TISCIA28,25 23. QUANTITATIVE PRESENCE OF MACROPIryTES IN BASIC CHANNEL NETWORK OF HYDROSYSTEM DANUBE - TISZA - DANUBE M. Vudkovid,S. Stojanovii, Z. Stankovii,M. Zderii,P. Kilibarda, Lj. Radakand S. Radulovii Vutko|ii, M., Stoja o"ic, 3., Stankovii, Z.,Zdetic, M., Kilibarda, P., Ratlak, Lj. and Rarlulowc, S. (1994): Quantitatil,e prcsence of mac,aphytes itl basic cha let ,rctuo* af Hldlosystent Dan|be'Tisra " Danube.- Tiscia28, 25-28. Abstract. Quantitativepresence of aqualic vascularplants is given at certain sectionsof Hydrosyst€mDanube - Tisza - Danubein Backarchannels Vftas - Bezdan,Backi Petrovac- Karavlrkovoand Jegricka. Among submerg€d plants which e not rooted,species Ceftltophyllw denetstrtt is the most fr€quentin all sections.From subnergedplants that are rooted, b,tiaphrlln spicatu,nsnd Vdlisneriaspimlis h^ve the gr€atestquantitative presence. Floating non rootedhydrophytes are smrll floatingflowering plants and waler ferns. Spi,odela poltrhin, Lenna gibba, Sah,inianatdns and Azolla ceohtiara havehigh coverage values at certninspots. From grcupoffloating rootedbydrophytes, mosl numerousare napa nata t, Nylrphaeaalba, Nuphar l*eun ^nd Nyutphoides$a,ra. Due to greal surfaceand big floating leaves,they are coverioglarge areas of watermirror, especially in channelvrbas - Bezdan.Among numerous emergedmacrophytes giving coastzone of all channels,highest panicipalion is of PhruEniles co n t.]', TrphuatE|stifoltu andGlrcoia n'arnll,a.It is con€ludedthrt differencesin florislic siruclureand quantitative presence ofvafious lif€ fonnsofaquatic plants in investigatedsection! of HydrosystemDarube ' Tiszn- Danubeare due to differentage ofchann€ls (30 to 200 years), differenlpbysico-chenical conditions of aquaticenvironment, purpose functions of chanlels, poilutiondegree and application of differentprotection measures. Keyrords: Hydrosysten Da tbc - Tiszd - Da,,rtbe, hydrcph),ta,Jlotistic sbuctne, ecalosicctl grc ps, quantit ti'e ptesence. M. Vutkovi6, S. StojanoviC,Z. Stankovid,M. ZdeI,(. Lj. Radak,S. Radulovid,Faculiy of Science,lnstitute of Biology,Trg DositejaObradovica 2, Novi Sad,Yugoslavia, P. Kilibarda, Danubewater Authority,Mihajla Pupina 25, Novi Sad,Yugoslavia Introductlon selllemenlssrn ion.nr! iSarion.recreation etc. Channelnetwork is a sp€cific category of HydrosystemDanube - Tisza- Damrbeis oneof atificial aquaric ecosysi€nN,where nacrophyte the most impoftant hydrotechnicalobjects at vegetationis impodantcomponent. Namely, aquatic Vo.jvodinaarea. Tolal lengthof channelnetwork is pllnrs ire nrtur l phyrosrnarors.parriciparing in 960 km, from which about400 km is in Badka. wate. selfcleansingprocess, but on the otherhand, Chann€lnetwork consists ofnew channels,radically high quantitativepresence of aquaticplants is of oi patially rcconstructedold chann€ls d water imporlantinfluence to organicproduction - plant flows inoludedin a new sysiem.Hydrosystem as a mass,contributing to high level of eLltrophication whole is a conpl€x solution of numeLous md overgrowthof thesewater biotopes. watereconomyproblems at Vojvodina aLea - Impo.tantdata on water vegetationof Basic drainage,water supply ofirrigaiio, anddistribution chilnel networkof HydrosyslenDanlbe - l'sza systems.induslry development,fishery, swamp Danube.resiver rn papersSlavni6 (1056), farr\ et all. (1969),Vukoje (1986), Stojanovider all. (1991, 1992, 1993),Butorac et all. (1991,1992), Vuakovi6et all. (1993 ), Stankovi6et al. (1991, 1993). In this paper, floristic structureand quantitative Fes€nceof vascularplants is siven for channels Vrbas- Bezdan,Baaki Petrovac - Karavukovoand J€eriaka, in puryose of bener knowledge of recent conditionof aquaticvegetatior at Basic channel networkwhich is not sufficientlyinvestigated from thispoint ofview. Materl.l and methods lnvestigationswere carriedout in l99l ,1993 Phnt speciesw€re determinedaccording to Flora of SR Serbia (Josifovi6,1970-1986) and IconogmfiaFlorae Partis austro-orientnlis Europae Iis, L Th€ Basicchrtrrel nclrvorkof HydroststehDrtrubo , Ti,/r - D0rubeNu'ri.'> Ic rrrkns dv.sligrk I cl':.trn.h: Centralis(Jivorka and Csapody, 1975). I. v.\i! - Bc/d0r:Il - Brc!i Pc'rov0c- Ka'awLor!, Itt Phytocenologicalsurveys, on the basisofwhich phytocenologicaltrbles were consrructedand total €overingvalue of plant speciesdet€mined, w€re taken according to method of Braun-Blanquet ensuresgood wat€r quality (1e64\. ChannelJegridka (Fig. l/lll) usedro be natufnl wnterflow andrecipienl for drainagefi.orr southe j Gcnsral chrract€rlstlcsof lnvestlgatedsectlons of Backaregion. By regulatoryund€ftake, rnostly done DTD hydrorystcm chann€ls until 1960, JegLilkn is todny nostly regl ared, multipurpos€wat€r flow with conductorywater ChannelVrbas - Bezdan(Fig. l/I) is oneofthe regime.Sp€cificity oflhis ohannelare hydrotechni- oldest sections of Bnsic channel nelwolk, cal and hydlomorphologicalcharacteristics, oD the constructed in 1793 (before 200 y€arc). In basrsof anificialand natcral specrficarions of river hydrotechnical sense, it consisls of two gradual bed. Jegicka wat€r flow is divided into ih,.ee basins(bjeft. Channelis nain, 80.9 knl in length, gradualbasins, with sp€cificwater regime.Upper with water miffor width 25-30m, and2.2 - 3.2 m basin (from Despotovoto Zmajevo) is totally deep.Water supply is from Danubeover pump regulated,lower basin (rear Zabalj) is narural stationin Bezdan,and in favourablehydrological depfessiontransformed into fish pond,and middle conditionsalso over Baja channel, which flows in at basin is partly regulated,and partly consistsof Sz€b€s-Fok.Having in mind wasle ware6 and naturaldepr€ssion with non-regulatedriverbed. The concentratedpollution sources, this chann€lis one loral lengrhof Jegr:ekais oS km. waler m. or of the mostproteoted objects of HydrosystemDTD, widtb anddepth are differcnt in everybasin. Waste whichensures satisfactory wat€r quality. waters used to flow in Jegriaka fiorn hemp Chamel Baiki Peircvac- Karavukovo(Fis. yID p.ocessing plart in Zmajevo, which caused belongsto group of navigablechannels of Basic worseninSof waterquality and desttuctionof life channel netwo* DTD. Among other puryose forms.After closingofthis plant(in 1982)raquatjc tunctions, through this cha.nel one-way nnvigation life beg,nlo resroreand 'nomalize".follo$ing occurs (approx. 