Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60893-0 - The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy Edited by James Hankins Index More information INDEX abacus schools 14 Albinos 78, 301 Abano, Pietro d’ 153 Albumasar 150 Abbasid caliphs 113 Alcala´de Henares 311 Abelard, Peter 33 Aldine Press, founded (1494) xiii absolutism 3, 260, 319, 333–5, 338 Aldrovandi, Ulisse, Ornithologiae 296 abstraction 214, 220, 224, 289 Aldus Manutius xiii, 21, 27 academic disciplines publication of 1st coll. edn of Aristotle in classification of 9, 288–93, 299 Greek xiii, 55, 59 unifying by a single method 292 Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’ 287, 292 Academic skepticism 2, 36, 97, 99, 107, 109, Alexander of Aphrodisias xiv, 18, 61 110, 242 commentaries on Aristotle 59, 60, 217 Acade´mie de poe´sie et de musique 21 followers of (Alexandrine sect) 216 academies 8, 22, 299 on the intellect 116, 120, 217 philosophy in 20–5 Moral Questions 308 Academus 20 on mortality of the soul 213 Acciaiuoli, Donato 19, 25, 309, 310 Problemata, translated by Gaza 59 biography 346 Alexander the Great 97 Accolti, Benedetto 82 Alexander of Villedieu 16 Achillini, Alessandro 38, 60, 64, 65 Alfarabi (al-Fa¯ra¯b¯ı) 113, 115 and unicity of the intellect thesis 117, 120 Catalogue of the Sciences 114, 289 Actium, Battle of (31 BC) 97, 325 Alfonso II, duke of Calabria 323 Addison, Joseph 1 Algazel (al-Ghaza¯l¯ı) 36, 113, 115 administration, twelfth-century 33 Incoherence of the Philosophers 130 Africa, Portuguese in 261 Alkindi (al-Kind¯ı) 113 afterlife 227 On Rays 122, 157 Aglaophemus 85 allegorical interpretation 240, 247, 292 Agricola, Rudolph 63, 193, 205–7, 292 Alpago, Andrea 115 biography 346 Alpetragius (al-Bitruji) 273 De inventione dialectica 17, 205 alphabetical order 294, 299, 300 Agrippa, Henricus Cornelius arrangement in encyclopedias 293 biography 346 for listing plants and animals in On the Vanity and Uncertainty ...109 compendia 296 Ailly, Pierre d’ 245 topic headings 294, 295 al-Bitruji (Alpetragius) 273 Alsted, Johann Heinrich, Encyclopedia 292 Albert the Great (Albertus Magnus) 5, 36, 38, Ambrose, Erasmus’ edition 243 61, 63, 114, 119, 122, 181, 224 America, discovery by Columbus (1492) xiii on Aristotle’s Ethics 304 American Humanist Association 31 Commentary on Aristotle’s De anima 215 Amerindians 251, 253, 259 Commentary on the Divine Names 174 Ammonius 61, 308 and immortality of the soul 215, 217, amulets 146, 151 218, 224 anamnesis theory 75 Albertism 4 ancient philosophy, revival of 7, 45, 343 401 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60893-0 - The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy Edited by James Hankins Index More information INDEX ‘‘ancient theology’’ ( prisca theologia) 72–93, Archimedes 14 147, 150, 223, 242, 275, 279, architecture 288 341, 343 argumentation 194 angelology 6 Aristotelian tradition 202 animals dilemmatic 204 compendia of 296 holistic approach by Valla 204 identifying 293 humanist dialectic 194 medieval bestiaries 40 invention rather than judging 205, 206 modern classification systems 295 modern modes of 340 Anselm 183, 187 scholastic 180 Proslogion 180 topics or loci 206, 207 anthropology 279 Argyropoulos, John 19, 38, 51, 52, 225, 306 Apollonius of Tyana 151 biography 347 aporia 203 on De anima 216 Apostolici regiminis bull 219 translation of the Ethics 304, 307 Apuleius 36 Aristides, Aelius 326 Aquila miracle 124 Aristippus of Cyrene 99, 104 Aquinas, Saint Thomas 73, 150, 236, 239, Aristippus, Henricus 73, 111 257, 304, 339 Aristotelianism xv, 5, 7, 18, 21, 97 Aristotelian mediation theory 122, 236 and Arabic philosophy 113 commentaries on Aristotle 27, 61, 64, challenges to 8, 276, 283, 285, 341, 343 66, 310 and Christianity 35, 36–9, 62, 65, 128 critique of Aristotle 35, 38, 310 classification 288 Dominican interpretations of 261 competition with other philosophical on the intellect 220, 221, 224 traditions 61–4 on magic and images 158, 160 concord with Platonism 64, 79 philosophy as the handmaid of theology continuity and change in 49–68 37, 344 cosmology 270, 272 spontaneous generation 127 fourteenth-century expansion 49 Summa contra gentiles 86 on grief 100 Summa theologiae 159, 250, 310 humanist attack on scholastic 40, 58, 73 Toletus’ commentary 255 many ‘‘Renaissance Aristotelianisms’’ Va´squez’ commentary 262 54, 65 on transubstantiation 237 medieval 236 Treatise on the Unicity of the Intellect papal support for 49 against the Averroists 116, 117, 212 Pletho’s attack on Latin 213 see also Thomism and Protestantism 241, 244 Arabic reform and modernization 2 classification of the sciences 289 secular see Averroism –Latin translation movement 113 sixteenth-century education 121, 313 translations in 113, 289 twelfth- and thirteenth-century Arabic