INDEX TO VERMONT HISTORY ........................................................ 72 (2004) & 73 (2005) Volume 72 (2004), Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall Volume 73 (2005), Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall Prepared by Reidun Dahle Nuquist Please note that each year’s issues of Vermont History are numbered consecutively. It may be helpful to know that the 2004 and 2005 volumes are paginated as follows: Winter/Spring 2004, 72: 1–108 Summer/Fall 2004, 72: 109–203 Winter/Spring 2005, 73: 1–112 Summer/Fall 2005, 73: 113–242 A Story: A Biography of Plowmakers abolition of slavery. See slavery John & Charles Deere reviewed, 73: Adams, John Quincy: and 1826 Vt. elec- 205–6 tion, 72: 18 agriculture: Ronald Jager, The Fate of Adams, Judith M.: transcriber of “A Late- Family Farming: Variations on an Nineteenth-Century Childhood in East American Idea reviewed, 73: 99–101; Calais: Recollections of Ida Clee Bemis,” Thomas A. Lyson, Civic Agriculture: 73: 152–59, illus., port. Reconnecting Farm, Food, and Com- African Americans. See also slavery: munity reviewed, 73: 102–5 Vermonter with black Civil War regi- Aiken, George D.: opposed to power ment, 72: 187–88; David Work, “The companies, 73: 161; Samuel B. Hand Buffalo Soldiers in Vermont, 1909– and Stephen C. Terry, The Essential 1913,” 73: 63–75, illus.; Barre “joint” Aiken: A Life in Public Service re- run by, 73: 91; veterans with CCC in viewed, 73: 211–13 Vt., 73: 166–67, 178–79, 184; Kari J. Albany, Vt.: incorporated village, 73: 29 Winter, ed., The Blind African Slave, Alburg, Vt.: incorporated village, 73: 29 or Memoirs of Boyrereau Brinch, Nick- alcohol. See liquor named Jeffrey Brace reviewed, 73: Aldrich, Edith Francena: Joan Alexander, 200–2 ed., Mother & Daughter—Two Diaries agricultural machinery: Neil Dahlstrom of Glover, Vermont, Girls: 1894 Diary and Jeremy Dahlstrom, The John Deere of Edith Francena Aldrich, Age 14; 220 ..................... 1922 Diary of Edith Alexander, Age 14 art and artists. See also sculpture and reviewed, 73: 87–89 sculptors: Pamela J. Belanger, ed., En- Aldrich, Wesley: father of Cena Aldrich, visioning New England: Treasures from 73: 87 Community Art Museums reviewed, Alexander, Edith: Joan Alexander, ed., 73: 207–9 Mother & Daughter—Two Diaries of Arthur, Chester Alan: Zachary Karabell, Glover, Vermont, Girls: 1894 Diary of Chester Alan Arthur reviewed, 73: 84– Edith Francena Aldrich, Age 14; 1922 87; marking of birthplace, 73: 127 Diary of Edith Alexander, Age 14 re- Austin, Frank Lyman: mentioned, 72: 192 viewed, 73: 87–89 Austin, Warren R.: votes for flood relief, Alexander, Joan: ed. of Mother & Daugh- 73: 173 ter—Two Diaries of Glover, Vermont, Australian ballot: use of, 73: 213, 214 Girls: 1894 Diary of Edith Francena Averill, Vt.: unorganized town, 73: 18 Aldrich, Age 14; 1922 Diary of Edith Avery’s Gore, Vt.: “irregular parcel,” 73: Alexander, Age 14 reviewed, 73: 87–89 18, 19 Alexander, Samuel: directs wild west show, 73: 70 B Allen, David: his Early Maps of Brattle- Bachelder, John: mentioned, 73: 41 boro, Vermont, 1745–1912, With a Nar- Bailey, Franklin: employs carpenter, 72: rative History reviewed, 73: 82–84 127, 148 Allen, Ethan: and Haldimand negotia- Bailey, Laura: “unmarried seamstress,” tions, 