Coastal Rivers Basin Board Information and Budget Notebook Tuesday, July 24, 2007 1:00 p.m. Salt Creek Brooksville Headquarters 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida (352) 796-7211 Coastal Rivers Basin Board Judith C. Whitehead, Chair Ex Officio William Y. Bunch, Member Dr. George W. Miskimen, Vice Chairman Elaine H. Perry, Secretary Randall S. Maggard, Member Samuel H. Lyons, Member Committee Members Basin Board Land Resources Committee Randy Maggard - primary Sam Lyons - alternate Basin Board Education Committee Elaine Perry - primary William Bunch - alternate Citrus/Hernando County Waterways Restoration Council Dr. George Miskimen (appointed by the State Legislature) • Technical Advisory Group Sam Lyons - primary Elaine Perry - alternate Agenda COASTAL RIVERS BASIN BOARD MEETING Brooksville, Florida July 24, 2007 1 p.m. Item Presenter 1. Call to Order and Roll Call Judy Whitehead/Phyllis Young 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag Judy Whitehead 3. Additions and Deletions to the Agenda Lou Kavouras 4. Oath of Office for Appointed/Re-Appointed Board Members Phyllis Young 5. Consent Items: a. June 14, 2007, Meeting Minutes [Exhibit 1] Lou Kavouras b. Board Encumbrances: i. Weeki Wachee Springs Sediment Removal and Mark Hammond Revegetation (SC16) ii. Weeki Wachee Springs Stormwater Project (SB16) Mark Hammond iii. Sewer and Water Fee Assessments at the Chassahowitkza Will Miller Campground, SWF Parcel No. 15-347-104 iv. Tampa Bay Regional Reclaimed Water and Downstream Gregg Jones Augmentation Projects (H300-H310) 6. Discussion Item: a. FY2008 Budget Discussion and Approval of Final Millage Rate Bruce Wirth and Budget for Governing Board Approval [See Budget Tab] 7. Announcements: Lou Kavouras a. Joint Governing Board/Basin Board Workshop: Tuesday, September 11, 2007; time and location to be determined b. Next Basin Board Meeting and Workshop: Tuesday, October 2, 2007, 1 p.m., District Headquarters, Brooksville c. Springs Conference: October 10-12, 2007, Innisbrook Resort, Tarpon Springs d. Public Land Acquisition and Management Partnership Conference: December 5-7, 2007, Hyatt Regency, Sarasota e. Other 8. Adjournment Judy Whitehead ****Information Items are located at the end of the Summary Agenda**** Summary Agenda COASTAL RIVERS BASIN BOARD MEETING Brooksville, Florida July 24, 2007 1 p.m. 1. Call to Order and Roll Call Presenters: Judy Whitehead, Chair Ex Officio Coastal Rivers Basin Board Phyllis M. Young, Senior Administrative Assistant Boards and Executive Services 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag Presenter: Judy Whitehead 3. Additions and Deletions to the Agenda Presenter: Lou Kavouras, Deputy Executive Director Outreach, Planning and Board Services 4. Oath of Office for Appointed/Re-Appointed Board Members Presenter: Phyllis Young 5. Consent Items: a. June 14, 2007, Meeting Minutes Basin Board members were provided minutes of the June 14, 2007, meeting for review. Staff Recommendation: See Exhibit 1 Approve the June minutes, as presented. Presenter: Lou Kavouras b. Board Encumbrances: i. Weeki Wachee Springs Sediment Removal and Revegetation (SC16) Purpose This is an action item. Staff is requesting the Board approve the encumbrance of $130,000, without a contract, for the Weeki Wachee Springs Sediment Removal and Revegetation Project to be rolled into fiscal year (FY) 2008. These funds are budgeted as Save Our Rivers reimbursable funds. Background/History Several environmental problems have developed involving the headspring and upper reaches of the Weeki Wachee River. Among those problems are (1) the accumulation of sand, silt, muck, and debris in the headspring and the resulting deposition and accumulation of that material downstream and (2) the replacement of desirable, native plant species by extensive growths of nuisance algae and plants. Summary Agenda July 24, 2007 Coastal Rivers Basin Board Page 2 of 8 The project consists of three phases. Phase I, completed June 2004, was the development of a restoration plan including analysis of the nature and quantity of the sediments in the headspring and upper reaches of the river, an assessment of the costs to remove the sediments and replant desirable vegetation, and identification of the regulatory issues associated with this restoration work. Phase II, currently under contract, includes design, permitting and the development of bid specifications which are expected to be completed by December 31, 2007. Phase III will be the actual removal of the sediment that has accumulated as well as the revegetation of the spring and upper river. We anticipate starting Phase III after the stormwater retrofit project is completed in March 2008. Benefits/Costs Removal of the sediments and revegetation of the spring will improve the natural systems and water