FXJBLIBHEID ,A.T THE) ISTZIBIIA.SICA IKTSTITXJTID TIIEJ IDEAS- .A.x-rx> . 1877. It-TO. Tin; M u;i>ntoM. who cry unto him for help. Hut there Jonathan Sturges' Three Lessons. FATIIXIl \T PLAV. ETHIOPIAN WIT. FROST. OR FRtTIT? 1" niainnia calling me; I iiiunt go. He- ! »Vw Il1ii»tr»tlnni nf Ike iKttiro mill iwi«(«r of meUil m nra mmv lin|nv««ln' ilmn that Jo incniber voiir lexKon." One of the first IPHMOIH I received un * wr hud nno rnlnr dNT. It lo an old story, and perhnpn no me Nature «tood Irnnsflgnred. The tcil frnm lht< NvrwDtflmi Mm-litrvm.J "Daviii Colvillo. -(op putlliiK your wns in J.Sl.'{, when I wiiselevpn years of Wkou fnllicr wnn liiinu' mi 1 liclj-vil u« Jill) ! of my readers have henrd Ihe amend­ bare, brown trees, thnt had marked foot on my dolls earring" !" <wlled AK- W( ninil" «Mp ninl liui-tisl unit* ment. I henrd Hilly Morris cumulate Junioir Hi--•<•!->! MI fty. nge. My grand father hnd lollecledu AIH| rrii-iiM.it Int- m-it lu n fftrful fair sharp outlines ngninst the >l;y. were Toot;.' IH-H, sharply, fi'otuamonj; her cushion 1*. line Hock of inerinosheep, which Were II, nnd II afforded me n henrty laugh. covered wilh a i-ont of it-y mail, An I Hi, "You hn»b up. Afrne»; Inin'tliuvi- tint wo hmln'l Mlllnl Inln l,oiut.in ton n. Old Sambo had n mind to sharpen With carefully cherished during the wnr of Wliru t'Ajilaln uml rrvvi mi-l vciMi'l Hunt tloivu. Trunk, bough, branche*, twign, nil Inunnl . !n^' your old doHVr«rria|fc, aimwvriMl l8l^-|.*i. 1 wns n shepherd boy, nnd the wils of his hopeful «on nnd heir, were clicn«ed,nnd from every one not Tin-' 11 KII nuinil, l>owii, down In n Jnllv urrrk. and in furtherance of tbi« prnixworlhy . ulih foarfut I Davie, angrily." my bushiest was to \vutrh the cheep in Wilh lh<- rn|ilnlu ratting iniiliT thedcrk. perpendlcul.ir.long row ofsiiverdrops .4 pi-iilmiuil. "Uraki'H down, in there!'' snld »lsler object bo propounded as follows: Tlii')'""- .«.» > tho fields. A boy who wns more lund llnl hn br«k> I'litnitiiln tilth llon'« Four, bung pendent. The evergreen* pcdnl- • ill. wnr to !ho li'-tp l«« .tilp, Mary, with n merry mnile, pcciiing in of his books than of slice]) wn:* Kent AD't KCun twu II-JCK, hv uu fuur, ' Julius (>>»ar, 1 want to ax you a ed n tnyrliid shining flngrr* toward flt.-lirifMl« tide* question." Tli.il i nil : Hi n n as »he paweil. with me, but left Ihe work to me, while II «n wit of III* uRrlur (nil up tin1 i-t.llr, the sky, or drooped with fro/en tcnrs Holh I'liildn-n Jnii^lied, nnd Mr. lie Iny in the simile nnd I cad his books. Atiil frlfrtilPUfsl inmni:.ii »uil the baby ttirrr. "1'roceed. nnelcut." toward Ihe riirth, or held at thn end of rwrt. Very P.nd Temper wa« Immediately 1 finally complained of this tu lhu old So nmninin »«lil nlirM l-o ji'llri" mi>n now, ' .Vow look henb. .hifiu*,*-s*po*e dar ench spray a glittering gem. Tho Tl- !-,. t (lltr i. , .. IIUH '. wns nix pigeons a "Itlin'ou n rail fen-e. AII. I llu nlr \* r. 1,1 . i in iiotr put till'tlio cur. Christian gentleman. 1 »hfl!l never forget hi« Ami trli'il lu 'rtft u>, t>h<-ill.lti't know elms waved silver plumes, locusts and I If I'li'Uiartiilir'i-i' bcnignnnt smile n« he replied : "Nev­ Thrn thi- lion Inughi -I sin! furgot lo rwiir, nn' you should lire n gun nt Yin, nn' mnple* gleamed like the ptrri'd lines Till ire rhntol him onl of the nuntrjr door; kill four of 'em, how inniiv would be ThiT<' Helti A tivni*irn>n« tvltiiljroo", THE RED-HOT PENNY. er you mind; ifynii watch (lie »heep, of hn^onets. Yon walked filong <lirili>< i "ii-l '[ hum. in If.'. yon will have the sheep." 1 Ihonuht to lefl ?" under inagie bower-", resplendent with \f\... ..... ..