Darjeeling MECHI

Darjeeling MECHI

Darjeeling IWMP-2 / 2011-12 MECHI Detailed Project Report of Mechi-Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP-2/2011-12), Darjeeling Summary of Detailed Project Report SECTION - A : PROJECT LOCATION DETAILS Sl. Particulars Details No. 1 Project Name Mechi Watershed 2 Project Code Darjeeling / IWMP-2 /20 11-12 3 State West Bengal 4 District Darjeeling 5 CD Block Kharibari 6 1. Raniganj Panishali Gram Panchayat Gram Panchayat* 2. Kharibari Panishali Gram Panchayat 3. Binnabari Gram Panchayat 7 Block Kharibari Sl. Village / Mouza Jl. Village Gram Panchayat No. Name No. Code i) Bhulka 6 63800 Raniganj Panishali Gram Panchayat ii) Shyamdhan 9 64100 Raniganj Panishali Gram Panchayat iii) Chayan singh 10 64200 Raniganj Panishali Gram Panchayat iv) Paschim Ramdhan 11 64300 Raniganj Panishali Gram Panchayat v) Chunilal 12 64400 Raniganj Panishali Gram Panchayat vi) Kungarpur 13 64500 Raniganj Panishali Gram Panchayat vii) Jamatulla 14 64600 Raniganj Panishali Gram Panchayat viii) Badra 15 64700 Raniganj Panishali Gram Panchayat ix) Balaijhora 16 64800 Raniganj Panishali Gram Panchayat x) Kela bari 17 64900 Raniganj Panishali Gram Panchayat xi) Alok jhari 18 65000 Raniganj Panishali Gram Panchayat xii) Barsad bhita 19 65100 Raniganj Panishali Gram Panchayat xiii) Kishor doba 20 65200 Kharibari Panishali Gram Panchayat xiv) Maynaguri 21 65300 Raniganj Panishali Gram Panchayat xv) Tari 22 65400 Binnabari Gram Panchayat xvi) Gadhira 25 65700 Binnabari Gram Panchayat xvii) Khunia pukhari 26 65800 Binnabari Gram Panchayat xviii) Pataram 37 66900 Kharibari Panishali Gram Panchayat i Detailed Project Report of Mechi-Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP-2/2011-12), Darjeeling Sl. Village / Mouza Jl. Village Gram Panchayat No. Name No. Code xix) Chiku 23 65500 Binnabari Gram Panchayat xx) Khopalashi 24 65600 Binnabari Gram Panchayat xxi) Bilakshu 27 65900 Binnabari Gram Panchayat xxii) Duba 28 66000 Binnabari Gram Panchayat xxiii) Bairagi 29 66100 Binnabari Gram Panchayat xiv) Rangamuni 30 66200 Binnabari Gram Panchayat xv) Gayen 31 66300 Binnabari Gram Panchayat xvi) Debiganj 32 66400 Binnabari Gram Panchayat xvii) Bhajanpur 33 66500 Binnabari Gram Panchayat xviii) Chekarmari 34 66600 Binnabari Gram Panchayat xix) Banchha bhita 35 66700 Binnabari Gram Panchayat 8 Watershed Name Regd. No. Remarks Committee * 1) Paschim Ramdhan S/2L/No.20943 of 2014-15 2) Mainaguri S/2L/No.20944 of 2014-15 3) Bilakshu S/2L/No.20942 of 2014-15 4) Debiganj S/2L/No.20878 of 2014-15 9 Micro Watershed Description * 9.1 List of the Mouzas and Area Statement of Pashchim Ramdhan Micro Watershed Project Total Area Area Sl. Name of the Jl. Census Geo. Under Under Treatable No. Mouza(s) No. Code Area XIth Plan Watershed Area (in Hac) NWDPRA (in Hac) 1 Bhulka 6 63800 246.00 