THTheE CONSTITUTIONALISConstitutionalist.T VOL. X&XV1. PLAINFIELD.PLAINFIELD, NN.. J.,J„ 1 HURSDAYI HURSDAY., JAWITAR Jawu*»tT I, 1903 i,. 1903. "SupportSupport ih»Ae Const'iuttm, Const lytioa. Whkh is th* u rhtof thtCrowm Union, of as tha Wtli Jmtm. m Its LrniHotiomas WaL asm *!U ItsLm+atkms AytfntirMS."~~^ta(fsion. as *m Its Authormas "—Madstom. heawtyhearty approvaapprovall o fof all .i A large plat- MarieMario KewmaNr arenan drilledrilledd tb etb* ch : ehildnre formform wawaas erecteerectedd , forf tbe occasion. forfor tbth*e piecpiecee aa daod His sMim Grac Gracee Haae nUaare AmlatiagAssisting Inla tb ethe renditio renditionn wa s awa*nmpcrvlmdsupervise aa d ththee preparatiopreparationn of MT HELBODII \m dl OUT orohaatraorobeatra undeunderr tbtb** directio directionn o f Hofi Mr.ima m JfPPEJEPPE1U SOPUIl1 HA SHIS DIDH7 FORGELCIMINCILMEK FIREMEN GALLED OUT Korff.Ki-irff. TbThae musi muelcc throughou tbrongboutt wi wa*FollowingFollowin g tbthee cantata, ;randv and WAftttNWARREN ENGINENGINEE COMPANCOMPANYY HA DHAD ITS ITS oetcby and very appropriate. It wi orango* waa distributed to tbe entire oatchy and eery appropriate, tap* wae distributed to the eotlre CHRISTMASCHRISTMAS GOO6000D TIMETIME.. thetbe storatoryy of ofth etha choic choicee of tb eof que t e schoobooll numberinnumberingg CO600O whil whilee doll doll** and 1 ofof ththee flowersflowers b yby Sant Santaa Clan Clan** an daod the ehatterboxtha M were given tbe primary chatterboxes were gi HE A ill eta OuthsreAOathered Inla Uppe1'pperr Ho . mmtroubl hi#e bbee bahadd doin doiagg it it. department WeddeWaddedd MiMImM HenriettHenriattaa John John-- BothBotb AlarmAlarmss WerWeree fo forr Smal l ThuTbe complet00m platae eaacastt fo rfor tb e cantata ia TheTbe ChristmaChristmass commicommitteet eooeirted Wherfhur*e Gift(lift*s WerWeree Kead Berny I aaaa follow.follows:: ofof LL WW.. Travell Travel, Mis 1. s MimMari i Marts New-soaonn aatt a aCharmin Charmingg Hom Bomae for All Present, Biases,Blazes, anandd NeitheNeitherr LO MI BuaUCUoa.Santa Clans, BarrHarryy William*WillUma;; Hra Mrs.. man , Mia* Grace- Basen, His* Helen HadHad ttoo VisiVisitt a a Hos Hostt o fof Christ Christ-- mao. Mim Grace Haaea, Mim HelenWeddingWadding ; Laa1—att TuesdayTnaaday.. Warrenarreo EnginEnginee Compan Companyy eo eater WaaWas ooff MomentMoment.. SaauSanto ClansOlaaa,. HisMims Elisabet Eliaabcthh Bitte Bittenn Hall.Hall . EdwarEdwardd andaad Joh n JohnTonn e Yd taineded 101000 membermember*a an daod friend friend*a laat last Mrs.Mrs. JameJamess ScotBoottt Wa Wees Foun Foundd mw Festivals of Local bender;bender; LilyLily., HrsMri. Charlott Charlottee M. MatthewMattheM. w SweeneSweeoeyy anandd Nobl Noblee C . G.King King.. mas Festivals of Local Bom;Boss; poopoorr girlgirl,. Mis Mim* Hele Helenn Oeorg Oeorge;e ATAT THTHBE BRIDE'BRIDES HOMS HOMEE TaeadayTueada y aatt IItsU Me Neww Tear'Year’ss anterUl entertaini ACTIVEACTIV E ENENDD FOFORB YEA YEARR QuiltyGuilt y oofl AttackinAttackingg Oeo Oeo.. O .O. Sunday-Schools. sunflower*, tbe Hisses Freda Gray, PARPARRK AVEAVE.. BAPTISTBAPTIST.. meatt. TbTh#e room room** on onthe theaecon secondd floor floor Sunday-Schools. aee Ft*da Cray, The Christmas entertainment at t BtaveniStevens