MUZIKOLOŠKI ZBORNIK MUSICOLOGICAL ANNUAL L II /2 ZVEZEK/VOLUME L J U B L J A N A 2 0 1 6 Marking the 70th Anniversary of ICTM and 20th Anniversary of CES Folk Slovenia. Music, Sound and Ecology Ob sedemdesetletnici ICTM in dvajsetletnici KED Folk Slovenija. Glasba, zvok in ekologija MZ_2016_2_FINAL.indd 1 8.12.2016 12:28:49 Izdaja • Published by Oddelek za muzikologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani Urednik številke • Volume edited by Svanibor Pettan (Ljubljana) Glavni in odgovorni urednik • Editor-in-chief Jernej Weiss (Ljubljana) Asistentka uredništva • Assistant Editor Tjaša Ribizel (Ljubljana) Uredniški odbor • Editorial Board Matjaž Barbo (Ljubljana) Aleš Nagode (Ljubljana) Svanibor Pettan (Ljubljana) Leon Stefanija (Ljubljana) Andrej Rijavec (Ljubljana), častni urednik • honorary editor Mednarodni uredniški svet • International Advisory Board Michael Beckermann (Columbia University, USA) Nikša Gligo (University of Zagreb, Croatia) Robert S. Hatten (Indiana University, USA) David Hiley (University of Regensburg, Germany) Thomas Hochradner (Mozarteum Salzburg, Austria) Bruno Nettl (University of Illinois, USA) Helmut Loos (University of Leipzig, Germany) Jim Samson (Royal Holloway University of London, UK) Lubomír Spurný (Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic) Katarina Tomašević (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Serbia) John Tyrrell (Cardiff University, UK) Michael Walter (University of Graz, Austria) Uredništvo • Editorial Address Oddelek za muzikologijo Filozofska fakulteta Aškerčeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija e-mail: [email protected] http://revije.ff.uni-lj.si/MuzikoloskiZbornik Prevajanje • Translations Urban Šrimpf Cena posamezne številke • Single issue price 10 EUR Letna naročnina • Annual subscription 20 EUR Založila • Published by Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani Za založbo • For the publisher Branka Kalenić Ramšak, dekanja Filozofske fakultete Tisk • Printed by Birografika Bori d.o.o., Ljubljana Naklada 300 izvodov • Printed in 300 copies Rokopise, publikacije za recenzije, korespondenco in naročila pošljite na naslov izdajatelja. Prispevki naj bodo opremljeni s kratkim povzetkom (200–300 besed), izvlečkom (do 50 besed), ključnimi besedami in kratkimi podatki o avtorju. Nenaročenih rokopisov ne vračamo. Manuscripts, publications for review, correspondence and annual subscription rates should be sent to the editorial address. Contributions should include a short summary (200–300 words), an abstract (not more than 50 words), keywords and a short biographical note on the author. Unsolicited manuscripts are not returned. Izdajo zbornika je omogočila Javna Agencija za Raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije With the support of the Slovenian Research Agency © Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, 2016 MZ_2016_2_FINAL.indd 2 8.12.2016 12:28:49 Vsebina • Contents Svanibor Pettan Marking the 70th Anniversary of ICTM and 20th Anniversary of CES Folk Slovenia. Music, Sound and Ecology 5–7 Ob sedemdesetletnici ICTM in dvajsetletnici KED Folk Slovenija. Glasba, zvok in ekologija 8–10 Srđan Atanasovski Rhythmanalysis of the Policescape: The Promise of an Ecological Turn in the Practice of Soundscape Studies Analiza ritma policijske krajine: obljuba ekološkega preobrata v praksi študija zvočnih krajin 11–23 Mojca Kovačič “Sacred Noise”: The Case of the Ezan in Ljubljana »Duhovni hrup«: primer ezana v Ljubljani 25–38 Ivana Medić The Soundscape of Change: The Reculturalization of Savamala Zvočna krajina spremembe: rekulturiziranje Savamale 39–53 Marija Dumnić Defining Nostalgic Musicscape: Starogradska muzika in Skadarlija (Belgrade) as Sound Environment Definiranje nostalgične glasbene krajine: starogradska muzika v beograjski Skadarliji kot zvočno okolje 55–70 Jonathan Gilmurray Sounding the Alarm: An Introduction to Ecological Sound Art Zvonenje alarma: uvod v ekološko zvočno umetnost 71–84 MZ_2016_2_FINAL.indd 3 8.12.2016 12:28:49 Wei-ya Lin Maataw – the Floating Island: Performing Social and Ecological Change among Tao People Maataw – plavajoči otok: Izvajanje družbene in ekološke spremembe pri ljudstvu Tao 85–101 Amra Toska Traditional Music as the Sound of Space: Examples from Bosnia and Herzegovina Tradicijska glasba kot zvok prostora: primeri iz Bosne in Hercegovine 103–119 Lasanthi Manaranjanie Kalinga Dona Bali Healing Ritual in Sri Lanka From a Medical Ethnomusicology Perspective Zdravilni obred bali na Šrilanki iz zornega kota medicinske etnomuzikologije 121–136 Albinca Pesek, Tomaž Bratina Gong and Its Therapeutic Meaning Gong in njegov terapevtski smisel 137–161 Marcello Sorce Keller Linnaeus, Zoomusicology, Ecomusicology, and the Quest for Meaningful Categories Linnaeus, zoomuzikologija, ekomuzikologija in iskanje smiselnih kategorij 