Society for Sedimentary Geology ISBN 1 56576 042 5

Society for Sedimentary Geology ISBN 1 56576 042 5

INDEX Relative Role of Eustasy Climate and Tectonism inContinental Rocks SEPM Special Publication No 59 Copyright @ 1998 SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology ISBN 1 56576 042 5 Downloaded from by guest on 30 September 2021 SUBJECT INDEX A Brushy Basin Member also just Brushy Basin 93 95 102 abandoned channel fill 42 127 128 129 130 Bulga Formation 152 153 154 155 159 161 167 accommodation 3 17 31 51 65 66 68 69 70 71 73 74 78 79 85 87 102 104 105 116 151 157 169 206 207 222 acrotelm 157 169 C African rifts 88 191 Cadomin Conglomerate 50 52 55 Agatdalen Formation Ill 116 118 119 Cadomin Formation includejust Cadomin 49 aggradational systems tract 86 87 104 105 calcrete 191 196 197 198 199 206 207 Alberta 96 caliche 87 102 192 194 196 Alberta foreland basin 4962 California 19 95 Albian 109 110 123 125 135 136 137 141 142 143 145 Callovian 96 214 217 alkaline lake 104 198 205 Campanian 88 89 109 110 allocyclic control 3 17 18 19 23 31 66 67 68 70 72 75 78 93 100 Canada 21 4962 96 99 100 104 186 187 Canterbury Plains 24 157 158 alluvial architecture 102 133 145 carbonate lake 191 206 alluvial deposits 3 145 carbonate mudstone 135 151 192 194 198 199 200 alluvial facies 4962 carbonate nodules 96 193 194 196 199 201 202 alluvial fan 20 21 23 99 101 102 178 201 206 Carmel Formation 213 214 216 217 alluvial plain 3146 65 101 102 Carnian 192 193 206 Alps 12 25 Castlegate Member 99 amalgamated coal seams 151 170 catatelm 157 169 amalgamation 102 105 126 127 139 catchment area 3 4 8 9 10 12 13 14 anastomosed channels 18 99 Cenomanian 88 89 90 anastomosed stream 57 61 62 Cenozoic 23 46 83 109 anastomosing 44 61 channel gradient 19 186 Apennines 12 channel sandstones 57 66 67 72 73 77 78 102 136 Aptian 53 61 137 channel fill deposits 37 42 51 88 98 102 127 129 130 Archerfield Sandstone 152 153 154 155 159 161 167 169 charophytes 193 199 architectural element analysis 126 127 129 180 climate 5 8 9 11 17 18 20 22 23 26 49 52 6869 73 74 84 87 91 architecture 20 23 25 38 39 40 44 65 79 83 85 86 88 91 9698 100 142 177 187 191 206 223 101 102 104 105 213 climatic cycles 91 Arellicolites 124 127 138 climatic fluctuations 19 23 52 102 105 142 155 157 161 169 187 223 Argentina 83 91 climbing dune 213 215 217 218 Arizona 93 95 101 214 220 closed basin 191 206 ash 158 160 161 165 166 Cloverly Formation 133 134 135 138 141 142 143 Atane Formation 109 III 112 115 116 117 coal 52 55 56 57 58 59 62 112 136 151 170 191 Australia 20 23 24 25 99 124 152 161 225 coaly zone 59 60 62 158 avulsion 22 33 44 46 70 102 130 coarse grained delta 177 187 axial drainage 18 73 86 87 coastal plain 31 34 35 39 41 43 44 46 66 72 78 79 125 127 151 coastal transgression 32 79 151 152 153 157 159 161 162 164 Colorado 19 93 95 96 133 B Colorado Plateau 93 102 104 26 31 33 3439 4043 46 Baffin Bay 109 III Colorado River 19 24 25 Bardas Blancas 89 convergence 11 25 Barents Shelf 21 convolute bedding 112 115 base level 17 18 20 21 25 31 38 43 44 46 49 52 59 656768 70 75 Cordillera 55 77 86 90 91 104 105 109 151 152 157 158 159 169 206 Cormorant Formation 73 77 