DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE RESEARCH & EXTENSION Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Arkansas System FSA3039 Understanding Reproductive Physiology and Anatomy of the Mare Steven M. Jones Horse owners want to breed their Cervix Associate Professor - mares for numerous reasons. Many owners have a beloved mare from which Basically a highly distensible Animal Science a foal is wanted, while others manage a muscle, the cervix is approximately large-scale breeding operation as a busi- 4 inches long and appears as a circle Tom R. Troxel ness. Many others may fall in between of folded tissue at the anterior surface Professor and Associate this spectrum. Regardless of the reason of the vaginal vault. Its shape and Department Head - for choosing to be involved in horse characteristics change significantly Animal Science breeding, a working knowledge of the in response to the body’s hormonal mare’s reproductive anatomy and environment. In response to increased physiology is essential. This knowl- estrogen produced during estrus, the Mark Russell edge provides the fundamental basis cervix appears pink due to increased Associate Professor - on which all other principles of horse vascularity. During this period, it Animal Science breeding rest. produces thin, watery mucus and is so relaxed that it is often found lying limp on the vaginal floor. This flaccid Female Reproductive cervical tone facilitates passage of Anatomy semen during live cover or breeding The mare’s reproductive tract instruments with artificial breeding. lies in a horizontal position within In contrast, when the cervix is under the abdominal and pelvic cavities. the influence of progesterone during It includes the vulva, vagina, cervix, the diestrous period and pregnancy, it uterus, oviducts and ovaries (Figure 1). produces a thick, sticky mucus and is Changes in the anatomy or interrup- tightly closed and held in the center of tion in the function of any section can the vaginal wall. The physical barrier contribute to reproductive problems. produced by a healthy cervix pro - vides a major line of defense against Vulva uterine contamination and infection. The vulva is the exterior opening Consequently, damage to this structure to the reproductive canal. It consists of can result in significant problems in the labia, clitoris and the vestibule. The maintaining fertility (Figure 2). construction of this region is important because it serves to protect the mare Uterus from the entrance of air and other This is a multi-layered, hollow, contaminants into the vaginal vault. Y-shaped organ. The base of the Y Vagina is called the uterine body, while the two branches are called the horns. The vagina consists of a 6- to 8-inch The uterus is suspended within the Arkansas Is long muscular, mucus membrane lined body cavity by two tough, sheet-like tube which connects the vestibule of the structures called the broad ligaments. Our Campus vulva to the cervix. The vaginal tissues Sagging of these ligaments with age, must be extremely elastic and distensible parity or trauma can cause a down- Visit our web site at: to accommodate the penis in breeding ward tilting of the uterus. This confor- https://www.uaex.uada.edu and the foal during birth. mation can predispose the mare to the University of Arkansas, United States Department of Agriculture, and County Governments Cooperating Figure 1. Reproductive tract of the mare. Figure 2. Changes in the equine cervix during the estrous cycle. The equine cervix as seen through a vaginal speculum during diestrus (left) and estrus (right). Under the influence of progesterone during diestrus, the os cervix is tightly closed and surrounded by firm, well-de- fined folds. During the estrogen-dominated period of estrus, the cervix is swollen, with relaxed folds which hang down over the open orifice. backwash of urine (urine pooling) into the reproduc- In fact, endometritis (uterine infection) is a major tive tract and its accumulation at the cervix. Urine cause of infertility in mares. pooling can cause uterine infection and poor fertility. Oviducts The uterus is composed of three distinct layers. The outermost, serous layer is continuous with their broad Also known as the Fallopian tubes, the oviducts ligaments. The middle layer, myometrium, consists of are small, highly coiled tubes. Each connects the tip two sheets of muscular tissue, one oriented longitudinal- of a uterine horn with an ovary. The ovarian end of ly and one circularly. The myometrium is responsible for the oviduct is called the infundibulum. It is enlarged the powerful contractions which expel the foal at birth. and shaped like a catcher’s mitt with finger-like The endometrium is the innermost layer. It is a complex projections from its end called fimbriae. This design mucosal membrane containing a rich blood supply and serves to cradle the portion of the ovary from which many glands. the ovum (egg) will emerge so that it can be