Th e Serpentine Leaf- Miner of The Peach , A Species of Lyolletia. By Chukichi Harukawa Nð~akus"i and Nobuma 錨 Yagi. [Dec ember 30 ,1918] L In troduotory Re m 町ko. A considerable amount of aUention has been paid in Japan for a long time to a species of leaf-miner belongillg to the genus Id olletia Hb. as one of of the important peach pests. Sasaki first described this leaf-miner in 190i) and again in 1910. め However , its complete life-history has not been worked out until 1909 , when Kuwana and Takachiho studied this insect at the Imperial Agricul- tural tural Experiment Station ,Tokyo ,and published their re 叩lt in 1911. め In In their paper they used Lyolletia clerkella L. as the spedfic name of this this peach leaf-miner. Since that time no one seems to have studied the life-history life-history of this insect ,though there are a few more descriptions め of it. In In Europe Lyonetia clet ルル L. has been known since the time of Linnaeus. 5 And the accounts of this insect are numerous. Stainton ) described it in Great Great Britain as early as 1859; in Ge rmany Heinemann described this 6 species species in his celebrated work ) which was published from 1863 to 1870 and stated in that work that it was very common on the Continent. Theo- bald 7) reported that it had done considerable inj ury to the apple in a certain district district of Great Britain. Spuler 8】 gives the description of it in his ・'Sch- 9 metterlinge metterlinge Europas ," and Reh ) wrote a brief account of it in Sorauer's “ Pflanzen krankhei ten." Lyonttia Lyonttia clerke l! a L. which all these European authors have discussed seems not to be the same species as the 民中entine peach leaιminer which h 回 been studied in Japan ,though these two are very closely allied. The serpentine serpentine leaf-rniner which we are discussing here does not occur in abun- 1) 1) Sasaki , C. Do b官tsu-gaku z,s shi ,No ・181 ,pp ・381 -3 83,1903 ・ 2) 2) Sas aki , C. Kaju Gaicbu Hen ,4th 回., pp ・56-58 ,19 10. 3) 3) Kuw 岨a, 1. and Takachibo , N. Rpt. Imp. Agr. Exp. St. ,Tokyo , No. 38 ,pp ・99-102 ,1911. 4) 4) Fukaya , C. Jitauyo EDgei-shokubutsu Gaichu Kujo ・ho , 2Dd Ed., pp. 204-207 ,1915 ・ 5) 5) StaintoD , H. T. British BuUerflies and Moths ,Vo 1. 11 ,P・ 424 ,11159 ・ . 6) 6) HeiDemaDD ,1王 v. Die .Schmetterlinge De utschlaDds und der Sc hweiz , 11 Abt. , II Bd., S. S. 703 ,1863-1870. 7) 7) Tbeobald ,F. V. SecoDd Report on Economic ゐ01 句 y ,pp. 37-41 ,1興 4・ 8) 8) Spuler ,;,.. Di e Sc hmetterlinge EllfOp 剖, II Bd. ,S. 422 ,1910. 9) 9) Sorauer , P. Pfl a且zenkrankheiten ,III. Aufl. ,111 副., S.245-246 ,1913 ・ 33 6 C. Harukawa and N. Yagi: dance eve 庁 year ,but occassionally it does such severe injury that most of the 戸 ach-trees in an orchard are almost defoHated. Since Since the summer of 1915 we have been studying the life-history of this this iosect and the results obtained w i11 be reported in the present paper. n Distribution. This illsect has been found in T okyδ ,Kanagawa ,Hyδgo ,Chiba ,Sai- tama ,Shizuoka ,Toyama ,Okayama , Kyushu ,Okinawaηand Morioka. Whether this insect occurs in Hokkaid る or not , is st i11 in doubt ,although . an apple pest: め which is . probably the 時間 as Lyone 仰, clerk e! la L. in Europe has been found there. IIL Life.History and Habits. i) i) Number of Broods. The method of studying is the same as in the case of the rearing of 3 the the Ornix peach leaf-miner ). The record of the rearing is as fo l1 ows: Table 1. R ,ecords of Re a. rings. In In 1916 Generation Generation I 11 III IV v VI VII Oviposition Oviposition 一 June 12-13 ・ July 2-3 ・ July 18-19. Aug.12 AUg.29 Sept. 22 Hatching Hatching 一 .. 17 ー " 7- " 20 ー " 16 ー Sept.3- " 29- Spinning Spinning 一 " 25 一 " 14- " 26- " 23- 一 Oc t.IO- Pu pation 一 " 27- " 15- " 27 ー " 24 一 一 " IS ー Emergence Emergence June Il. July 2- " 18- " 3 1ー " 27- 一 " 24- In 1917 Oviposition Oviposition 一 May 2S June 23 July 12-13 ・ 一 一 一 Hatching Hatching 一 " 29 一 " 26-3 0. " 15- 18 . 