Appendix 4 Fire Fighting Helmet (without torch) Fire and Rescue Service (£) Quantity 1 Oxfordshire 252.33 613 2 Cambridgeshire 228.01 550 3 Bedfordshire 221.35 - 4 East Sussex 221.35 - 5 Essex County 221.35 - 6 Hertfordshire 221.35 - 7 Isle of White 221.35 300 8 Kent 221.35 - 9 North Yorkshire 221.35 10 10 Royal Berkshire 221.35 - 11 Suffolk 221.35 661 12 Surrey 221.35 746 13 West Sussex 221.35 1 14 Shropshire 204.10 36 15 Hampshire 194.88 1,400 16 Buckinghamshire 189.00 20 17 Avon 176.28 5 18 Norfolk 175.70 4 19 Staffordshire 175.70 10 20 Hereford and Worcester 167.05 12 21 West Midlands 161.87 1 22 Cleveland Fire Brigade 158.90 2 23 Nottinghamshire 157.70 30 24 Humberside 155.50 30 25 Wiltshire 155.50 20 26 Cornwall 155.34 650 27 West Yorkshire 155.00 15 28 Isles of Scilly 148.00 60 29 Lincolnshire 146.19 662 30 Dorset 145.65 15 31 Warwickshire 145.61 450 32 County Durham and Darlington 141.35 330 33 Tyne and Wear 141.35 250 34 Devon and Somerset 139.00 1,819 35 Northamptonshire 139.00 550 36 Derbyshire 136.36 20 37 Cumbria 135.00 28 38 Lancashire 130.50 12 39 Greater Manchester 126.00 16 40 Cheshire 122.00 25 41 Northumberland 121.00 2 42 Merseyside 120.00 10 61 Appendix 4 Fire Hood 1 Fire and Rescue Service (£) Quantity 2 Bedfordshire 36.41 - 3 East Sussex 36.41 - 4 Essex County 36.41 - 5 Hertfordshire 36.41 - 6 Isle of White 36.41 300 7 Kent 36.41 - 8 North Yorkshire 36.41 10 9 Royal Berkshire 36.41 - 10 Suffolk 36.41 1,322 11 Surrey 36.41 746 12 West Sussex 36.41 1 13 West Yorkshire 31.49 300 14 Cleveland Fire Brigade 29.50 40 15 Nottinghamshire 23.41 150 16 Shropshire 22.75 170 17 Humberside 22.45 200 18 County Durham and Darlington 22.15 100 19 Northumberland 22.15 1 20 Oxfordshire 22.15 613 21 Tyne and Wear 22.15 20 22 Hampshire 22.03 200 23 Staffordshire 22.00 100 24 Cambridgeshire 20.66 1,100 25 West Midlands 20.15 1 26 Cornwall 17.50 135 27 Dorset 17.42 30 28 Lincolnshire 17.42 3 29 Norfolk 17.42 10 30 Avon 17.18 20 31 Warwickshire 17.18 800 32 Wiltshire 17.00 50 33 Hereford and Worcester 16.56 24 34 Buckinghamshire 16.50 50 35 Derbyshire 15.50 100 36 Cheshire 14.75 50 37 Cumbria 14.75 100 38 Devon and Somerset 14.75 35 39 Greater Manchester 14.75 150 40 Lancashire 14.75 200 41 Merseyside 14.75 50 62 Appendix 4 Fire Fighting Trousers and Tunic Quantity Fire and Rescue Service (£) Trousers Tunic 1 Cambridgeshire 579.41 1100 1200 2 Greater Manchester 549.95 40 68 3 Dorset 519.51 1 1 4 Oxfordshire 517.76 613 613 5 Lincolnshire 516.94 5 10 6 Avon 516.94 2 2 7 Norfolk 516.94 4 4 8 Warwickshire 516.52 800 800 9 Buckinghamshire 507.54 117 115 10 County Durham and Darlington 505.29 1 1 11 Isles of Scilly 500.00 1 1 12 Northamptonshire 500.00 1 1 13 Northumberland 499.29 1 1 14 Tyne and Wear 499.29 148 148 15 Hereford and Worcester 491.48 12 12 16 Derbyshire 480.73 24 10 17 Shropshire 460.90 171 171 18 West Yorkshire 460.16 70 80 19 Humberside 457.45 15 30 20 Nottinghamshire 448.65 2 2 21 West Midlands 445.39 1 1 22 Cleveland Fire Brigade 444.02 14 27 23 Bedfordshire 437.46 0 0 24 East Sussex 437.46 0 0 25 Essex County 437.46 0 0 26 Hampshire 437.46 160 65 27 Hertfordshire 437.46 0 0 28 Isle of White 437.46 0 0 29 Kent 437.46 0 0 30 North Yorkshire 437.46 