JOE GQABI DDM ONE PLAN AUGUST 2021 Draft version 3 dated 12 August 2021 #ision$ %A istrict 'it( an i)*rove +!a,it- of ,ife for a,, of its citizens” Tab,e of 1ontents CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222223 1.1 PURPOSE222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222224 1.2 ONE PLAN22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222224 1.3 ONE PLAN FORMULATION PROCESS22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222225 1.4 ONE PLAN OUTLINE2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222226 CHAPTER 2 DIAGNOSTIC SUMMARY222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222227 2.1 SUMMARY OF DISTRICT/ METRO PROFILE ACCORDING TO SIX PILLARS2222222227 2.2 KEY DRIVING FORCES/ ISSUES IN PROVINCE & DISTRICT/ METRO AGAINST EACH OF THE SIX PILLARS TAKEN FROM INTERNATIONAL, REGIONAL, NATIONAL AND PROVINCIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENDAS2222222222222222222222222222222222222222223 2.3 KEY PRIORITISED SERVICE DELIVERY NEEDSOF STAKEHOLDERS AND COMMUNITIES OF DISTRICT/ METRO AGAINST EACH OF THE SIX PILLARS22222222233 2.4 KEY GOVERNMENT PRIORITIES TO BE IMPLEMENTED IN DISTRICT/ METRO AGAINST EACH OF THE SIX PILLARS2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222237 CHAPTER 3 RELEVANT DISTRICT/ METRO VISION, GOALS, OUTCOMES AND TARGETS222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222231 OVERALL VISION STATEMENT FOR DISTRICT/ METRO2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222231 PILLAR 1 DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE AND PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT FOCUS AREA 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222231 PILLAR 2 ECONOMIC POSITIONING FOCUS AREA22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222232 PILLAR 3 SPATIAL RESTRUCTURING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY FOCUS AREA2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222232 PILLAR 4 INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING FOCUS AREA22222222222222222222222222222222233 PILLAR ! INTEGRATED SERVICE PROVISIONING FOCUS AREA222222222222222222222222233 PILLAR " GOVERNANCE AND FINANCE FOCUS AREA2222222222222222222222222222222222222222233 CHAPTER 4 STRATEGIES22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222235 PILLAR 1 DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE AND PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT22222222222222222222222235 PILLAR 2 ECONOMIC POSITIONING222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222235 PILLAR 3 SPATIAL RESTRUCTURING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY22236 PILLAR 4 INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222237 PILLAR ! INTEGRATED SERVICE PROVISIONING22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222240 PILLAR " GOVERNANCE AND FINANCE22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222243 CHAPTER ! IMPLEMENTATION COMMITMENTS2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222244 Loca, "overn)ent interventions222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222258 1 JG DDM ONE PLANV3 DATED 30 