philosophy 6, 7, 36 rediscovery 79 and Averroism 113–130 in the universities 49, 50, 73, 79, 97, 109, classical period 113 270, 299 history of 113 see also Peripatetics and humanism 129–30 Aristotle 1, 26, 150, 179, 201, 205, 340, 343 Latin translations of 113, 129, 134 (App.) advances in study of texts 307–8 and scholasticism 114, 121 Arabic translations of 113 Araujo, Don˜ a Lorenza de 265 authority of 2, 7, 35, 36, 63, 150, 227, Araujo, Francisco 261 285, 313 Commentaria in universam Aristotelis Categories 78 metaphysicam 261 commentaries on 27, 37, 39, 50, 51, 59–61, Arcesilaus 107, 109 114, 225 402 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60893-0 - The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy Edited by James Hankins Index More information INDEX comparatio between Plato and 62, 79 Averroes’ Long Commentary 114, 126 controversy on order of his works 59 Fonseca’s commentary 255 Cusanus on 180 Rubio’s study 265 De anima 18, 59, 60, 213, 223 Telesio’s commentary on 274 Albert the Great’s commentary 215 Poetics 66 Averroes’ commentary 38, 114, 115, 212 Castelvetro’s edition 55 Fonseca’s commentary 255 Politics 8, 305, 312, 315, 330 Nifo’s commentary on 225 Posterior Analytics 59, 66 Pomponazzi’s commentary 224 Prime Mover 86 Rubio’s study 265 Prior Analytics 86 De animalibus 67, 115 Quaestiones Mechanicae 51 De caelo et mundi 18, 60, 67 rediscovery of Greek commentators on Averroes’ commentary 114 xiii, 4 Fonseca’s commentary 255 translations into humanist Latin 17, 45, Rubio’s study 265 51–4 De generatione et corruptione 18, 53 Arovas, Moses 133 Fonseca’s commentary 255 Arriaga, Rodrigo de 262, 263 Rubio’s study 265 Cursus philosophicus 263 Dialectics 255 ars historica 293 Economics see Oeconomics art 7, 290 editions and textual criticism 50, 54–6 Asclepius (attr. to Hermes) 148, 150, 163, 182 Eudemian Ethics 51, 307 astrology 6, 8 Giuntine edition (1550–2) 60, 114 and amulets 142–7 Greek edition of complete works published Arabic 153 (1495) xiii, 55, 59 in Ficino’s medicine 140, 163, 164 and immortality of the soul debate 212 and medicine 142, 143, 147–65 on the intellect 221 planetary patterns 146 logic xiv, 35 theory of great conjunctions 128 Magna moralia 51, 307 astronomy xiv, xvi, 246, 270, 271, 290 on mediation in causation 122, 124, 236 of homocentric spheres 273 Metaphysics 47, 125, 126 atheism, Epicureanism and 106 Averroes’ Long Commentary on 114, Athens, Academy 20 125, 126, 127 atomism 51, 62, 64, 106, 217, 229, 238, 242 Fonseca’s commentary 255 Augustine, Saint, of Hippo 14, 26, 36, 42, 46, Leonardo Pen˜afiel’s commentary 265 48, 87, 107, 236, 247, 288, 340 Meteorologica 64, 67 Amerbach edition of works 243 natural philosophy 35, 40 City of God 84 Nicomachean Ethics 18–19, 42, 62, 213, Confessions 43 313, 342 Contra Academicos 36, 107 Aquinas’ commentary 310 De immortalitate animae 215 Bruni’s translation xii, 52 Erasmus’ edition 243 Grosseteste’s translation of Byzantine on healing stones 146 commentary 60 influence on Cusa 176, 177, 180, 188 Protestant interpretations 237, 309 ‘‘learned ignorance’’ 183, 192 studies of 304–16 On Christian Learning 44 Tignosi’s commentary 305 On True Religion 344 translations of 54 Platonism closest to Christianity 72, Vettori’s edition 55 174, 236 Oeconomics (attr. falsely) 50, 305, on sacraments 84 312, 315 Augustinian Order 91, 225, 253 On Dreams 122 ‘‘scola Augustiniana moderna’’ 245, 247 Organon 33, 58, 193, 207, 264 Augustodunensis, Honorius, Clavis Physics 18, 59, 60, 61, 67, 272 Physicae 190 403 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-60893-0 - The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy Edited by James Hankins Index More information INDEX Augustus, Emperor 325 classification of disciplines 292 Aurelius, Marcus 97, 343 Novum Organum xvi Meditations, 1st edition xv Bacon, Roger 122 Aurispa, Giovanni 80 Baconthorpe, John 117 authority Baghdad 113 belief and individual conscience 235, Bagnolo, Guido da 40 239–43 Bagolinus, Hieronymus 308 civil 259, 334 Bagolinus, Johannes Baptista 308 crisis of religious 234–48, 342, 344 Baı¨f,Jean-Antoine de 21 humanist respect for ancient 4 Bairo, Pietro, Small Treatise on the Plague papal 34, 235, 241 124, 125 rejection of ancient 3 Balbus, Petrus, translation of Proclus’ Platonic religious 36, 46 Theology 174 of scripture 234, 239, 240 ballistics 291 Avempace 115 Ban˜es, Domingo, OP 251, 260, 262 Averroes 113, 114, 115 and Molina 261 on Aristotle’s De anima 38, 115, 212 Barbaro, Ermolao xiii, 18, 48, 51, 53, 57 commentaries on Aristotle 38, 60, 64, 114, on Averroes 119 115, 125, 126, 212 biography 347 commentary on the Ethics 304 new version of Themistius xiii, 59 Giunta edition (1550–2) 114 Barcelona 114 history of editions in Renaissance
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