10 10 31 Royal Berkshire 437.46 0 0 32 Suffolk 437.46 1322 1322 33 Surrey 437.46 746 746 34 West Sussex 437.46 2 2 35 Cheshire 427.13 10 10 36 Cumbria 425.00 5 10 37 Lancashire 425.00 40 40 38 Merseyside 425.00 27 27 39 Devon and Somerset 419.26 10 10 40 Cornwall 385.40 1372 1372 41 Wiltshire 325.00 125 125 63 Appendix 4 Fire Fighting Boots (leather) Fire and Rescue Service (£) Quantity 1 West Midlands 175.34 1 2 Avon 156.35 3 3 Dorset 156.35 16 4 Norfolk 156.35 11 5 Bedfordshire 154.02 - 6 East Sussex 154.02 - 7 Essex County 154.02 - 8 Hertfordshire 154.02 - 9 Isle of White 154.02 300 10 Kent 154.02 - 11 North Yorkshire 154.02 10 12 Royal Berkshire 154.02 - 13 Suffolk 154.02 1,322 14 Surrey 154.02 746 15 West Sussex 154.02 1 16 Oxfordshire 152.38 613 17 Hereford and Worcester 148.65 12 18 Cambridgeshire 139.07 550 19 Northamptonshire 132.00 4 20 Staffordshire 131.53 33 21 Buckinghamshire 119.90 13 22 Lincolnshire 115.70 8 23 Warwickshire 114.10 400 24 Wiltshire 109.95 35 25 Shropshire 109.90 1 26 Hampshire 108.61 20 27 Northumberland 106.55 1 28 Tyne and Wear 106.55 45 29 Cleveland Fire Brigade 96.00 7 30 Cheshire 93.50 10 31 Cumbria 93.50 4 32 Greater Manchester 93.50 60 33 Lancashire 93.50 51 34 Merseyside 93.50 6 35 Nottinghamshire 93.50 3 36 West Yorkshire 93.50 82 37 Derbyshire 91.56 73 38 Devon and Somerset 89.95 11 39 County Durham and Darlington 82.95 12 40 Humberside 82.95 30 41 Cornwall 74.95 574 64 Appendix 4 Fire Fighting Gloves Fire and Rescue Service (£) Quantity 1 Northamptonshire 76.00 1 2 Bedfordshire 59.06 - 3 East Sussex 59.06 - 4 Essex County 59.06 - 5 Hertfordshire 59.06 - 6 Isle of White 59.06 300 7 Kent 59.06 - 8 North Yorkshire 59.06 10 9 Royal Berkshire 59.06 - 10 Suffolk 59.06 1,322 11 Surrey 59.06 746 12 West Sussex 59.06 1 13 Oxfordshire 54.64 613 14 Shropshire 52.48 50 15 Cleveland Fire Brigade 48.90 115 16 Avon 48.82 40 17 Lincolnshire 48.82 28 18 Norfolk 48.82 15 19 Staffordshire 48.82 115 20 West Yorkshire 47.40 215 21 Wiltshire 46.70 60 22 Hereford and Worcester 46.42 24 23 Isles of Scilly 45.60 15 24 Hampshire 44.80 40 25 Cambridgeshire 41.79 1,100 26 West Midlands 41.75 1 27 County Durham and Darlington 41.40 90 28 Northumberland 41.40 1 29 Nottinghamshire 41.00 40 30 Warwickshire 40.93 800 31 Buckinghamshire 39.85 70 32 Derbyshire 39.85 40 33 Humberside 39.85 80 34 Tyne and Wear 35.70 160 35 Devon and Somerset 35.10 20 36 Cheshire 34.75 15 37 Cumbria 34.75 50 38 Greater Manchester 34.75 80 39 Lancashire 34.75 226 40 Merseyside 34.75 30 41 Cornwall 27.95 - 42 Dorset 27.54 60 65 Appendix 4 Jumper (or fleece) Fire and Rescue Service (£) Quantity 1 Avon 38.62 5 2 Lincolnshire 38.62 3 3 Norfolk 38.62 8 4 Hereford and Worcester 38.09 1 5 Staffordshire 38.09 15 6 Warwickshire 38.09 6 7 East Sussex 36.4 - 8 Kent 36.4 1 9 Cleveland Fire Brigade 36 2 10 County Durham and Darlington 34.91 46 11 Northumberland 34.42 1 12 West Yorkshire 33.75 35 13 Tyne and Wear 33.6 80 14 Bedfordshire 29.95 2 15 Shropshire 29.87 50 16 Cambridgeshire 27.18 6 17 Leicestershire 25.99 - 18 Gloucestershire 25 500 19 Isle of White 24.5 10 20 Hampshire 20.4 50 21 Suffolk 20.01 661 22 North Yorkshire 17.25 65 23 London Fire Brigade 16.1 1 24 West Sussex 15.9 