U i i V * ’■V. "?, '‘ i *\ * I 5 f t - r * / , « ’ „ ' i M ' ^ Y <’ , ■ " % r * ? i # ^ , t w « r - 7 ■ v - / MATAWAN, N. J., SATURDAY, JUNE 1 , 1 8 9 6 . $1.25 A TEAR. 3 CENTS SINGLE GOPT. The PreekyUrla* rilgriiiage. Secretary H rakaa Dead. I'umiiiiit'on tmt two. Tho oommlttoo* The Crowning UiagriM . ^ ‘-d OVER THK COUNTY, uow irnmbor tlirtu piiaoim. K llu lH U i J o u n l A t the la*t eeaeion of tbe Synod of W alter Q. Gresham died in W ash­ W orda fall to expraaa U i* rlgtiteona New Jeraey • oom m itteawai appointed ington Tueeday m orning from pleurisy. t a k j c n w i o m At tiiu Htutu ounvcntion of (lie ;?ro y v™ wa m «*8 iuilignatloii of tlis poojila of N«w to arrang* for a pilgrim age to hiatorio He wa* bora M uch 17/ 1832, in In­ * to a ssxogAtrarj* J'^p'wortli t,r.!ii,'iii nt K iizubuth Uut woek Jaraty, over tbe dlagrac* perpetrated apota in M onm outh eounty, iuoluding diana. A t 22 he waa adm itted to th* I1l‘\'. It. (.), Lijipiiioott, Jr., of Bolford by tba Board Fnrdona in aaiing tb* o f old Tennent Church, the old Soot* bar, at 28 waa elected u a Republioan ■ ^.‘.A : ' HTfcHVl Stl**­ wa . ii’li c.ti'it nn mihi ut tlio dixtocu (lolo- i- .' - *'•*'»'HCwprtKinofcl U<v/« l>> » Quttonb#rg noouudrel* from th* to tho Legislature in a strong Dem o­ .. f';U» n to tlnj Natiiiuiil (!ouvoution to bo Burying ground, and other points of v, 4v>-;ar<?"1vn-tt*', • prlaon coUii to whioh they w er* juetly cratic diatriot He served during th«“ lint.i in i. tiiittnnojju next m uutb. intereet. The program ia completed a e u t e n a o d . aud includeaa pilgrim age to M onm onth war w ith great diatinotion and w a* m o*- » ^ ip al Kvjpoil/or ia Amiiu I.oiuh liur^cr, VioO-ConBul lo The m an prim arily reapom lble for county, and aervioes at tbe old Scots tered ont as a M ajor-General. Presi­ ■; • - r s A ' f t U a J o A ? , ' • • • IVnimirl;, Sweden mui Norway, -who thia crow ning piooe of politioal infam y Bnrying Grouud at 10 o'clock in the dent Grant appointed him Unitod iini! I:. ;'ii a 1,'i.iiinnt of WnBhiugtoD, D. ••J.-..V r'< l’.*’e |V - > 'U {*“ »; ii! I.tci- u iit.'W H v l i iiiitll--’ ia thu Govcruur of Now Jersey. W ith­ m orning, and in tbe Tennent Church State* District Judge for Indiana in m u l’ii 1H71, ilicil siulJonly at Oocan •'^W)M5«ttfttt.-0x*iyo ^atea on fiiuid^y. out his vote no pardon oonld litv*been at 3:80 o'clock in the afternoon of I860 and in 1883 ho loft tbe bench to (innii, Mny 'i‘ii (rum m>oploiy. Uo givun. Tho worat oieontlie that Mew 1 tiOflJ? IhU* \ <t I t i j i p t M i t t t Tueeday, June 4, when diatingulshed go Into Treeldent Arthur’s Cabinet. wim JO yoiim olil. Ilia remains wera pfr-OottimidsfotteV of Forth Amboy. Jeraey haa every had w m landed in the ap*ak*ra w ill dtliver addresses appro­ H o failed to be reappointed to a judge- takon to W uiihinyton tho eamo day. Governor’* ohair when George T. priate to tbe occasion. Delegate* from ahip by Preaident Ilarriaon and be < v , V$ CottrpU ol r&nuinftilulo lot Henry 13. Iiimi nud Mary L. Lnm, W «r|i waa elected. H I* ***ool*te* ar* jolnod the Democratic ranka. M r. M * I tc fciliud'» pSn« £»nko »f»von hot •oolaaiaatioal bodiea, from historic tim tlimglitiir, ilifit within a fow boon now /m d long bave been of tbe o Im * t o and other societies, from the Daugh­ Cleveland appointed him Socrotary of t y i w which Crnlima, W albaam, Can and V’t »f tui'b otlior »t. Liuoroft tho past weok. ter* tnd Son* of tho Revolution a* State and b* waa Ailing that ofllco at i’i Yiopjy Uru'joii Iron l ’io r t / O I U - 'lliu fiitlmr from liourt ilisoaae on Bal- MoLanghli* belong. Ha aeomi to well as the Bona of the Am erloan Revo­ tho time of hi* daatb. M r. Groah*m ’ ’ iv in i ft -ii vA.i.’iiil o f '< ■ ‘ ) t iinliiv iiifiht nnd tlie (lnughtac from h a i* been iwalpuUited, *v *r