73: 199 72: 152 Allen, Heman: and 1826 election, 72: 14, Baker, Abigail: bound out as servant, 72: 15–16 57–58, 59 Allen, Ira: featured in encyclopedia, 72: Baker, Anne: bound out as servant, 72: 57, 74 59 Allen, Jonathan: quoted on antimasonry, Baker, Elizabeth (Rich): supported by 72: 5 town, 72: 55, 56–57, 59–60 Allen, Joram: treats poor patient, 72: 60 Baker, John: supported by town, 72: 55, Allen, Mary Ware: her journal discussed, 56–57, 59–61 73: 191 Baker, Lovinia: mentioned, 72: 59 Allen, Richard Sanders: mentioned, 73: Baker, Samuel: mentioned, 72: 59 82 Baker, Simon: bound out as servant, 72: American Woolen Company: closing of, 57, 59 73: 35 Baker, Stan: and battle for civil union, 72: Amestoy, Jeffrey L.: and battle over civil 195 union, 72: 195 Baker, Zechariah: bound out as servant, Anderson, Jack: photo. courtesy of, 73: 72: 57, 59 43, port. Baker et al vs. State of Vermont: leads to Andersonville Prison: Vermonter’s death civil union, 72: 195 in, 72: 63, 64, 66, 68 Baker family: Mary L. Eysenbach, “Car- Andrew, John A.: detests Gen. Butler, 72: ing for the Poor: Thetford and the 25 Baker Family, 1792–1817,” 72: 55–62 Angell, Kenneth: and battle over civil Bandel, Betty: her An Officer and a Lady: union, 72: 195 The World War II Letters of Lt. Col. Anti-Masonic party: gains control of state, Betty Bandel, Women’s Army Corps 72: 19 reviewed, 73: 95–97 antimasonry: Kenneth A. Degree, “Antic- Baptist church: and 1826 gubernatorial ipating Antimasonry: The Vermont election, 72: 16–18 Gubernatorial Election of 1826,” 72: Barber, Capt.: witness in army inquiry, 72: 5–22, port. 44 apportionment. See reapportionment (elec- Barnet, Vt.: train depot opens, 72: 124; vil- tion law) lages and town, 73: 21, 33 architecture: W. Barksdale Maynard, Ar- Barre, Vt.: cemetery featured in travel chitecture in the United States, 1800– guide, 72: 100; incorporated village, 1850 reviewed, 72: 84–86; David J. 73: 26, 29, 31, 32; Mari Tomasi and Blow, Historic Guide to Burlington Roaldus Richmond, Men Against Neighborhoods, Vol. 3, reviewed, 72: Granite reviewed, 73: 90–93 191–92 Barre Opera House: CCC veterans at, 73: Ariès, Philippe: his work on childhood 181 cited, 73: 190 Barre Town, Vt.: Thomas W. Patton, “When Arkansas (ship): Civil War ram, 72: 30–31, the Veterans Came to Vermont: The 36 Civilian Conservation Corps and the 221 ..................... Winooski River Flood Control Project” Bennett, James: boards pauper, 72: 60 [including East Barre Dam], 73: 160– Bennett, John W.: at Gettysburg cere- 89, illus., map mony, 73: 51 Barton, Vt.: incorporated village, 73: 28 Bennington, Vt.: Robert E. Shalhope, A baseball: black CCC teams, 73: 179 Tale of New England: The Diaries of Bassett, Lynne Z.: textile consultant, 72: Hiram Harwood, Vermont Farmer, 151 1810–1837 reviewed, 72: 87–89; origins Bassett, T. D. Seymour: encyclopedia of, 73: 19, 20, 21; incorporated villages, dedicated to, 72: 75; cited on Vt. as 73: 24, 25, 28, 29, 33, 34 “border area,” 72: 179; mentioned, 73: Bennington Banner: featured in encyclo- 76 pedia, 72: 74; reaction to black sol- Baton Rouge, Battle of, 1862: Jeffrey D. diers, 73: 68 Marshall, “’Butler’s Rotten Breath of Bennington Battle Monument: building Calumny’: Major General Benjamin F. of, 73: 127 Butler and the Censure