CANADIAN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST PSYCHOLOGUE CLINICIEN CANADIEN >ij~s~agefro.m the Chair.~ Keith Wilson,a ·M8SUgedUPr6sicl..~j·K8ithWII~on,a .:,;.> . :':'.":.~. ;,::- :.,:";:;'-;. :.-:', .' \ ", ,," .. ;.,.::~:' , Ken BowerRemem~rect-Q;ckSreffyp~" .. ..• NowwerefaCingtbe·C~l18equen~: .~"~~i~k Cummings p. ( , '.gf)~q~idelin8S o~ R8Co~ered Mern0ries& on N~~De8c~minatoryT",abnent , '-t~j"mentsry by Jean Pettlfoj~~' '<,' ":"',~". : '/ . .... ".':"." . '.' 'Charl.Morin - APA Dia,tinguishGd Sc.ientific'Award'P1~:: . • •.Srian Cox- AAB,.~~~~.,s;arc;h~~Avnard:,Pf2: .......•..•... ..•. '. '.' : '. ~. .", . : .",... " .' ···Convention Update ~'I . Netwoifdng ,,, " '~lif1ic.I'Section Busin..... •••.....; Can f6t'N() ~98Executiv8p,s PRIX KEN BoWERS .pour rechercheeffectu6e par unetudjant P 11 . Callfo~'Nomi~~~C»hS'forStud~rltResearch~the ··KEN.aOwERS Award ~,.. Fe"ovis~tth~q;irilcar~ectio~,~. .... •. ... Call for Nominations for FelloWS ofthe Clinical Section piS Demande de ,presentation de mi~es en candidaturesectiion p1. Members ofttie,ClinicalSectiOn. p11 .' " ._, .. > ..- ," Editors Note'P1' . MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR MESSAGE DU PRESIDENT Keith Wilson Keith Wilson In this issue ofCanadian Clinical Psychologist, you will Le present numero du Psychologue clinicien canadien fmd a call for nominations for people who would be willing renferme un appel de candidatures qui s'adresse aux per- to serve on the Executive Committee in the position of sonnes disposees a sieger au Comite executifa titre de either chair-elect or member-at-Iarge. This provides me president designe ou de representant des membres. Ceci with an opportunity to introduce the current members ofthe m'amene a vous presenter les membres actuels du Comite Executive, and also to update the membership on some of executifet de vous mettre au fait de certains projets en our ongoing projects and responsibilities. cours et des responsabilites connexes. The position ofmember-at-large is presently held by Paul Paul Hewitt, de la University ofBritish Columbia, occupe Hewitt, from the University ofBritish Columbia. In this actuellement Ie poste de representant des membres. II est position, Paul is responsible for maintaining the Section charge d'assurer I'essor du bulletin d'information de la Newsletter as a thriving concern (in partnership with our Section (en collaboration avec David Hart, notre inimitable inimitable editor, David Hart). Paul will be stepping down redacteur en chef). Paul quittera Ie Comite executifen juin, from the Executive in June, and we are hoping to fmd an et nous esperons lui trouver un remplalYant enthousiaste. La enthusiastic volunteer to take his place. We know that Paul tache ne sera pas facile, car, apres tout, Paul est un special- will be tough to replace; after all, he's a leading expert on iste du perfectionnisme! the topic ofperfectionism! Candace Konnert, de la University ofCalgary, est tre- Candace Konnert, from the University ofCalgary, is our soriere. Non seulement veille-t-elle a ce que vos deniers treasurer. In addition to making sure that your dues are soient depenses judicieusement, mais elle gere egalement spent wisely, Candace maintains an active research un programme de recherche active en psychologie du vieil- program in the psychology ofageing. lissement. Charles Morin from Laval University, now is the chair­ Charles Morin, de l'Universite Laval, est president elect. You will fmd a profile ofCharles later in this issue. designe. Vous trouverez une notice biographique de Many ofyou may already know Charles -- his research in Charles ailleurs dans ce numero. Bon nombre d'entre vous the treatment ofinsomnia has earned him an early career connaissez peut-etre deja Charles; ses recherches sur Ie award from the American Psychological Association. traitement de I'insomnie lui ont valu un prix en debut de carriere de I'American Psychological Association. Finally, we have "the Wilson boys", as John Service likes to call us. Allan, from the Nova Scotia Hospital in Halifax, Entin, il y a les Wilson boys selon I'expression de John is our past chair. Although Allan will also end his term on Service. Allan, du Nova Scotia Hospital a Halifax, est the Executive in June, he will maintain an active advocacy president sortant. II termine son mandat au Comite executif role in his capacity as the recently elected vice-president of en juin, mais iI continuera de promouvoir activement la CRHSPP (congratulations Allan). In this exalted company, psychologie en tant que vice-president designe du RC- my position as chair has been an easy one to fill. In my pass, poste qu'il occupe depuis peu. Nos felicitations Al- "day job," I am a clinical psychologist at The Rehabilitation lan! Dans cette joyeuse cohorte, il ne m'est pas difficile de Centre in