The NATIONAL WEEKLY of PROGRAMS and P E RSONALITIES Volume I Chicago, IU., Week of April 3-9, 1932 Number 24 MILLIONS FOR AN AUDIENCE IMPRESARIOS SPEND LAVISHLY FOR WORTHWHILE ENTERTAINMENT. "Millions for defeu!!e, but not one cent for tribute," that good old Amer. • leaD battle cry. has been modemlred by radio advertise" untU U DOW • seems to read, '~li1liol1s 'or an audience, and not a fig for expense." HERE afe just so many evening hours-----hours when the potential radio T audience may be expected to listen in a receptive mood, and with so many features available at a twist of the wrist it behooves the wide-awake advertiser to furnish something outstanding in talent, in idea. or in per­ formance if he is (0 steal away the audience from his rivals. The American Tobacco Company, sponsoring the Lucky Strike Dance Hour, presents Walter Winchell and bis gossip of tbe stage and screen, with tbe added attraction of dance music from here. there and everywhere. And that music, from the far corners of the earth, costs a mint of money. The orchestra has to be paid, in the first place, and such representative musical organizations as tbe Lucky Strike Hour has presentl!d demand a pretty penny fat their services. Then there is the matter of wire charges for those organizations which happen to be located on the North American Continent, and the: trans-oceanic toll charges for the or­ chestras playing in Germany, Ireland, France and such other far-off lands as, for instance, tbe Argentine. But the American Tobacco Com­ pany does not begrudge the expense, tre­ mendous as it is, so long as it holds the audience. In this case, of course, the pre­ dominant expense is in the charges for carrying the entertainment from the four .orners of the world, other programs (above) 'Pend far more for talent thao for wire and short­ LUPE VELEZ wave services. The Proctor and Gamble Company, on the (cenrer) other hand. is going in more and more heavily for BrLLlE BURKE talent, as well as for time on the air. Those two radio comics. "Colonel Stoopnagle and Budd," (extreme left) bave been working: (Turn to Page 17) FLO ZIEGFELD Choral [v;usic From EASY ACES Culbertson On Air r ·.~ " 0 i c Supervisors In Wrigley Series C"'lvention On NBC Ely Culbertson-the man who • dramatized bridge for millicns--is go~ Four sPfcial programs from the Bi­ ing on the air to discuss his famous ennial Music Supervisors Conference system of play over an NBC network will be broadcast from the Cleveland under the sponsorship of the William Auditorium over an NBC network Wrigley Jr. Company, manufacru.rers this Monday, Wednesday, Thursday of Wrigley's chewing gum. and Friday. On Monday and Wed­ "Let's play Culbertson." tl-e nesday the programs will he broad­ words that revolutionized a natirlnal cast at 10:45 a. m. over WMAQ. On pastime in less than two YUN and Thursday at 11:15 over KYW, and turned bridge into a major industry. on Friday at 2:30 p. m. over KYW. will be beard each Monday and \Ved~ Monday's program will present the nesday afternoon at 3:)0 p. m. over Junior High School chorus. singing WENR, and each Saturday at 7:00 from the Auditorium stage. On p. m. over WMAQ. Thursday and Friday the High School On Monday and Wednesday broad­ Chorus will be heard. casts, Culbertson will analyze a Con­ On April 6, mocc than 1.000 Cleve­ tract bridge hand for his listeners. tell­ land school children and students from ing how he himself would play it. all over the country, will partjcipa[(~ You've often wondered wbat they look like-·the four characters heard and why. On Saturday evening he in a music discrimination test, classi­ during the CBS "Easy Aces" program. Here they are, from left to right: will conduct a general discussion on fying in various ways a series of com­ Ace, Jack, Marge and Jane, looking just as they do when their skit takes the air each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 p. m. over the the fine points of Contract for begin­ positions broadcast from the NBC Columbia chain. ners, average players and experts. New York studios under the direction of Dr. Walter Damrosch. To tbe • three winners, the NBC will award tty our Government" HALSEY-STUART IN At And Pete free scholarships to summer musIc New NBC S e r i e s FIFTH YEAR ON AIR • camps. • • "AI and Pete," otherwise known as • Government as it daily affects and One of the oldest sponsored pro- At Cameron and Pete Bontsema, are regulates the lives of every pecsoq in grams on the air, the Halsey-Stuart now being featured in a