surfaces 213 baselevel transit cycle 83 85 corrugated Bathonian 214 217 craton II 12 20 90 95 19 I Cretaceous 19 21 32 46 52 61 83 87 91 99 109 115 116 123 130 Battery Point Sandstone 99 100 bayline 49 133 145 151 203 Bayswater Seam 152 153 154 155 158 159 161 167 168 169 crevasse channel 127 bedload 5 86 87 89 crinoids 137 lamination 102 112 114 Bighorn Basin 134 135 137 142 cross bioturbation 55 56 57 114 115 116 153 166 197 198 199 200 205 206 cross strata 138 213 228 bituminous coal 168 170 current ripples 57 183 bivalve 193 194 196 197 198 199 200 201 Curtis Sea 214 216 218 221 222 Black Hills 133 134 135 138 140 141 142 143 144 Blackhawk Formation 99 bottomsets 181 183 184 185 D Bowen Basin 152 Dakota Formation 93 braided river 51 93 105 199 dams 5 braided stream 206 Dead Sea 23 braided river deposits 52 57 61 62 65 193 206 207 debris flow 23 183 185 186 187 braidplain 87 deltaic deposits Ill 115 116 117 178 179 180 182 Breathitt Group 151 denudation 4 67 9 II 13 14 Brent Field 73 74 75 77 78 79 desert 25 217 BritishColumbia 49 169 desiccation cracks 85 169 196 Broonie Seam 152 161 167 Devonian 22 52 99 Downloaded from by guest on 30 September 2021 232 INDEX Dinosaur National Monument 222 223 226 Gulf Coast 3146 dinosaur tracks 95 126 Gunnedah Basin 152 discharge 5 8 23 37 39 44 46 49 69 84 87 102 116 117 119 127 130 gypsum 93 200 202 205 distributary fluvial system 84 90 91 divergence 25 155 dolomitic mudstone 192 193 194 201 H Sandstone 99 double mudstone drapes 115 Hawkesbury mineral 73 74 77 153 drainage basin 3 4 5 8 9 11 12 13 14 34 36 66 67 68 69 75 87 123 heavy 186 Henry Mountains 93 94 97 101 102 103 104 217 heterolithic strata 98 102 dropstones 183 184 74 dull coal 158 159 166 168 169 170 Hettengian 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 dune 102 112 115 126 127 213 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 224 highstand 41 42 43 44 45 71 161 225 226 highstand systems tract 23 50 65 72 151 159 161 162 163 167 182 185 187 Himalayas 12 hinterland 72 75 83 91 E sequence Holocene 5 18 19 24 25 32 34 35 37 151 157 169 East African rift basin 205 206 horizontal lamination 97 102 ebb tidal delta 116 117 119 105 Edmonton Group 61 hydrocarbon endorheic river systems 84 86 Entrada Sandstone 213 214 215 216217 218 220 221 222 226 I stream 85 87 91 ephemeral incised valley 21 23 26 33 38 39 41 44 46 52 62 66 67 72 109 119 stream 8485 ephemeral deposits 125 151 65 73 74 75 78 79 equilibrium profile incised valley fills 111 115 125 surface 102 equilibrium inertinite 157 158 168 169 170 214 218 221 222 225 erg interfleuve 49 52 erosion surface 72 97 124 129 164 168 218 219 222 interglacial 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 46 estuarine 116 119 deposits Iowa 25 estuarine sands 53 114 115 117 118 119 isotope 33 34 35 42 43 74 75 193 202 204 205 206 17 20 21 26 33 35 67 68 69 70 74 102 130 191 222 223 eustasy Ivishak Sandstone 105 225 226 1 F lurassic 52 73 74 75 79 87 93 105 134 135 136 140 141 142 143 Falher units also just Falher 51 55 56 57 58 60 145 191 19 213 214 2I 217 223 Fall River Formation 135 136 137 141 142 143 Fall River Sandstone 116 K falling stage 41 43 45 Formation 109 fan delta 