II ==--~ IS MEATS, rATS. red .tIIllPi. Q5 Ibroa,h Z5 ••• A. Ibrou,b J ~ DO" ,.... PIroCES8£D FOOD8. bl .. ,tamp•• XI Ibroa,. Z5 aa. ,.." Ibr.u,b 8Z DOW ..1I1l. wans 8UOAlt, b.ot 'our .llmp 3' vaU. '.r II •• pnd •• Clouclv. 8110£8, boola three airplane ,tamp •• I, Jan' S .. aU. , .. deflnltel,. GASOLINE. IS-A e ..,o .. , ••• I.r In, Ii f~d- ,.U...... d 8 -6, C-5. 11·6, C-', 11·1 ••d C-1 ••• p ••• IOWA:-Moatly cloudy and ,ood r.r II •• '.11.... FUEL OlL, p.,I.d .n. lb ..... THE DAILY IowAN ra&her cold. 1113,- 'Ive coupons ,oed, alia tall Jea,', ,erlo. tour ••• JI •• J •• d. .. I from Iowa City'S Morning ~ewspap.r months FIVE CENTS T.. A'~T'D ..... IOWA CITY. IOWA TUESDAY. APRIL 3,1945 VOLUME XXI NUMBER 161 nI, 10- :overn_ GI JOES HITCHHIKE RIDES TO KEEP UP WITH PUSH berorl! Ie first 17,500,_ 110,000 Germans ,Tra,pped; --"':: RS Yanks Cut Okinawa in Two ., • .. No Organized Allied Forces in West- Escape AHempl Resistance Destroying Nazi Armies ;n Field'thwarfed Holland by the sweep northward of They contain between them all By Klrke L. Simpson Brl·tl·sh or Canadl'an Alemen>- of "'- Iated Press War ADaIy t ~ .... that is left In the west of seasoned ~r ••' Americans Reach ___ oc I SM a r s h a I Montlomery's army Ninth Army Strikes with Allied armies in the west are group. troops and armored divisions, od 01 Tobara Ten Days within close sight of the prime ob- Paris estimates 110,000 German Whatever the reason that prompted Beyond Ruhr; jective mapped for them when they troops all first line men are bot- German concentration of strongest Ahead of Schedule launched their spring "victory of- tied up in the Ruhr sack by the fl,hUnl forces in the Ruhr area Nean Weser River EA. fensive" across the Rhine. junction of American First and and in northern and northeastern G l1AM, 'f u e s day (AP)- That becomes evident now that Ninth army elements which closed Honand, It is tending to expedite PARI S, Tuesday (AP)­ "_EA . Crack troops of the new Tenth one entire Nazi army group has all eastward escape rout~s. Some 21 an allied victory.lt could be only a American troops again crushed UNITED STATES NINTH ARMY troops are shown rJdlnc the powerful tank destroyers to keep up army's 241 h corps cut the vital been caught in the Ruhr sack and under-strength Nazi divisions, in- matter of weeks or even days be­ German attempts yesterday to I. with the big push Into the heart of Germany. [n an advance that has the Nazis reeling, the allied foot island of Okinawa in two yester- another in Holland is on the verge eluding the best troops available In tore General Eisenhower's me.n break out of tile Ruhr, where soldiers all along the throbbing western front have a problem on their hands In keepIng apace with the day by r eaching the village of of similar entrapment the west, are sealed off for annihi- are strikin, at rear echelons o! 110,000 Nazi were trapped, as lUll fast-moving forward units. This Is a United States army sIgnal corps radiophoto. Tobara 011 the east coast almost The prime objective of the allied laHon with dim prospect of brealv German armies facing the Russians British and Canadian forces to, ten days ahead of schedule and armies was to break up and des- ing out. How many more divisional In the east. the north smashed 15 miles in­ r. s1 ill finding no sign of strong troy enemy armies in the field, not units are in immediate danger of There Is no indication to date I side Holland and sped within 68 Ot' organized resistance. merely to drive them back upon being trapped in Holland is not In- that the Gentians in the huge Ruhr miles of the German North sea At 'f obaI'Il, the Yanks of Maj. successive defense lines. By current dicated but it seems obvious that trap are ready for a mass surren­ coast, threatening to seal off Gen. John R. Hodge were on the Paris estimates two-thirds of the the duration of organized German der. As this was written, their Smash ,11 Miles another huge enemy group in Soviets shop of KatsUl'l'n bay, immedi- remaining Nazi organized strength resistance anywhere in the west tll'lt effort to break out eastward in the west is now hemmed within hJnges upon what happens within hal been made with Little to indi- the western NetJlerlands. In the race towaTd Berlin, anchorageately nOJ'tb atof theNakagusuku extensive fleetbay, the_________________________________ Ruhr sack or being cut off in these two areas. ca\e success. ___--, __ _ swift United States Nintb army Ii! Within Three Miles ISixth Army 'Porces a major objective of the moment­ columns striking far beyond the - I At a Glanc.