_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' | | . | , I i - 1 nc ! ! | | $ | NUREG-0750 '~-~ Vol. 32, No. 3 I, Pages 129-199 I I' .D.@-$ ,-~ Y[ N fD'f % F V Hy. MT$,.Q.. T '$DWy'(9[[7:D s '. "Ky'F t k W,W:'QW-9P*@%Yy . $4TW.',gMh p~%,.*Q $T ,_d,'.s ,,s- ' m''' ' x 3 .- .* ;i. ;m 'N - > 'ov,-J - &.,..+4,... ,. , > ^> d. ^_' { '.: ' r.c 4 ' ?::u ?>4 's y t s > M M < I , e f,:q , fhj +5 > $ _ '.,f ' < , 3 . er .f .? ,_ f} a:s . u , > > _n< ' \ ~ :~ > nv 4 ; . -n, Q. : . , . < 'h. ,,. :. .. '''s' ^ < + : > , . .w u ,&_ tW > ' , - - - . N;;jp* f2_NUCLEARTREGULATORYe~ '' e% - _z _ _ ! - , '' #MCOMMIS$]tG%agggj. 4 ION ISSUANCESM+'C , , wMggwt >::n >',qq m.s ggggg wT m: s4 ', .; :mytgp y + i ;nps J $k $ % M MhD d@s$h % M $ 7@4 w%M6di$$ y#my M! diMNh%)WMEpMWWh, ' 4 4HNd/ ?My@.!DM|Di$.:.':.., $4T W h * + TA$ dlTQMO . k O , $ as f N.$#D$d5 M,~ bh# I .! ' b mgJ~ -i%'[YM . - - %ms:. y@i%wt %V5sp tam.M?GM b.A)N!!$uAsuA . i: fsy p - g; ' ', x a , . F - < zr - . h d k N Ynn . U.. .. ,h :c aM N..O.d M[ [e... 3 m. h .< gp. - cx&]S^?c.. - . : <s' w : $. 1%.w+ . .~r ;: G> 2' 3 :~=.s < o .q: , w . -y Q %a.8.aW.. x . v a & ':.e's. p@ p+ Me 2, p.-4 aMee:. x y W , [>5ge:.,.h:m.tynQ S @h T }v;7,. ' "v :na :.- L i .., s: v:- .s k s 8x Qg$Q' @t.t$g:,hh - . _ . y%> .:. Q t W g g'c'x..h g:Qjy y* ', qb %% g \ % .QQi & . e :v v.% :% Q ' s ; f)5?d: g' ,- # M%f $:%.:. :;h';: g dh.f:je-tWEd$$h%fh';DY%%; GejM[f')NO]N*f " L $ '' s %:M:1Q.' ::'2$-) M - o d # }hiN' G " MdesNBWW@N:me%%r Agge upps p$F,(hq% #@Q 'd:k,. '- _W x .. < vw 5 ' WAmee 3 $w w %w8W? M.h lNk%pWh).;A%$?WiW% i .h? O&k WWigik$ %Jh QQ@d%@p5$$$M4@F?&QQhRMGy, W WWMG#a , @b!$3 pe f e##1 dWs ' RhhdMD @$ %4 bA#MMM $@4@5WM x #d hi N@R$%%%s@iM@G#@$4@wh@WWN@m%s48@#gGBW M fS% R @Ba%@4%q$ M % ANi M @@ M y .dF U S , NUCLE AR REGULATORY COMMISSION i . 1 9011290035 901130 I NUREO | . ! . |PDR ' 0750 R PDR 4 ! i -g* .-ar- ..-.m- -e.,.r_....._.-.-. _._...sm . , _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ -m__.am_____ .___s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .._.mmm__.- m,w-.___.m..,,..r...- ,.,,-w. ,-. _ . , . Available from Superintentendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Post Office Box 37082 Washington, D.C. 20013-7082 A year's subscription consists of 12 softbound issues, 4 bdexes, and 2-4 hardbound editions for this publication. Single copies of this publication are available from National Technical . Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161 . i -( > i . 5, Errors in this publication may be reported to the Division of Freedom of Information and Publications Services ' Office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 (301/492-8925) . .- . - . _ _ . _ . _ .. --. --_ -_ _ . _ l .__. _ NUREG-0750 Vol. 32. No. 3 I Pages 129-199 | \UCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ISSUANCES ! l . September 1990 This report includes the issuances recolved during the specified period from the Commission (CLl), the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Boards (ALAB), the Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards (LBP), the Ad- ministrative Law Judges (ALJ), the Directors' Decisions (DD), and the Denials of Petitions for Rulemaking (DPRM). The summaries and headnotes preceding the opinions reported herein are not to be deemed a part of those opinions or have any independent ~ legal significance, ' U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY' COMMISSION - Prepared by the L Division of Freedom of Information and Publications Services- |' Office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission |- Washington, DC 20555 (301/492-8925) : - - _ __ . _ . - _. ._. _. