Interstate 10 - Phoenix to California Border, Multimodal Corridor Profile Study Task Assignment MPD 09-11 Final Report Prepared for Arizona Department of Transportation Multimodal Planning Division Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. March 2013 This page is intentionally left blank. Interstate 10 – Phoenix to California Border, Multimodal Corridor Profile Study Task Assignment MPD 09-11 | Final Report| March 2013 i Contents List of Figures ii 4.10 Airports 4-22 8. Projects in the I-10 Corridor 8-1 List of Tables ii 4.11 Railroads 4-23 8.1 Programmed projects 8-1 Abbreviations and Acronyms iii 4.12 Utilities 4-23 8.2 Potential projects 8-5 Executive Summary ES-1 5. Movement of People, Goods, and Services 5-1 9. References 9-1 1. Study Description 1-1 5.1 Vehicular traffic flow 5-1 5.2 Transit services 5-9 1.1 Corridor overview 1-1 5.3 Freight movement 5-10 1.2 I-10 Corridor agency roles 1-1 1.3 Planning and environmental linkages 1-3 6. Safety and Security 6-1 1.4 Purpose and need 1-3 6.1 Crash history 6-1 1.5 Goals, objectives, and evaluation criteria 1-4 6.2 Geometric design 6-1 1.6 Stakeholder and public outreach 1-4 6.3 Access control 6-1 2. History of the I-10 Corridor 2-1 6.4 Ports of entry 6-6 6.5 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station emergency 2.1 Construction 2-1 evacuation plan 6-6 2.2 Previous planning studies 2-2 7. Environment and Natural Resources 7-1 Appendixes (see attached CD) 3. Preservation 3-1 7.1 Water resources 7-1 Appendix A: Planning and Environmental Linkages 3.1 Road network 3-1 7.2 Floodplains 7-4 Questionnaire and Checklist 3.2 Interstate 10 3-3 7.3 Jurisdictional waters 7-4 Appendix B: Evaluation criteria 4. Community Character 4-1 7.4 Topography and geology 7-6 Appendix C: Stakeholder and public outreach information 4.1 Communities 4-1 7.5 Biological resources 7-6 Appendix D: I-10 construction projects 4.2 Land ownership 4-1 7.6 Section 6(f) and 4(f) 7-10 Appendix E: Previous studies and reports 4.3 Land use 4-4 7.7 Cultural resources 7-12 Appendix F: Right-of-way plan inventory 4.4 Socioeconomics 4-7 7.8 Farmland 7-14 Appendix G: Existing bridges 4.5 Environmental justice 4-11 7.9 Hazardous materials 7-18 Appendix H: Existing reinforced concrete box culverts 4.6 Special event facilities 4-17 7.10 Noise 7-18 Appendix I: Horizontal and vertical geometry tables 4.7 Parks and recreational facilities 4-19 7.11 Air quality 7-18 Appendix J: Corridor Type Site Assessment Criteria 4.8 Bicycle and pedestrian facilities 4-21 7.12 Visual resources 7-19 4.9 Public transportation facilities 4-22 ii Task Assignment MPD 09-11 | Final Report| March 2013 Interstate 10 – Phoenix to California Border, Multimodal Corridor Profile Study List of Figures List of Tables Figure 1.1 | Project location 1-1 Figure 5.1 | Existing daily traffic volumes, 2009 5-3 Table 3.1 | I-10 lanes and shoulders by segment 3-7 Figure 1.2 | I-10 Corridor 1-2 Figure 5.2 | Existing level of service 5-5 T a b l e 3 . 2 | P a v e d s h o u l d e r w i d t h s f o r c o n t r o l l e d - a c c e s s Figure 2.1 | I-10 Corridor construction 2-1 Figure 5.3 | Short-range traffic projections 5-7 highways 3-9 Figure 3.1 | Existing road network 3-2 Figure 5.4 | Long-range traffic projections 5-8 Table 3.3 | Interstate pavement ratings 3-9 Figure 3.2 | Future road network, MAG region 3-4 Figure 5.5 | Average daily traffic by milepost 5-9 Table 3.4 | Bridge sufficiency rating summary 3-11 Figure 3.3 | I-10 typical cross sections 3-6 Figure 6.1 | Crash rate 6-3 Table 3.5 | Culvert sufficiency summary 3-14 Figure 3.4 | Existing lanes 3-8 Figure 6.2 | Crashes per mile by type and milepost 6-4 Table 3.6 | Existing traffic interchanges 3-16 Figure 3.5 | Pavement conditions 3-10 Figure 6.3 | Fatal crash inventory 6-5 Ta b l e 3 . 