Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 21, Number 10, March 4, 1994 The Franklin coverup: child abuse, Satanism, and murder in Nebraska by John DeCamp John DeCamp is aformer Nebraska state senator who prac­ used to be the head of the Central Intelligence Agency, under tices law in Lincoln. Nebraska. The following is the edited Presidents Nixon and Ford. Colby and I have been together. text of his speech to a Schiller Institute forum in St. Paul. one way or another, since I was a combat captain in Vietnam, Minnesota on Feb. 2. Mr. DeCamp's book. The Franklin assigned to special things for him over there. He was ambas­ Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska, sador there at the time, but in fact, secretly, he was head of was published in 1992 by A WT. Inc. of Lincoln. and is avail­ the CIA, I'm now convinced. He allowed me to do something able from Ben Franklin Booksellers. Inc .• 107 S. King St .• unusual, and nobody's ever going to be able to do it again. I Leesburg. Va. 22075. Call (703) 777-3661 or tolljree actually ran my original Senate campaign from Vietnam, (800) 453-4108. without setting foot in the United States, and won the election from Vietnam. Now the Army's changed the rules; you can't Somebody asked me at the hotel when I came in, "Are you do that anymore. one of those LaRouchies?" I said, "I don't know what a When I first heard about the Franklin case, I said it was LaRouchie is; I'm a Republican." They said, "Then what are all nonsense. But the deeper I got in, the more I learned. I you doing here?" I said, "They invited me up. And I've gone reached a certain point where I sat down with Bill in Wash­ to any group-whether from the right, the left, the up, the ington, and we talked, and I said, "Bill, I don't know what down, the Republicans, the Democrats, the Socialists, the to do. I'm convinced there's a coverup going on. Some­ . Communists-if they're interested in looking in to these mat­ thing's got to be done. It's not a coverup of just some low­ ters if they're interested in learning and doing something life clowns; it's people like the local FBI, certain judges and ' about it." That's why I'm here. public officials, and some of the most powerful folk in our I've also found that "the LaRouchies," or whatever their state and in this country. What do I do next?" And he said, official name is, are one of the few groups that have dared to "I'll tell you what you do next. You get completely out of this print some of the things early on, that since have come out to thing. You walk away, you leave it alone, you forget it. If be absolutely true. you don't, you're going to get yourself killed." By that time, For example, the Nebraska Supreme Court unanimously 15 other people, as I documented in my book, had been killed ruled in the past month that the entire grand jury report on as a result of this, including the Senate investigator who got the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union case should blown up in an airplane along with his kid, when he was be expunged from any and all records. Not just sealed, but coming back to testify and provide documentation. _ officially expunged; that it was fraudulent, dishonest, and in Colby said, "You've just got to face the fact that some­ violation of every law. They ["the LaRouchies"] had tom times evil does triumph, and there's nothing you can do about apart that grand jury report and shown how it was fraudulent it, at least not the way you want to. You're dealing with [see, for example,EIR, Aug. 3, 1990, "Nebraska Grand Jury something too big, too powerful. It goes too high, involves Protects Child Abuse"], and had been condemned by the too much, and if you keep playing around with it, you're Omaha World Herald and everybody else for daring even to going to get yourself killed. Get away." I said, "I can't do suggest that the grand jury was less than the most perfect that." He said, "The only thing I can tell you then, is to tell grand jury ever convened. They were one of the first who the story. Write it up. Get the national and international press dared to go out and say these things, and they've been vindi­ interested in it. Maybe they will do something." cated. So I went home, wrote the book, published it myself,' for allyractical purposes, and 25,000 copies have gone all over How the story began the United States. Since the book was written, information Why'did I write a book? I'm not an author. I'll tell you has come out, events have occurred, things have developed how it all got started. that seem like a miracle. They validate and prove one thing I have a very close friend, and his name is Bill Colby. He after another in the book. 52 Investigation EIR March 4, 1994 © 1994 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. The Franklin credit union himself had a relationship with another guy. My story starts with a man named Larry King, the man It was about that time that the boy called me, and I went who opened the Republican National Convention in 1984 and to see him. His name was Paul Bonacci. I told him the truth: 1988, in Dallas and New Orleans. Remember his beautiful "I don't believe you. Offer me some independent evidence singing of the National Anthem? He was the fastest rising that I can go out and investigate and corroborate for inyself. star in the Republican Party. In 1988, on Election Day, Larry Because the grand jury said this is a 'carefully crafted King�s credit union was raided by federal authorities. He had hoax.' " a small, $2 million credit union in Omaha, which was to Remember, as of a month ago, the grand jury report was serve the black community of Omaha. officially thrown out by the Supreme Court. When they raided the credit union, they discovered a The boy gave me some information. I went out and secret set of books, with another $40 million on it, that came checked it. Everything he said turned out to be true, so I from prominent sources, from Union Pacific Railroad to finally agreed to represent him. Boys Town. The $40 million was missing. Larry apparently All kinds of additional information started coming out. I had spent that. got all the charges against the boy thrown out. The girl was One thing led to another, and the Nebraska legislature convicted. I did not represent her. She had a 30-day trial. created a special committee to investigate, to find out what The essence of the trial was to show that this was a "carefully banking laws were violated. Then kids started coming for­ crafted hoax." The chief witness at the grand jury and at the ward and telling tales of having been involved with Larry trial of the girl was another boy, one of the child victim­ King and other very prominent Omaha officials and people witnesses, who testified that all these stories they had origi­ in Washington. One of these people was Harold Andersen, nally told were false, that they made them up. one of the most prominent individuals in that state. He was About a month and a half ago, the boy, Troy Boner, also the owner and publisher of the Omaha World Herald, the became my client. He came forward, along with his mother World Press Associate International and the Press Freedom and some other people, and signed 13 pages of sworn affida­ Associate president. Another was Alan Baer, the bluest of' vits in which he made it very clear-he says he's ready to die the bluebloods in Nebraska, super-rich. One of the kids said for it, and he's gone on the line with lie detector tests-that she had been the private toy, when she was 12, 13, 14, 15 indeed he was telling the truth originally, as were Alisha and years old, of the police chief of Omaha, Robert Wadman. all the other kids. He said that when he was taken in by the I was one of the first ones to say publicly, as these stories FBI on repeated occasions, they made it clear to him, "If you started coming out, that they must be exaggerations. My stick by that story, we guarantee that you'll be in prison for position was, I don't believe in conspiracy theories. I still 20 years or more." They warned him that he was posing great don't-to the degree I don't have smoking guns in front of risks to his family by sticking with those stories, and accusing me. I am a little skeptical when people go around accusing these individuals. prominent people of these things. About the time he was to testify, his brother blew his I was the attorney for the chairman of the Senate investi­ brains out, supposedly. He was found in an apartment where gating committee. As time went on, I began noticing a pat­ he'd never been before, with all kinds of satanic materials.
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