2019 District Survey Report Bemetara as per notification no. s.o. 3611(e) New Delhi, 25th july, 2018 of ministry of environment, forest and climate change. DIRECTORATE OF GEOLOGY AND MINING MINERAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Govt. of Chhattisgarh 0 1 LOCATION MAP 2 1- INTRODUCTION The Bemetara district is one of the newely formed district of Chhattisgarh states, which formed on 1st January 2012 from the separation of Durg District. The District is moderately populated and situated in the central part of the Chhattisgarh State covers an area of 2854.81sq km. It falls in Survey of India Degree Sheet Nos. 64F and 64G bounded by latitude 21°22' to 22°03' N and longitude 81°07' to 81°55 E. It is surrounded by Durg districts in the south, Rajnandgaon&Kabirdham District in the west, Mungeli districts in the north and Baloda-bazar & Raipur district in the East. Bemetara is the district headquarters and is well connected by road and railway. National Highway No. 12A and connects Bemetara with Kabirdham. Bemetara is also connected by road with Raipur, Baloda-Bazar, Kabirdham and Durg with the other important towns in the district. District survey report has been prepaired as per notification no. s.o. 3611(e) New Delhi, 25th july, 2018 of ministry of environment, forest and climate change. District Survey report will be prepared in every district for Sand mining or River bed mining and other small minerals mining. The main purpose of preparation of district survey report is to identify the land increase or depositional areas and its infrastructure, Structure and installation distance from where the mining is prohibited and recalculation of annual replenishment and time required for replenishment after mining. 3 This District Survey report contains mainly Geology Mineral wealth details of rivers, Details of Lease and Mining activity in the District along with Sand mining and revenue of minerals. This report also contains details of Forest, Rivers, Soil, Agriculture, Road, Transportation climate etc. The district survey report will be based for evaluation of the application for project and environment clearance of mining activity in the district. 4 2. Overview of Mining Activity in the District BemetaraDistrict is important district for Limestone deposit in Chhattisgarh.The Minor Mineral is Low grade Limestons, Sandstone, Quartzite, Soil, River sand are also found inhuge quantity. Cement Grade Limestone/Dolomite occur in thewhole district. Total 1 Mining Leases are given in the district for major limestone. Total 3 Quarry Leases are given in the district for Minor limestone. Total 1 Quarry Leases are given in the district for limestone Block. Total 1 Quarry Leases are given in the district for ordinary stone. Total 25 Quarry Leases are given in the district for soil for making bricks in kiln at different villages Total 14 Quarry Leases are given in the district for Dolomite Minor Mineral.out of this only 10 Quarry Leases are running condition and 04 suspended. 