178 Kangilia III 112 115 116 117 118 flood basin 31 33 39 40 41 43 Kimmerian 73 101 104 137 flooding surface 135 151 159 160 161 162 167 168 169 Kimmeridgian 18 67 floodplain also flood plain 14 19 22 23 32 34 35 37 43 44 52 57 59 knickpoint 62 70 71 74 88 98 102 196 sediments 37 38 39 42 72 73 78 79 98 127 129 floodplain L flume 25 130 experiments Labrador Sea 109 fluorescence 155 156 158 159 161 169 170 lacustrine facies 104 105 127 129 170 177 207 fluvial sheet sands 24 52 87 88 time 11 66 67 68 70 foreland basin 20 4962 133 145 lag 127 129 155 158 159 161 164 168 foresets 109 112 114 115 178 180 181 184 185 187 221 lagoon lake 23 104 177 187 191 207 Fox Creek 52 Escarpment Lake Bonneville 177 187 Fraser River Delta 169 lake level 67 104 105 177 179 180 185 186 187 192 196 198 199 203 fusilinids 137 Lakota Formation 133 145 lateral accretion 42 87 105 127 128 129 130 Laurasian Gondwana plate 73 91 191 G levee 5 98 127 183 193 194 197 198 200 gastropod Little Colorado River 19 152 161 162 Germany Long Canyon Sandstone Bed 124 Formation include 49 53 54 55 Gething Gething Louisiana 18 19 32 33 basin 191 206 Gettysburg Lower Lusatia 152 161 164 167 Gilbert GK 177 178 Lower Mannville Group include Lower Mannville 49 50 51 52 55 61 Gilbert delta also Gilbert delta 109 177 187 type Lower Rhine Embayment 161 outwash 18 179 186 glacial lowstand 18 24 34 41 45 55 56 66 67 71 72 74 75 78 116 117 118 37 43 44 91 glacial period 119 124 125 161 164 196 196 197 199 201 glaebules lowstand systems tract 23 65 72 117 118 119 151 159 167 169 182 Glauconite Formation 60 185 187 226 Glencairn Formation 123 12425 130 Lunde Formation 73 77 25 graded profile Lusatian Coal Horizon 161 167 168 170 stream 52 graded Lytle Sandstone 124 gravel barrier 180 185 gravels 35 37 52 177 187 200 Great Plains 19 M Greenland 85 109 119 Maastrichtian 109 110 groundwater table 155 157 160 168 169 223 Mannville Group 4962 Downloaded from by guest on 30 September 2021 INDEX 233 Markanda 84 85 planar tabular cross bedding 84 97 99 100 38 184 mass transport 182 Plallolites 54 56 124 Platte River 100 mass flow deposits 52 182 maximum flooding surface 49 62 159 160 162 167 playa 104 meanderbelt 33 40 41 42 44 52 Pleistocene 19 22 23 24 31 32 33 34 35 36 39 42 151 164 177 187 meandering river 18 24 57 61 62 99 101 130 138 Pliocene 22 32 33 93 164 Mesa Rica Formation 123 130 point bar 42 Mesozoic 83 91 95 102 109 III 192 Powder River Basin 116 133 134 144 micrite 193 194 196 197 199 200 201 202 205 206 Precambrian 22 109 110 123 124 143 Milankovitch periodicity 192 precipitation 4 8 9 22 23 179 196 197 199 201 202 203 205 206 Miocene 93 152 161 166 202 pseudo base level 65 66 68 72 73 74 75 78 79 mire 151 158 161 165 169 pyrite 155 Mississippi River 19 24 25 31 130 Moab Tongue 214 215 219 221 222 225 Mogollon Highlands 95 Q 18 3146 109 225 Mojave Desert 25 Quaternary Member 109 110 III 113 114 116 117 118 monsoonal circulation 85 192 215 Quikavsak Montana 133 145 Morrison Formation 93 105 134135 136 137 140 141 142 R Sandstone 115 125 Muddy raised mire 151 165 multi bodies 22 84 87 89 97 98 101 139 storey ravinement surface 49

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