iinn HiHiea Coa Coell Office Office.. Leah Hammond, MaryMary W Wooletoo.no I* too. The Christ ma* entertainment at 1 CEREMONYCEREMONY WAWASS PERFORMEPtRfORWEDD B YBY REV REV..werewer e decoratedecoratedd witwithh greens greens,, flowers flowersSMALLSMAL L CLUBHOUSCLUBHOUSEE ONON WASHINGTO WASHINGTONN Emma Line; poppies, the Mn ParkPark AvenuA vena#e Baptistchurnh.las Ret* 1st chorHi. tlast Tu tTarn- andand ththee NationaNationall colors ool* . THETHE CANTATACANTATASS GIVEGIVENN Emma Lisa; popple*, tha Miase* Jre-dayda y oonsisteconflatedd of ofa cantata cantataa eulitl. autlthd 1.L .d RB. HOWARDHOWARD., O FOf HOP HOPEE CHAPEL CHAPEL.. STREET CAUGHT FIRE. TRIED IN CITY COURT al*sie HillHill., Ida IdaEnglebardt Eaglehardl., Benh a Bertha Repreaentativeativeea ofof theIbe Boroug Borocghh STREET CAUGHT FIRE. TRIED IN CITY COURT Englebardt, Bertba, Townley; cbryi "JohnnlsJohnnie '" Doubter.Doubter." •• This Thisfello wf# on nail werewere presenpresentt andaod receive receivedd MmUMusic an1d RecitationlUrltalloM* WerW#r*e t! th*Eaglehardt, Bertha Townley ; chryadoubte d the existence of Santa Clans, Ttanhalt WhWhoo MadMmd0e U Vfp Brida Brttell I*«rty r.n- CartrldgmCartridges WerWar#e Store6 to dred Tker Theree Ba tButDefencDefear# e WaWaee Th»Thati MrMr.. Steven elevensa Dae Usedd anthemuDM. the• HiaeeMime#a Bertb Berthaa Hill ,Hill.doubted I he nirtmo* of Santa Claas. r■ oovenlr*mvenira whicwhichh werweree hande handedd aroun d PrlMl»k>Principal FeaturerwUrw* o*rM«f the Hater K eter-- andand alalll th tb*e othe otherr oharaeter c ha raster*s did didthei rtheirTk e Oowas or Bride •od Her At- bbyy JohJohan HH.. CarneyOaraay.. Som eSome of thes< e Didn'tDidn't CeteCatchk Fire-OtnePlre-Otharr Fir eFire FrofoaeProfaae lmniui(Laaguagep uaadd I.»-i Ladl At - At- KatherineRatherine FingerFinger,, EtheEthell Boloe Boioe., Edn Ednaa bes t to prove to him tbat there is a SlwStslameats-Olf OKUU fo forr th ethe Youn Tsengg Martin ; daisies, tbe Misses Clara Ear- hre* to prove to him that there is wtot-rmteariaata — They Ikll»ml Baaldumii.a werewere neatlneatlyy arrangearrangedd o n oncalendar calendar*s Uck-Hli Wltaeese* Bald •• Martin: daiaire. the Mimas Clara Kar-HantsSanta . whichbleb conuineeeotAlnedd a litta Hlittle "roaaf "renal”" foi foi at Home ot BenaeU Brittin task-HI* Wltamam Bald No Folkt-olk ia J'jllJollyy OlOKId Christma CkrtoUiMs nerner., KatharinKalhenoae MillerMiller,, Carri Carriee Wil - Wil- 1i.* PlaJnfleidriu.a.M,. Oil aad a Match. QuestleaQisillii WketheWhetherr BaBett 1MPinB liam*, Bertha Miller; roses, tbe ThirtyTliirtt-thrt- threee teacherteacherss anaadd scholars scholars,, eachich membermember.. OnGo Mayo Mayorr M. BN.. SmaB l 8oial Oil i eh. NlalSaint WaWo*s KlghtoM II.nd. H.ad.liam*. Bertha Miller; rare, costumeIt* d accordion to tbe character* Beneatb a pretty bower of greena ley'a oalendar waa a horse which wai Hieseiaaae* SarSaraa WoolstoaWoolatoa., Grac <tracee Cran -(’rati-costumed according to tba characters Beumth a pretty bower of grmaaley's calendar wm a Irorm which wa.TwoTw o alarmalarmss reoeivereceivedd withi withinn a hala f half WasWas I'tcd-llfitUsed -Heavyj Senteoeeeeateae*.. HootaSuits ClanCUMs mad mad*e a loklNoft of visit visitss