B A T Dres uccess w A senior fa hi on major' piece i elected No. 1 Hens drop season opener to be worn by a VJ at this year's MTV against New Hampshire, 24-21 Vid o Music Award . Sports I B6 Mosaic/ Bl An Associated Informing the Blue Collegiate Pres Hens since 1873 Pacemaker Award Tue days & Fridays Winner FRE 250 Perkins Student Center • University of Delaware + \: Newark, DE 19716 Volume 1.\1, Issue I 11 11'11:/'el'i<'ll'.llc/e/.edu Sept. 3, 2004 ConstructiOn Local mother charged. with moves ahead murder 'of her daughter, 7 BY RENEE GORMAN des ign after the plan for the new Laird BY KATIE FAHERTY & DEVIN VARSALONA Campus residence halls was approved, Cltv Ne•s Edi/01 Staff R eporlers she said. Residence Life's prim ary con­ A 7-year-old Ogletown girJ was With construction taking place all cern s for th e new residence ha ll s include killed Wednesday in her hom e and over campus right now, it is surprising making sure the buildings maintain a authorities arrested and charged her students are not toting. hard hats with low resident assistant to student ratio mother Thursday morning, them to class. and a friendly atmosp here, Kerr said. Delaware State Police said. The long-planned renovations to Residence Life also wants the new Lt. Joseph Aviola, spokesman existing facilities and th e construction of buildings to contai n areas for stud ying for Delawa re State Police, gave this new buildings began this summer. and socia lizing, she sa id. account of events: The projec ts include a enter for Wit)l work on the $42 million Stefanic Parsons all egedly mur­ the Arts, new Laird Campus Residence Center for th e A.Iis this past summer, dered her daughter Wednesday Halls and reconstruction of Brown construction on Central ampus has afternoon, and either before or ~abora toy , which- is scheduled to com­ been equall y as preva lent. afterward overdosed on pills that mence in June 2005. To make room for the center, which were found near her. The motel-like Pencader residence includes a 200-seat recita l ha ll , 450-seat Parsons' hu sband, the girl's ba ll s were bu ilt in 1972, but half will be prosceni um theatTe, 35 practice rooms, a adopted father, returned home with demolished when the first new bui lding large rehearsal room and a black box THE REVrEW/Christine Alhambra his two children and fo und l1is wife is completed in June 2005 . The remain­ thea tre, four houses on Orchard Road Construction on Laird Campus of tl,e Marriot Courtyards hotel and daughter in an up stairs bed­ ing ha lf will be demoli shed in June were tom down. and new Pencader Complex arc among several building projects at room, at which point he call ed 911. 2006. James . Prodan, chairman of the ' Police found the girl dead and Kathleen Kerr, director of · music depatiment, sa id the center is a the university. Parsons unconscious and sufferi ng Resid ence Life, sa id there will be three cmcial addition to the university. Renovations totalin g 73,000 square sc iences that move very rapidly, and as from an apparent drug overdose. new buildings cot1 structed, and each wi ll . "Our programs arc outgrowi ng the feet th at includ e classrooms, instruction­ new knowledge is gained, we must be The 7-year-old had a laceration have an interior design similar to the current space [Amy E. clll Pont Music al labs, research Jabs, administrati ve able to quickly teach all the changes that on her neck, Aviola sa id, and police Ray Street resid ence hall s. Building]," he sa id. " I k(IOW Presid ent recovered a large kitchen knife at omces and a chemistry and bi chem­ evolve so that students arc exposed to the scene. · During the conslructi on process Roselle has been very ioterested in thi istry libra ty are schedu led for Brown's the latest technologies," Riordan said. every stud ent will have a living space, project and knows that the facilities for Parsons was admitted to north and wes t wings. Whi le the new 1abs are going to Christiana Hos pital in critical condi­ Kerr said. Five hundred beds will be both music and theatre have been in ade­ Charl es Riordan, chairm an of the a commodate the latest research, co n­ ava ilab le in the first building co mpleted, tion Wednesday evening and was quate and need upgradi ng." chemistry department, said renqvati on structi on cou lei potentially stall the which wi ll showcase a horseshoe-shape Whi le the new center allows for arrested a t approximately 8 a.m. plans