Malmborg's Greenhouse 2021 Patent List

Malmborg's Greenhouse 2021 Patent List

MALMBORG'S GREENHOUSE 2021 PATENT LIST Item Genera Series/Variety Add Delete Tray Breeder/ Number Size Supplier 1450 Abutilon Lucky Lantern Red 25 Plant Havn/QC 1455 Abutilon Lucky Lantern Tangerine 25 Plant Havn/QC 1460 Abutilon Lucky Lantern Yellow 25 Plant Havn/QC 1500 Acalypha Pendula Chenille (2 per cell) 25 PSI 1583 Ageratum Bumble Blue 25 Westhoff/PSI 1586 Ageratum Bumble Rose 25 Westhoff/PSI 1589 Ageratum Bumble Silver 25 Westhoff/PSI 1595 Alternanthera Choco Chili 25 Westhoff/PSI 1710 Alternanthera Little Ruby 25 Quality 1715 Alternanthera Party Time 25 Quality 1725 Angelonia Angelos Bicolor 25 PAC Elsner/PSI 1730 Angelonia Angelos Blue 25 PAC Elsner/PSI 1727 Angelonia Angelos Blue & White 25 PAC Elsner/PSI 1729 Angelonia Angelos Lavender Pink 25 PAC Elsner/PSI 1735 Angelonia Angelos White 25 PAC Elsner/PSI 1865 Angelonia Carita Purple 25 GoldFisch 1870 Angelonia Carita Raspberry 25 GoldFisch 1875 Angelonia Carita White 25 GoldFisch 1960 Argyranthemum Beauty Yellow 25 Westhoff/PSI 1965 Argyranthemum Butterfly Yellow 25 PSI 1964 Argyranthemum Grandessa Dark Pink 25 Suntory 1966 Argyranthemum Grandessa Pink Halo 25 Suntory 1967 Argyranthemum Grandessa Red Imp. 25 Suntory 1968 Argyranthemum Grandessa White Imp. IMPROVED 25 Suntory 1969 Argyranthemum Grandessa Yellow 25 Suntory 1970 Argyranthemum Honeybee White Butterfly 25 Volmary/PSI 2026 Argyranthemum Sassy Double Deep Rose 25 GoldFisch 2031 Argyranthemum Sassy Double Yellow 25 GoldFisch 2040 Argyranthemum Sassy Red 25 GoldFisch 2043 Argyranthemum Sassy Rose 25 GoldFisch 2046 Argyranthemum Sassy White 25 GoldFisch 2095 Artemisia Fancifillers Sea Salt 25 Westhoff/PSI 2097 Artemisia Makana 25 Danziger 2099 Artemisia Parfum d'Ethiopa NEW 25 Dummen 2100 Artemisia Silver Brocade 25 PSI 2150 Asparagus Fern Sprengeri 24 Malmborgs 2195 Bacopa (2 per cell) Calypso Jumbo Deep Lavender 25 GoldFisch 2197 Bacopa (2 per cell) Calypso Jumbo Lilac 25 GoldFisch 2201 Bacopa (2 per cell) Calypso Jumbo Pink Eye 25 GoldFisch 2199 Bacopa (2 per cell) Calypso Jumbo Rose 25 GoldFisch 2205 Bacopa (2 per cell) Calypso Jumbo White 25 GoldFisch 2260 Bacopa (2 per cell) Epic White 25 Westhoff/PSI 2315 Bacopa (2 per cell) Scopia Double Snowball 25 Danziger/PSI 2325 Bacopa (2 per cell) Scopia Great Pink Ring 25 Danziger/PSI 2335 Bacopa (2 per cell) Scopia Gulliver Blue 25 Danziger/PSI 2344 Bacopa (2 per cell) Scopia Gulliver Pink 25 Danziger/PSI 2350 Bacopa (2 per cell) Scopia Gulliver White Imp. 25 Danziger/PSI 2490 Bidens Beedance Painted Red 25 Suntory/PSI 2491 Bidens Beedance Yellow 25 Suntory/PSI 2492 Bidens Blazing Fire 25 Danziger/PSI 2495 Bidens Cupcake Banana Cream 25 Plant Havn/PSI 2496 Bidens Cupcake Strawberry 25 Plant Havn/PSI 2498 Bidens Giant Sun Francisco NEW 25 Westhoff/PSI MALMBORG'S GREENHOUSE 2021 PATENT LIST Item Genera Series/Variety Add Delete Tray Breeder/ Number Size Supplier 2499 Bidens Giant Sun Louis 25 Westhoff/PSI 2505 Bidens Mexican Gold 25 GoldFisch 2510 Bidens Mexican Gold Compact 25 GoldFisch 2512 Bidens Mexican Gold Jumbo 25 GoldFisch 2515 Bidens Mexican Gold Semi-Double 25 GoldFisch 2525 Bidens Pretty in Pink 25 Danziger/PSI 2530 Bidens White