Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church Sunday, November 17, 2019 146 North Main St., Spring Grove, PA Parish Center & Offices, 1031 Sprenkle Rd. Spring Grove, PA www.sacredheartsg.com 717-225-1704 Pastor: Rev. Thomas R. Hoke, Rectory: 717-739-8714, [email protected] Faith Formation Coordinator: Heather-Marie Merrill [email protected] Parish Council President: Andrew Miller: 717-515-5918 Sexton: Tom Ballinger, 717-887-3962 Knights of Columbus Council 14349: Grand Knight, Tom Grimaldi, 717-578-4627 [email protected] Prayer Circle, Marianne Harbold [email protected] Music Society, Fred & Diane Oleson, 717-792-3263 [email protected], or [email protected] Church Housekeeping: Mary Gladfelter, 717-229-2809 [email protected] Bulletin: [email protected] Bulletin submissions are needed 10 days prior to publishing Mass Times & Location Saturday 5:00 pm (Church) Sunday 7:45 am (Church) Sunday 11:00 am (Parish Center) Saturday 4:30 pm—Rosary (Church) Holy Days Holy Day Vigil 6:00 pm Holy Day 8:30 am & 7:00 pm Weekday Mass (Parish Center) Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, 8:30 am Wednesday 12:10 Confession Times & Location Wed. 11:30 am (Parish Center) Sat. 3:30pm—4:30 pm (Church) Otherwise by appointment Call 717-225-1704/ 717-739-8714 Around The Diocese The Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus are working S with Sacred Heart Parish, Catholic Charities and the YWCA women's shelter so that families in need, espe- A Donations Needed for Interfaith Shelter for Homeless cially the children will have a Merry Christmas in 2019. Families Interfaith Shelter for Homeless Families (a Catholic Chari- The Christmas trees will be set up at the C church and the parish center weekend of ties residential program in suburban Harrisburg) is in need November 16th. of the following donations: bath towels, wash cloths, body Parishioners who wish to brighten Christ- R lotions, conditioners, and men's deodorant. If you can mas for those less fortunate should re- help, please contact the shelter at 717-652-8740. Dona- turn their purchased gifts along with the tions can also be taken to the Diocesan Center (4800 Un- original mitten attached to the gift, to the E mitten tree by Sunday December 15th at ion Deposit Road in Harrisburg). the latest. Thank you for your generosity! D ART CONTEST! The Harrisburg Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (HDCCW) invites girls in grades 9 - 12 in the Diocese of Harrisburg to enter an art contest. The task: H design the cover for the 95th Annual HDCCW Convention on April 25, 2020. The art work should be an original draw- ing or painting for a 9 x 12 folder and based on the Con- E vention theme "Rejoice and be Thankful ". The deadline to enter is January 20, 2020. For complete details and Con- A test Guidelines please refer to the HDCCW website http:// hdccw.webs.com/ . You may also contact HDCCW at 717- Christmas Bazaar R 860-0700 or email [email protected] with questions. The 36th Annual Christmas Bazaar is December 7 York Catholic Junior High students will We are looking for donations towards our raffles and silent present the musical, “Dear Edwina JR,” auction. All items need to be new and not used. Stop and T pick up a basket to fill or drop off items at the office or the Saturday, November 16, at 7 PM; back of Church. No donation is too small! Sunday, November 17, at 2 PM Gift cards can be donated and purchased through the Parish High School Auditorium. office to support the Faith Formation Program. Tickets are available at the door at a cost of Adults $10, Together we can make this another successful year! O Students (ages 5-18) $8, Family $40 (must be immediate family of at least 5 individuals). All seats are General Ad- It is sure to be a great fundraiser! F mission. Fans of the Junie B. Jones book series will love this musi- cal! J Sacred Heart Calendar of Events E 11/17 Noon (Parish Center) Christmas Play Practice 11/24 9-10:50AM (Parish Center) Faith Formation S 11/24 Noon (Parish Center) Christmas Play Practice 11/28 8:30AM (Church) Thanksgiving Day Mass U 12/05 6-8:00PM (Circle & Hoke House Grounds) Spring Grove Christmas Tree Lighting S Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00AM-4:00PM; Thursday 4:00PM-7:00PM Mass Intentions Daily Scripture