AUG 2021 1321 NATIONAL P9OJE1TS IMPLEMENTED IN JOE GQABI DIST9I1T MUNI1IPALIT:2 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222123 132121 DEPA9TMENT O; EN#I9ONMENT< ;O9EST9: AND ;IS=E9IES222222222222222222222123 CHAPTER " ONE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING & EVALUATION22222222222222177 ".1 IMPLEMENTATION READINESS2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222177 ".2 MONITORING & EVALUATION2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222177 CHAPTER # CONCLUSION2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222180 2 JG DDM ONE PLANV3 DATED 30 AUG 2021 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION T(e JGDM >JGDM? is one of t(e si@ District M!nici*a,ities in t(e Eastern 1a*e Province in t(e 9e*!0,i& of So!t( Africa2 It 0or ers t(e ;ree State Province an co!ntr- of Lesot(o to t(e nort( as e*icte in t(e A"!re 0e,o'2 T(e District is ,ocate to t(e 'est of A,fre Nzo< nort( of O9 Ta)0o an 1(ris =ani District M!nici*a,ities an to t(e east of t(e Nort(ern 1a*e Province >see A"!re 1?2 It ,ies a**roxi)ate,- 33B) nort( of Q!eensto'n an a0o!t 200 B) so!t( of B,oe)fontein on t(e N5 roa 2 T(e District is )a e !* 0- t(ree ,oca, )!nici*a,ities; vi.$ E,!n ini< Wa,ter Sisu,! an Sen+!2 T(e JGDM covers an area of 24 553 B)E an isp,ays a iverse set of ,an sca*es, fro) ee*,- incise )o!ntaino!s terrains to flat farGrea&(in" *,ains. 1ities an to'ns t(at for) t(e District are A,i'a, Nort(< BarB,- East< B!r"ersdor*< Ja)esto'n< La - Gre-< Ma&,ear< Mo!nt ;,et&(er< Oviston< 9(o es, 9osso!'< Sterkspr!it< Steynsb!r"< U"ie an #entersta 2 T(e )aHority of t(e *o*!,ation speak IsiI(osa >2011 1ensus)2 Before 1 ;e0r!ar- 2010< t(e District 'as kno'n as t(e UB(a(,a)0a District M!nici*a,it- an its na)e 'as &(an"e in reco"nition of Joe Nzin"o G+a0i >0orn in 1828 in t(e District of A,i'a, Nort( an )!r ere in 1871 in Ji)0a0'e< =arare?< an African Nationa, 1on"ress >AN1? )e)0er '(o 'as a Ho!rna,ist for t(e Ne' A"e< a )e)0er of t(e U)B(onto 'e Si.'e< an one of t(e Pretoria T'e,ve2 O,iver Ta)0o escri0e Joe Nzin"o G+a0i as a 'seasone *o,itica, ,ea er of o!tstan in" a0i,it-K an as 'a )e)0er of ML '(ose co))it)ent< e ication< co!ra"e an fear,essness ,e to (is e,ection to t(e nationa, exe&!tive co))ittee of t(e AN1K2 =e 'as a,so escri0e as Ma ,i0eration sta,'art '(ose ,ea ershi* +!a,ities r!00e oN on (is *rotO"Os’ an '(ose Mse,fless contri0!tion to t(e str!"",e an inspirationa, ,ea ershi* (a a,rea - so'n t(e see s for free o) in So!t( AfricaP2 A,t(o!"( initia,,- 0!rie in Ji)0a0'e< (e 'as re0!rie in A,i'a, Nort( on 15 Dece)0er 2003< on So!t( Africa's nationa, Day of 9econci,iation2 3 JG DDM ONE PLANV3 DATED 30 AUG 2021 1.1 PURPOSE T(e *!r*ose of t(e Joe G+a0i District M!nici*a,it- DDM One P,an is: i2 To "ive eNect to t(e D$%&'$(& D)*)+,-.)/& M,0)+ 1DDM2 a**rove 0- 1a0inet as a *ra&tica, )et(o to i)*rove service e,iver- an eve,o*)ent i)*act in t(e Joe G+a0i District M!nici*a,it- space t(ro!"( inte"rate *,annin"< 0! "etin"< an e,iver- 0- a,, t(ree sp(eres of "overn)ent 'orkin" to"et(er 'it( stake(o, ers an co))!nities. ii2 To ,oca,ise an syner"ise t(e N3&$,/3+ D)*)+,-.)