tine* h* lution, ofBoora and m em ber* of th* leave* tw o ohlldren, * son and daugh­ baahtld pnblio oltto* by tbea* m en, lipinul iliiu'i'.bj Hiiiiiluy m orning. Mr. Seoteh Iriab Society, whether Presby­ ter,and a wife who he m arried in 18S8. T b o a p a o n Flynn, u d their ,* r. uiio. mil ia im trmJjinr.; Imm wnn 7.i yciii'H olil nml Mina Lum M i d terian or not, will rooeiv* * cordial Hia fun*r*l w m W udneaday from tho political aa*ocl*t«*. w hen th * peopl* * him l ‘tah Uii Um light with 87 yenra old. w iloom *. T h * old Sooth Burial Ground W hite House. l W i ■r S f’iS ip r.. rim ti thuir night tgalnit th* n tn , Uumpuny 1), Oil Itoglmeut, lUtionod i i Im i than on* mile front W lokatunk oorration and dlagriM of tb* raoe ... v i '.m rfid iv I-' j j K o puli UrtuUid nt Nmv llninswiok wna marked 109 por (Ution, 8tige« and oarrUgc* will b* Faeti Ahoit N e w J e r s e y . iraehaand raeatraekligiiUUon, CUorg* ' (itt liol.l 4*w i * n' lenooinijut cx- onu I ui thu nmiunl inapootloo laat wtoli. at th * (tetion* to oonv*y paasengere to Aooonllng to tho l*te*t return* N*w T . W *rt», w itb oharM torbUo dnplicHy, thu. A iiiiiuy . l’viu-y imunlii'r ot tho company waa th* ground*. Froehofd will bo tha Jor soy raises aum iallr 12,077,000 bush­ apoM fair prouiae* to thclr fiec* and ,; :- l ’ - !'iii M u i U ii In’ 1 ii i I i m jinBiint. Thin in tln> fifth year tbli oomm on otutre, tbe placo to dine, to el* of ooru, w beit and oata whoa* *ggt*- ile»*l them falae tb* mom*nt Uiey ■*f lltlllSfl 'I ll* S n u l i j i n (tl- m iu ip iiiiy him iittuiiicil lot), and it la vlow th * M onm outh I)*ttlo M onum out, gato value It about |H,000,000, £ailicft him ,, lu tbo I n U r w U o t t h e i-liii iiiimI th nt. i t iitikiulH Hmniml 111 m ill- anil take cara for Tennoutaud the aer- In the saving hanks nf tbo State th* tnrv tioiviiM' iii tlio Hiiiti'd Btalcl. r i u * vaok leglalation. vice* of the afturuoon. It will l>* a . ‘ •?’! I'-t. J A < i ,.ij l ■ lll 'i i 1 :i.i. !l J ll n t i t 187,B07 dupoators havo $14,200,208, And wh*a tho timo earn* to **ve ('niiipn)iv I*'of tlm 7th Ituglmont (Now great favor to tho oom m ittea to b * lu- '’ l.i't,.T!i;!if,-Jli ,1.1 Li!.' | .till IC.V \ i11 H o .lU ty <>( Tbe llsh industry of New Jor**jr theaf Inftiuoui datUnbw g oonviot* form oil who anil how m any w ill attend J'., O lm rr fi, .jm n i .ui. 'itir l.) 11im Itmt plnoo, am ounts to f!l,(!25,Hl>() anuunlly. from ibo prltou to which Um Bapreui* . SCB f J ' W i as ielngates or pilgrlm a, so lhat thoy Tho estimated Inomase of population ' '•■ - lC;.kii.w-............... •■ t-HlUm lit Anl-ury I,. Ji. Olurk, I’oliiri'it, who aecurod * v ” Court of the 8tat* a n d thu Court of may make oarly aud ailoipiat* ar- r M 1* * t u ,-ti>i) tnuii W iiliiini lliiiula, nlno milor«d of tba Stato by tbo Huporiutiiuilout of ; '--v i; 7 ' <5; hi# te’tm appointed n fc«ilnn>I trim- Errata and App **l* unMlm oualy *eu- of Kor|>i>rt. t>y friiml nliuut a month raugeiM nta w ith tbo rnllioad ooiniian- Hohoola' I'liusua sinoii 18110 la 244,407. K (U urj;i’, rinij,! i ! t*iKi*<l them , Georg* T , W trUappoinled ~-te» •te-ii!^ ,^H,W444‘VSi» iee to convoy tbe pilgrliue to Krooiiold ni{ii u m l w im niiiiln IiIh iiHoupu wiih ro- I'lio M orris (lannl wns coniplotod In -li A3 11 !' I ii ,H'U Known t w o n a n t o t b * C ourt of l'ardona whoao i i'iitlv I'liunlit lu Now York, llu ilo- anil w ith hotel koeporn to feed tlmm IHIlll nt a mist of 911,00(1,OUO. It la 10H iI hmI th on* o n 11 rat voto « « * to llborat* thu Oiittou- there. Thn oxooutlvo oommlttoo con- f r m u in l ii wnmiiu thrro of #70 In cash inlli’i long, Inis 113 Ini'lim inda u*vigal)l* ‘ * w o k , UfiiTin l i M t MUVfi. Iw rg M onndrolt, nm l ii Kiiltl w h I i 'I i und waa arrontml, sits of llev, Alien II.
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