quality in the headsprings and upper river. The estimated cost to remove the undesirable unconsolidated sediments, layered organics, detritus, and Lyngbya within the project area, including set up, revegetation and monitoring is up to approximately $660,000. The FY2007 budget includes $130,000 for Phase III and an additional $206,445 is in the proposed FY2008 budget to complete funding to cover the estimated costs to finish the project in Phase III. The $130,000 budgeted in FY2007 needs to be encumbered without a contract and rolled into FY2008 for the sediment removal activities. Staff Recommendation: Approve the encumbrance of $130,000, without a contract, for the Weeki Wachee Springs Sediment Removal and Revegetation Phase III project to be used in FY2008. Presenter: Mark A. Hammond ii. Weeki Wachee Springs Stormwater Project (SB16) Purpose Request approval for the encumbrance of $377,718, without a contract, for the Weeki Wachee Springs Stormwater Implementation Project to be rolled into fiscal year (FY) 2008. Background/History This project is an outcome of the Springs Coast Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan and the Springs Coast Workshop held in 2002. The goal of this project is to provide treatment of stormwater run-off that currently flows untreated directly into the headspring area and upper reaches of Weeki Wachee River. The project area consists of approximately 27 acres now occupied by the Weeki Wachee attraction, which is owned by the District. The attraction site completely surrounds the headspring and upper reach of the river. Water quality deterioration, habitat degradation, and silting have been identified as problems in the headspring, the river, and the estuary. Untreated stormwater run-off from paved surfaces and landscaped areas on the attraction and from adjacent U.S. 19 has been recognized as a significant contributor to these problems. The project consists of two phases. Phase I was the development of a stormwater management plan consisting of an evaluation of existing conditions, selection of treatment alternatives, final engineering design and required permits. Phase II will be the construction of the selected treatment alternatives. Phase I is complete, the engineering drawings are in hand, Summary Agenda July 24, 2007 Coastal Rivers Basin Board Page 3 of 8 and the required Florida Department of Environmental Protection permit has been issued. The Phase II construction project will consist of installing inlets to collect surface runoff from U.S. 19 and from the paved parking surfaces at the attraction and conveying the runoff via a new storm piping system into a newly constructed stormwater management storage area. Pollutants will settle out of the detained water and the cleaned water will be discharged via overland flow to a point downstream of the headwater spring and into the Weeki Wachee River. The project went out for bid in October 2006, and only one bid was received in November 2006. The one bid was over the engineering cost estimate and budget. The request for bid was posted in May 2007 and bids are due back August 2007. An agreement with a construction contractor will be executed after reviewing the bids. The remaining $377,718 and FY2008 funds will be used for the private entity agreement. Benefits/Costs The estimated total cost to complete the project is $800,000. The cost for analysis/design and the cultural resource investigation was $75,000 and $8,500, respectively. The project construction is estimated to be approximately $690,000 based on recent estimates and one bid from November 2006. Engineering oversight and inspection is estimated at $25,000. The EPA will reimburse the Coastal Basin Board an estimated $192,900 at the completion of the project. Staff Recommendation: Approve the encumbrance of $377,718, without a contract, for the Weeki Wachee Springs Stormwater project to be used in FY2008. Presenter: Mark A. Hammond, Director, Resource Management Department iii. Sewer and Water Fee Assessments at the Chassahowitzka Campground, SWF Parcel No. 15-347-104 Purpose To encumber previously budgeted funds for the planned central sewer and water connection assessments and sewer plant decommissioning related to the Chassahowitzka Campground. Background/History The District owns lands associated with the Chassahowitzka River Project including a boat launch, campground and store which are leased to and managed by Citrus County. The facilities are currently serviced by a water well and sewage package plant. The County has completed design of a central sewer and water system to service this area. Construction and the associated connection assessments have been delayed by the County until 2008. Cost Benefit Preliminary estimates indicate that the assessments
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