38.00 208.00 180.00 2 Shyamdhan 9 64100 153.00 ---- 153.00 80.00 3 Chayan singh 10 64200 253.00 186.00 67.00 50.00 4 Paschim ramdhan 11 64300 218.00 ---- 218.00 190.00 5 Chunilal 12 64400 174.00 ---- 174.00 150.00 6 Kungarpur 13 64500 146.00 106.00 40.00 30.00 7 Jamatulla 14 64600 44.00 44.00 44.00 ---- 8 Badra 15 64700 51.00 ---- 51.00 40.00 9 Balaijhora 16 64800 123.00 ---- 123.00 100.00 10 Kela bari 17 64900 196.00 ---- 196.00 160.00 11 Alok jhari 18 65000 140.00 95.00 45.00 40.00 12 Barsad bhita 19 65100 195.00 97.00 98.00 80.00 TOTAL 1939.00 566.00 1417.00 1100.00 ii Detailed Project Report of Mechi-Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP-2/2011-12), Darjeeling List of the Mouzas and Area Statement of Mainaguri Micro Watershed 9.2 Project Total Area Area Sl. Name of the Jl. Census Geo. Under Under Treatable No. Mouza(s) No. Code Area XIth Plan Watershed Area (in Hac) NWDPRA (in Hac) 1 Kishor doba 20 65200 293.00 ---- 293.00 240.00 2 Maynaguri 21 65300 328.00 26.00 302.00 250.00 3 Tari 22 65400 278.00 ---- 278.00 230.00 4 Gadhira 25 65700 204.00 ---- 204.00 170.00 5 Khunia pukhari 26 65800 205.00 ---- 205.00 170.00 6 Pataram 37 66900 311.00 ---- 311.00 240.00 TOTAL 1619.00 26.00 1593.00 1300.00 List of the Mouzas and Area Statement of Bilakshu Micro Watershed 9.3 Project Total Area Under Sl. Jl. Census Treatable Name of the Mouza(s) Geo. Area Watershed No. No. Code Area (in Hac) (in Hac) 1 Chiku 23 65500 217.00 217.00 190.00 2 Khopalashi 24 65600 183.00 183.00 160.00 3 Bilakshu 27 65900 261.00 261.00 230.00 4 Duba 28 66000 131.00 131.00 110.00 5 Bairagi 29 66100 227.00 227.00 210.00 6 Rangamuni 30 66200 103.00 103.00 90.00 7 Gayen 31 66300 236.00 236.00 210.00 TOTAL 1358.00 1358.00 1200.00 List of the Mouzas and Area Statement of Debiganj Micro Watershed Project Total Area Under Sl. Name of the Jl. Census Treatable Geo. Area Watershed No. Mouza(s) No. Code Area (in Hac) (in Hac) 1 Debiganj 32 66400 253.00 253.00 220.00 2 Bhajanpur 33 66500 236.00 236.00 205.00 3 Chekarmari 34 66600 169.00 169.00 150.00 4 Banchha bhita 35 66700 144.00 144.00 125.00 TOTAL 802.00 802.00 700.00 10 Weightage (Table 1.3) 100 Out of 150 11 Project Cost ( Rs in Lakh) 516.00 lakh iii Detailed Project Report of Mechi-Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP-2/2011-12), Darjeeling SECTION - B : SOCIO ECONOMIC PROFILE OF THE PROJECT AREA Sl. Particulars Details No. Name of Project Implementing Agency Assistant Director of Agriculture 1 (PIA) (Survey & Planning), Siliguri Nature of PIA (a) VO b) Pancheyat 2 Others c) Others) 3 Total Population in the Watershed 1 29,097 nos. 4 Total Number of households 5,590 nos. Total Number of ST households 5 1,330 nos. ( Tot. Po. / Tot. Family.* ST Po.) Total Number of SC households 6 3,850 nos. ( Tot. Family/ Tot. Po.