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . ' | | - . _ _ COMMISSIONERS Kenneth M. Carr, Chairman Kenneth C. Rogers * James R. Curtiss Forrest J. Romick 4 , t Christine N. Kohl, Chairman, Atomic Safety and Lic' ng Appeal Panot B. Paul Cottor, Chief Administrative Judge, Atomic Safety L. _ Licensing Board Pano! .- __ .. e _ - - _ _ . _ . _ _ __ _. ' ! * I , CONTENTS Inuance of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission VERhiONT YW'EE NUCLEAR LOWER CORIORA*ilON (Vermont Ya. ice Nuclear Power Station) Docket 50-2710LA ((Spent Feel Pool Amendment) MEhiORANDUM AND ORDER, Ot.190-7, Septemter 21.1990.... 129 issuances of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Doaros PUllLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW llAMPSillRE, et al. (Seabrook Station. Units 1 and 2) Dockets 50443-OL 50-444-OL (Offsite Emergency Planning issues) DECISION, ALAD-937 September 18,1990 .................... 135 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW llAMPSillRE, et al. (Seabrook Station. Units 1 mid 2) Dockets $0-443-OL,50 444 OL (Offsite Emergency Pir.ining issues) MEMORANDUM AND ORDER REOARDING RIEERRED QUESTIONS, ALAD.939, Septemter 28, 1990. I t,5 VERMONT YANREE NUCLEAR POWER CORIORATION (Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station) Docket 50 2's10LA ((Spent Itcl Pool Amendment) NOTICE, AL.AD 938, Septemter 21,1990 ....................... l$4 ! Issuance of the Atomic Safety and Llrensing floard i 11.ORIDA POWER AND LIOllT COMPANY , (1brkey Point Nuclear Generating niant, Un ts 3 and 4) Dockets 50-250 OLA-5,50-251 OLA 5 (ASLDP No. 90-602 01 OLA 5) (Technical Specifications Replacement) (Pacllity Operating Licenses Nos. DPR.31. DPR-41) MEMORANDUM AND ORDER, L11 PAS 32, September 25,1990 . 181 d ill ! . _ __ - _ - _ - - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ __ . lasuance of tiie Director's Decision CLt!YELAND 11.ECTRIC 111.UMINATING COMPANY, et af. (Perry Nuclear Iwer 1%t, Unit 1) Docket $0 440 DIREC'IOR'S DECISION UNDER 10 C.F.R. 6 2.206, DD %6, Septemter 25,1990............................... 195 * v - __ . - . - - _ . ' - , 3 1 ! l 1 i \ ! i i i i i . l Comm.ission I | | |SSuanCOS | ! , I ' ,, ! O - , - ! , , : I 1 | | , , | , 1 | i e 1 i q .. j 1 I _ . - - - - . - . _ _ . - . _ _ . ( Che as 32 NRC 129 (1990) CU 90 7 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUC'. EAR REGULATORY COMMISSION POJMISSIONERS: Kenneth M. Carr, Chairman Kenneth C. Rogers James R. Curtiss Forrest J. Remick in the Mottor of Docket No. S0 271 OLA (spa 7 Fuel Pool Amendment) VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER CORPOFIATION (Vermont Yankoo Nuclear Power Station) September 21,1990 The Commission dismisses this proceeding on the unopposed motion of the Licensec. Nonetheless, the