75 25 Cheshire 14.97 10 26 Cumbria 14.97 20 27 Lancashire 14.97 74 28 Essex County 14.62 36 29 Derbyshire 14.46 50 30 Dorset 13.97 4 31 West Midlands 12.97 1 32 Nottinghamshire 11.95 75 33 Northamptonshire 10.99 200 34 Royal Berkshire 10.7 2 35 Oxfordshire 9.97 6 36 Wiltshire 9.97 75 37 Cornwall 8.34 50 38 Humberside 7.56 40 39 South Yorkshire 7.4 60 40 Devon and Somerset 7.25 50 41 Buckinghamshire 6.95 60 66 Appendix 4 Trousers Fire and Rescue Service (£) Quantity 1 Cornwall 31.00 60 2 Warwickshire 26.95 24 3 Hertfordshire 14.99 170 4 Cleveland Fire Brigade 14.50 68 5 Surrey 14.28 6 6 Essex County 13.99 363 7 Bedfordshire 13.59 1 8 Cambridgeshire 13.59 18 9 Derbyshire 13.50 500 10 Devon and Somerset 13.45 8 11 Cumbria 13.30 12 12 Nottinghamshire 12.95 40 13 County Durham and Darlington 12.50 14 14 Northumberland 12.50 1 15 Tyne and Wear 12.50 260 16 Shropshire 12.45 962 17 South Yorkshire 12.40 2,625 18 Dorset 12.25 70 19 Isle of White 12.25 - 20 Humberside 11.99 20 21 North Yorkshire 11.99 185 22 Northamptonshire 11.99 75 23 West Yorkshire 11.99 258 24 Avon 11.58 27 25 Lincolnshire 11.58 1 26 Norfolk 11.58 16 27 Hereford and Worcester 11.42 2 28 Staffordshire 11.42 50 29 Cheshire 11.33 3 30 Greater Manchester 11.33 74 31 Lancashire 11.33 224 32 Merseyside 11.33 30 33 Suffolk 10.92 1,983 34 Isles of Scilly 10.50 1 35 Leicestershire 9.80 - 36 Buckinghamshire 7.88 185 37 East Sussex 7.88 - 38 Hampshire 7.88 20 39 Kent 7.88 2 40 Oxfordshire 7.88 4 41 Royal Berkshire 7.88 3 42 West Midlands 7.88 2 43 West Sussex 7.88 240 44 Wiltshire 7.88 139 45 London Fire Brigade 7.64 3 46 Gloucestershire 7.40 1,000 67 Appendix 4 White Shirt Fire and Rescue Service (£) Quantity 1 North Yorkshire 19.00 115 2 West Yorkshire 17.50 54 3 Shropshire 17.48 20 4 Norfolk 16.15 2 5 Hereford and Worcester 15.92 1 6 Dorset 13.79 3 7 Warwickshire 12.45 16 8 Avon 11.95 30 9 Buckinghamshire 11.45 20 10 Essex County 11.31 584 11 Bedfordshire 11.17 3 12 Derbyshire 10.95 60 13 Surrey 10.95 5 14 London Fire Brigade 10.49 - 15 Gloucestershire 9.90 2,000 16 Nottinghamshire 9.50 20 17 Cleveland Fire Brigade 9.25 145 18 Lincolnshire 8.74 2 19 South Yorkshire 8.50 60 20 Suffolk 8.32 200 21 Cambridgeshire 8.16 33 22 Greater Manchester 8.12 60 23 Royal Berkshire 7.76 8 24 Cumbria 7.61 3 25 Lancashire 7.60 60 26 Merseyside 7.42 50 27 Cornwall 7.40 6 28 Cheshire 7.36 30 29 Staffordshire 7.36 44 30 County Durham and Darlington 6.95 162 31 Hampshire 6.95 10 32 Oxfordshire 6.95 1 33 West Sussex 6.95 28 34 Wiltshire 6.95 46 35 Hertfordshire 6.50 10 36 Humberside 6.50 20 37 Leicestershire 6.50 - 38 East Sussex 6.38 - 39 West Midlands 6.38 1 40 Northamptonshire 5.65 142 41 Northumberland 5.40 1 42 Devon and Somerset 4.65 4 43 Tyne and Wear 4.20 6 68 Appendix 4 T-Shirt Fire and Rescue Service (£) Quantity 1 Lincolnshire 15.00 65 2 Hereford and Worcester 14.79 4 3 Warwickshire 14.79 40 4 Avon 13.05 15 5 West Midlands 12.70 2 6 West Yorkshire 11.38 350 7 Hertfordshire 9.30 300 8 Lancashire 8.74 12 9 Merseyside 8.35 200 10 South Yorkshire 8.30 850 11 Leicestershire 8.15 - 12 Greater Manchester 7.99 350 13 Nottinghamshire 7.75 10 14 Cleveland Fire Brigade 7.35 100
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