THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA. Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya. [Vol. XXVL—No. 922] NATROBI, January 2, 1924. [Prices 50 Cenrs] Registered as a Newspaper ai the G. P. 0. Published every Wednesday. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Govt. Notice No, 1—Appointments ves vee ves .. wes vee 2 » 0 ’ 2—A. Bill intituled an Ordinance to Amend the Legislative Conncil Ordinance, 1919 ce Le . Lee . BA4 ” ” ” 3—A Bill intituled an Ordinance to Amend the Native Liquor Ordinance, 1921 wee vee a Lee vee 4 Proclamation No, 1—The Kenya and Uganda (Currency) Order, 1921... vee bee 4 Proclamation No. : 2—The Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1906 . 5 Govt. Notice No. 4——-Public Health Ordinance, 1921—Notiee ... a vee wes 5 »»» 5-6—The Native Authority Ordinance, 1912—Appointments of Oficial Headmen bee Lee Le ves vee vee 3 Gen. Notices Nos. 1-11—Miscellaneeus Notices ... ve Lee i _ we 5H 2 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE January 2, 1924. Government Notice No. 1. APPOINTMENTS. W. McHarpy, 0.B.E., M.A., to be Superintendent (Admin- 5. 18816 /930. istrative), Uganda Railway, with effect from Ist January, Guorce Eenest Scarrercoop, to be Accountant, Medical 1924. Department, with effect from the 24th July, 1923. _ A. G. Hicerns, to be Secretary to the Railway Council and CG. M. Bunsury, to be Senior District Engineer, Uganda Private Secretary to the General Manager, Uganda Rail- Railway, with effect from Ist January, 1924. way, with effect from Ist January, 1924. SECKETARIAT, NArRoBI, G. A. 8. NORTHCOTE, 2nd January, 1924. for Colonial Secretary. January 2, 1924, THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA, Government Novice No. 2. S. 22174. The following Bill is published for introduction into Legislative Couneil. Nairobi, KE. J. WADDINGTON, 2nd January, 1924. Clerk of Counerls. A Bill ' Jntituled An Ordinance to Amend the Legislative Council Ordinance, 1919. | 1. This Ordinance may be cited as ‘The Leg'slative Council Short tithe. (Amendment) Ordnance, 1923,’’ and shall be read as one with the Legislative Council Ordinance, 1919 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Pr.neipal Ordinance’’), aud all amendments thereof. 2. Section 8 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby repealed Repeal and uN and the following section is subst.tuted therefor :— re-enactment | of Seetion 3 of the “3. Seventeen members shall be elected in aceordance with Principal the provisions of this Ordnance to represent the following Ordinance. electoral areas in the Council, namely :— 10 (1} One member for each of the electoral areas described in Schedule ft, Part A; (2) Five members to represent the mterests of the Indian community for the electoral arca deseribed in Schedule [, Part B; (8) One member to represent the interests of the Arab community, for the electoral area deseribed in Schedule 1, Part B. &. section 6 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby repeaied Repeal and and the following section is substituted therefor :—- re-enactment of Section 6 “6. For each electoral area a separate register of the of the Principai persons entitled to vote in such area for the election of a Ordinanse, member or members, as the case may be, shall be prepared, published and revised in the manner prescribed by the Rules contained in Schedule HY”’, 4, Sub-section (1) of Section 9 of the Principal Ordinance Repeal and is hereby repealed and the following sub-section substituted re-enactment therefor :— of sub-section (i) of Section § of the (1) (a) is not a British subject of Kuropean origin or Principal descent ; Ordinance, and extension 30 (b) is not a British subject of Indianorig:n or descent; or of the said is not an Indian under the suzeramty or protection of His section. Majesty; (c) is not a mate Arab able to write Arabic or Swahili in Arabic characters.”’ 35 5. Between Section 11 and Section 12 of the Principal Qualifications Ordinance there shall be inserted the following section :— of voters. “11A, Any person, not otherwise disqualified under the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be entitled :— Fat THE OFFICLAL GAZETTE January 2, 1924, (a) if a Brit-sh subject of European origin or descent, to tc Lave his name entered in the register of voters for one of the electoral areas deseribed in Schedule I, Part A; (b) if a Brit'sh subject of Indian origin or descent, or an Indian under the suzerainty or protection of His Majesty, 5 to have his name entered in the register of voters for the electoral area deser.bed in Schedule I, Part B. (c)) if a male Arab, to have his name entered in the register of voters for the electoral area described in Schedule I, Part B.”’ 10 Amendinent of 6. Section 16 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby amended hePatnetpat by the addition thereto of the following paragraph :— Ordinance. “fiach voter may give one vote and no more for each of any number of persons not exceed:ng the number to be elected.”’ 