Delight 25 Danziger/PSI 2610 Brachyscome (1 per cell) Fresco Candy 25 Danziger/PSI 2605 Brachyscome (2 per cell) Brasco Violet 25 Danziger/PSI 2750 Bracteantha Cottage Bronze 25 Westhoff/PSI 2752 Bracteantha Cottage Ice 25 Westhoff/PSI 2753 Bracteantha Cottage Lemon 25 Westhoff/PSI 2754 Bracteantha Cottage Pink 25 Westhoff/PSI 2755 Bracteantha Cottage Rose 25 Westhoff/PSI 2780 Bracteantha Yellow 25 PSI 2850 Bridal Veil (2 per cell) Tahitian, White Flower 25 PSI 2866 Calendula Cheers Orange 25 Danziger 2870 Calendula Cheers Yellow 25 Danziger 2872 Calibrachoa Cabrio Amethyst 25 GoldFisch 2874 Calibrachoa Cabrio Burgundy 25 GoldFisch 2876 Calibrachoa Cabrio Eclipse Lilac 25 GoldFisch 2877 Calibrachoa Cabrio Eclipse Strawberry 25 GoldFisch 2878 Calibrachoa Cabrio Grape 25 GoldFisch 2879 Calibrachoa Cabrio Pink w/Eye 25 GoldFisch 2881 Calibrachoa Cabrio Sweet Peach 25 GoldFisch 2882 Calibrachoa Cabrio Yellow 25 GoldFisch 2901 Calibrachoa Calitastic Aubergine Star NEW 25 Westhoff/PSI 2902 Calibrachoa Calitastic Ballerina 25 Westhoff/PSI 2904 Calibrachoa Calitastic Blood Orange NEW 25 Westhoff/PSI 2905 Calibrachoa Calitastic Gold 25 Westhoff/PSI 2907 Calibrachoa Calitastic Golden Sun NEW 25 Westhoff/PSI 2910 Calibrachoa Calitastic Ice Blue 25 Westhoff/PSI 2915 Calibrachoa Calitastic Indigo 25 Westhoff/PSI 2920 Calibrachoa Calitastic Mango 25 Westhoff/PSI 2921 Calibrachoa Calitastic Marooned 25 Westhoff/PSI 2922 Calibrachoa Calitastic Orange Imp. IMPROVED 25 Westhoff/PSI 2923 Calibrachoa Calitastic Papaya 25 Westhoff/PSI 2925 Calibrachoa Calitastic Plumberry Pop 25 Westhoff/PSI 2930 Calibrachoa Calitastic Pumpkin Spice 25 Westhoff/PSI 2932 Calibrachoa Calitastic Raspberry NEW 25 Westhoff/PSI 2935 Calibrachoa Calitastic Red Lips 25 Westhoff/PSI 2937 Calibrachoa Calitastic Strawberry 25 Westhoff/PSI 2945 Calibrachoa Calitastic White 25 Westhoff/PSI 2950 Calibrachoa Callie Apricot 25 GoldFisch 2952 Calibrachoa Callie Blue 25 GoldFisch 2960 Calibrachoa Callie Burgundy 25 GoldFisch 2965 Calibrachoa Callie Coral 25 GoldFisch 2977 Calibrachoa Callie Dark Red 25 GoldFisch 2979 Calibrachoa Callie Eclipse Lavender 25 GoldFisch 2981 Calibrachoa Callie Eclipse Lilac 25 GoldFisch 2986 Calibrachoa Callie Eclipse Strawberry 25 GoldFisch 2990 Calibrachoa Callie Light Blue 25 GoldFisch 2995 Calibrachoa Callie Mango 25 GoldFisch 3000 Calibrachoa Callie Orange 25 GoldFisch MALMBORG'S GREENHOUSE 2021 PATENT LIST Item Genera Series/Variety Add Delete Tray Breeder/ Number Size Supplier 3013 Calibrachoa Callie Pink Morn 25 GoldFisch 3015 Calibrachoa Callie Pink w/ Eye 25 GoldFisch 3017 Calibrachoa Callie Purple Improved NEW 25 GoldFisch 3025 Calibrachoa Callie Rose 25 GoldFisch 3042 Calibrachoa Callie Star Orange 25 GoldFisch 3029 Calibrachoa Callie Strawberry 25 GoldFisch 3045 Calibrachoa Callie White 25 GoldFisch 3055 Calibrachoa Callie Yellow 25 GoldFisch 3075 Calibrachoa Candy Shop Candy Bouquet Imp. 25 Westhoff/PSI 3080 Calibrachoa Candy Shop Candy Crush 25 Westhoff/PSI 3077 Calibrachoa Candy Shop Chocolate NEW 25 Westhoff/PSI 3090 Calibrachoa Candy Shop Fancy Berry 25 Westhoff/PSI 3082 Calibrachoa Candy Shop Grape Splash Imp. IMPROVED 25 Westhoff/PSI 3085 Calibrachoa Candy Shop Sweet Dreams 25 Westhoff/PSI 3087 