287 occupied the can- and 600 Italy-based 15th Air Force pushing into the fortress city had to face rivers, barbed ler Reichsautobahn (super-highway i heavies bombing unspecified oil non company of Capt. Manuell from Aachen to Cologne. plants in Upper Silesia. wire, enemy artillery of every size (including depressed flak Christal. of San Francisco, held the The Stars and JStripes correspon- Many fighters of the 700-plus guns), trees across roads, snow, Germans in position and prevented dent G K. Hodenfield reported escort to the Eighth bomber forma mud, mines, booby traps and any- them from mining the area At from Germany tbat First Arm} tions, which also attacked Munster thing else the Nazi military mind Metz GIs Bag dusk. "B" Company, under Capt. units gained along the entire front rail yards, strafed and bombed could think up. Charles Glotzbach, of Kansas, and infantry moved into the south- objectives in the Coblenz, Wles- moved forward. ern and western edges of Esch- baden, and Bonn areas, USSTAF Several members of the Ger- An SS General Later "A" Company, under 1/Lt. weiler. east of Aachen. announced. Eighteen fighters were man military police were cap- Paul Radlinski, of Newark, came First Army units in this area along the same route. Capt Bernard reported missing. tured on the outskirts of Metz WITH FIFTH DIV. IN METZ, were 25 miles from Cologne. Ele- by elements of the 11th Regi- Barker, Colorado Springs, and "C" ments pushed 1,500 yards early in Nov. 20.—Some Joes of E Company, Company followed. Two Third Bat- Phone Strike in Ohio ment. One of the doughboys Tenth Regiment, Fifth Division, the day in a driving rainstorm and talion companies were also there by COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 20 (ANS). in on the capture said happily, rounding up Germans in the out- crossed the Wurselen-Stolberg — A telephone operators' strike, "We got 'em before they could midnight. railroad five miles east of Aachen. skirts of Metz last night, took a Seventy prisoners were taken and which spread to 26 Ohio towns in put up off limits signs." batch who were cringing behind Southwest of Eschweiler, Hodges three days, will be extended to many Germans killed as the men reached the northern edge of beer barrels in a brewery. Americans spread over the hilL other cities, a union spokesman A doughboy evacuated for trench This morning one of them turned the Propspierwald Forest and in said today, Associated Press re- feet was asked by a doctor, "Did Other Nazis were still in tunnels out to be Gen. Anton Dunckern, and trenches without hope of es- (Continued on Page 4) ported. (Continued on Page 4) Storm Trooper, commander of the cape Lorraine and Saar area and the first SS German of general rank Rhine Reached to be taken since D-Day. New Jeep Can Follow I Yea, tho I walk in the valley... Other doughboys captured Col. By G. K. Hodenfield Constantine Meyer, commandant of Its Driver, Like Horse Stars and Stripes Staff Writer. the city, who was trying to swim G«wdm<zrl WITH THE FIRST ARMY.—It was a bright Sunday morning, his way out. WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.— The but there was nothing sabbatical about the faces of men streaming by, Army has a new type of jeep caUed Freiburg peering into the church in sheer curiosity. Their faces were dirty Plane Crash in England the "Jungle Jeep" which can be and unshaven and their clothes weren't their Sunday best. "led" like a horse where the going leTh,Ho Two men stepped into the church through one of the holes and Kills 26 U.S. Soldiers is rough, it was disclosed today suddenly it was quieter there. One was a captain, one was a private. It looks like an oversized toy RonchaTip They genuflected and advanced up the aisle together, stepping over LONDON, Nov. 20.—Twenty-six wagon with a flat platform instead ~ ELFORT the dead body of a German. They advanced to the altar and knelt. U.S. soldiers were killed and four of seats. Instead of a steering They crossed themselves and bowed their heads silently. In a few injured when a Dakota transport wheel it has a swivel tiller bar on Hcricouf? WW minutes they left. plane crashed and burned on a which the throttle and brake are As they walked back down the aisle, and this time stepped hillside between Lewes and Brighton, mounted, as on a motorcycle. This around the German, the private looked down. His expression did in southern England, last night. arrangement enables the driver not change He lifted his head again and left the church, and out- Seventeen bodies were found in the to ride in it or get out and walk in iiiiiiiiiiiiii li iiiiiiiiifr^^" side, he picked up his rifle from where he had placed it against wreckage. Nine died after being front of it or behind it. It can Slicing through the Vosges. the wall. taken to a hospital. carry about 800 pounds. ' French troops reach the Rhine. Page 2 THE STARS AiND STRIPES Tuesday, Nov. 21, 1944 An Editorial Mash Oftanfos Famous last words: "Lend me 500 Keep 'Off Limits' Off francs and you will get the whole thousand back payday." •pARIS is a swell town. We X Marks the Spot speaking only for myself, but • - • • K hope every Joe will for all the rest of the FBI. Shortage Note. Bennie Fields, the have a chance to see it.
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