ABBOTT 3 Inst. of North America, Univ. of Calgary 2008; Chevalier ABBOTT, [Caroline] Louise; writer, photographer, fi lm- de l’Ordre national du Québec 2009; Arthur Kroeger Award maker; b. Montreal, Que. 1950; d. William Richard and A (Policy Leadership) 2009; Inductee, Aborig. Bus. Hall of Margaret Langley (Griggs) Abbott; m. Niels Krogh Jensen Fame, Cdn. Council for Aborig. Bus. 2010; Mem., Order of s. Kris and Lilly Jensen 20 Apr. 1985; e. McGill Univ. AARON, Raymond Leonard, B.Sc.; New York Times Canada 2019; recreation: hockey; Offi ce: 6005, boul. de la B.A. (Hons.) Eng. 1972; WRITER AND DOCUMEN- Top Ten Bestselling author, business coach, professional Côte-Vertu, Montréal QC H4S 0B1. TARY PHOTOGRAPHER 1971– ; DOCUMENTARY speaker, real estate entrepreneur; b. Sept. 1944; s. Joseph FILMMAKER 1991– ; engaged in specialized training and Gladys Aaron; married; children: Juli-Ann Elizabeth, ABBOTT, Elizabeth, Ph.D.; writer, historian, dog rescuer; in various centres incl: Banff Centre Sch. of Fine Arts; Emma Jacquelyn; e. Univ. of Toronto B.Sc.(Hons.) on b. Ottawa, Ont. 1942; d. William Richard and Margaret Maritime Writers’ Workshop; Univ. of New Brunswick; scholarship in computers, math. & physics 1966; PRES., Abbott; child: Ivan; e. Sir George Williams Univ. B.A. Concordia Univ.; Saidye Bronfman Centre, Montreal; THE RAYMOND AARON GROUP 1981– ; Mgmt. 1963; McGill Univ. M.A. 1966, Ph.D. 1971; WRITER Le Grand Atelier, Les Rencontres Internationales de la Cons., KPMG 1966–67, 1973–78; Math. Teacher, and SR. RSCH. ASSOC., TRINITY COLLEGE, UNIV. Photographie, Arles, France; Internat. Film & Televi- Newtonbrook S.S. 1969–71; Computer Teacher, Waikato OF TORONTO, Dean of Women 1991–2004; Editor-in- sion Workshops, Rockport Maine 1971–93; CD-ROM Technical Inst., New Zealand 1972; began investing in Chief, The Urban Pet (newspaper) 1991–93; Rsch. Dir., producer, with Kent Benson 1996–99; Editor, McGill News real estate 1973; creator/teacher 12-hour Real Estate Centre d’Etude du Québec, Concordia Univ. 1966–84; Magazine 1973–77 (during which time magazine rec’d. Course 1983–95; opened a real estate bookstore 1984; Prof. of Hist., Dawson Coll., Montreal 1972–84; Reuters numerous awards); DOC (Documentary Organization of launched Wealth Creator Source™ (an interview-of-the- Reporter for Haiti 1986–88; Ed.-in-Chief, Chronicle Canada); The Writers’ Union of Canada; Coopérative des month CD subscription service); founded and operated Publications 1989–91; author Tropical Obsession (play) artistes de Georgeville (Pres., 2011–19); mem., Professional the Millionaire Club 1988–94; launched The Raymond 1986; Haiti: The Duvaliers and their Legacy 1988; A History Writers Assn. of Canada; Quebec Writers’ Fedn. (Bd. of Aaron Group™ VISA Card jointly with Royal Bank of of Celibacy 1999; A History of Mistresses 2003; Sugar: A Dirs. 2007–09); Writer & Dir. of numerous documentary Canada 1989–90; taught the Fire Walk 1990– ; launched Bittersweet History 2008 (shortlist, Charles Taylor Prize for films incl. The History of Nunavik 1993, The Pinnacle ‘Biz U’ business college 1992 with T. Harv Eker 1992–94; Literary Non-Fiction 2009); A History of Marriage 2010 and the Poet 1995, Alexander Walbridge: The Visionary launched Class Action Lawsuit against Bloc Québécois (shortlist, Gov. General’s Award for Non-Fiction 2010); Haiti: of Mystic 2002, Crisscrossing Space and Time: A History Members of Parliament