* SC Po.) 7 Total Number of BPL households 2,004 nos. Total Number of Small Farmer 8 266 nos. household 2 (appox) Total number of Marginal farmer 9 4,583 nos. household3 (appox) Total number of landless and asset less 10 598 nos. households (BPL + Landless families) Number of person days of seasonal 11 5,108 nos. migration SECTION - C : Other Details from Base line Survey Sl. Description Particulars No. 1 Total geographical area (ha) 5718 hac. 2 Treatable area 1) Waste land (ha) 397.61 hac. 2) Rain fed Agriculture land (ha) 3902.39 hac 3) Irrigated Agriculture land 746.99 hac. 4) Total Treatable Area (ha) {1+2} 4300.00 hac. 5) Forest area available for treatment 0.00 hac. 6) Area available for treatment 4300.00 hac. 3 Total Cropped area (ha) 2 6828.00 hac. 4 Net sown area (ha) 3 3902.39 hac. 5 Average Cropping Intensity {3/4 *100} 175 % 6 Total no. of water storage structure4 236 nos. 7 Total storage capacity of water storage structure (cum) , average ( 20m X 15m X 51,750.00 cum 1.5 m X 115 nos.) 8 Total number of water extracting units 5 286 nos. 9 Depth of ground water (bgl) in m a) Pre monsoon 3.00 - 5.00 mtrs. b) Post monsoon 0.50 - 3.00 mtrs. iv Detailed Project Report of Mechi-Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP-2/2011-12), Darjeeling SECTION - D : Year wise Action Plan (Physical) Sl. 2013‐ 2014‐ 2015‐ 2016‐ Particulars Total No. 14 15 16 17 1 Watershed Development works 1.1 Land Development 1.1.1 A forestation (on wasteland) (ha) 0 1 1 0 2.00 (Plantation and nursery) 1.1.2 A forestation (on other land) 0 1 1 0 2.00 1.1.3 Horticulture (on waste land) (ha) 0 1 0 0 1.00 1.1.4 Horticulture (on other land) (ha) 0 0 1 0 1.00 1.1.5 Agriculture (on waste land) (ha) 0 1 1 0 2.00 1.1.6 Agriculture (on other land) (ha) 0 1 1 0 2.00 1.1.7 Pasture Dev ( on waste land) (ha) 0 0 0 0 0.00 1.1.8 Pasture dev (on other land) 0 0 0 0 0.00 1.2 Soil and Moisture Conservation 1.2.1 Staggered Tranching (ha) 0 8 12 8 28.00 1.2.2 Contour Bunding (ha) 0 8 8 8 24.00 1.2.3 Graded Bunding (ha) 0 4 4 4 12.00 1.2.4 Bench terracing (ha) 0 4 0 0 0.00 1.2.5 Others (Land Protection Wall) 0 0 4 0 12.00 1.3 Vegetative & Engineering Structure Earthen Checks (cum) 0 80 20 80 180.00 1.3.1 Nos. 0 9 2 9 20.00 1.3.2 Bush Wood Checks (m) 0 0 0 0 0.00 Gully Plugs (cum) 0 120 120 100 340.00 1.3.3 Nos. 0 7 7 6 20.00 1.3.4 Loose boulders (cum) 0 0 0 0 0.00 1.3.5 Gabion Structures (cum) 0 0 0 0 0.00 1.3.6 Others (Pucca Nala) nos. 0 20 24 16 66.00 1.4 Water Harvesting Structure (New) 1.4.1 Farm Pond (no,) 0 8 8 4 20.00 (Cum) 0 1600 1600 800 4000.00 1.4.2 Check Bundh / Dam (no,) 0 4 0 4 8.00 (cum) 0 800 0 800 1600.00 1.4.3 Nullah Bundh (no.) 0 2 4 2 8.00 (cum) 0 400 800 400 1600.00 1.4.4 Percolation Tank (no.) 0 4 4 0 12.00 (Cum) 0 1800 1800 0 3600.00 1.4.5 Ground water recharge 0 0 0 0 0.00 structures.

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