in stonlaon. , EmmKmtaaa KorffKorff., Har Maryy Gain Gain: violet* ; violet*,. theyhe y ImpersonatedImpersonated,, tootookk parpartt as folas- andanfal-d soatber•ootberun imilii•mil**,, a holidaa holidayy wed -wed■•aiaid d toto havhavee jus tje*t bee nbeen brough broaghtt from Ironhourhonr of ofeac h eachctber , other,yesterda yyesterdayFrom out a mui of conlradH-tory PIsinDeld last Tuesday. Although tbe low.:lows: dingdiag tootookk planplacee a lat tb *th* born bornee of Mrsof. thetbMrse ArkanaaArki a plains. mademade aa ratheratherr strenuou atraouoo*a endin aodg fu togr for Plainfield laal Toraday. Although theth*Ib e HisseMimess HenriettHenriettaa Englebardt Koglehardt., Hat Hat-- 1 evidence.rldenoe. CitCityy JadgJudgee Banyo Baayoan gleane gleanedd tie Bailey, Editb Scbencfc, Once Wil- HaotaSanta OlaoaOlaaa,, HenrHenryy L L.Hall :Hall: Old H.Old P .P. JohnsonJohnano., of Eaaaf tEast Thir dThird atreet etrert., Refreahment a were servedserved bbyy th etbathetb e localocall Bremenflremeo's, year year.. Bough, yesterday, to COUVIOM •Uighlogsleighing Wasn'«■t*' observable to tie BalUy. Edith Bcbeuck. Grace Wil-MotherMothe r GooseOooee.. MiaMim* Elm Klaaaa Bu n yoRunyon;n ; laat Tneeday at 8 e'elo ;k. The oontrae- committee which compriaepriaedd WilliaWilliamm enough, yesterday, to roo vinos naked eye. hia famous team went ; morninlingg gloriesgloria*,, thethe Hisse Mlamss lam Taeaday af fi a'clok Tba oon tree ThaThe Braflrett wswms reoelve receivedd fro fromm bo boxi No No.. hihimm thathatt Mr*Mra. Jame Jibm* Scot Boottt wa awas anilt galltyy asked ay*, bla WinnieWinnie HammondHammond., MariaMariann Ena-l eEngleOldOld HcribMotherw HsbbmrdHabburd,, Hrs . MrtChas . tinglinChang paitieparties a werwar*e th tb*e daughter daughter,, Mia a MimDebeleDebate, , chairmanchairman.. ChieChieff J. J.J . StabJ. l 8tah|ISI anaod d wawa*a fo rfor a blasa e blaaein a amalla la ofof smalldisturbindisturbing g tbthee moral morals* an d aodgood good ■spinninplaningg alaUl oveoverr tb thea clt oilyj an daod boroug boroogbh hard!.harrtt . LeontlnLeoollaae HuntsmanHootamao,, Ev Eraa Kel Kmi- Steiner;Steiner : OlOldd WomaWomann wb whoo live livedd in tblae thaHenriettaHenriett a WaiiuWagueri r Johnson Johnson,, an aadd Jepp Jepp*s aadan d JJ.. S.■ HigRins. Bigg. Iaa.Joh n JohnCarne yCarney in fiameFram lae structurstructuree atat Eas tEast Secon Secondd and orderaodTde r ooff tb thee uommnait communityy In laattackin attachingg aadand reportreport*s ofof bi sbla appearanc appearancee o ooa«ley:ley; buttercupsbatter rope,, tbetb* Hisse Mimass Berth aBerthaShoe.Shoe. MrsMrs. W W.. 8 . Lowry8 Lowry;; Littl eLittle Red Bor*Banco,Redown , botbothh o f oftin *thl* city city.. Rev . Rev.I* I»> of falahis reallreallyy funnfannyy atorie ■a to WashingtonWashingtorim n streetsstreet*,, nseusedd byby boy sboy* in Georg*Ueorgin e OO.. BtevenStevenss i nIn hi *bia coa l coaloffice ,offioa. from all quarters. Many of tbe local Hedden, Mabel Towuley, Bernioe Me RidingRidinghood hood,. MisMims Ann Annaa Clar Clarkk ; Littl ; Littlee R. HowardHoward,, paatopastorr o f Hopof eHope chapel chapel., broaghtbrough t dowdownn tbethe hous housee and aod
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