charging them with perjury and A Shattered Nation 2011; Editor-in-Chief Chronicle of of Farm Fencing 2007, Quebec Roots: The Place Where I treason, including injunction requesting that they not Canada 1990; co-compiled L’inventaire de la Collection Live 2008, Giving Shelter: Historic Barns of the Eastern be allowed to sit as Official Opposition 1993; joined Louis-Hippolyte LaFontaine 1968; editor Racism or Re- Townships 2009, A Journey to Remember 2010, Historic Geor- Consumer Direct marketing company, Melaleuca 1994 sponsible Government? The French Canadian Dilemma geville: Walks and Talks with John Boynton 2011, Once Upon and became the fastest business-builder in its history; of the 1840’s 1967; Debates of the Legislative Assembly of a Time 2012, Nunaaluk: A Forgotten Story 2014, Saving the launched the Monthly Mentor™ program MonthlyMentor. United Canada 1841–1854 Vols. 1–19 1970–83; honours: Founder’s Home 2015, The Islands of Lake Memphremagog: com and the Entrepreneur Course 1996; launched ’For Lt. Gov.’s Silver Medal Hist., Sir George Williams Univ. A Natural and Human History 2015, Driving into the Past: Love and Money Retreat’ 1998; launched branding and 1963; Nat. Magazine Award for Environmental Writing A History of Covered Bridges in Quebec 2019, Niels Jensen, marketing workshops iMarketingGeniusConference for ’Haiti: Where Rivers Run Brown’ in Equinox 1991; Co- Cabinetmaker 2019, Portrait of a Round Barn 2019; Writer 2011); launched The 10-10-10 Program™ in 2012 to founder, Riverdale Historical Soc. 1999 (Heritage Toronto & Asst. Dir., Le Filet vide/The Empty Net Radio Québec teach entrepreneurs how to dramatically increase their Community Heritage Award 2007); Mount Sinai Volun- and Discovery Channel 1996 (winner of several awards business by the authority they get by writing a book; launch teer Service Award; City of Toronto Community Service in Canada, France and the U.S., incl. Best Documentary The Ultimate Author Bootcamp in 2012 to help authors Volunteer Award; Ont. Govt. Volunteer Service Award; ’science, environment & technology’ Hot Docs! 96, Toronto); create wealth in their business; honours: Maurice Hutton mem., The Writers’ Union of Canada; PEN Canada; Vol- Narration Writer, ’Mystery of the Blue Whale’ The Nature of Alumni scholarship 1962, Cdn. Achievers Award 1988; unteer, Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra; Bd. of Dirs., St. Things CBC-TV 1998; Producer (CD-ROMs): Visions of the finalist, Internat. Entrepreneur of the Year Award 1988; Patrick’s Benevolent Soc.; Ethical Sugar; Antigua & Barbuda Lower North Shore of Quebec 1997, Bonne Espérance 1999; author A Programmed Instruction Course in the Techniques Assn. of Toronto; Anglican; languages: English, French; author, nonfiction with documentary photographs: The of Calculus 1967; You Can Make a Million in Canadian Real recreation: skating, bicycling, swimming. Coast Way: A Portrait of the English on the Lower North Estate 1987; Vast Profi ts for the 1990’s 1990; Springboard Web: elizabethabbott.ca Shore of the St. Lawrence 1988 (shortlisted for QSPELL to Success 1990; Bloom Where You’re Planted 1993; Is Your award 1989), The French Shore: Newfoundland’s Port-au-Port Life A Random Walk? 1993; Whose In Charge When You’re ABBOTT, Jennifer, B.A.; fi lmmaker; b. Montreal, Que.; Peninsula 1996, preface by E. Annie Proulx, A Country So Not? 1994; Mentor Magic 1995; Discovering How To Do