Readings 11/16 Diaconate Candidates and their Families 5:00pm 11/16 WIS 18:14-19:9; LK 18:1-8 11/17 Mary Smith Trimble 7:45am 11/17 MAL 3:19-20A; 2THES 3:7-12; LK 21:5-19 W People of the Parish 11:00am 11/18 1MC 1:10-63; LK 18:35-43 11/18 Pugaczewski Family 8:30am 11/19 2MC 6:18-31; LK 19:1-10 11/19 Kathy Rider 8:30am 11/20 2MC 7:1,20-31; LK 19:11-28 E 11/20 Ryan Pugaczewski 12:10pm 11/21 1MC 2:15-29; LK 19:41-44 11/21 Those struggling with mental illness 8:30am 11/22 1MC 4:36-59; LK 19:45-48 11/22 Souls in Purgatory 8:30am E Weekly Collection: Needed each week $4,141.00 PARISH ACTIVITIES 11/1-2/19 $ 1,343.00 K “Sacred Heart Free Little Pantry” 11/03/19: $ 4,811.14 11/10/19: Not Available at Time of Print L Sanitary Supplies, Diapers, Toothpaste and brushes, Toilet Needed to Make Current Budget: $ 4,141.00 Y Paper, Hand Soap, Body soap, Needed to Avoid Deficit: $4,851.00 Shampoo, Razors, Cleaning 2019-2020 Fundraising: supplies. Ready to Eat meals, Needed for year $ 34,400.00 Peanut butter, Jelly, Nuts, Current: $ 4,593.55 Canned tuna, chicken, Spam, Meal Fundraiser Profit $ 1,350.00 Soup, Stews, Mac-n-cheese, New Total $ 5,943.55 B Complete Meals, Boxed pota- toes and rice, Snack foods Catechism Stop U Thank you for supporting this ministry! Question: Can you take holy water home? How can holy water be used? L Harvest of Answer: Yes, you can take holy water home. Holy water Hope can be found in most churches in a holy water font. Nor- L Food Pantry mally, the font is found at the entrance of the church. At Sacred Heart the font is found at the back of the church on E Main Street and on the right hand side of the main door Please label drop-offs, Harvest of Hope leading into the hall at the Parish Center. You are able to Next Volunteer Date and Time bring your own container and fill it with the holy water. Holy T November 26, Tuesday 4:15-7:00pm water has many uses in your home. You can use it to bless To Volunteer Contact Lee Johnson at (717)487-6031 yourself, to bless your home, bless your family, your work- I space, your car and your vegetable garden. You might ask why would I want to bless all these things? Holy water is a sacramental, which is defined as anything set apart or N blessed by the church. As such it carries the full powers of the church, which means it can used as protection from OUR NOVEMBER FOOD DRIVE IS GOING ON!! We are collect- demons, as well as to banish and to heal the sick. ing Holiday Dinner and Harvest of Hope Food Pantry Needs! Sacred Heart has been generous in the past feeding and caring for the hungry. If you can contribute please label your donation Harvest of Hope. Donations can be left at the back of Church or at the Parish Center. 175 North Main Street Spring Grove, PA 17362 717-225-1677 www.beckfunerals.com CREMATORY ON PREMISES Parishioner, Christopher M. Beck, Supv. Membership open to parishioners of Sacred Heart of Jesus SAVINGS ACCOUNTS • CHECKING ACCOUNTS CHRISTMAS CLUB ACCOUNTS York, Adams and IRAS • LOANS • STUDENT LOANS • LITTLE OR NO FEES! ONLINE BANKING • BILL PAYER Cumberland Counties Call or stop by our office for more information! 53 South Main St., Spring Grove, PA • www.glatcocu.com LAWN CARE • LANDSCAPING 717.225.4548 • 800.723.1008 TREE & SHRUB CARE World-class care. Right in your backyard. Residential & Commercial Services FREE Estimates Call 717-292-9994 Locally Owned & Operated / Licensed YORK CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL (717) 225-5397 717-848-1593 Faith - Mind - Heart - Family www.dewildasinandson.com 1880 West Mason Avenue Co-ed Grades 7-12 York, PA 17404 Proud vendor of www.yorkcatholic.org Sacred Heart Church “Focused in Providing High-Quality Service and Customer Satisfaction” COMPLETE REMODELING CONTRACTOR SNOW REMOVAL & LANDSCAPING Jim Hersh STEWART’S (717) 225-3852 | www.hershconcepts.com Proud Vendor & Supporter of Sacred Heart MOWER SALES & SERVICE, LLC Complete Line of Lawn & Garden Equipment 2245 Jefferson Road • Spring Grove, PA 17362 CRAIG STEWART Telephone Sales Consultant 717-229-2228 Contact Chad Breidinger to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x6631 www.stewartsmower.com Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • www.4lpi.com Sacred Heart, Spring Grove, PA 03-1051.
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