15 AmendmentSchedule 1 ofof 7. Schedule I of the Princ:palYast : Ordinanceali is: hereby amended: the Principal 95 follows :— Ordinance. (a) Below the word and figure “Schedule I’’ there shall be added the word and letter “‘Part A.’’ (b) After the said schedule there shall be added the follow- 20 ing part :— Parr B. 12. The Colony and Protectorate. | Government Notice No, 3. ‘The following Bill is published for information and criticism :~- A bill intituled An Ordinance to Amend the Native Liguor Ordinance, 1921. Shart tithe, 1. This Ordinance may be cited as ‘The NatiNative Liquor (Amendment) Ordinance, 1924.”’ Repeal of Be Section 26 of the Native Liquor Ordinance, 1921, Section 26 of hereby repealed. the Native Liquor Ordinance, 1921, Procgramation No. 1. S. 17612/30. shall be legal tender for payments mude in. the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, in accordance THE KENYA AND UGANDA (CURRENCY) with the. provisions of the said Order; one cent being ORDER, 1921. equvalent to one-hundredth of a shilling. | PROCLAMATION. Given under my hand at Nairobi this 3lst day of December, 1923. Subsidiary Coins as Legal Tender. T. COBYNDON, IN BXERCISEof the powers conferred ‘upon the Governar. Governor by the Kenya and Uganda (Currency) | Order, 1921, I, “Robert. Thorne Coryndon, Knight GOD SAVE THE KING. Commander of the Most. Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, with the approval SCHEDULE. of the Treasury and a Secretary of State, do hereby Fiftycent pieces, proclaimand declare that on and from, the. Ist day of June, 1922, the subsidiary coins specifiedin the Tet-cent pieces. Schedule hereto and issued. under the provisons of Five-cent pieces. the Kenya and Uganda (Currency) Order, 1921, One-cent pieces. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE Jenuary 2, 1924, er ProcLaMATIoN No. 2. S. 1967/V1. GENERAL Notice No. 1. THE DISEASES OF ANIMALS POST OFFICH NOTICE, ORDINANCE, 1906. IT is notified for general information that a Sub- PROCLAMATION, - Post Office will be opened at Mp'gi, Uganda, with IN EXERCISEof the powers thereunto enabling effect from the Ist of January, 1924. me, | hereby declare the following farm to be an Telegraph business will be transacted. infected area (Foot and Mouth Disease) for the pur- poses of the aforesaid Ordinance. yeneral Post Office, Farm L.0. No. 1738/1, Mr. F. C. Holmes, Limoru, Naszrobi, W. PEARSON, ‘Kyambu District. 28th December, 1928. for Postmaster General, Given under my hand at Nairobi this 21st day of Kenya and Uganda. Vecember, 1923. W. KENNEDY, Chief Veterinary Officer. GENERAL Novice No, 2. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. GoverNMenr Notice No, 4. S. 2195/1. PUBLIC HRALTH ORDINANCE, 1921. ARRIVAL OF Kenya Matis in Enauanp. Novice, IT is notified for general information that the IN EXERCISEof the powers conferred upon the mails despatched from Mombasa on the under- Governor by the Public Health Ordinance, 1921, mentioned date arrived in England as stated. pecticn 4, His Excellency the Governor has been = pleased to appoint as a member of the Central Board Date of despatch Pome of Vessel by | Date of arrival of Health, H. I. Sikes, Esq., B.A., B.E., F.G.S., from Monibasa. | which despatched. in England, MuInst.C.i., in place of H. M. Birch, Esq., appouted in Government Notice No. 106 of 1928. Nairobi, G. A. S. NORTHCOTE, 2 nd Dec., 1923/8. 8. “Guildford”; 24th Dec., 1923. Castle” 27th December, 1923. for Colonial Secretary. General Post Office, GovurNMENT Notice No, 3. S, 299, Nairobi, THE NATIVE AUTHORITY ORDINANCE, 1912. 27th December, 1923. Notice. J. B. MOIR, for Postmaster General, IN EXERCISEof the powers thereunto enabling Kenya and Uganda. me, | hereby appoint the following person named in the Schedule annexed to be Official Headman for the area named therein. Nairok, G. V. MAXWELL, GENERAL Norick No. 3. 8. JT00/Vol, 2 27th December, 1923. Chief Native Commissioner. NOTICE. SCHEDULE. ‘TENDERS FOR BECHE-pE-Mnr. Coast Province.—Kinuiri Disrrice. TENDERS by way of royalty are invited for the ——~—___, right to collect Beche-de-mer in three areas on the Name, | | - Area, [wath eee from, Remarks. { Coast as deta led below. Rangonua wa Chonyi 27th Nov., 1923 | Fice Lewa wa Masambo, A minimum royalty of Shs. 3 per bag of 150 Ibs. Shume | resigned, is vequired and the successful tenderers will be | } required to enter inte an agreement for the proper GovexsmMent Novice No. 6. 8. 20034/6/3. working of their concegs-ons. Area No. 1.—-On the foreshore in the Vanga THE MATIVE AUTHORITY ORDINANCH, 1912. District and the Islands adjacent thereto. NOTICE. Area No. 2.—On the foreshore from Mombasa to IN BXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling _Kipin’.
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