7 | F u t u r e p r o g r a m m e d a n d p l a n n e d t r a f f i c interchanges 3-18 Figure 3.6 | Bridges 3-12 Figure 7.1 | Water resources 7-2 Table 4.1 | Land ownership 4-4 Figure 3.7 | Culverts and noise walls 3-13 Figure 7.2 | Floodplains 7-5 Table 4.2 | Population 4-7 Figure 3.8 | Interchanges 3-17 Figure 7.3 | Geology 7-7 Table 4.5 | Special event facilities 4-17 Figure 3.9 | ITS, rest areas, and ADOT facilities 3-19 Figure 7.4 | Plant communities 7-8 Table 4.6 | Maricopa County trails near I-10 4-21 Figure 4.1 | Jurisdictions 4-2 Figure 7.5 | Wildlife corridors 7-11 Table 5.1 | Level of service thresholds 5-1 Figure 4.2 | Land ownership 4-3 Figure 7.6 | Farmland 7-16 Table 5.2 | I-10 traffic overview, 2009 5-2 Figure 4.3 | Existing land use 4-5 F i g u r e 7. 7 | R o a d s i d e l a n d s c a p e a s s e s s m e n t c a t e g o r i e s , T a b l e 5 . 3 | I - 1 0 t r a f f i c o v e r v i e w w i t h s h o r t - a n d l o n g - r a n g e Figure 4.4 | Developable land 4-6 representative photographs 7-21 traffic projections 5-6 Figure 4.5 | 2010 Population density 4-8 Figure 7.8 | Rural I-10 landscape treatments 7-21 T a b l e 5 . 4 | I - 1 0 t r u c k t r a f f i c o v e r v i e w , 2 0 0 9 a n d s h o r t - a n d Figure 7.9 | Billboards along I-10 7-22 Figure 4.6 | 2010 Housing density 4-9 long-range projections 5-11 Figure 7.10 | View of Phoenix skyline 7-22 Figure 4.7 | 2010 Employment density 4-10 Table 6.1 | I-10 crash overview 6-2 Figure 7.11 | View of Colorado River 7-22 Figure 4.8 | Minority populations distribution 4-12 T a b l e 7. 1 | F e d e r a l l y l i s t e d s p e c i e s f o u n d i n L a P a z a n d Figure 4.9 | Low-income populations distribution 4-13 F i g u r e 8 . 1 | P r o j e c t s u n d e r c o n s t r u c t i o n o r p r o g r a m m e d f o r Maricopa Counties 7-9 construction in the next five years 8-3 Figure 4.10 | Elderly populations distribution 4-14 T a b l e 7. 2 | A r i z o n a G a m e a n d F i s h D e p a r t m e n t d a t a b a s e Figure 4.11 | Disabled populations distribution 4-15 results 7-10 F i g u r e 4 . 1 2 | F e m a l e h e a d s o f h o u s e h o l d p o p u l a t i o n s Table 7.3 | I-10 Corridor cultural resource surveys 7-15 distribution 4-16 Table 7.4 | Federal noise abatement criteria 7-19 Figure 4.13 | Special event facilities 4-18 Table 7.5 | National Ambient Air Quality Standards 7-19 Figure 4.14 | Recreational facilities 4-20 T a b l e 8 . 1 | P r o j e c t s u n d e r c o n s t r u c t i o n o r p r o g r a m m e d f o r Figure 4.15 | Railroads and airports 4-24 construction in the next five years (fiscal year 2013 to 2017) 8-2 Figure 4.16 | Utilities 4-25 Table 8.2 | Planned projects in the I-10 Corridor (fiscal year 2018 to 2031) 8-2 Table 8.3 | Potential projects in the I-10 Corridor 8-6 Interstate 10 – Phoenix to California Border, Multimodal Corridor Profile Study Task Assignment MPD 09-11 | Final Report| March 2013 iii Abbreviations and Acronyms INA Irrigation Non-Expansion Area Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient 101L Loop 101 SAFETEA-LU Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users 202L Loop 202 IRI International Roughness Index SB southbound 303L Loop 303 ISA Initial Site Assessment SHPO State Historic Preservation Office(r) AADT annual average daily traffic ITS intelligent transportation systems SR State Route LLoop ADEQ Arizona Department of Environmental Quality SRP Salt River Project LESA Land Evaluation and Site Assessment AMA active management area TAC Technical Advisory Committee LOS level of service ADOT Arizona Department of Transportation TCP traditional cultural property MAG Maricopa Association of Governments ADWR Arizona Department of Water Resources TDS total dissolved solids MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act AGFD Arizona Game and Fish Department Maricopa County Department of TI traffic interchange MCDOT APE area of potential effects Transportation Title VI Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 A.R.S.
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