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For a list of such trademark owners, see www.comsol.com/trademarks. AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING® EXCLUSIVE! Mazda’s unique course Chairman Kanai on Skyactiv, vehicle autonomy —and the rotary Seita Kanai with the Mazda CX-9 Delphi’s engineering boss looks to the future MEMS for next-gen HUDs Tire development’s new paradigm October 2016 autoengineering.sae.org MATLAB SPEAKS WIRELESS DESIGN You can simulate, prototype, and verify wireless systems right in MATLAB. Learn how today’s MATLAB supports RF, LTE, WLAN and 5G development and SDR hardware. mathworks.com/wireless ©2016 The MathWorks, Inc MathWorks, The ©2016 CONTENTS FEATURES REGULARS 18 Steering Mazda’s unique course 2 Editorial: A how-to for car hackers COVER STORY 4 Technology Report A chassis engineer at heart, Chairman Seita Kanai challenges his 4 Mazda’s 2017 G-Vectoring Control brings engineers to think differently and embrace the Skyactiv technology dynamic refinement | CHASSIS that has made Mazda a benchmark. 8 Volvo, Uber share the ride to safety with 24 Delphi’s multi-domain mindset autonomy | AUTONOMOUS TECHNOLOGY 10 Inside Porsche’s new V8 and V6 powertrains | SUPPLIER OUTLOOK POWERTRAINS | PROPULSION From tackling the cyber threat to putting 48-volt hybrids with Dynamic Skip-Fire on the road, Engineering VP Mary Gustanski is 36 Global Vehicles harnessing a technology powerhouse. 36 Citroën to unveil CXperience concept at 2016 Paris show 26 The evolving tire-development 37 With 2017 Fusion Sport, Ford pushes further paradigm SIMULATION toward Audi Advanced tire-simulation modeling allows tire development to keep 39 Volvo S90: Niche for now, but… pace with accelerated vehicle-development cycles. 41 2017 Nissan Titan gets new platform, 30 MEMS the word for next-gen HUDs powertrain, cab and bed features ELECTRONICS 44 Product Briefs New high-speed, quad-channel laser diode drivers are designed to beat Spotlight: Noise, vibration & harshness the LCD and DLP incumbents for next-gen vehicle head-up displays. 47 What’s Online 50 Companies Mentioned, Upcoming, ON THE COVER Ad Index Mazda Chairman Seita Kanai poses with the all-new CX-7 crossover, the latest example of how Mazda’s true-to-itself product-development 52 Q&A philosophy continues to produce some of the industry’s most James Morgan of the Lean Enterprise Institute engaging and critically-acclaimed vehicles. talks Lean Product and Process Development and LPPD lessons learned from Toyota. Follow us on social media @SAEAutoMag @saeaei SAE Magazines Automotive Engineering®, October 2016, Volume 3, Number 8. Automotive Engineering (ISSN 2331-7639) is published in February, March, April, May, June, August, September, October, and November by Tech Briefs Media Group, an SAE International®, 261 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1901, New York, NY 10016 and printed in Mechanicsburg, PA. Copyright © 2016 SAE International. Annual print subscription for SAE members: first subscription, $20 included in dues; additional single copies, $30 each North America, $35 each overseas. Prices for nonmember subscriptions are $115 North America, $175 overseas. Periodicals postage paid at New York, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to 30 Automotive Engineering, P. O. Box 47857, Plymouth, MN 55447. SAE International is not responsible for the accuracy of information in the editorial, articles, and advertising sections of this publication. Readers should independently evaluate the accuracy of any statement in the editorial, articles, and advertising sections of this publication that are important to him/her and rely on his/her independent evaluation. For permission to reproduce or use content in other media, contact [email protected]. To purchase reprints, contact [email protected]. Claims for missing issues of the magazine must be submitted within a six-month time frame of the claimed issue’s publication date. The Automotive Engineering title is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Full issues and feature articles are included in the SAE Digital Library. For additional information, free demos are available at www.saedigitallibrary.org. (ISSN 2331-7639 print) (ISSN 2331-7647 digital) Audited by AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING October 2016 1 NY, NJ, OH: EDITORIAL Ryan Beckman +1.973.409.4687 Bill Visnic [email protected] Editorial Director [email protected] PA/DE: Desiree Stygar Lindsay Brooke +1.908.300.2539 Editor-in-Chief [email protected] [email protected] Midwest/Great Lakes: EDITORIAL Ryan Gehm IN, MI, WI, IA, IL, MN Associate Editor [email protected] Chris Kennedy +1.847.498.4520, x3008 Jennifer Shuttleworth [email protected] Associate Editor [email protected] Midwest/Central Canada: A how-to for car hackers KS, KY, MO, NE, ND, SD, ON, MB Lisa Arrigo Bob Casey Custom Electronic +1.847.223.5225 The new vehicle you’ve just spent 40 probers and “penetrators.” He’s even Products Editor [email protected] [email protected] months engineering, testing and vali- spoken at SAE International profes- Rocky Mountain States/NM: CO, ID, MT, UT, WY, NM dating, that’s soon to be in customer sional events. Contributors Tim Powers +1.973.409.4762 hands, is now a big, fat target. The Smith’s subject expertise is apparent Kami Buchholz [email protected] Detroit Editor hackers want in. in this first-ever dive deep into the Southern CA, AZ, NV: Stuart Birch Tom Boris How robust was your threat modeling multi-layered computer networks of European Editor +1.949.715.7779 during development? Where among the today’s vehicles—and what makes them Jack Yamaguchi [email protected] Asia Editor Northern CA, WA, OR, vehicle’s many potential entry points—the (and the V2X infrastructure) vulnerable Western Canada: high-risk “attack surfaces” including to attack and manipulation. Steven Ashley, Dan Carney, Craig Pitcher Terry Costlow, Richard Gardner, +1.408.778.0300 Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, USB, the “A primary reason for John Kendall, Bruce Morey, [email protected] Linda Trego, Paul Weissler OBDII port, tire pressure writing the book was actu- monitoring system, infotain- ally to help make the next DESIGN International Europe – Central & Eastern: ment, CAN bus, sensors and generation of vehicles more Lois Erlacher Sven Anacker even an electric car’s charg- secure,” Smith told me by Creative Director Britta Steinberg +49.202.27169.11 ing connections—could ma- phone soon after his book Ray Carlson [email protected] Associate Art Director licious external data sneak was announced. “As vehicles [email protected] Europe – Western: past your built-in defenses get more connected and SALES & Chris Shaw complex we need more car +44.1270.522130 to wreak havoc? MARKETING [email protected] You may have overlooked hackers so we all can know Joe Pramberger China: a potential vulnerability, more about the security Publisher Alan Ao [email protected] +86.21.6140.8920 somewhere within the doz- risks,” he asserted. That’s [email protected] Marcie L. Hineman ens of microprocessors, the 100 million useful for the electrical architecture design Global Field Sales Manager Japan: [email protected] Shigenori Nagatomo or more lines of code and two miles of teams that are one audience for the book. +81.3.3661.6138 Debbie Rothwell [email protected] wiring that constitute a typical vehicle’s I’m not an EE but I’ve successfully Marketing Director [email protected] South Korea: electrical architecture. The hackers might unraveled some frustrating electrical Eun-Tae Kim Martha Tress +82-2-564-3971/2 be sharper than your EEA design team— mysteries in my own vehicles over the Recruitment Sales Manager [email protected] they could even be former colleagues. years. Smith’s writing is nicely balanced +1.724.772.7155 [email protected] Their aims may range from the inquisi- for guiding both the hacking novice and Integrated Media tive to the downright sinister—vehicle expert. His editors made sure the neatly REGIONAL Consultants theft, remote shut down, taking over organized and well-illustrated format Angelo Danza SALES +1.973.874.0271 control or installing ransomware. presents plenty of relevant examples in [email protected] North America As Delphi engineering VP Mary good “how to” detail. Patrick Harvey New England/Eastern Canada: +1.973.409.4686 Gustanski has noted, it’s not so much a Topics include how to write ME, VT, NH, MA, RI, QC [email protected] Ed Marecki question of “if” your increasingly complex Metasploit payloads to attack the info- +1.401.351.0274 Todd Holtz [email protected] +1.973.545.2566 electrical architecture gets hacked. It’s tainment system and take control of a [email protected] more about how quickly you can identify vehicle’s engine, steering, brakes, tem- CT: Stan Greenfield Rick Rosenberg and “box” the intrusion when it happens. perature control, door locks and more; +1.203.938.2418 +1.973.545.2565 [email protected] [email protected] The automotive cyber wars are just reverse engineer the CAN bus and hack Mid-Atlantic/Southeast/TX: Scott Williams getting started.
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