new three-a· Pope's Voice Heard week series over WBBM as "Bo-Peep's the United States, from birth to death, and Company series, wi!! begin its In Punerica Sunday will be the subject of a new series of Boy Friends," each Monday, Wednes­ • talks and discussions day and Friday at 9:15 a. m. The OVer an NBC network this Wednes· tWO comedians offer a program of day at 7:30 p. m. ing this Tuesday. comedy and songs that appeals to As in the past, the Old Counsellor all "children" from the ages of five ican City, over an NBC network at The programs, under the title. will continue to give investment ad. to ninety-five. 11 :00 a. m. this Sunday, atmospheric "You and Your Government" are vice and a musical program of classi­ conditions permitting. A twenty­ presented by the Civic Committee of • cal numbers will complete the broad- minute address in Italian by the Pope, the National Advisory Council on Rolfe's Rhythm To casts. followed by an English translation of Radio in Education, in cooperation Local out lei KYW. Sell Ivory Soap the talk will complete the broadcast. with the American Political Science Local outlet WMAQ. • Association. They will be heard 41t • B. A. Rolfe, one of radio's best • 7:00 p. m. every Tuesday over a Church And State known band directors, will ~turn to WBBM Spelling Bee coast-to-coast NBC network. the air over NBC networks this Thurs· John H. Finley, educator, author, Share NBC Program day and Friday at 7:30 p. rn. on the and associate editor of the New York Ivery Program over an NBC network. The second of the semi-final exam­ • Times, and Thomas H. Reed, profes­ His Eminence Patrick Cardinal Hayes The sponsors are Proctor and Gamble. inations in which 24 winners from the sor of political science at the Uni­ and Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt Local outlet WLS. second twelve preliminaries in tbe versity of Michigan will address radio will be heard over an NBC network Daily Times radio spelling bee will audiences this Tuesday. Dr. Finley this Saturday at 1: 30 p. m .• during • will introduce the series, while Pro­ participate, is scheduled to be broad­ the Catholic Charities Luncheon from Auto-Radio Appliance cast this Thursday at 8:00 p.m. from fessor Reed will discuss "The Citizen • and His Government." the Hotel Astor in New York. Both WBBM. Battery Eliminators. for some time Locaf outlet WLS. the Catdinal and Governor Roosevelt considered an impractical and out· With 5 winners selected from each will appeal to directors of Catholic dated product, come into prominence of the three semi-final quizzes, 15 • Diocesan Charities throughout the again as a radio appliance of value contestants will then vie for the grand McDonald On De Valera country for the advancement of social with the announcement by Pines championship honors in the final bee • welfare work. Winterfront Company that they have How the election of Eamon De perfected and placed upon the market to be broadcast on April 21. at 8:00 Valera marked the end of the first Local outlet WMAQ. a new Eliminator for auto, motorboat p. m. period in the history of the Irish Fret' and airplane radios. State will be told by James G. Mc­ • The new accessory consists of a Donald during the program "The Sosnik Plays Grofe "triple~tested" motor in connection World Today," to be broadcast over • with a special rotary transformer. It "Huckleberry Finn" from Grafe's an NBC network this Thursday at gets its current from the regular "A H 5: 3 0 p. rn. McDonald is quoted as "Mississippi Suite," wilt be one of the battery, steps it up, rectifies and filters Vol. 1 ~ No. 24 April 3·9, 1932 saying that "the world will watch high spots of Harry Sosnik's "Penn­ it. delivering to the set a constant. Publilhod. wed.l)' 1>)' Itadl. C"lde. lac. with interest to see whether. under zoil Parade" program to be broadcast smooth D. C. current which produces ,~ 1'11"",uth COlllt. Chluco. ilL Tel. W.bollb 8SH his leadership, the domestic and for­ this Sunday at 8:30 p. m. over the a dearness of tone heretofore thought eign policies formulated by ex-pres­ impossible in an auto radio. Installa­ Itnle<e4 .. _oDd d ........ tter Oelo!>e1' :'1. 1931 •• , CBS network. This program was Ih I'o.t OrLlN. 0>1""1:<>' Imnol. nndu ident Cosgrove are to undergo a ma­ tion requires a space of 5 3-8 in. x the .lei of loll ...... s. lll'i'a terial change." formerly p~sented at 7 :00 p. m. 6 1-4 in. deep. Its total weight is Local outlet WMAQ. Local outlet WGN.
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