TICKETS FOR MONTE CARLO PAN-HEL SERIES BALLET RUSSE NOW ON SALE THE DUKE CHRONICLE FRIDAY, 8:15 VOLUME XXX, XLMIiKK 5 DUKE UNIVl'.ll.SlTY. UL HJIA.M. N. i .. V.T.l>\ I'.SI ).\ Y. I'KltliCARY a>S, Ii)!Ma PRICE TEN CENTS DANCING TROUPE Women's Scholastic Average REHEARSALS FOR PAN-HEL TICKETS Interim Report Released TO APPEAR HERE Highest Ever Recorded Here MYSTERY DRAMA PLACED ON SALE; Following Lengthy Meeting ON FRIDAY NIGHT Statistics Show Out of Approximately 700 Students 168 Made SHOW STAR CAST $4.75 FOR SERIES "B" Average; 94 Juniors and Seniors, 71 Of Cirsa Monday Evening Monte Carlo Ballet Russe Out­ Players' Production of Priestly Tickets May Be Secured From Freshmen and Sophomores Committee to Bring Work to standing Entertainment Hit, "Dangerous Corner," Any Junior or Senior Mem­ As Soon As of the Year vealcd by recently compiled s Sara Berenson, Emily BIrge, Nel- Rounding Into Shape ber of Council the women of Duke ersity Ue Bishop, Blma Black, Leona Bowman, Possible PROGRAM BE*GINS AT 8:15 I one of the highest scholastic re­ Evelyn Carper, Mary Chamberlain, Hel- DATE SET AS MARCH 23 DANCES ON MARCH 9-10 fer made here. Ninety-four jun- :ross, Mary Alice Dliley, Ellen Far- ¥50 NEEDED FOR EXPENSE New York En agement of Seven R 1 seniors attained the dean's list Dorothy Forbes, Eva Gantt, Mary Two Veterans!, Five Newcomers Com­ Earl Hines to Play For Two Even tu dents Asked to Contribute to Fund •enty-one sophomores smd frcsh- ise GiHhej, Alma Hedrick, Robbie pose ("list Under Direction of lances and One a\fternoon Thursday Morning at Assem­ smen made the necssary require- rick, Elizabeth Huls, Margaret Hum- A. T. West Tea Dance bly Period for this list to which they are Catherine Isenhoasr, Virginia Jordan, siblc. Tims out of a possible 700 e Sue Kernodle, Katheryn Kiker, Ith the presentation date definitely Ao interim report of the Committee ir Investigation and Recommendation aMarjorie King, Anita Knox, Teraesin as thc evening of March 23, the i Student Affairs was given to the aws, Mary Jane Mulford, Anita Mor­ Duke Players have begun their third uiiO.N-ici.s: following a lengthy meeting Jist ay, Katherine Nicks, Caroline Phillips, The s of rehearsal of J. B. Priestly'a ? the committee Monday night. e Annette 1 sennlh Powell, Isahelle Fugh, Caroline ry drama, "Dangerous Corner." Tlie committee asks that the students IVlcslilu- er, Cecily Berlin, K, iefie, Lena Sear, Priscillsi Smith, Nancy lise at least JB0.QO to pay expenses ally scheduled to go on the Page losaoelle Cash, Elaine lone, Trnrlu Strickland, Sarah Thomp- emeographing tbe final re- Childs, Sarah Culbreth, Helen Daniel, in, Jane Triplet^ Mai l'Tourno; Van the night of March 9, the date of i'lu- sidvsiLKT sssie- aal tk'^aa't- hsi-s isa.. Studen of I Anna Katherine Davis, Virginia Dillon, lercn, Ethel White, and Jane Williams. the play was postponed to avoid ci unusually good; many requests hue and i sbers of the Student Elinor Douglass, Charling Dowling, Amy come from Chapel Hill, Raleigh, (.Ircin Council will stand at the doors to Page Duke, Doris tireen, Elisabeth Hicks, which will be held that even auditorium Thursday morning at the Mary By nun) Holmes, Mary Louise beginning of assembly to receive dona- Home, Marion Jackson, Mary J, Mona Jenkins, Cliarlotte Johnston, garly, Mrs. W. M. Bak< The implete report i srt Lackey, Anna Brown Li Bennett, Roth Bowman, A. T. West, has shown of 13 per cen iclia Love, Mary Harvey Love, ton, Frances Chaffee, Ji rovement this week. The "To the Students of 1 sail)- l.e-lle-g t McCoy, Mildred MeKinney, Helen Dorothy Flehbe, Rubye Fogel, Betty cond acts have heen roughed council. t Duke University; ali, Ethel Nachamson, Mi Freimel, Caroline Goldberg, Jane Hais- rt on the third and linal act EARL HINES "Your Committee for Investigation and a 1'ilip, • lii-b- lip, Betty Holsema, Mary Elliot Hen- 1 i. utile) eaay. All parts leased, Mr. S Recommendation on Student Affairs has n, Nancy Hudson, Margaret Izard, d at the tryouts more than of tbe eommi itudjed the problems connected with Lola Marie r Rogers, Ber nice Rose, Alice Jones, Catherine Lyon, Annie ago. ing him in p DEBATE TRYOUTS •Staright, Susan Sheppnrd, Mary Sink, c .Wae-.