Ottawa. remplir mon mandat de president. Le jour, je suis psycho- logue clinicien au Centre de readaptation d'Ottawa. The role ofthe Executive Committee is to oversee the business ofthe Clinical Section. This largely comprises the Le Comite executifa pour mandat de surveiller les activites publication ofthe newsletter, the arrangement ofsection­ de la Section de la psychologie c1inique, ce qui comprend sponsored activities for the CPA annual convention, principalement la publication du bulletin d'information, responding to CPA requests on matters that require the I'organisation des activites parrainees par la Section pour Ie input ofthe clinical psychology community, and supporting congres annuel de la SCP, Ie traitement des demandes advocacy initiatives that promote clinical psychology. adressees a la SCP sur des questions qui exigent I'apport de Most recently, these initiatives have included mailing psychologues c1iniciens et I' appui des projets de promotion copies ofour information brochure, "The Clinical de la psychologie c1inique. Tout recemment, nous avons Psychologist in Canada," to members ofprovincial envoye par la poste des exemplaires de notre brochure legislatures. We are also sponsoring a position paper on d'information Le psychologue clinicien au Canada aux empirically validated treatments that will outline the membres des legislatures provinciales. Nous parrainons r Section's stance with regard to the emerging developments aussi I'elaboration d'un enonce de principe sur les traite- (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 3) Other major awards were given for wort descnOcd in his Professor Kenneth S. Bowers ofthe University ofWaterloo publications including two books (Hypnosis for the Seri­ Psychology Department died on Thursday, July 4, 1996 OUlIy Curious, in 1976 and the Uaconsciou ReconsJd­ after a year's suffering with brain cancer. Kenneth leaves ered in 1984, the 1Btter in collaboration with Oem Meichen­ his wife Patricia, also a professor in the psychology pr0­ baum). He has published many cbaptcn and a large num· gram, three SODS and their families. beT ofscientific papers, and presented conference papers and spcciallecture. Dr. Bowers was born in the State ofntinois in 1937 and earned an lDldergraduatc degree majoring in Philosophy CoUeagues have described Ken Bowers as one ofthe top and minoring in both Zoology and Chemistry at the Univer­ theorists and researchers in the field ofhypnosis. He is sity ofDlinois in 1959. He continued at lllinois for his Ph. credited with the development ofa theory ofhypnotic re­ D. in Clinical Psychology which was awarded in 1964. membering that has been labeled the "theory ofdissociated Ken came immediately to the Waterloo campus and to em­ control". He also remembered for hisPqdIolt1gblRe­ bark on an iJlUItrious.academ.ic career. He was on duty by view paper in 1973 entitled "Situationism in Psychology: tile fall term of1964-65 with an assistant professor rank AD Analysis and a Critiquo", A coUeague described that and -also a part-time service role in the campus student paper as a "true tour de force that stopped in its tracks the counselling service. Ken had been one ofthe architects of then rampant .,. denial ofindividual differences". This the University ofWaterloo Clinical Training Program and paper is highly respected by personality tbeorists and is a on occasion served as its Ch.airpenon. He was deemed a part oftbe legacy Ken Bowers loft us. highly vaIw:d colleague by other faculty and a superior mentor by his students. In his final days, Dr. Bowen put forward ahyciologbd ) Bu/kIln article that is having a substantial imped on under­ Dr. Bowen was perceived as an academically adventurous standing ofthe false memory syndrome area. 'In the views individual whose wode gravitated towards topics ofgreat ofbis colleagues at Waterloo, throughout Canada and the mystery (the worldngs ofhypnosis, the inbicacies ofun­ continent, his loss is 8 very unfol"tUDate and abrupt conclu­ conscious processes, operational definitions ofpersonal sion to a career that was reaching its peak level ofperfor­ intuitions, as weJl as question pertinent to psychosomatic mance. disorders). His work .earned him many awards. He re­ ceived the F. S. Baily Award as the best undergraduate phi­ losophy studcot in 1959 at the University ofDJillois. As a graduate student, he had a U.S. Public Health Fellowship for several yean, and his post-graduate research earned the The Executive ofthe Clinical Section at its January best research project and the best theoretical paper ofthe meeting<fecided to· name the annualstudentresearm year on multiple occasions from the Society ofClinical and aw$li in honour ofKen Bowers. to be known hence­ ExperimentaJ Hypnosis. KeD was ejected to be
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