have been in the works for tll'e past research that is currently taking p lace. Thursday. Parsons was charged with design. more intimate performance pace for 10 years. Brown Lab's south wing was Since the buildin¥'s labs are used The fo llowi ng two buildings will be Junior, senior and graduate .s tudent one count of first-degree murder and renovated in 1995 and up until now has by stud ents and professional researchers one count of possession of a deadly L-shaped. recitals, the most important add ition to been waiting to be fini shed. throughout the year, construction will The new Pencader residence halls lhe ce nter would be a new concert hall , weapon during the commission of a One main reason for the 'renova­ eli place many of those who u e its fa~il­ felony. dl consist of two double room uites, which will only be constructed if enough tions is due to the increase in undergrad­ iti es. Wit an adjoining bathroom in the cen­ fund ing ls achiev.ed, Proclan said. uate and graduate students enro ll ed in Riordan said U1eir short-term goal ter, she said. All the rooms will be air­ onstruction of a new recit~l hall chemistry or biochemi stry progra ms, was, an d still is, to effectively plan con­ conditioned and th e residence hal ls are wi ll allow·Louds Ha ll, in Amy E. du Riordan said. struction to have the least amount of dis­ designed to house approximately I ,000 Pont, to be used as a classroom, which With 153 graduate students, more traction as possible. students. the original design intend ed. than 300 undergraduate student and Freshm an Chevonne Baylor, a The plan also includes a pedestrian On th e Green, Brown Lab will also approxiamtely 3,000 students enrolled hristiana Towers resident, aid she bridge that wtll help students on Laird be renovated. Although construction is Tuition in depatimental classes this semester, Ca mpus feel more connected to Central welcomes the changes to Laird Campus. not schedu led to staJi unti l the summer the university must move swiftly to "I never liked Pencadcr," she said. ampus, Kerr said . of 2005, admini"strator have been busy accommodate students to fast-growing Residence Life incorporated stu­ ''Someone could knock on your door at this summer with preliminary planning technologies, he said. any time." dent representatives' ideas into th e to estimate costs. "Chemistry and biochemistry are zncreases Students find ways to avoid costly textbooks by $400+ BY JAMIE EDMONDS A professor for the cia s ordered a package that BY MONICA SIMMONS Studenr Affmrs Ed11or included a subscription to the Wall Street Journal, CopyEdrtor College students are k11own for their lac k of she said. Delaware Book Exchange offer th at pack­ Senior Barbara Scannapieco wi ll fu nds. So, why is it that after tuition, rent, uti liti es, age minus the subscription to ~ave money. have to work an average of 35 hours per food and bee r, that textbooks are so expensive? What "By doing this, the student saves approximately week at a local restaurant to help cover makes the situation even more ironic is that when th e $3 0," she said. "That is a large amount of money, this emester's rising tuition co ts. semester concludes, most of the over-priced books which can add up for a co llege student." . "I can't even participate in student are sold back for less than ha lf of their original price. Ragazzo said she has tried many other things in activities which might help me get a What i a college student to do? Skip the beer? the past three years to try an d save some money. job," she said. Do na.t worry; there are options for students wi th " I like to shop around," she said. "I look for the According to Provost Dan Rich, smaller pockets. same book in all of the bookstores to try to fmd the tuition increased by $414 for residents Deborah Latchford, pre-ord er manager for the cheapest. " and $570 for non-residents for the 20 0~ ­ Delaware Book Exchange, said th e number one way Senior Lauren Colizza sa id she likes to search · '2005 school year, an increase of 7 per­ to save money is to buy used books. THE REVlEW/File p h~to the web for cheaper books. cent for in-state students and 3.6 percent "We try to sell used books to students when it is Students have looked online for cheaper "I often go to eBay, Amazon.com, or Half.c.om for out-of-state students. at all possible," she said. to look for book ," she said.
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