of the Seventh Bennington Museum: featured in exhibit Vermont Infantry Regiment,” 72: 23– catalog, 73: 208 54, illus., ports., maps Benson, H. C.: Royalton selectman, 73: Bayley, Daniel: prints singing books, 72: 146 n14 185 Benson, Lyman: and Central Vt. Railroad, Beard, Elsie: interviewed about E. Barre 73: 121 Dam, 73: 187–88 n47 Benson, Vt.: failed village incorporation, Beck, Nina: and battle for civil union, 72: 73: 30 195 Bernard, Anderson: port. only, 73: 158, Becker, Jack: curator of art exhibit, 73: port. 207, 208 Berry, Wendell: mentioned, 73: 100 Belanger, Pamela J.: ed. of Envisioning bibliography: “More About Vermont His- New England: Treasures from Com- tory: Recent Additions to the Ver- munity Art Museums reviewed, 73: mont Historical Society Library,” 72: 207–9 104–8, 199–203, 73: 108–12, 215–18; Belknap, Perley: library trustee, 73: 123, Roger Parks, ed., Writings on New En- 134, 135, 140 gland History: Additions to the Bibli- Bell, Charles J.: at monument dedication, ographies of New England History Se- 73: 129 ries (to 2001) reviewed, 73: 76–78 Bellesiles, Michael A.: mentioned, 73: 198 Bickford, Albert: “The Work Journal of Bellows, George: mentioned, 73: 208 Albert Bickford, Mid-Nineteenth- Bellows Falls, Vt. See Rockingham, Vt. Century Vermont Farmer, Cooper, Bemis, Abijah: uncle of Ida Clee Bemis, and Carpenter,” 72: 115–59, illus., 73: 152 port. Bemis, Bernice: sister of Ida Clee Bemis, Bickford, Augusta (Merrill): marriage to 73: 152 Albert Bickford, 72: 150, 151, port.; Bemis, Ida: aunt of Ida Clee Bemis, 73: 152 152 Bickford, Benjamin: Peacham farmer; Bemis, Ida Clee: “A Late-Nineteenth- mentioned in son’s journal, 72: 114, Century Childhood in East Calais: 118, 122–23, 124, 136 Recollections of Ida Clee Bemis,” 73: Bickford, Bridget (Keys): mother of Al- 152–59, illus., port. bert Bickford, 72: 114 Bemis, Lewis: grandfather of Ida Clee Bickford, Caroline: mentioned, 72: 118 Bemis, 73: 152 Bickford, Charles: mentioned, 72: 118 Bemis, Luther: father of Ida Clee Bemis, Bickford, Daniel: mentioned in nephew’s 73: 152, 153, 155–56, 158–59, port. journal, 72: 118, 132, 136 Bemis, Lydia (Rideout): mother of Ida Bickford, Emily: marries James Kinerson, Clee Bemis, 73: 152, 153, 155–56, 158– 72: 118 59, port. Bickford, Flora: mentioned, 72: 146 Bemis, Serepta Dwinnell: grandmother of Bickford, Mary: mentioned, 72: 146 Ida Clee Bemis, 73: 152 Bickford, Russell: brother of Albert Bick- Benedict, George G.: cited on Battle of ford, 72: 118 Baton Rouge, 72: 35 Bielinski, Stefan: contrib. to New York Benes, Peter: ed. of Dublin Seminar for history book, 73: 197 New England Folklife, Annual Pro- Bierstadt, Albert: mentioned, 73: 208 ceedings reviewed, 72: 180–82, 73: Big Bethel, Battle of, 1861: assault on Big 190–92 Bethel, 72: 26 Benjamin, Asher: discussed in architec- Bigelow, Lucius: quoted on black soldiers, ture book, 72: 85 73: 66–67 222 ..................... Bisson, Ernest: neighbor to Camp Wilson, the Textile Industry Transformed New 73: 169 England, 72: 89–91; Anne Robinson Black, C. E.: Royalton selectman, 73: 146 Clancy, ed., Yankee in a Confederate n14 Town: The Journal of Calvin L. Robin- blacksmithing: John Deere trained in, 73: son, 72: 91–93; Edward J.
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