ARHS 2021 SEED EXCHANGE INSTRUCTIONS Seed packets are $3.00 CDN each for collected wild, $2.50 CDN each for hand-pollinated and $2.00 CDN each for open-pollinated seed. One packet per lot per person. More may be ordered but are subject to availability. THIS EXCHANGE IS NOW CLOSED Seed Lots that become unavailable will have a strikethrough 000_NLA updated May 4, 2021 All orders must be on the form provided and should be received by February 28, 2021 for members-only. The Exchange will be open to the public after Feb. 28, 2021 until April 30, 2021 Send all orders to: Sharon Bryson, #407 Old Maryvale Rd., Maryvale, Nova Scotia B2G 2L1 CANADA Please make your cheque or money order payable to ‘Atlantic Rhododendron & Horticultural Society’. Add $3.50 CDN for postage & padded envelope. This year payments may also be made via e-transfer or PayPal. Use the address [email protected] US regulations now require an import permit and a phytosanitary certificate. Seeds sent to the US will be shipped without a phytosanitary certificate and at the orderer’s risk. SEED LIST DONORS: ADD - Betty Ann Addison, Minneapolis, MN BRY - Sharon Bryson, Maryvale, NS CHA - Paul Chafe, Parham, ON CHR - Ian Christie, Scotland CLY - Bruce Clyburn, New Waterford, NS COC – Norman Cochrane, Lower Sackville, NS CUN - Steve Cunliffe, Henniker, NH CYB - Tomasz Cyba, Poland DAN – Carol Dancer, Victoria, BC ELL - Jamie Ellison, Canning, NS GRA - Lori Graham, Antigonish, NS HAR - Joe Harvey, Victoria, BC HOW - Bob Howard, Granville Ferry, NS KIT - Douglas Kitts, Parksville, BC LAY- Anitra Laycock, Prospect Bay, NS LOO - Jack Looye, Centerville, NS NOR - Peter Norris, Martha’s Vineyard, MA PER - Sally & John Perkins, Salem, New Hampshire RAB - Ron Rabideau, New Jersey USA ROM - Gwen Romanes, Halifax, NS SAN – Jenny Sandison, Mahone Bay, NS SHA - Ken Shannik, Halifax, NS THE - Kristian Theqvist, Finland WEA - John Weagle, Halifax, NS Rhododendron Species - Collected Wild - $3.00 Rhododendron Species - Hand-Pollinated - $2.50 001 ELL R. canadense (Blue Foliage) collected Greenwood, NS (from 2020 Exchange) 008 THE R. brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii 002 WEA R. canadense, collected Prospect Bay, NS cross between two plants from Arboretum 003 ADD R. maximum, collected wild, Kingston, RI Mustila, Finland (from 2020 Exchange) (from 2020 Exchange) 009 ADD R. dauricum Rice Creek, selfed F3 004 THE R. phaeochrysum, Gongkahu 4250 m, Yunnan (from 2020 Exchange) (from 2020 Exchange) 010 WEA R. kaempferi v. latisepalum, selfed 005 THE R. racemosum, Xiaoxueshan 3520 m, Yunnan Halifax Public Gardens (from 2020 Exchange) (from 2020 Exchange) 011 THE R. oreodoxa var. fargesii, a cross 006 THE R. tomentosum, Turku Archipelago, Finland between plants from different origin 007 THE R. vernicosum, Xiaoxueshan 3520 m, Yunnan (from 2020 Exchange) (from 2020 Exchange) (from 2020 Exchange) 047 ELL ‘Bellefontaine’ x ‘Madfort’ (‘Henry Duponte’) Rhododendron Species - Open-Pollinated - $2.00 048 ELL ‘Bellefontaine’ x R. griffithianum 049 ADD ‘Bellefontaine’ x (‘Visiting Angels’ x ‘Haaga’) †5 012 LAY Rhododendron albrechtii selfed 050 LOO [(‘Bikini Island’ x ‘Fiery Orange’) X ‘Golden upright, twiggy deciduous species Horseshoe’] (from 2020 Exchange) 051 ELL “Blue Heaven” †6 x ‘R. ‘Babylon’ 013 ADD R. brachycarpum, compact, selfed, hardy to -40F 052 ELL “Blue Heaven” x R. makinoi 014 CUN R. calendulaceum “Engine Gap” 053 ELL “Blue Heaven” x R. pseudochrysanthum 015 WEA R. camtschaticum purple (few seeds). 