d. John Arthur Roper and Margo Elizabeth Abbott; children: Wild and Grand: A Travel Guide to the Lower North Shore What You Love 1998; Double Your Income 1998; Chicken Weston, Tahlea, Jessa; e. McGill Univ. B.A. (Pol. Sci.) of Quebec 1999, The Heart of the Farm: A History of Barns Soup for the Parents Soul 2000 (on New York Times Top 1987; DIR., FLYING EYE PRODUCTIONS INC.; Media and Fences in the Eastern Townships of Quebec 2008, Eeyou Ten); Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul 2002 (No. 1 Artist & Filmmaker 1990– ; Assoc. Prod., Women’s Labour Istchee: Land of the Cree/Terre des Cris 2010, Memphréma- bestselling nonfiction book in Canada every week for six Hist. Project (Video Prod.), Vancouver 1990–92; Program- gog: An Illustrated History/Une histoire illustrée vol. 1 2014, months); Guaranteed Wealth In Real Estate 2005; The ming Dir., Video In Studios 1992–94; Instr., Emily Carr revised 2017, vol. 2 2017; feature stories and photographs in Monthly Mentor™ Goals Handbook, Enjoying Measur- Univ. of Art & Design 2000–04; director: Skinned 1993, A num. newspapers and magazines; num. group and solo exbns. able Monthly Progress Automagically 2005; Double Your Cow at My Table 1998, Unspeak: Brave New Minds 2013; of photography in Canada and abroad; photographs in several Income Doing What You Love 2008; Branding Small co-dir.: The Corporation 2003; editor: Let It Ride 2006; ed. public colls. incl. Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Business for Dummies 2012 (only author to have done a & contributor: Making Video ‘N’: The Contested Ground of Nat. Gallery of Canada, Library & Archives Canada; research Chicken Soup book and a For Dummies book); completed Alternative Video on Canada’s West Coast 2000; exec. prod. interests: rural and indigenous life and heritage; honours: a 350-mile, month-long footrace to the North Pole 2007; & ed.: Am 2011; writer & ed.: with co-dir./prod. Krista recipient of numerous prizes, arts awards and grants incl. recreation: unicycling, trekking, jogging; Office: 100 Allstate Loughton Us and Them 2014; honours: num. nat. & Canada Council ’B’ grant 1996; CALQ grant 2018; Norman Parkway, Suite 604, Markham ON L3R 6H3. internat. awards for The Corporation incl.: Genie Award, Kucharsky Award for Cultural & Artistic Journalism, LinkedIn: ca.linkedin.com/in/raymondaaron Best Documentary, Acad. of Cdn. Cinema 2005; Audience Periodical (now Professional) Writers’ Assn. of Canada Facebook: www.facebook.com/DoubleYourIncome Award, World Cinema, Sundance Film Fest.; Genesis 2002; Greg Clark Internship Award, Cdn. Journalism Fdn. Twitter: twitter.com/raymondaaron Award, Best Doc., Humane Soc. of the United States; Reel 2002; Stanstead Hist. Soc. (Pres. 1997–98); Brome County Web: aaron.com Room Audience Award for Best Doc., Sydney Film Fest.; Hist. Soc.; Missisquoi Hist. Soc.; former mem., Bd. of Dirs., Best Feature Length Doc., Ecocinema Internat. Film Fest., YWCA, Montreal; Presbyterian; languages: English, French; AARTS, Michelle Marie, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.; scien- Greece; NFB Best Doc. Award, Calgary Internat. Film Fest.; recreation: walking, swimming, reading, film-going. tist, professor; b. St. Marys, Ont. 1970; d. Wm. and H. 6 Leo Awards; Top Ten Films of the Year, Toronto Internat. E-Mail: [email protected] Aarts; m. L. MacManus; two children; e.
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