The original documents are located in Box 27, folder “8/14-20/76 - Kansas City, Kansas - Republican National Convention (5)” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 27 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE DATE RESTRICTION DOCUMENT Diagram Diagram of Floor of Crown Center Hotel, 1 page ND B File Location: Sheila Weidenfeld Files, Box 27, Folder: 8/114-20/1976 - Kansas City, Kansas - Republican National Convention (5) SD 1/18/2017 RESTRICTION CODES (A) Closed by applicable Executive order governing access to national security information. (B) Closed by statute or by the agency which originated the document. (C) Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in the donor's deed of gift. NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION NA FORM 1429 (1-98) 1. TELEPIDNE LIST - 8/11/76 OFFICE OFFICE EXT. THE PRESIDENI' & MRS. FORD Presidential SUite Gayle & Mike Ford ex:: 1843 Jack Ford ex:: 1448/9 Susan Ford cc 1844 THE VICE PRESIDENT & MRS. ROCKEFELLER State SUite Ainsworth, Gene cc 1407 cc 1714 3446 Ambrose, Miles ex:: 1652 ex:: 1714 3446 .Arnrren, Helen cc 1453 Anderson, Dick ex:: 1454 ex:: 1713 3630 Anderson, Ray ex:: 1454 ex:: 1713 3630 Anderson, Stan cc 1826 President's Rm. 3380 Applegate, Al & Bev cc 1431 cc 1713 3630 Araiza, Able ex:: 1756 ex:: 1847 * Austin, Greg ex:: 548 ex:: 531 3339 Austin, Tim cc 1626 President's Rm. 3380 Bacx:m, Perry ex:: 1432 Mission Rm. 3355 Baker, Jim cc 1825 cc 1714 3571 Barbieri, Jan cc 1210 Roanoke Rm. 3328 Baroody, Bill, Jr. cc 1754 cc 1754 * Bautista, Arthuro cc 1846 ex:: 1847 * Beckwith, Babs ex:: 1425 Roanoke Rm. 3328 Bellows, Betsy cc 1803 cc 1639 3360 Bengtson, Barbara cc 1412 cc 1716 3642 Benjamin, cc 1530 Liberty Rm. 3310 Bennent, Linda ex:: 1401 Municipal Airport 3691 Berger, Kathy ex:: 1850 Penn Valley * Beringer, Ba.r:ry cc 1455 cc 1722 3668 Blair, Sarrlra 1601 N.E. Vivian #21 Union Station 3466 Blaser, Doug cc 1220 Union Station 3458 Booth, carolyn ex:: 1401 Municipal Airport 3691 ·:-:;-·~ 3380 Bottans, David ex:: 1456 President's Rm,.· ·: .. · t·u;.""i, 1 3328 Bourke, Ma:ry cc 1212 Roanoke Rm. · , · " <'. Bradley, Ann ex:: 1747 ex:: 1855 .' / -~ * \,' ) '·-.... .... ~_,_ _,/. 2. RESIDENCE OFFICE OFFICE~. Brower, Charles cc 1654 legal Office 7754 Brown, Shirley cc 1605 Shawnee Rm. 3334 Burch, Dean cc 1627 cc 1715 3637 Burrows, Mike cc 1433 Municipal Airport 3691 Butler, Pat cc 1655 Butz, Earl Sec. of Ag. cc 1405 cc ·531 3339 caldero, Ray cc 1631 2Irl Floor 3394 canpbell, Gail cc 1211 lbanoke Rm. 3328 Cannon, Hugh cc 1452 cc 1802 * Cannon, Jim cc 1802 cc 1802 * canzeri, Joe cc 1806 cc 1804 3560 carlson, Jack cc 1450 cc 1721 3665 carlson, John cc 1202 lbanoke Rm. 3328 