一 一 Spinning Spinning May 11- June J[ー July 3- 5・ " 24 ー 一 一 一 pation Pu pation " 14- " 13 ー .. S- 6. " 27- 一 一 一 Emergence Emergence 2 Aug. 2_ " 23 " 20- 4 " 9- 一 一 一 In In 1918 Ov ip<四 ition May 27 一 June 24 ー July 17- 1 Se pt.24- Hatching Hatching " 3 1- " 27- " 20 ー A"噌 12 6925 →-叶4-1 1 AmSe pt. 笹36ー Oct. 2ー Spinning Spinning May 7- June 13 ー Ju1y 3ー " 25 ー " 19-1 " 15- " 13 ー pation Pu pation " 10- " 16- 6- " 27- " - I " " .・ ーーー " Emergence Emergence " 19- 23・ " 22- ー " 10- Aug. 2ー " 25-1 " 22- " 25- 1) 1) Kuwana ,I. and Takachiho ,N. loc. cit. 2) 2) Matsumur a, S. dyo Konchyu.gak u, 1 Ed. ,pp ・48 1!-4 89 ,1917. 3) 3) S開 another 戸 per by the same authors in th 阻“Heft." Lyonetia Lyonetia rniner 337 The rearing was carried on in three seasons , that is ,- in 1916 , 1917 and 1918. On ]une 10 ,1916 we collected pupae of the miner in an orchard orchard near Kurashiki and the rearing was begun j these pupae were those of of the first brood of that year. In 1917 ,we began with the third instar liuvae liuvae that had been collected on May 3・ The adults of the last br'ood of 191Z 191Z which had been overwintering in the outdoor breeding cage produced the the first brood of this year (1918) j we did not however observe w hen they began to oviposit and when the eggs began to hatch. As is seen in the table , the adults which had emerged on ]uly 31 ,1916 , did not lay any eggs eggs and we substituted for them the moths which had emerged on August 10-12. .' The larvae which had hatched on Se ptember 3,1916 , died on account account of some unknown cause j so ,we confined some moths which had emerged on Se ptember 15 , in the cage; but these did not lay any eggs. Again ,we confined several moths on Se ptember 20. 111 this way the rearing was suspended twice for 36 da. 戸・ This year we were able to carry on the rearing rearing without interruption. From the result of rearing and the obser- vations vations in the orchard during these three years ,we conclude that this peach leaf 二miner produces seven generations in a year. The " seventh generation will will probably be a partial one. 1 Kuwana and Takachiho ) have already observed that this species hω seven seven generations in the vicinity of Tokyo. Lyonetia clerkella L. in Europe Z has has been described as having two broods both in England ) and on the Continen r'l. ungtk of tkree stages. Kuwana and Takachiho reported that the length of of the egg , the larval and the pupal stage is about 7, 10 and 7 days ,res- pectively. pectively. The results of our observations are shown in table II. Table Table II. Le ng 色h of Egg ,La rv a.l a. nd Pu p叫 S包 ge. Egg Stage (in day) ¥註ぞ士 I II III IV V VI VII 19 16 一 2 4 7 19 17 一 4 3 3 ,- 一 一 1018 1018 一 4 3 3 6 6 8 . 1) Kuwana ,1. and Takacbiho ,N. I∞. cit. 2) 百 eobald , F. V. loc. cit. 3) 3) so 剛 er , P. loc. cjt. 33 8 C. Harukawa and N. Yagi: La rval Stage (in day) 、、 .y 、¥eargen 『 er ¥a、ti 、on 11 111 IV V VI VII l~h6 一 10 8 7 8 一 16 19 17 一 15 9 12 一 一 19 18 16 9 7 9 12 14 Pupal Pupal Stage (in day) 19 16 9 19 17 19 18 The length of each stage varies with the season in which the miner is is found. .Thus , the period of one life-cy c1 e is from 16 to 32 days; the length length o( the egg stage is from 2 to 8, that of the larval stage from 7 to 16 and that of the pupal stage from 3 to 9 days. We were not able to determine determine the length of the egg and the larval stage of the first brood. ii) ii) Im a. go. Dtscti 戸仇 (a) (a) Morphologica l. Head with tu(t of long scales; face smooth . Antennae as .Iong as fo 民wings , with basal joint broadened ,which , together with with its scales on the front margin , forms an " eye cap." Proboscis not well developed; developed; palpi drooping in the dried specimen; no max i1l ary palp i. Simple eyes eyes absent. Thorax smooth. Abdomen with complicated genitalia in the male and with pointed ovipositor in the female. Forewings narrow; apex prolonged into a long cauda; hindwings lanceolate , costal margin of basal portion portion projecting forwards , with one frenulum in the male and two in the female. female. Neuration of the wing shows some di 仔erence from that o[ Lyonetia clerkella clerkella L.
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