Calibrachoa Chameleon Atomic Orange 25 Westhoff/PSI 3089 Calibrachoa Chameleon Berry Daring 25 Westhoff/PSI 3092 Calibrachoa Chameleon Blackberry Pie NEW 25 Westhoff/PSI 3145 Calibrachoa Chameleon Blueberry Scone 25 Westhoff/PSI 3147 Calibrachoa Chameleon Fashionista NEW 25 Westhoff/PSI 3150 Calibrachoa Chameleon Frozen Ice NEW 25 Westhoff/PSI 3151 Calibrachoa Chameleon Indian Summer 25 Westhoff/PSI 3153 Calibrachoa Chameleon Lemon Berry 25 Westhoff/PSI 3155 Calibrachoa Chameleon Milky Pink NEW 25 Westhoff/PSI 3156 Calibrachoa Chameleon Sunshine Berry 25 Westhoff/PSI 3158 Calibrachoa Chameleon Tart Deco 25 Westhoff/PSI 3160 Calibrachoa Firewalker NEW 25 Westhoff/PSI 3279 Calibrachoa Million Bells Butter Pop 25 Suntory/PSI 3162 Calibrachoa Skywalker NEW 25 Westhoff/PSI 3400 Calocephalus brownii Whimsy Silver 25 GoldFisch 3480 Chlorophytum comosum Green w/White Edge 25 PSI 3485 Chlorophytum comosum White w/Green Edge 25 PSI 3650 Cleome Clio Magenta 25 Danziger/PSI 3653 Cleome Clio Pink Lady 25 Danziger/PSI 3750 Coleus Alabama Sunset 25 PSI 3755 Coleus Beckwith's Gem 25 PSI 3950 Coleus Burgundy Wedding Train 25 Sakata/Innova 3765 Coleus Chaotic Rose 25 PSI 3768 Coleus Color Clouds Honeybear 25 Terra Nova/PSI 3767 Coleus Color Clouds Hottie 25 Terra Nova/PSI 3771 Coleus Color Clouds Valentine 25 Terra Nova/PSI 3775 Coleus Dark Star 25 PSI 3780 Coleus Defiance 25 PSI 3785 Coleus Dipt in Wine 25 PSI 3787 Coleus Fancy Feathers Black 25 Terra Nova/PSI 3789 Coleus Fancy Feathers Copper 25 Terra Nova/PSI 3791 Coleus Fancy Feathers Pink 25 Terra Nova/PSI 3790 Coleus Finger Paint 25 PSI 3800 Coleus Fishnet Stockings 25 PSI 3805 Coleus Flamingo 25 PSI 3810 Coleus Gay's Delight 25 PSI 3815 Coleus Glennis 25 PSI 3812 Coleus Globetrotters Gaga 25 Terra Nova/PSI 3814 Coleus Great Falls Angel 25 Dummen MALMBORG'S GREENHOUSE 2021 PATENT LIST Item Genera Series/Variety Add Delete Tray Breeder/ Number Size Supplier 3816 Coleus Great Falls Iguazu 25 Dummen 3817 Coleus Great Falls Niagara 25 Dummen 3819 Coleus Great Falls Yosemite 25 Dummen 3818 Coleus Hipsters Luca 25 Terra Nova/PSI 3825 Coleus Jupiter 25 PSI 3830 Coleus Kingswood Torch 25 PSI 3835 Coleus Kiwi Fern 25 PSI 3837 Coleus Le Freak NEW 25 Dummen 3840 Coleus Mariposa 25 PSI 3850 Coleus Oxblood 25 PSI 3849 Coleus Party Time Lime 25 Sakata/Innova 3851 Coleus Party Time Pink Berry 25 Sakata/Innova 3847 Coleus Party Time Pink Fizz 25 Sakata/Innova 3856 Coleus Party Time Raggae Salmon 25 Sakata/Innova 3852 Coleus Party Time Red Bolero 25 Sakata/Innova 3853 Coleus Party Time Ruby Punch 25 Sakata/Innova 3854 Coleus Party Time Sangria 25 Sakata/Innova 3855 Coleus Peters Wonder 25 PSI 3860 Coleus Pineapple Beauty 25 PSI 3865 Coleus Pineapplette 25 PSI 3870 Coleus Pistachio Nightmare 25 PSI 3885 Coleus Rustic Orange 25 PSI 3890 Coleus Saturn 25 PSI 3895 Coleus Solar Eclipse 25 PSI 3900 Coleus Solar Flair 25 PSI 3910 Coleus Solar Red 25 PSI 3925 Coleus Solar Sunrise 25 PSI 3962 Coleus Terra Nova Bright Spark 25 Terra Nova/PSI 3966 Coleus Terra Nova Electric Slide 25 Terra Nova/PSI 3954 Coleus Terra Nova Lumen 25 Terra Nova/PSI 3970 Coleus Terra Nova Marrakesh 25 Terra Nova/PSI 3974 Coleus Terra Nova Peridot

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