/& P+3/ 1NDP2< t(e Me i!)GTer) Strate"i& ;ra)e'orB >MTS;?< Nationa, S*atia, Deve,o*)ent ;ra)e'orB >NSD;?< Inte"rate Ur0an Deve,o*)ent ;ra)e'orB >IUD;? an ke- nationa, an *rovincia, sector *o,icies/strate"ies/*,ans 'it( socioGecono)i& an spatia, eve,o*)ent ,o"i& of t(e Joe G+a0i District M!nici*a,it-C iii2 To e@*ress a (,4)')/& 3/0 -')0$(&35+) 6,*)'/.)/& 3--',3(4 $/ ')+3&$,/ &, &4)%) 7)8 -'$,'$&$)% t(ro!"( a L,/69T)'. S&'3&)6$( F'3.):,'7 1O/) P+3/2 for "ro't( an eve,o*)ent of t(e Joe G+a0i District M!nici*a,it- space t(at is coG*ro !ce 0y a,, t(ree sp(eres of "overn)ent to"et(er 'it( stake(o, ers an co))!nities. iv. To ena0,e a *ro"ra))ati& Inter"overn)enta, 9e,ations a**roa&( in re,ation to Joe G+a0i District M!nici*a,it- t(ro!"( i)*,e)entation of t(e One P,an t(at 'i,, serve as an i)*act *erfor)ance fra)e'orB trackin" t(e co))it)ents an spen in" of nationa, an *rovincia, sector e*art)ents an t(e Joe G+a0i District M!nici*a,it- accor in" to t(e %43')0 *$%$,/ an esire f!t!re eve,o*)ent of Joe G+a0i District M!nici*a,it- an its *eo*,e2 v. To &reate an )/*$',/.)/& '(i&( is con !cive for $/*)%&.)/&2 vi2 To sta0i,ize ",*)'/3/() 3/0 ;/3/($3+ .3/36).)/& -'3(&$()% in t(e Joe G+a0i District M!nici*a,it-C 1.2 ONE PLAN T(e Joe G+a0i District M!nici*a,it- DDM One P,an is 0ase on t(e DDM T4),'8 ,< C43/6) '(i&( *ost!,ates si@ transfor)ations to )ove fro) t(e &!rrent *ro0,e)ati& sit!ation to a esire 0etter f!t!re2 D(i,st existin" *,ans a&ross "overn)ent seeB to a,i"n to t(e NDP an to ea&( ot(er< t(ere is no &,ear sin",e ,ine of si"(t an ,o"ica, rationa,e or re,ations in ter)s of co))on,- a"ree *riorities an Hoint an co(erent 'a- of a ressin" t(e) 'it(in t(e socioGecono)i& an in&,!sive an inte"rate *,ace )akin" yna)ics 'it(in specifie spaces. T(ese si@ DDM Transfor)ation ;oca, Areas are$ i2 P),-+) D)*)+,-.)/& 3/0 D).,6'3-4$(% R t(e *rocess of !n erstan in" t(e &!rrent *o*!,ation *roA,e an eve,o*)ent yna)ics an 0- '(i&( a esire e)o"ra*(i& *roA,e an ra ica, i)*rove)ent in t(e +!a,it- of ,ife of t(e *eo*,e is 4 JG DDM ONE PLANV3 DATED 30 AUG 2021 a&(ieve t(ro!"( ski,,s eve,o*)ent an t(e fo,,o'in" 4 transfor)ations iscusse 0e,o' >econo)i& *ositionin"< spatia, restr!ct!rin" an environ)enta, sustaina0i,it-< infrastr!ct!re en"ineerin"< (o!sin" an services *rovisionin"< an "overnance an )ana"e)ent?2 ii2 E(,/,.$( P,%$&$,/$/6 R t(e *rocess 0- '(i&( a co)*etitive e "e is create t(at ena0,es o)esti& an forei"n invest)ent attraction an Ho0 creation on t(e 0asis of an in&,!sive an transfor)e econo)-2 T(e econo)i& *ositionin" infor)s t(e spatia, restr!ct!rin" an (as to 0e sustaine t(ro!"( *rotectin"< n!rt!rin" an (arnessin" nat!ra, environ)ent an reso!rces2 iii2 S-3&$3+ R)%&'=(&='$/6 3/0 E/*$',/.)/&3+ S=%&3$/35$+$&8 R t(e *rocess 0- '(i&( a transfor)e < eScient an environ)enta,,- sustaina0,e spatia, eve,o*)ent *attern an for) is create to su**ort a co)*etitive ,oca, econo)- an inte"rate sustaina0,e (!)an sett,e)ents. S*atia, restr!ct!rin" infor)s infrastr!&t!re invest)ent in ter)s of +!ant!) as 'e,, as ,ocation an ,ayo!t of infrastr!ct!re net'orks.
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