10 TITE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1911. FIELDER JONES IS. FORMER LEADER OF CHICAGO WHITE SOX ELECTED PRE SI- - LVERTON WILL DENT OF NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE YESTERDAY.. I &$?M2Z Washington, Kpjlt-- Fifth Where you'll find LEAGUE PRESIDENT STICK TO CHASE everything that a Headquarters of Northwestern Highlanders' New Manager Is MAN really and Will , Sure Hal Is Best First- -' Circuit Be Situated . truly wants in Portland. Sacker in Game. WALLA WALLA IS GLOOMY NO BIG TRADES. PENDING A and where you pay nothing extra for the Mac n City' Happy Hogan Offered Chance tirf Get air Cannot Hnd to Pair & Elmer Strlcklett, but Latter Woa't prestige contributed by the name of "Robinson With Applicant. So OranUatioii 9 Will Itfmain a Kii-Cl- Play on Coast Gray Co." that will go with it! For example: Proposition. Seat to Rochester. I J Handkerchiefs, Suspenders put Christmas Hosiery, 25o to $3.50. i up individually or collectively in at- Christmas Gloves. $1.50 to $3.00. .... - " on tractive "boxes, 50c to $2.50; Traveling Bagrs, $5.00 to $25.00. tfKATTLE. Wwh, no. 21. SpetUI. I: ... i ., , ....... I Harry Wolverton Is not figuring i a ' - i -1 -- "despite dispatches House Coats, Bath Robes and Silk Merchandise Certificates. The slate- was not even ; ; f trading Hal Chase, scratched at V , Stein-Bloc- the meet in of the i ',;' from New Tork to that effect a few Pajamas, $5 to $20; special now at h Suits, Tuxedo and Northwestern ago.- League days The' new. boas of the New - Dress Suits, Overcoats, Rain- tnts afternoon and evening at York Kilties counts Chase the great- 20 per cent discount. Full the Seattle HoteL KirMer Joni wis est first sacker in. the business and Christinas Neckwear, 50c to $3.50. coats at 20 per cent off. presented by W, W. MrCrelie. says he does not expect any trouble amd the lea cue magnates elected htm with the former manager. Wolverton president without even taking off their Oakland on Satur- and caiiina; one another names. left New York for rota - day, but before departing give voice It a;ra without iyin- tnat the head- to the following: quarters of the l?uau will be trans- "I might make one or two minor On ferred to Portland as soon as the type- trades before the Spring trslnlng trip, "Where writer and desk can be boxed. am angling for none but the very Washing- Th delegation from Walla Walla but I YOU s best men. Under no circumstances will Jolted th mug-nate- so hard that It I part with Hal Chase. He is the ton Near mas 10 S o'clock tonlaht before all greatest Inflelder of all time. Such get the hands threw up the sponge and In- 'V T J- - players tiappen along only once In a Fifth formed Messrs. Uron, Scott and iltirns lifetime, and Chase I consider one of BEST" that it was simply Impossible to select the greatest assets, of the profession. an eighth city to pair with WutU Chsse and I are very good friends. I Walla. feel sure that he will play his very The resolution presented by T. H best, for he Is Indeed glad to be free Iua;dale. of Seattle, and adopted did from the managerial burdens. Around not reject Wall Wallas application Hal I purpose to build up a strong for membership. Tt simply said tht Infield. Earl Gardner I know to be proposition mas X the trnpoihle for the a wonderful second baseman. saw weight championship match with John squad. Joseph Wunderllch was selected waive on Vic Saier. Bresnahan quotes romlna: season, but that Walla Waila perform In the League n, Murphy Murphy would him Eastern i. in. Anao-a- tit t o Rons, tele as while the managership as saying that should have the first vranc y. two years ago. I know nothing of to this went to Leo Furney. The players were run him out of the National League. but everyone tells me he proved graphed Promoter Gustafson charges that Mm laba Rrsaalau Dolan. effect from Salt Lake yesterday. given a banquet after the meeting and Bresnahan further a wonder for New York at tbe close was prospects for next year were discussed. Murphy accused him . of falsehood in The circuit will remain as previously past season. ' The great Chicago wanted Saier for the announced : I 'ortlund, Seattle. Van- of the scheduled to throw Helnrich twice in saying that he couver, "Birdie Cree is one of the best out- night, local team. He accused the local man- Victoria. Taroma and Spokane. In- Is an hour at Baker on Friday tut BRESNAHAN ACCCSES MURPHY took a Ions; to sched- fielders the business, and so ager of working for the Toronto club. It time jret the I . Ross intimated mat imsi iiui.u ule