14 Ret Ghatfor sand mining on the bank of Shivnath, Kharun and have been leased out at different villages for sand mining. Approximately 49818748.00 lakh Rupees royalty is earned all minerals in the district, out of which 200000.00 lakh from major and 49618748.00 from minor minerals during the year 2018-19 State Government, is carrying on various Infrastructure development projects in all district , like PachriNirman, Dams, Over bridge Anicut on rivers/nala, approach roads etc. , all above civil works require Sand in different site which is in huge quantity in the district. 5 3. List of Mining Leases, Quarry Leases and Sand in the District with location, area and period of validity eq[; [kfut ¼pquk iRFkj½ Jh 'kadj gfj vxzoky 281 ch lerk dkyksuh 17-90 1 csjyk p.Mh 3 5-10-2002 ls 4-10-2022 dk;Z'khy xk;=h eafnj ds ikl gs0 jk;iqj xkS.k [kfut pwuk iRFkj dz- iVVsnkj dk uke rg- xzke [kljk jdck Lohd`r vof/k [knku dh fLFkfr 1 Jh :isUnz oekZ vk0 csjyk djsyh 272 Hkkx 0-50 fn0 18-11-2012 ls 17- dk;ZZ'khy Jh ds'ko oekZ fu0 gs0 11-2032 fHkykbZ&3 ftyk nqxZ 2 Jh vfHk"ksd csjyk djsyh 278 ih 0-87 fn0 29-07-2004 ls 28- dk;ZZ'khy vxzoky fuoklh gs0 07-2034 ftyk nqxZ A 3 Jh vfHk"ksd csjyk djsyh 278 ih 1-00 fn0 12-02-2004 ls 11- dk;ZZ'khy vxzoky u0 fuoklh gs0 02-2034 ftyk nqxZA pwuk iRFkj ¼lk/kkj.k½ 1 Jh lkseukFk flag lktk ykyiqj 772 0-73 gs0 fn0 17-02-2009 ls 16-02- dk;Z'khy 2019 6 ftyk csesrjk esa fnuakd 08-02-2019 dh fLFkrh esa lapkfyr mR[kfu iV~Vksa dh lwph [kfut & feV~Vh l-dz- Bsdsnkj dk uke rglhy xzke [kljk uacj jdck Lohd`r vof/k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Jh t; dqekj ctkt vk0 Jh ,e-,e-ctkt csjyk Hkkyslj 684 @1] 684 @2 2-77 gs0 fn0 04-11-2010 ls 03-11-2030 irk&QkQkMhg jk;iqj 2 Jh lq'khy dqekj cM+okuh vk0 Jh tks/kjke cM+okuh csjyk Hkkyslj 631] 642 @1&2] 643 @1]2] 645] 646] 647 3-95 gs0 fn0 27-11-2009 ls 26-11-2029 fu0 QkQkMhg ukdk jk;iqj @2] 648] 644 @1] 650 @2ih] 651 @2&3ih] 652 @1]2]3] 653] 354 @1ih] 655ih] 656ih] 699 @1]2ih] 700 @1] 700 @2]3]4]5ih 3 Jh deys'k dqekj cM+okuh vk0 >kewey cM+okuh csjyk Hkkyslj 597] 598] 615] 707] 816] 817] 818] 635] 3-80 gs0 fn0 04-12-2009 ls 03-12-2029 fu0 QkQkMhg ukdk jk;iqj 636] 638 4 Jh vfuy cMokuh vk0 Jh fupynkl cMokuh fu0 csjyk Hkkyslj 723] 731] 732] 733] 734] 735] 739 dk Hkkx 2-40 gs0 fn0 14-10-97 ls 13-10-27 QkQkMhg ukdk jk;iqj 5 Jh gjs'k dqekj cM+okuh vk0 Lo0 fuFkynkl csjyk d.Mjdk 853 ih 2-104 gs0 fn0 11-10-90 ls 10-10-20 cMokuh QkQkMhg ukdk jk;iqj 6 Jh ftrsUnz dqekj cM+okuh vk0 Jh tks/kkjke fu0 csjyk d.Mjdk 885 @1 1-80 gs0 fn0 05-06-90 ls 04-06-20 QkQkMhg jk;iqj 7 Jh eqds'k cM+okuh vk0 Lo0 xqykcey cMokuh fu0 csjyk d.Mjdk 403ih]404ih]903ih]904ih 3-31 gs0 fn0 26-11-95 ls 25-12-25 QkQkMhg ukdk jk;iqj 7 8 Jh lqjs'k dqekj cM+okuh vk0 Jh tks/kkjke cMokuh csjyk d.Mjdk 900]907 ih]903ih]908ih]911ih 2-07 gs0 fn026-12-90 ls 25-12-20 fu0 jk;iqj 9 Jh v'kksd izhrokuh fu0 ch-&25 lsDVj&2 nsosUnz csjyk d.Mjdk 919 ih 1-12 gs0 fn0 26-12-95 ls 25-12-25 uxj jk;iqj 10 Jh Hkw"k.k lkgw xzke Vsejh ftyk csesrjk csjyk Vsejh 76 Hkkx 1-578 gs0 fn0 30-08-00 ls 29-08-30 11 Jh deyk nsoh ifr Lo- xksoZ/ku nkl fu0 Vsejh csjyk