carroccio, Tan cc 1450 legal Office 842-7754 carruthers, Bill cc 1648 cc 1750 * Cassleman, Bill cc 1647 cc 1721 3665 cavanaugh, Jim cc 1732 cc 1732 * cavaney, Red Oasis 4920, #6 Union Station 3472 Chanuck, Foster cc 1746 cc 1746 * Cheney, Dick cc 1837/38 cc 1837 * Chew, David cc 1402 Municipal Airport 3691 Chirdon, Nancy cc 1745 Shawnee Rm. 3334 Clarey, Don Municipal Airport 3691 Clausen, M::>nte 1501 N.E. Vivian #38 Union Station 3460 Cleary, Mickie Shawnee Mission, Kansas Liberty Rm. 3310 Clower, r.ewey Oasis 4912, #2 Union Station 3460 Cluff, Happy cc 1809 Liberty Rm. 3397 Coates, Bob cc 1851 * Colby, Dottie cc 1410 Shawnee Rm. 34·46 Cole, Joan 1601 N.E. Vivian #21 Liberty Rm. 3310 Coleman, Ron cc 1440. cc 531 3339 Coleman, Wn. T. Sec. Trans. cc 1515/16 cc 531 3339 Cormally, John 1538/39 cc 1733 * Connors, Jim cc 1733 cc 1750 Cook, Joann 1427 N.E. Vivian #37 Union Station 3460 Cotten, Ben cc 1428 cc 1720 3660 CCMling' F.d. 1609 N.E. Vivian #31 E. Garage Wing 3394 Coyle, Pat cc 1656 Roanoke Rm. 3328 Crawford, Ron cc 1235 cc 1703 3660 Crawford, Tim cc 1235 cc 1703 3660 Del:x:>l t, F.d. cc 544 cc 1718 3650 DeFrancis, M/M Jim cc 1554 cc 1713 3630 Delacruz, Victorio cc 1445 cc 1756 * Deirerill, Nick cc 1533 Mission Roan 3'155 Dixon, H:Mard cc 1806 Shawnee Rm. 3650 Dollen, Leona cc 1412 cc 1716 3638 l):(ni.n.a' lee cc 1847 cc 1756 * Douglas, Bob cc 1613 Union Station 3458 IkJwns, Maria cc 1447 Shawnee 3334 3. NAME RF.s!DEN::E OFFICE OFFICE EXT. Dray, Bill cc 1629 cc 1737 * Duval, Mike cc 1733 cc 1721 3665 F.astlan::i, Larry 1527 N.E. Vivian# 38 Presidents Rm. 3380 Eggleberger, Larry cc 1754 Eberle, Bill cc 1537 Shawnee Rm. 3446 Ebner, Stanley cc 1446 cc 1721 3665 Elliott, lbbert cc 540 Presidents Rm. 3380 Evans, Bill cc 545 Legal Office 842-7754 Evans, Marion 1617 N.E. Vivian #11 E. Garage Wing 3394 Fairbanks, Dick cc 1238 cc 1719 3654 Farley, Mike 1497 N.E. Vivian #31 Union Station 3460 Farrell, Mike cc 1430 Union Station 3460 Fernald, Jackie cc 1706 cc 1720 3660 Fields, Jim cc 1746 cc 1746 * Fisher, Ms. Mary cc 1309 cc 531 3339. Fitzpatrick, Bill cc 1429 * Foote, Charles 1601 N •.E. Vivian #21 Union Station 3462 Ford, Dick cc Ford, Jim cc Ford, Tan cc Foster, Julie cc 1844 Frederickson, Dave 1119 N.E. Vivian #28 Union Station 3458 Friedersdorf, M/M Max cc 1751 cc 1751 * Frost, Jack cc 1456 Liberty 3318 Garbett, Dick cc 545 cc 1716 3642 George, E. cc 1536 2nd Floor 3400 Gergen, David cc 1750 cc 1750 * Gerrard, Connie cc 1213 Roanoke Rm. 3328 Gibson, Valerie Kansas City Union Station 3462 Goode, Mark cc 1507 cc 1750 * Goodwin, Bob 1427 N.E. Vivian #31 Union Station 3460 Gordon, Sherill cc 1534 Shawnee Rm. 3446 Gorog, Bill cc 1734 cc 1729 * Greener, William cc 1241/42 