163–176 Imensko kazalo • Index 177–187 Avtorji • Contributors 189–194 MZ_2016_2_FINAL.indd 4 8.12.2016 12:28:49 S. PETTAN • MARKING THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY... Svanibor Pettan Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana Marking the 70th Anniversary of ICTM and 20th Anniversary of CES Folk Slovenia: Music, Sound and Ecology With this issue of the Musicological Annual, we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM, founded in 1947 in London) as well as the 20th anniversary of the Cultural and Ethnomusicological Society Folk Slovenia (founded in 1996 in Piran). At the time of publishing of the current issue, the headquarters of both societies are located at the Department of Musicology, Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana. ICTM is the leading international association of ethnomusicologists and has its office in Ljubljana from 2011 until 2017, while CES Folk Slovenia is a professional Slovenian association as well as the national branch of the ICTM. During the aforementioned period, I – the guest editor of this Musicological Annual – am serving as Secretary General of ICTM and President of CES Folk Slovenia. Since 2011, both societies, the Department of Musicology at the University of Lju- bljana's Faculty of Arts, the Institute of Ethnomusicology at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the cultural Institution Imago Sloveniae are organizing an international symposium at the end of every August, which is part of the music festival Nights in Old Ljubljana Town. The presentation of scholarly papers at the symposium is generally complemented by music, usually in the form of concerts. The past events covered the following thematic frameworks: Encounters between Tra- ditional Music and Dance and European Musical Culture in Various Places and at Var- ious Times (2011), Whither Accordion? Accordion and Traditional Music (a roundtable discussion was organized instead of a symposium, 2012), Music and Protest in Various Parts of the World (2013), Music and Otherness (2014), Music and Ecology (2015) and Audiovisual Ethnomusicology (the first symposium of the ICTM study group with fo- cus on this field, 2016). In addition to reflecting the growing interest in sound in the context of interac- tions between humans and their inclusive local and global environments, the multi- disciplinary symposium Music and Ecology (2015) also offered a great opportunity for the discussion of environmental strategies and planning, questions regarding policy legacies, sustainable development, and power relations from the perspective of music 5 MZ_2016_2_FINAL.indd 5 8.12.2016 12:28:49 MUZIKOLOŠKI ZBORNIK • MUSICOLOGICAL ANNUAL LII/2 and sound. We paid attention to the moves in scholarly research that contribute to the development of study fields such as acoustic ecology, soundscape ecology, ecomusi- cology, zoomusicology, ecoacoustics and sound studies. The presentations covered a vast array of different geographical and cultural spaces like Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Peru, Slovenia, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Taiwan, Vietnam and the United Kingdom. A group of six scholars – carriers of the international research project City Sonic Ecol- ogy – presented selected aspects of the soundscapes of Bern (Britta Sweers), Ljubljana (Ana Hofman, Mojca Kovačič), and Belgrade (Srđan Atanasovski, Marija Dumnić, Ivana Medić). Most of their reworked contributions are available in this issue of the Musico- logical Annual. The emphasis is on police sounds (Atanasovski), soundscapes with reli- gious overtones (Kovačič), conflict between from bottom-up and top-down reculturisa- tion initiatives (Medić), as well as the creation of nostalgic soundscapes (Dumnić). The next three articles focus on connections between ecology and sound art in the works of some contemporary artists (Jonathan Gilmurray), the artistic response of a Taiwanese indigenous community to the legalized pollution of its habitat (Wei-ya Lin), and cultural Udeleženci simpozija Glasba in ekologija, Ljubljana, 2015. Participants of the symposium Music and Ecology, Ljubljana, 2015. Z leve/From the left: Amra Toska, Huo Ta-Hsin, Ana Hofman, Andrea Vrekalić, Lasanthi Manaranjanie Kalinga Dona, Teja Klobčar, Matt Brennan, Wei-Ya Lin, Mojca Kovačič, Ljubica Ilić, Jonathan Gilmurray, Britta Sweers, Carlos Yoder, Svanibor Pettan, Bernd Brabec de Mori, Srđan Atanasovski, Marija Dumnić, Ivana Medić, Huib Schippers. 6 MZ_2016_2_FINAL.indd 6 8.12.2016 12:28:49 S. PETTAN • MARKING THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY... differences between rural and urban settings in Bosnia and Herzegovina in reference to the places where traditional music is performed (Amra Toska). The following two
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