20 objects per year). This is one of increaseof waterqualily. more recent sections,consrructed about 30 years In investjgatedsections of Hy&osystemDTD, ago(1960-196s). Total lengthof channelis 52 km, qalerqudlir)isconriruo,rsb conrro..ed b) plysical. water rninor width is 40-50 tr\ with depth of 1.8 - chemicJland biologrcrlana.y-es. According ro 2.5 m. Water supply is fiom channel B€dej - values of most important parameteN,waters ftom Bogojevo at Bogojevq or from Danube at Bezdan all three channelsare within Iinits for II warcr (through channel Odzaci - Sombor).At this s€ctjon ciass.According to fesultsof biologicalanalyzes, there is no impotant pollution source, which theseare waters with b€tha-mesosaprobicfeatures. 26 TISC]A 28 R€sultsand discussion between sections investigated.Channel Vrbas- Bezdanis the richestin floristic sense,and also By investigations of macrophyte water mostinteresting. Total of40 speciesof aquaticand vegetationin sectlonsof the Basicchannel network energedplants was found. of Hydrosysien DTD (channelsVtuas-Bezdan, Anong submergedplants which arenot rooted, BaakiPerrovac-Karavukovo and Jeg dka),ditrerent in all channel sections most abundant was ecological groups of aquatic plants were Ce,atoplD'llonderte,suDr (1- 7678;II - 1559illl - detemined, anong w|ich some are to be 3075),which occurcin central,deepest parts of enphlsizedbecruse of sigl dcirnrquinlirative channels. Due ro dense poputation, easy rnukiplication,dispersion, and impodant organic From conparrtive review of floristic structure producr01, llis species represenrsa serious and covering values of individual plant specles problen in nost ofchannelsof HydrosystemDTD. (Table1 ), ii couldbe se€nthai therc are ditrerences From other speciesin this group of life forms, Tdrtc 1,CorcringlalLrc of hydrophytcsi,r HydrosystcnDnNbe-Tiszr-Danubc scclio.s NON- cloa tophrlh,n dzn.isr,1 L- t 559 caata?Lrlhur srbnlast t .. s t4t i.?h)thh sti.akn t". a 253s 22(O 2t00 !) ,4.,urcrls 4irft drA Siblh. t392 ROOl'ED t062 e Paknrcg.tt,'tctn lia, 6 1,. 932 32 E t) 525 ttl apblhn IctltctlLtlrh 1". 225 Rd"rr.rhts tichaD hrlar Clt!\, 5 sti a.letl ],a\D hiar (L ) scttt. 2|A 1985 l?5 H)ti o.hn,^ nta'rt8nlDtac L, tJ92 9\5 50 NON- 353 ROOTDD 2153 L 525.J tI97 50 8125 T 459 50 I NON- ROOTDD 2155 P a tdh oA. r on.l h ti tdI s N.tlt. l'a hn oqet or gtfl ti|etd L. 5 353 Pabtso"o d tttibittt L. 5 32 ol cc,i, ,,dn,ia (Ha't'!) Holbbc. 5912 Ph tutlntite t conr his 1iii, 5275 1925 sp. rAd ni u mm osttt llrds. ll16 M D /-..,i o,-J!,r/6 (L.) srv. Rumc\ h)\4 olapdhun l:ftas. E D ueleocd)it pnh&is (L.) R ,tt. oen.rthe aqnti.a \L.) Pan. Balos.hoe 6 rnilin"d (L.) P!1. TISCIA 28 21 Cerutophllhm denetunt and camivofous population of these plants are not allowing Ut'ic(laria wlAais were present, but with numerousdevelopm€nt of other species.therefore significdnrly less core"irg values Species they arepresent with Lowercovering values. Uhiculaia wlsdir is prese.tin channelJegricka Ditrerences in floristic structure and only, being diffefenrialin comp:rrisonto othertwo quaditntive presenceofcertain life fonns ofaquatic investigaledsections of channel. plants in invesiigated sections of Hydrosyslen Submergedand rooled macrophytesare more Danube - Tisza - Danube afe resulting fiom numerous.High
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