-.ain. Frances Faist, Ernes- us Corner" scored an instant Embree Slack, Marie Smith, Mary Tag- : Pelgrii Ilea ry loliee and the problems connected with mplre theatre, in New York HELD ON MARCH I lie running of the student publicatioi gart, Mildred Taylor, Sarah Katherine Rhodes, Marioi lour committee has unanimously dis- Taylor, Laura Nell Thrift, Virginia Til- Isobel Ehriner, Eleano: Plan Two Trips For Debate ipproved of the system of punitive fines lotson, Augusta Walker, Dorris Welles, glnia w.itkins. Prances Team; One to Georgia and •vliich has existed in Trinity college; Pauline Willingham, Bessie Wilson, and Zuckerman. Total—30. anic Council will lend (lie series spoils,., One to North ithy Wyvell. Total—51. The freshman honor list consists of the .en a figure. Miss Marjorie Could of At of X.ea s list II •Min (Continned on jiHaeje eight) ianta, Georgia, accompanied hy Mr. Sol FOUR HOME DEBATES will lead thc figure, •f Ibe • dances, sponsored by thc Pan lie Council, will be held lo tli. PHI BETA KAPPA QUEEN SELECTED Memorial gymnasium on March H ani Hines and his orchestra an ELECTS FIFTEEN FOR FESTIVITIES the Duke tampus direct fron ; is: Resolved, The Terrace cafe in Chicago when of bank deposits a Ten Seniors, Three Alumni, and us sin Sheppard Elected May nave played a leading part in th Federal legislation t Two Faculty Members Queen Monday Night For dazzling night life of the Lake City. Hioe Are Chosen Annual Spring E: is one of the leading pianists i til,- country. in his orchestra is a glam rseii. torch singer of the Jean Harlos n all of these matter: ,-v, and his arrangements are of a mos election s. Ibr. c Itiaiclintf style. Earl Hines has bees ni and two members su' the faculty, •ell praised wherever he has played am se seniors are; Ira Stanley lloss, simes to the Duke campus with the fines ark, N. J.l J- J. Zeren, Canton, Ohio; ^commendations. Celestine Marie Beamer, Burley, Idaho; Karl llincs, himself from Gre Dorothy B. Wyvell, Washington, D. C; aid of J. O. Otis, Providence, R. I.j R. E. more, Md.; Hanes Clement, Mocksvllle, irranges all of his ;ohler, York, Pa.j Edna Marie Smith, N. C.; Helen Daniels, Columbia, inly of newcome: one players, to Petrograd who now pass o: sleveland, Ohio; Burke McCuire Smith, Mary Louise Home, Rocky Mount, Nl rs. <^>mposil of the great tradition in Paris C; Annie Kflte Debman, Courtlnnd obert ChatAeld ii ,- I,Visible role. this peer of r liirham, N. t; Elizabeth Hugh HIeks, i Duke will meet thi ed them all into a gifted and Helen Wyatt, W. Medford, Mass. lurham, N. Cj Mary Stuart Lackey, successful in a guslis Walker, Elisabeth City, N. C. ids i.ii thes, Christian so urg. Va. Great Catherine" Emma Fanton, Doris Welles, Pensacolu, Fla,; Kathe- Miss Moektidge, and Alfred Harding, a Miss The rine Serfas, Easton, Pa.; Ann Ki Chafles Stanton, have appeared bef of the faculty of the W( Portsmouth, Va.; Jane Miller, Ports- In one-act bills, while Emily Abel, as MANCHESTER IS sn's college at Greensboro, N. C; C mouth, Va.; and Amy Duke, Fort ' Olwen Peel, and Jane Lee Jon. NEW DEAN'S LIST . H. Britt, of the New York Work Betty Whitehouse, have had dra legrai,,. anal Prof. H. E. Myers, of th lla. FROSH SPEAKER FIVE TRIAL ISSUES Miss Shcppard attended Gr<* SHOWS INCREASE Jew Freshman Dean Asks < Dean Herring Announces 109 TO APPEAR SOON honorary members Dr. A. operation and Support :appa Alpha Tbcla sorority, of which e, head of the department of zo­ Men Granted Privilege of inizatlon she Is president. She is of Class Armstrong, Squires, Moorhead, ology of Duke university, and Di Unrestricted Absences daughter of Senator and Mrs. Ship- Long, and Archbold K. iGreene, dean of undergraduat No information is as yet available cerniliK Ibr staging of thc production, Fallowing Dean Man K. Handiest Will Compete sion of Duke university, were 29 DROPPED FROM LIST but it is exapeeted that it will he handle itroductory speech at the meeting of ADMINISTRATION LIFTS FIRST ISSUE* IS MARCH 7 by the same efficient crew that has mai -cshmnsi class Saturday, February 21, in aged previous presentations. Fred Hague, age auditorium, Wade Marr, cha REGULATION OF FROSH Dean's L st for the prese racstcr has Trial issues of the CiinosictE, BAR ASSOCIATION business manager of the Players, has an f thc asouunitlee which drew up thi ccenfly m Dean Her- which flee members of the present ed iionnccd that tickets sales will begi: nag's OH x. A marked torial staff will try out for the positir. MEETS THURSDAY within tlie next two weeks. as.tiec sabli in that tlie fall Ii of editor-in-chief for the school year of Will Present Study of Recovery compared with 109 n the pre. 1034-1935, will begin with the issi ent list. Programs Being Employed MANY DUKE CO-EDS MEMBERS OF JUNIOR The nu nber of senior he list in- 11, the first date of publication follow­ in Various Countries COUNCIL MEET FRIDAY reased f om 37 of last sem ster to 4? ing the Easter holidays. Those who SELF-HELP STUDENTS n thc pi Ten wdl he in charge of the newspaper for Purpose of Meeting Ia to Discus Iroped f om the list anc rally to More Tha these publications in order of their trial Plains For Junior Prom were added.
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