2.IL££JLJiLJlJLJiG.jL o f the LOUISIANA WILD LIFE AND FISHERIES COMMISSION BOARD MEETING Tuesday, July 27, 1971 10:00 o'clock a.m. Wild Life & Fisheries Bldg 400 Royal Street New Orleans, Louisiana f@©e©) Helen R. Dietrich, inc. 333 ST. CHARLES AVENUE. SUITE 1221 NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA 70130 • (504) 524-4787 2 P_R.O_C_E_E_^_XN_^GS_ „ „ . The Board Meeting of the Louisiana Wild Life and Fisheries Commission convened at 10:00 o'clock a .m . on Tuesday, July 27, 1971, at the Wild Life and Fisheries Building, 400 Royal Strdet, New Orleans, Louisiana, Mr. H . G. Wright, Vice-Chairman, presiding. PRESENT WERE: H. C . Wright, Vice-Chairman C. M. Hoffpauer, Director C. A. Guidry J. E. Kyle, Jr. HoB son Norris J, L. Walker J „ L . Win fre e A_ _G _E _N _D A. LYLE S . ST-. AMANT : l/L, Request By LaTerre Co., Inc., for (4) renewal of permit to remove fill material from Lake Boudreaux. ^%^^Request By Berry Bros. General -(5 5 HHLtN R. DIETRICH, INC., the complete convention service in new Orleans 3 to dredge sand and/or fill material from S ix Mile Lake. Request for Bait fishermen to shrimp, with special permits, in closed season. Request for permit to dredge fill material from Grand Lake in vicinity of Cypress Island. R. K. YANCEY: <-^5^// / Recommen dat ions of 19 71-72 _wa t e r fowl season. TED O'NEIL: "Discuss Bill (H.R. 8784 of the 92 nd Congress) to prohiBit the use of steel jaw traps in the United States and Europe. JOE L. HEARING: Lease agreement with International Paper Company for the Cities.Service WMA . EstaBlish waterfowl refuge area within the Spring Bayou WMA. 090^ ioooc! HELEN R. DIETRICH, INC, the complete convention service in new Orleans lO0Q9i 4 v—""B. Setting of the 197 1-72 upland and ( 2 7 ) Big game hunting seasons. * S e e Page 4-A . _ THE CHAIRMAN: The meeting will come to order. Dr. St. Amant. DR = ST. AMANT: Gentlemen of the Com­ mission, we have four items on the agenda this morning. The. first one is a request by the La-Terre Company for renewal of an existing permit to remove fill material from Lake Boudreaux. This is a permit that has Been issued this land company to maintain its Boundaries and to stop erosion and it has Been in existence and there has Been no proBlem. I would recommend that we extend the permit. MR. WINFREE: I so move, Mr. Chairman. MR. GUIDRY: I second. THE CHAIRMAN: It has Been moved By Mr. Winfree, seconded By Mr. Guidry. Is there any discussion? Any opposition? (No response) THE CHAIRMAN: There Being none, so j^SSol HELEN R. DIETRICH, INC., the complete convention service in new Orleans 4 A (REFERENCE) REPORTER'S NOTE AGENDA - OTHER BUSINESS MR. WALKER: Recommendation for estaBlishment of Water fowl Refuge on Toledo Bend. (79) iQSOol HELEN R. DIETRICH, INC., the complete convention service in new Orleans 5 ordered. (Text of the resolution is here made a part of the record.) BE XT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wild Life and Fisheries Commission does hereBy grant permission to LA-TERRE COMPANY, INC., to remove fill material from Lake Boudreaux, TerreBonne Parish, Sections 69, 70, 71, 73 and 74 of Township 19 South, Range 18 East. DR. ST. AMANT: The second item is a request By Berry Brothers General Contractors to dredge for sand and fill material in Six Mile Lake. This permit meets all the requirements set forth By the Commission, has Been examined and. will not have any effect on the interests of Wild Life and Fisheries. I therefore recommend that we grant the permit. THE CHAIRMAN: Gentlemen, you have heard the recommendationWhat ic your pleasure? ioeodj HELEN R. DIETRICH, INC., the complete convention service in new Orleans boo® 6 MR. KYLE: X so move. MR. GUIDRY: Second. THE CHAIRMAN: It has Been moved by Mr. Kyle, seconded By Mr. Guidry. Is there any dis­ cussion? Any opposition? (No response) THE CHAIRMAN: So ordered. (Text of the resolution is here made a part of the record*) BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wild Life and Fisheries Commission does hereBy grant permission to JAMES P* CRAWFORD FOR BERRY BROTHERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS to dredge for sand and/or fill material from S.ix Mile Lake, in St. Mary and St. Martin Parishes. DR. ST. AMANT: The third item is a request by the commercial Bait fishermen in the state for a permit or some relief to allow them to take live shrimp for sale to recreational fisher­ men. This has Been examined by our legal departmen t _____________________________________ i SSti®| HELEN It. DIETRICH, INC., the complete convention service in new Orleans 7 and also we have a copy of a Bill that was