captured and transported down the oviduct to the uterus. The ultimate function of the uterus is to protect, Fertilization of the ovum occurs in the oviduct where nourish and provide an environment conducive to the it narrows to join the uterus; this is called the isthmus. development of the embryo and fetus, and to expel The oviducts are heavily lined with hair-like projections the fetus during birth. Maintaining healthy tissues called cilia. The cilia and the muscular layers lining within the endometrium is crucial for optimal fertility. the oviducts work as a team to transport the ovum will not respond to the stallion’s attention, their ovaries down the oviduct and for moving sperm from the do not develop any structures and there is minimal opposite direction. ovarian hormone secretion. The situation changes dra- matically during spring and summer. As daylight hours Ovary increase, ovarian hormonal secretions also increase. The Mare ovaries are unique both in shape and mare will begin to experience a series of estrous cycles. makeup. They are kidney bean-shaped and will have These cycles will repeat themselves at 21- to 23-day an obvious contrast in size and texture between intervals until pregnancy occurs or until a point when the breeding and non-breeding seasons. During the days shorten and she reverts back into anestrus. Estrous breeding season they are functioning and about the cycles only during a circumscribed portion of the year size of a tennis ball. The convex side of the ovary is is termed seasonal polyestrus. One way to circumvent called the hilus and is the area of attachment to the seasonal polyestrus for early breeding is through expo abdominal cavity. The hilus also provides passage sure to artificial light. This concept is discussed in more for blood vessels and nerves which serve the entire detail in the reproductive management section below. ovary. The concave side of the ovary is called the ovu- lation fossa and is unique to the mare. This wedge- Reproductive Behavior shaped area is the only portion of the ovary from The two different stages of the estrous cycle which an egg may be ovulated. The inner structure of are generally distinguished by the mare’s behavior- the ovary consists of an outer area called the medulla al responses to the stallion. Estrus (heat) lasts an and an inner part, the cortex. The cortex contains the average of 5 to 7 days, the longest heat period of any ova (eggs). When a filly is born, the cortex contains domestic animal. Estrus is characterized by receptiv- all the eggs she will ever have. The cortex supports ity to the stallion. A mare showing classical estrous the growth and development of the structures on the behavior will adopt a urination stance – squatting ovary which help the eggs mature and also secretes with legs spread apart and tail raised. She will urinate hormones that help control the reproductive process. small volumes frequently and expose her clitoris by everting her vulva (winking). If a stallion nears, she One of the cortical structures is called the follicle. may lean into him. Most mares cease estrous behavior Each ovum is encased by a single layer of follicular within 24 to 48 hours following ovulation. This marks epithelial cells, the primordial follicle. Of the the beginning of the other stage of the cycle, diestrus, hundreds of thousands of primordial follicles present which lasts from 14 to 16 days. During diestrus, the in the ovary at birth, only a small fraction will ever mare rejects the stallion with behavior typically seen in reach maturity and liberate their ova (egg). Most the form of tail switching, squealing, striking, biting follicles degenerate or undergo partial development and/or kicking. These behaviorally defined divisions and then disappear. This follicular growth process in the estrous cycle roughly parallel the events which involves enlargement, development of cellular lay- are occurring in the ovary, defined by the endocrine ers around the follicular wall, accumulation of fluid system (hormones). within the central follicular cavity and production of the hormone estrogen. As the enlarged preovulato- Lutenizing Hormone (LH) is responsible for ry follicle nears maturity, it bulges from the ovary’s stimulating ovulation and supporting the initial stages surface. This bulge can be felt through the rectal of corpus luteum development. The pattern of LH secre- wall when the mare’s ovaries are manually palpated. tion in the mare differs from that of other domestic Ultrasonic images of the preovulatory follicle appear animals. LH is secreted for a prolonged period of time, as a black area within the grayish tones of surrounding ovarian tissues. The follicle’s diameter indicates its beginning at the initiation of behavioral estrus, peaks at maturity. Those 35 millimeters or greater are consid- two days after ovulation and declines during the early ered capable of ovulating.
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