Vsejh 475] 476] 478] 496] 493] 494] 497] 495] 3-47 gs0 fn0 15-03-01 ls 14-03-31 iksLV jkdk rg0 csjyk ftyk cssesrjk 499] 500] 491] 492 12 lrh'k ukjokuh vk0 Jh eksgu yky fu0 QkQkMhg csjyk csjykdyk 718 @4]718 @7]719 @1] 2] 3] 4]720 2-06 gs0 fn0 29-01-07 ls 28-01-37 jk;iqj @1]2]3]4]721 @1] 2] 3]4]722 @1]2] 3] 4]728 @1] 2] 3]4]729 @1]2]757 @1] 757 @4]757 @6]768]769 13 Jh jksfgr izhrokuh vk0 Jh ykypan izhrokuh csjyk csjykdyk 681 ls 691 ,oa 694] 695 @1] 695 @2] 3-80 gs0 fn0 23-12-10 ls 22-12-40 fuoklh vkekikjk jk;iqj ¼N0x0½ 695 @9] 14 Jherh fdjuckyk mik/;k; ifr Jh jkefo'kky csjyk csjykdyk 638 Hkkx 0-809 gs0 fn0 07-06-2012 ls 06-06-2042 mik/;k; fulerk dkyksuh jk;iqj 15 Jherh gkseh ckbZ HkDrkuh foykliqj uokx<+ ukan?kkV 686ih] 687] 688] 689] 690] 691ih] 692] 693] 3-51 gs0 fn0 26-09-2002 ls 25-09-2032 718 16 Jh fd'ku yky HkDrkuh uokx<+ ukan?kkV 710] 715] 749] 750] 751 @1 ls 5 rd] 752 3-66 gs0 fn0 22-09-2010 ls 21-09-2040 17 Jh ijljke flUgk lktk fcjuiqj 1013] 1015 @2] 3] 5] 7] 8] 10] 1020] 1022] 0-889 gs0 fn0 23-09-09 ls 22-09-39 1023 @2 18 Jh ykypan izkrokuh vk0 Lo0 usekey fu0 csjyk csjykdyk 707@2]3]4]7] 790 ls 793] 798 ls 4-68 gs0 fn0 14-01-2014 ls 13-01-2034 QkQkMhg jk;iqj 800] 803 ls 805 8 19 Jh efr js[kk ;nq csjyk csjykdyk 596@1]2]4] 620@1 0-57 gs0 fn0 12-07-2012 ls 11-07-2042 20 Jh 'kadj fitkuh vk0 Lo0 jktynkl fu0 ,drk csjyk csjykdyk 852@1ls4] 853@1ls7] 854] 57] 60] 62ih] 3-81 gs0 fn0 02-06-2004 ls 01-06-2034 uxj jk;iqj 805ih] 948@3] 49@1] 50@1&2] 951@1ls4] 952@1&2 21 Jh ftrsUnz izhrokuh vk0 Jh ckyd`".k izhrokuh csjyk csjykdyk 711] 774 @1ls5] 777]778] 794 1-59 gs0 fn0 19-10-2004 ls 18-10-2034 fu0 lh 63 lsDVj 1 lerk dkyksuh 22 ?kklhjke oekZ xzke cpsM+h csjyk cpsMh 261 @3]262 @1Hkkx] 263 1-38 gs0 01-03-2006 ls 28-02-2036 23 Jh 'kadj fitkuh vk0 Lo0 jktynkl fu0 ,drk csjyk csjykdyk 857] 858] 859] 860] 862@1] 2] 3] 3-03 gs- 28-05-2018 ls 27-05-2048 uxj jk;iqj 864] 866] 867] 868] 869@1] 2] 925] 926] 927] 930] 931] 932] 933] 934] 935] 938 24 ,y-lh-fczDl izks0 Vhdepan fizrokuh fuoklh jk;iqj csjyk csjykdyk 776] 780@1 o 2] 781] 782] 783] 2-638 gs- 28-05-2018 ls 27-05-2048 784] 785] 786@1 ls 4] 788@1 o 2] 787@2 ls 4] 789] 792] 793] 795] 797 25 lqeu ikaMs xzke fuoklh xqujcksM+ csesrjk xqujcksM+ 58] 60] 61]62]63 2-97gs0 18-09-18 ls 17-09-48 9 jsr [knkuksa dh lwph Ø xzke iapk;r dk jsr [knku dk rglhy [k-ua- jdck Ik;kZoj.k uke uke ¼gs- Lohd`fr dh es½ fLFkfr 1 dq:n dq:n csjyk 889 5-00 gs0 vizkIr 2 fdjhriqj fdjhriqj csjyk 1681 5-00 gs- vizkIr 3 frojS;k frojS;k csjyk 208 5-50 gs- vizkIr 4 vtqZuh vtqZuh csesrjk 1233 4-90 gs- vizkIr 5 eÅ eÅ csesrjk 3229 24-33 vizkIr gs- 6 Hkkyslj Hkkyslj csjyk 401 9-88 gs vizkIr 7 [kqMeqMh [kqMeqMh csjyk 806 4-00 vizkIr gs- 8 d.Mjdk d.Mjdk csjyk 450 3-00 vizkIr gs- 9 te?kV te?kV csjyk 1131 4-00 vizkIr gs- 10 eqM+ikj eqM+ikj csjyk 540 10-85 vizkIr gs- 11 josyh ¼frojS;k½ josyh ¼frojS;k½ csjyk 10 5-84 vizkIr gs- 12 rkde rkde csjyk 1 5-00 vizkIr gs- 13 ijiksM+k ijiksM+k csjyk 1694 4-50 vizkIr gs- 14 vrjx<h cq<+ktkSax csjyk 452 4.96 gs- vizkIr 10 4.
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