thorough ly digested, but when It Harry Wolter. The pitching staff i. mj rr rcnunt of the bout was should be greatly strengthened by the means so much to his Lucky Baldwin's Trainer Dead. finally adopted it presented all the addition of Long George McConnell. with Berg which St. Louis Manager Demands Public salient feature as outlined by e J A. UK protege. Ky., Dec. 21. A pri- are KIKI.DKH JOES PORTLAND. Everybody in the International League "Cyclone Magnate. LEXINGTON. ad McCredie. It miirht be said with- declares this fellow the best prospect Berg claims that Demetral. Apology From Cub vate telegram was received here today out exasperation that It mas a Port- Burns, Peters. Fred Beel and himself Bresna-ha- n, Cal., . In league. Russell Ford I ST. LOUIS, Dec 21. Roger announcing the death at Arcadia, met-tlnc- Barrow's chance land a renl tribute to the Is are the only men who have a manager St. Louis McClelland, famous turf- know. He the best twtrler I have 1 -. ' l. .... .... tftlA mr of the National of John the hta"h esteem In which cut) " J this bout- "Lucky" ever seen. I looked, hint over enough 11 u&ub one or Baseball Club, announced today he had man and horsetrainer for Is held by the baseball men. lie means the elimination of the prefe-rre- 62 years old The first score was made within to realize that when he was with Jer- met before charges against Charle W. Baldwin. He was and a was permitted to dictate the selection kick-of- f. other. The men have not Byron McClelland, minute of the that belna; the sey City. Jack Warhop pitched for rs Murphy, of the Chicago Nationals, and brother of the late of m president and his work on although both have conquered Com- the only Koal In the Ilrst period, though "HAP" WANTS "ART" me st Wllliamsport. and I have a lot coun- had demanded that the National noted horseman, of Lexington. schedule was adopted with only a few manna-e- two more in I In various parts of tbe Murphy 'apologize pub- . the winners to ret of faith the little fellow. could mission make minor chances. In the second half, through Williams use a good-catche- now that Blair has try. licly to him. Berg-Demetr- al will be $3 Per Month Rent. The Sf;son will open April I and II op an. These two Hall and out, and I could use a good The match The charges are a result of a wordy n and with been let on Friday night, , "lose September 1. the open in if Apklns were tbe mainstays of the Hol-lada- y outfielder, too. We may make some staged in the Armory war between Bresnahan and Murphy A piano, Chickering-- Kimball, Kohler. day Portland plays In Seattle. Tacoma eleven, while for Woodlawn, trades, but if not we will have to take December 2jat 8:15 o'clock. in New York last Friday, which re- Fisher and many other makes. Kohler in Vancouver, and Victoria at Spokane. Captain Berard received greatest as- our chances In landing live ones from sulted because Bresnahan would not & Chase, 376 Washington street. Holiday a Are Appartloaed. sistance from Henderson and the right Hogan Hopes to Land Krueger our recruits." WHITMAN MAY PLAY OREGON to Holiday awards e made as fol- wirjr forwards. The lineup: Wolverton Is said to be trying lows: Memorial day Seattle In Spo-can- e. ITniiaday. Position. Woodlawn. for His Vernon Club. land Shortstop McBride and Catcher Vancouver in Tacoma, Victoria r.iituer . ....., ........ Alnsmlth from Washington. Ed Swee- Unless Game Is Arranged With n n . Henderson ney bulk of catching tnd Portland In Seattle. n:i L. .. will do the the Antera i: Griffiths business as in- Washington Guarantee Promised. Fourth of July Victoria at Seattle, . R II I. Da via unless he retires Into Tacoma at Spokane, and Vancouver at Smittt . .c ii y . Iay timated In Chicago. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Dec 21. Portland. Wi:oii . L HB Wrlht play Mruan . , . .O H Krurer MUCH ESTEEMED (Special.) Whitman expects to Ta-o- F... FIELDER ...Brooklyn, noti- Charley Labor day Victoria in Spokane. rat'ewn . ...I K F... Plntt Ebbetts, of Oregon here next Fall, and, as Oregon In Seattle, and Vancouver in Wi!i .. C F Borsard fied Hap Hogan a few days ago that ami L. 450 Whit- A pKina .. .. .1 F. .. B ack veil he could have the use of Elmer Strlck- gave Whitman a guarantee, Portland. .. Rlngatead same con- Ii.m outlaw Inventor of the spit-bal- l, man will probably guarantee the Seattle will be riven Tlrtually l;fere Ins Ms. lett. the George Cole, chairman of tinuous bull, tt havlncc been arranged Tlie proposed pa me for Christmas if he desired.
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