«,.. , .1.1*.. «,«! rti.Mnif, Anil then bo tiintnl to a pnny guy "Dnr wn« »lx in dc funt place?" said I ' : myftclf; what docs Ihe old gentleman Anil rarrl«l u» nil on hln bark »»«y. jewel* of every hup, over n daxxling Kvrrybody in the vlllnpn of Ileppin- mean? I don't expect to have any I'a-iar thoughtfully. carpet of -now, nnd overnrehed by a (jtee, agreed that it wns- verv kind of slieep. Mv aspirations were ijulte Wlilpiillr, ll.'lilr, hlrkllr ho! Yah." lint »w I" lulu «"" i- ix>,>i;i. »»t> |>luugr4 'bi I fun tlicn I ilou'l know! ' An'I lire?" delicate bine, (ienis »bowered down Si|iiire MoadowH during tiiP wintrr moderate in those days, nnd alirsl- upon yon and Iny all over your path. In (Uvurlnof (fiilll ii'l tlr»l»»lr. months when the roads were bad, to Till ire tmnhl<**l r»/TAn*l fit* nnlrri1*! mi, "A ynh." <lh. vomli. K-wnn- «<f HIP iMirnwl rate merino buck was worth f 1,0(10. I Nutrr >lu|i|>liig lo « It lil» la*l «a« gaut. Again nature stood lrun«flgiujcd. 'tin- rtirr.'iH nf r >llr an I »ln. allow th<! highway travelers l«i go could not mnke out exactly what he "And kill four of Yin?" The bare, brown Irees were covered ^liitrt'n. It ti-iT |i« frtrtlin* ircl«*. IHTO«H hi> grounds, on his own private Ami I rnul-ln'l It'll miv mori- Ihnu lio Dnl's ii my «on. You kill four nut 1 . ^ ui,|n . meant; but I hnd great confidence in WliU-h «« CM tKLIt in<l wlilrh naiinp, wilh nnollier glory, Kverv brunch V.. f llinfvliiir, road, nnd out ol llir putilic thorough­ him, H» he wns Ihe judge, nnd hnd been of the six now how ninny would dar wa«. swelling wilh 'life. Silently the '1 .( , : -. ay I'onii*, fare again on the other side. Thi« snort to Congress in Washington'* time, so I Orwhlili WIM TI>««.T. fornll In » mix 1,9 left ?" process had been going on. day and I* I hi' \i n.i "i a pi ri-riu>- iiuuum flUUl, rut levelled the traveler '« journey b\ concluded that it w.'Knll right, \vlmt- You'll think Ibrvr |ni>i>lf ImJlun.i'.l lo nix. Julius counted over hi* fingers, and night, and the liltlelwits hud put forth At Inn! ami lor ctcr lout! n good mile and a half, lor othcrwi-e ever lie meant, and went out content­ Till Town-r'n Uil wn« mnitht In the door; finally answered, lenve«. Hlossoms and buds hnd sent lie would have had logo all n round the edly with (he .sheep. After J got Jo llu \roulilfi'l hurrfth with n» au> mon". ' W'hy. ole mnn. dnt'« no question at forth their beunly and their frngrnnce PUT ON YOU & BRAKEa park, which IIP iRas now permitted to the Held I could not get that idcn out Att'l mnrmiiA 'Unit' out !'»» rtimpii* all. Dar'd be two left, oh conme." in profusion. And now in green. pa«« through. of my head. Finally 1 thought of my A»<l la til tu. ! lu lirc*k m> " "No, Julius." grainy fields the leaves wrre all When I am n man I am going to be Durinir tin' winter, therefore. Ihe Sunday le^oii: "Thou ha«t been "Hut I »ay, dnr would." mntnrpd, the fruit wns ripening, nnd n brakeman," announced Davie, nfler trallii- along this jn-lvnti' road became faithful over n few things. I will nmke "No, no. Julius." (he trees stood in lhu glory of the two minutes'cnnie.t reflection. HO greal, that *onn% of the village b.iy» thce ruler over many things." Then i A Talk with the (HrU. "Hy golly ! I'd like to know how you harvest. "I nm Mirr I don't cnrp what you arp were In flic h-ibit of turning nu honest out ?" understood it. Never you mind who niak«> it Frost or fruit ? The influence had going to bp when yoti nre n ma!1 , if you penny by <>|>oning the gate at the en­ el.-c neglects bin duly; but V" '"' "Juliii!.," said lh« sire, with n look of will only stop ten*lng mn now with trance of the ground", for the carriages We are, sure girls will all enjoy Ihe come from will, mil in both cn«cs. lly faithful.iiiid yon will have your re­ follow ing extra't from the chnrming xtrnordiimry window, "when yon lire a mysterious law, in one case, the rain your 'going lo be'n,'"answered Agnes, and light carts that cnmu that way. ward! I do not think it will lake many a big gun at MX pigeons n Mttin' on a slinking up the sofa millions nnd set One evening Sam and lien (forthc*c series of nrlirles bjr Mrs. A. D. T. di'M-eiidlng clung in froy.en gnrmenls lad-a-long n> it did me to understand Whilnejr, in fit A"«<7<o/rt.» : fence, und shoot four of em' wouldn't on Ihetree", and the sun shining uu Iling her«clf ninojig them ngain. were their name-) remained there later this proverb. I received mviie'ond h-i- he odder two fly away mightv quick? "Why need you wait unlil yon are n than ii«n:il.
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