054 ELL “Blue Heaven” x R. strigillosum 016 ADD R. catawbiense, high elevation TN 055 ELL “Blue Heaven” x R. thayerianum 017 CUN R. cumberlandense 056 CLY ‘Brio’ x ‘Babylon’ (from 2020 Exchange) 018 PER R. cumberlandense, Red form 057 CLY (‘Calsap’ x R.calophytum) x (‘Hardy Giant’ x 019 WEA R. dauricum v. album ‘Babylon’) (from 2020 Exchange) One of the best 058 COC ‘Capistrano’ x ‘Nancy Steele’ 020 ADD R. dauricum, hardy to -40F, wine colored 059 LOO (‘Casanova’ x ‘Sweet Lulu’) X ‘Golden Horseshoe’ growing North of Minneapolis in Patrick 060 LOO {[‘China Boy’ X (‘Ch. Dickens’ x ‘Mars’)] X Vettling’s garden [‘Nova Zembla’ X (‘America’ x ‘Mars’)]} X R. 021 ADD R. dauricum ‘Madison Snow’ thompsonii 022 WEA R. dauricum v. nana ‘Compactum Roseum’ 061 LOO ‘Earl Cordy’ x ‘Golden Horseshoe’ Likely selfed ‘Earl Cordy’ = (catfortcampy x ‘Mary Garrison’) X 023 BRY R. kiusianum , Evergreen Azalea, pink ‘Rio’ Yellow fading to peachy pastel flowers. 024 BRY R. kiusianum , Evergreen Azalea, white ‘Golden Horseshoe’ = ‘Papaya Punch’ X 025 BRY R. luteum, fragrant, bright yellow ‘Casanova’ 026 THE R. luteum, possibly self-pollinated but there are 062 CHA ‘Edith Pride’ x R. sinogrande many other tetraploid azaleas close-by 063 THE 'Fantastica' x 'Crimson Pippin' 027 PER R. lagopus goal: red flowers, indumentum 028 ELL R. maximum (Red maximum) 064 ELL ‘Firestorm’ x R. arboreum ‘Cinnamomen’ from John Brett’s property Morris Island, NS 065 ELL ‘Firestorm’ x ‘Harold Amateis’ (from 2020 Exchange) 066 ELL ‘Firestorm’ x R. barbatum 029 ADD R. minus var. carolinianum 067 ELL ‘Firestorm’ x R. haematodes 030 WEA R. minus var. carolinianum Chamagne's pale 068 ELL ‘Firestorm’ x R. thomsonii Pink 069 ELL ‘Firestorm’ x ‘Henry’s Red’ 031 ADD R. minus, var carolinianum, compact,hardy to -35F 070 COC ‘Goldfort’ x ‘Nancy Steele’ 032 WEA R. mucronulatum v. chejuensis 071 COC ‘Goldkrone’ x ‘Nancy Steele’ 033 WEA R. mucronulatum ('Woodland Pink’ x ‘Cornell 072 LOO ‘Gold Prinz’ X (V-6609 x ‘Fiery Orange’) Pink') 073 ADD (‘Haaga’ x R. smirnowii, compact) 034 THE R. pilosum, former name Menziesia pilosa, Should be hardy to -35F comes true as no other Menziesia close-by 074 ADD (‘Helsinki University’ x ‘Dr. Lutton’) X 035 PER R. prunifolium, Hohman’s, deep reddish-orange ‘Rosalie’s Wine’ 7 Flowers, late bloom † 075 ELL ‘Henry’s Red’ x R. haematodes 036 KIT R. qiaojiaense, from ARS-10-694 1 † 076 CHA ‘Henry's Red’ x R. sutchuenense Compact grower with Mauve trusses. Rounded 077 ELL ‘Honeybutter’ x ‘Flautando’ elliptical leaves. ‘Honeybutter’ = 'Nancy Evans' x ('China' x 'Lem's 037 ELL R. schlippenbachii , Japanese Royal Azalea Cameo’) A Jim Barlup selection, yellow centered from Kentville Research Station flowers fading in shades of orange 038 ADD R. smirnowii, plant~6Ft. - hardy to -35F 078 ELL [‘Honeybutter’ X [‘Golden Horseshoe’ X (‘Sandra 039 WEA R. vaseyi, pink Hinton’ x ‘Casanova’)] 040 WEA R. vaseyi, white - likely selfed 079 ELL “K-8-02” 8 x R, grande † 080 ELL “K-8-02” x R. lanigerum 081 ELL “K-8-02” x ‘Madfort’ (‘Henry Duponte’) Rhododendron Hybrids - Hand-Pollinated -$2.50 082 ELL “K-8-02” x R. macabeanum 083 ELL “K-8-02” x R. makinoi 041 LOO ‘Anna Hall’ x R. macabeanum ‘Bones’ 084 ELL “K-8-02” x R. sinogrande 085 THE ‘Kristian's Cute’ x R.makinoi ‘Fuju-kaku-no- 042 COC ARHS2004-60 (plant ‘N’) 2 x ‘Nancy Steele’ † Matsu’ 043 COC ARS92-608 (“Best Yellow” clone) †3 x ‘Nancy goal: peach/orange flowers, indumented Steele’ 086 THE 'Kristian's Moonlight' x R. dichroanthum ssp. 044 ELL ‘Babylon x R. ‘Madfort’ (Henry Duponte) †4 scyphocalyx, goal: orange flowers, compact 045 ELL ‘Babylon’ x R. strigillosum (from 2020 Exchange) growth 046 THE ‘Bellefontaine’ x ‘Dagmar’, fragrance 087 THE ‘Merja’ x R. makinoi ‘Fuju-kaku-no-matsu’ goal: orange flowers, narrow leaves, compact growth 088 THE ‘Mikkeli’ x ‘Ring of Fire’, aim: yellow and possibly pink (from 2020 Exchange) Rhododendron Hybrids - Open-Pollinated - $2.00 089 ELL ‘Minas Grande Pre’ x R. caloxanthum ‘Royston’ 090 ELL ‘Moonshot” x ‘Carmen’ 091 WEA (‘Napoli’ x ‘Abraxas’) x ‘Scotian Sovereign’†9 124 WEA 'Charme-La' (from 2020 Exchange) = R. minus, var. carolinianum) x R. patulum 092 ELL ‘Percy Wiseman’ x ‘Flautando’ 125 COC ARS#92-608 #9 - Clone from “best 093 COC ‘Percy Wiseman’ x ‘Nancy Steele’ yellow” Grown by Bill Wilgenhof and 094 ELL ‘Peter Tigerstedt’(PMA) x R. makinoi purchased at ARHS Advance Sale for 095 COL Polar Bear (2x) x [(Rwain (3x) X L’Engin (4x)) Members. x ’Gargantua’(4x)] (4x) (from 2020 Exchange) 126 COC ARHS2004-60 †2 (plant ‘N’, fairly stable yellow) special tetraploid cross, sm. quantities $3.00 (in close physical proximity to sibling ‘S’ 096 CYB ‘Queenswood Centenary’†10 x ‘Elizabeth Red and ARS92-608) Foliage’ (from 2020 Exchange) 127 ADD ‘Dark Lord’ OP from Wayne Mezitt’s original 097 ELL R. forrestii ‘Repens’ †11 (Alleyne Cook) x plant , Weston Nursery, MA (from 2020 Exchange) ‘Carmen’ 128 MAC ‘Flautando’ (from 2020 Exchange) 098 ELL R. forrestii ‘Repens’ (Alleyne Cook selection) X 129 BRY (R. brachycarpum x R. macabeanum) [‘China Boy’ X (‘Ch. Dickens’ x ‘Mars’)] X [‘Nova Excellent foliage plant, late blooming Zembla’ X (‘America’ x ‘Mars’ )] 130 BRY (R. degronianum ssp. Heptamereum 'Enamoto' 099 ELL R. forrestii ‘Repens’ (Alleyne Cook) x R. thomsonii x R. pachysanthum) Beautiful tomentum (pollen from Anitra Laycock’s plant) from ARHS2006#49 100 THE R. fortunei x ‘Bellefontaine’, aim: fragrance 131 ADD ‘Tennis Ball’, white flowers with black lines (from 2020 Exchange) in the center and a tight truss, hardy to -35F 101 THE R. maximum, red form x ‘Hehku’, aim: yellow, (= R. brachycarpum x ‘White Peter’) orange and red (from 2020 Exchange) 132 COC ‘Vinecrest’ 102 CHA (R. maximum x R. aureum) x R. sutchuenense 103 CHA (R. maximum x R. aureum) x R. strigillosum 104 ELL (R.maximum x R. aureum F2)* x ‘Harold Amateis’ *A compact mounding selection with great foliage Azalea Hybrids - Hand-Pollinated - $2.50 105 ELL (R.maximum x R. aureum F2) x R. auriculatum 106 ELL (R.maximum x R. aureum F2) x R. calophytum 133 COC ‘Mount St. Helens’ (Girard) x ‘Golden Flare’ 107 ELL (R.maximum x R. aureum F2) x R. makinoi (Exbury) 108 ELL (R.maximum x R.
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