- ous invasion launched E a s tel' encircled Ruhr, were nearing or - morning. Of SI,ovakian Capital Senate Would Create might already have reached the IT d '1 , . Land at Legaspi ' Yesterday's swift drive by the RAF Bombers 'Werewolves' Weser river near the Pied Piper 24th covered two and a half miles town of Hamelin, 155 miles from across the eigbt-mile-wide waist Group to Study Taxes Berlin Claims Russian , '0 . ~Y .· $ Capture City of Berlin. 45,000, of Okinawa, the stratcgic Ryukyu A dispatch from Gen. Omar N. Tank Forces 20 Miles Nearby Airfields chain island only 325 miles south Hil 'Berlin'r. $1,500,000 Added To, . ·Resist Bradley's 12th army group head­ of the Japanese homeland. South of Vienna Iowan· ..~ quarters /laid a total of 350,000 On Southeast Luzon The entire Tenth army line of To Appropriations Bill Germans had been captured in .. .. .. , MANILA, Tuesday (AP)- Sixth doughboys and marines showed By Committee March, 150,000 of them by the LONDON (AP)-Russlan as­ gains averaging several thousand Magdeburg Allies in Reich Allied armles trap 11 0,000 Nazis army veterans, spearheaded by Third .army and 90,000 by the sault forces, ripping 11 miles yes­ in Ruhr, yards against scattered rcsistance First army, whose troops yester­ terday through shattered enemy Brig, Gen. Hanford Mac,Nider's DES MOINES (AP)-The sen­ 15Bth regimental combat 'team, in­ -which front line reports said LONDON, Tuesday (AP)-RAF ate yesterday adopted, 44 to I, a LONDON (AP)-The Nazis of­ day smashed Nazi break-out at­ defenses, smashed within two and Okinawa cut in half; Yanks ten inc Iud e d uniformed Japanese tempts and counterattacks in the a half mUes of panic-stricken vaded the important harbor of Mosquitos attacked Berlin and joint resolution caUing for crea­ ficially claimed yesterday that the days ahead of schedule. Legaspi, city of 45,000 inhabitants women. Magdeburg during the night, the tion of a special committee, sug­ assassins of the mayors or oc­ Winterberg and Warburg areas. Bratislava, capital of the puppet In the extreme north of the The dispatch added: "The Ger­ axis state of Slovakia, while Berlin and the nearby airfields. ' . British announced today, ending gested by Gov. Robert D. Blue, to cupied Aacben and Meschede were Russians within three miles of The landing, the first on Luzon's American line, Maj. Gen. Roy S. Germany's two-day and two­ study Iowa's entire tax stnlcture tJlembers. of the "Werewolf" un­ man situation in the west is fall­ reported Soviet tanks 20 miles Slovakian capital. Geiger's Third marine amphibious ing apart so badly that the pos­ south of Vienna. east coast, was preceded by ef­ night respite from an allied aerial and suggest I?ossible revisions to derground terrorist organization, fective naval and air bombard­ corps pushed forward to the north oHensive that broke all records in meet postwar problems. which Berlin said is orj:anil.ed to sibility of an attempt to transfer AS the Germans proclaimed a Berlin bombed alter · two days ment, Gen. Douglas MaeAtthur re­ and east to eut oCf Zampa cape MarCh. The metlSUl'e now goes back-to resist allied occupation forres. • some divisions from the east isn't last-ditch defense or Vienna, under of ·relief. ported in his communique today. wbich juts out prominently at the The overnight raids were car­ the house for concurrence in A radio describing itself as an excluded, despite the sorry Ger­ co mmand of Col. Gen. Sepp Diet­ American losses were light. The tip of the seven and onc-halC mile ried out despite bad weather, the amendments. underground Werewolf s tat ion man situation in the east." rich, commander of Hiller's SS llawkeyes win baseball opener, enemy's extensive defense 'system long invasion beach. RAF bomber command said. took the air with claims that Forward elements of the sprint­ bodyguard Moscow's nightly war 14 to 5. While many units walked ahead was all but wiped out in ten days Principal target at MagdebUrg, BuUdllI&' Appropriations Werewolves already had mur­ ing Ninth army were moving bulletin was silent on the progres~ with amazingly little opposition of concentrated aerial bombard­ which is situated about 70 miles DES MOINES (AP)-As an dered some American army of­ under a security blackout in the of Soviet troops battering into ment, capped by warship bombard­ for such a vital stronghold, troops ficers, Including three of high attack toward Berlin, and along Vienna's southern defense wall. southwest of Berlin, were oil in­ amendment to a house appro­ ment.
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