Commisskm frels that certain matters raised by tic Intervenots, the Licensee, and the A;tpcal lloard warrant a response and, therefort, uses this occasion to comment on those matters. The Comtnission also notes that by confining the Intervenors' case to the contention that they timmselves drafted and filed, it acted in accord with almost 20 years of Commission jurisprudence. NI'I'A t itULE Ol' ItEASON *!he Commission's opinion in CL1904,31 NRC 333 (1990), made clear that low probability is the key to ar, lying NEPA's rule of reason test to contentions that allege that a specific acc dm scenario presents a significant environmental i impact that must le evaluated. I | 129 i ,. - .%z..- ,, _ ._ m._ . _ ._._ _ - - ~ ,, ' - r [ ' I . ' .4 ', 1 a ' |. ' > OAl REMOTE ANI) SPECULATIVh EVENTS il 'ihe Commission's oplnlon in CL1904. 31 NRC 333 (1990), made cle4tr Utat in the future, when applying One " rule of reason" test against which envirorimental contentkms are to le judged under NEPA, a fmding that an accident scenario is remote and speculative must te more specific and more , soundly based (m the actual prolobilities and accident scenarios being analyred ' than they were in this case. MEMORANDUM AND ORDER i ' in CLIMA,31 NRC 333 (1990), w responded to Oc Atomic Safety and Licerning Appeal lloard's certification of its ruling in ALAll 919,30 NRC 29 . (1989), Omt an envirtomental contendon proffered by die New !!ngland Coalition on Nuclear Pollution and Oc Commonwcalth of Massachusetts ("Intervenors") was not admissible in this proceeding, and rernanded the c(mtendon to the ' Appeal !!oard for further proceedings. $1nce den de Licensee has sought reconsiderathm1 the Appeal Board has sought clarif cation,' Intervenors have filed a notice of withdrawal from de pmceeding,s and Licensec has moved to - dismiss the proceeding,* 1hc motion to dismiss is unopposed and in granted. Ilowever, certain com. Inents in de Intervenors' .Whhdniwal Statement and certa |n casential aspects of ' the Licensec's Motion for Reconsideration and the Appeal llourd's Clarification .; . Request warrant a C(unmission response. I, lhe environmental contention at issue was accurately descrited by de Appc4tl llourd in the Clarificallon Request and in ALAll 919 as follows:5 3Mothm for kommalwitum, dated Apsu l),199Q s R= pest for (%:tAimkm inen the Ciennduksi. April 17,1990 (hereinaher 'thnrwathe kapesti 8New IWstand Cimlithm wi Nuclat hdluthm's and Mamachunatu Anunwy onwat's suumas er wtd> -- drawal inen Vermas Yerees laimming Ammutnwu Iwedman, dewd May 2,1990 (henenahm 4'toutrawal s suwenas"). * Minam to thamias Pnonting, dated May n,1990. 8Clavtrwatlan kapset si 4 5, Al All 919,30 NHC et 29,43 (1989). In ClJ Md we e a.unsrired uds naamune as "tnwdvlinal e sewre rescus accidas that generetse suffic6ere hydmaan to cause hydn sen tansuem a denointiam * whhh, in turn, causes a bus or spas fuel cimims that leads to a spait fuel cladding ros * CtJ 90 d,31 NRC at 335 al lhe la en acceew sunenary of Gw etwasntum.1he Appeal lhard gunnunned in 6u (%nttestum kapnet diat our sumnwty was a amis espansin nading or the tweenike than the languese wensnied.
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