Roanoke Rm. 3328 Greenleaf, Charles cc 1704 cc 1722 3668 Greenspan, Alan cc 1854 cc 1854 * Griffin, Eve cc 1534 cc 1639/40 3360 Griffin, Bob A. 1419 N.E. Vivian #28 cc 1703 3603 Griffin, Senator Robert P. cc 1617-20 cc 1713 3630 Grotenhaus, David cc 1533 cc 1703 3600 Guillenro, Roger cc 1846 cc 1756 * Guin;' - Dianna cc 1535 cc 1748 Halbach, Joseph cc 1420 Mission Rm. 3355 Halte:rman, Gay cc 1253 lbanoke Rm. 3328 Hamilton, Betsy 1617 N.E. Vivian #11 E. Garage Wing 3394 Hamilton, Lee 1429 N.E. Vivian #32 Liberty Roan 3314 Harlow, Bryce cc 1628 cc 1715 3638 Hart, Bill cc 1433 Liberty 3318 Hartmann, M/M Robert T. cc 1832 cc 1832 * Haynes, David cc 1443 cc 531 3339 Hearle, Paul cc 1417/18 cc 1714 3634 Hedberg, Nancy cc 1419 Liberty 3310 4. RESIDENCE OFFICE OFFICE ~. Hembry, K. cc 1536 2nd Floor * Heman, Dick cc 1624 cc 1715 '3638 Herter, Mrs. Susan cc 1808 cc 1808 3562 Hildenbrarrl, William cc 1238 cc 1712 3625 Hill, Dick cc 1654 legal Office 842-7754 Hills, Mrs. carla Sec. HUD cc 1415/16 cc 531 3339 Holshouser, Gov. cc 1217/18 cc 1219 Hovey, Joan cc 1410 Shawnee Rm. 3446 Howard, John cc 1231 Penn Valley * Ibwe, Mary cc 1649 cc 1716 3645 Hughes, Roy cc 1824 cc 1717 3645 Huldrum, Kathleen cc 1807 cc 1807 3469 Ht.mphrey, Cliff cc 1711 cc 1711 3620 Ingersol, Fred cc 1756 cc 1756 * Itner, Cookie cc 1723 cc 1716 3642 Jackson, Ron cc 1445 cc 1756 * Jones, Jerry cc 1750 cc 1748 * Jones, Tom 1427 N.E. Vivian #31 Union Station 3460 Kahle, Kent cc 1636 cc 1717 3645 Kaye, Peter cc 1521 Pesidents Rm. 3343 Keener, Bill cc 1421 cc 1712 3625 Keil, John cc 1705 Shawnee Rn. 3668 Keiser, Dick cc 1830 cc 1830 * Kennedy, Nancy cc 1755 cc 1833 * Kennerly, David cc 1607 * Kerwitz, John cc 1653 Shawnee Rm. 3446 Keyes, Bob cc 1225 Shawnee Rn. 3446 Kightlinger, Jack cc 1603 cc 1804 3560 Kinot, John 1501 N.E. Vivian #38 Union Station 3462 Kissinger, Henry Sec. State cc 542 cc 531 3339 Kleppe, Thanas cc 1438/9 cc 531 3339 Klein, M/M Herb cc 1435 Knebel, John cc 1403 cc 531 3339 Kobelinski, Mitchell cc 1!)08 cc 531 3339 Korologos, Tom cc 1446 cc 1713 3630 Kretschmer, Keith 1501 N.E. Vivian #38 Union Station 3466 laird, Mel cc 1612, 14 & 15 lake, Fred 1511 N.E. Vivian #38 Union Station 3460 Ianni, Terry 1511 N.E. Vivian #38 2nd Floor 3404 Laudenslager, Pam 1427 N.E. Vivian #37 cc 1703 3600 Laughlin, Sandy cc 1633, Bobby cc 1236 cc 1737 * Layson, Alberto cc 1644 cc 1756 * Leftwich, Willie cc 1437 Indepen:ience Rn. 3359 I.eggitt, Glenda cc 1803 cc 1639 3360 Levis, John Holiday Inn Dntwn. 1119 Union Station 3460 I.eVoire, Marty cc 1530 Liberty Rn. 3318 Lias, Tom cc 1552 cc 531 3339 Lilly, Frank oasis 4192 #2 Union Station 3460 Lukash, Dr.
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