prepared to allow for this action that was not placed in the session Because it was a fiscal session. We would recommend that for the remaining part of the season until the third Monday in August • that we Be ^allowed to ^issue specirf ic permits to these people to take live Bait, provided they can furnish us with the proper affidavits and Bonding that would Be necessary to show that they were Bona fide commercial Bait fishermen and that they would comply with the regulations as we design them. These permits would Be automatically cut off in the event that there was no compliance and it would only be for a temporary period Between now and the opening of the shrimp season in August. MR. WXNFREE: Would it take a resolution, Mr. Chairman, on something of this nature ? DR. ST. AMANT: I don’t know whether it i i would or not, sir. We are in a position to issue ! permits, scientific permits and other kinds of permits, and it is possiBle that we would do this without a resolution. Mr. Duffy might want to taiOoS HI:LEN R. DIETRICH, INC., the complete convention service in new Orleans iQSSfif 8 comment on this• MR. WINFREE: M r . Chairman, I move by staff action that they be allowed to do this, under Dr. St. Amant*s supervision. MR. GUIDRY: Second. CHA'l'R'MA'N'i It has■ Been moved and seconded that this Be done by staff action, under Dr. St. Amant. Any other discussion? (No response) THE CHAIRMAN: There Being none, so or de re d. DR. ST. AMANT: Item 4 is a request for permit to dredge for fill material in Grand Lake in the vicinity of. Cypress Point. This is a reques t by Tidewater Dredging and Construction Company for dredging of fill material in the vicinity of Cypress Island. This does not conflict with the interests of the Wild Life and Fisheries Commission or the state and it does meet the requirements set forth by the Commission. I would recommend that • we issue this permit. MR. KYLE: I so move. iSeSSl HELEN R. DIETRICH, INC., the complete convention service in new Orleans 9 MR e NORRIS: Second. THE CHAIRMAN: It has Been moved By Mr. Kyle, seconded By Mr. Norris. Is there any dis~. cussion? Any opposition? (No response) T-H E •"'C H A I'R M A’N : S o ordered . (Text of the resolution is here made a part of the record.) BE IT RESOLVED that the Louisiana Wild Life and Fisheries Commission does hereBy grant permission to the TIDEWATER DREDGING AND CONSTRUC­ TION SERVICES, INC. of Morgan City, Louisiana, to dredge for fill material from Grand Lake in the vicinity of Cypress Island, in St. Mary and St. Martin Parishes. THE CHAIRMAN: Mr. Yancey. MR. YANCEY: Mr. Chairman and memBers of the Commission, the Department of the Interior will estaBlish the water fowl hunting regulations for Louisiana and the Mississippi Flyway during HELEN R. DIETRICH, INC., the complete convention service in new Orleans 1 0 mid-August and we feel that it would be timely for the Commission at this time to formulate recommendaj tions on seasons and Bag limits under which our : waterfowl hunters will hunt during the forthcoming ! season. We might Briefly state that last week j persron-n-e-1 --of -tire 'Commi'S'S'i'O'n made a Tow level flight! over the prairie region of Western Canada in a j i single-engine airplane and found that we have an I i excellent duck crop in the making up there. Now | this prairie region covers aBout 265,000 square i | miles and it is dotted with potholes and it is in j these small water areas that our duck crop is pro- ! duce d. We found up there that water conditions i across Saskatchewan and eastern AlBerta and south- i | western ManitoBa were excellent .this year. We ! found also that cover conditions in these pothole areas were real good this summer. The weather conditions have Been good. There has.Been quite a i lot of rainfall during June and early July up there1 j which has assured a sufficient amount of water in j I these potholes that the Birds or ducklings will be ] HELEN R. DIETRICH, INC., the complete convention service in new Orleans 1 1 aBle to get on the wing Before these potholes Begin to go dry later oh this summer. We do feel overall that the duck crop is Better than last year and possiBly equal to that of 1969, and *69 was the Best duck year that we had during the entire decade of the Sixties, Based on this flight and Based on the conversations we had with Canadians who are on the scene up there, we would like to recommend that the Commission in turn recommend to the Department of the Interior that Louisiana be allowed 55 days of duck hunting during the forthcoming season with a general daily Bag limit of six.
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