a- CONTINUE MANCHESTER D A Y ” SALES - STORES OPEN UNTIL 9 TONIGHT AVERAGE DAILT CIRCULATION for the Month of September, 1M7 WEATHER Forecast of U. S. Weather 5 , 9 6 7 Hartford Member of the Audit Rsdn tonight and probably FHday Burean of CIreulatlons morning; oot nmeh ehaage M t m t - MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM peratnTA v f e . L m , NO. 24 AdvartWag on Page 13) MANCHESTER, C0NN„ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1937 PAGE TWENTY-FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27,1987 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS RESERVE BOARD NO-SURRENDER Alms, Alms for the Weary Refugreo Hale’s Buyers Have Sought Far and Near For These Values For CUTS SIZE OF POSITION IS BAR ICHAPEI DEATH GROUP -a,*,.-- s> 7 • r MANCHESTER DAY STOCKJARGINS TO LABOR DEAL OF CHINESE REJECTS Lowers Per Cent To Forty Belief Grows That Warring Hale’s M. K. M.. First Quality^l^dies’ For Boyers, Pols 50 Per Gronps Will Not Resume HELP OF AMERICANS Cent Borden On Short Peace Conference That Is Hi;*- rv^Silk Hosiery \0 » ' Sales To .Keep Up Prices. Now In A Recess State. Doomed Battafion D eddet ( \ Beautiful Rlngleas Sheer Chif- Margin Regulations ^ f fons, Seml-Chlffona, Service I Weight Hosiery. This la our Washington. Oct. 28. —(AP)— Washington, Oct. 28.— (A P )—At­ To Fight Unto An Are Kill­ best selling Hose at our regular The Federal Reserve Board, appar­ price, 69c pair. Special for titudes of "no surrender" by both Push Up Stock Prices Manchester Day— ently seeking to stem the tide of factions In organised labor’s clvu ed— Bollets Agam Men­ stock market aclllng, has laaued war created a widespread belief to­ - n regulations which *ln effect will day that the week’s recess of the New York, Oct. 28. — (A F )—.^taneously aith the clamping down ace Residents Of The make It easier to buy securitiea than peace conference might last In­ Tradera plunged 4Intoa»4^ theas.— buyinga___tU —a.._a _____ to sell them. The new rulea, effec­ of the margin Ud on ahort-selling. definitely. An American Federation ft .. i After the first excited whirl of tive Monday, will cut from 65 to 40 of Labor sUtement lost night said: side of the Stock Market today, International SettiemoiL pushed some shares up or more. buying bad aubaided, the market per cent the amount of cash, which "We have not received any help $6 dropped Into a calmer pace and part tradera must put up for the pur­ from the representatives of the In wake of a shift In Washington's of the initial gains were erased. chase of stocks and will require a Committee for Industrial Organiza­ money controls over the flow of 50 per cent margin on short sales. Up $2 to more than $6 on the Shang-hai, Oct. 28—It develop­ tion. Unless there is a change in driven by bombs and shrapnel from her miserable Chapel home got credit Into speculation. opening wave of orders following This readjustment of credit con­ their attitude It la doubtful If any Blocks of 1,000 to 15,000 shares overnight news of the changes In ed here today that American trols over the market Is expected by Glared pavement to rest her weary ‘^ d y . Und^ Gordon progress can be made toward deaU oT w o ^ ^ . “ “ Japanese brought a slmUar fate to many civilians lucky to esca^ of trading favorites on the Stock margin requirements by the Re- as well as British troops par­ Washington officials to encourage peace.” Elxchange changed bands wound the eerve Board, were auch shares as ticipated in the ofTer made to a Boys’ and Girls’ Knee Length buying nnd erect a barrier against opening as the tightening t^t the short selling. The Federation’s peace committee United States Steel, C3iryaler, Al­ Chinese battalion, left in Ch*- had just heard Its own peace terms credit screws by the Federal Re­ lied Chemical, General Motors, Du In practice, the buyer of a $100 serve Board on short-selling put pai by the withdrawal of tha WOOLIES share of stock will have to put up rejected by the C. I. O. delegates In Pont, J. I. Cow and Santa Fe. COTTON HOSE equally strong language. Philip bear operators on the run. For a time the Stock Exchange Chinese army and cut off by Tuck stitch silk and wool gar­ only $40 in cash. If he wants to sell PROYANDIE FOUND Competing with recent short acU- surrounding Japanese,' to give Plain colors with fancy 'and t.— tons. ments. Vests, Panties. Buy the same security short, he will Murray, C. I. O. peace committee HARRY BISSELL INDICTED ticker trailed transactions on the Sixes 8 to 10%. Pair chairman, said the A. F. oY L. offer era for stock was a host of traders floor of the Exchange In the buying the ’’death battalion’’ refuge in several seta now for the cold have to hand over $50 in cash. who took Courage from the Reserve weather ahead. First Bar On Bears would mean "abject surrender" and rush, which lifted some shares the International Settlement was wholly unacceptable. GUILTY, GETS YEAR Board's relaxation of credit rcatric- above the tops of last week’s rally The new requirement on short Uons against buying stocks, aimul- from the lows of the 1937 decline. provided they laid down their selling Is the flrst ever Imposed by ^ Proposals at Odds ON GOVERNMENT CHARGE arms. Also that the reason the board. The only rule hereto­ Tl'C'C. I. O. made the llrst peace for the offer was not without iPer Garment fore has been one by the Stock Ex­ proposal Tuesday. In brief. It called change requiring a 10-potnt mar­ for the C. I. O. to fly the A. F. of With Three Others He Is A c- Former Head Of Windham considerations of safety for tha gin. L. flag but to remain virtually an TRAFFIC FATALITIES CONROY APPOINTED Settlement area. The board regulation was draft­ Independent department. Late News The offer waa refused. ed In co-operation with the Securi­ The A. F. of L. would have none (Hised Of Conspinu7 To Coonty Home Most Serre The defiant, almost certain­ ties Commission after Reserve Sys­ c l that. The Federation’s peace com­ tem legal experts reported It would mittee proposed that John L. Lewis' INCREASED 9 P. C. Flashes MCLAUGHLIN AIDE ly doomed battalion held grinv- SIMULATED LEATHER not transcend authority granted Defraud In Purchase Of 12 Months In County Jail ly to a small area within (3hl- Group of 12 unions dissolve the C. 1. O. and FLOODS ABE FEARED under the Federal Reserve law. march back Into the A. F. to flght nese Chapel which the remain­ Initial reaction in Wall street was Rivers awollra from heavy rains Dresses Our Sport and Dress for tljelr principles at federation National Guard SnppEes. surged near flood stage today In der of their army abandoned HANDBAGS uniformly favorable to the cut in conventiona National Safety Conncil Re­ Putnam, Oct. 28.— (A P )—A Su­ Former State Senator Is yesterday to flames and ad> Calf grain and suede fabric bags In each margins on the buying side, but the parts of the east and on the Ulym- One w d two-piece modeU In The Federation charged that Mur­ perior Court Judge found Philip C. p '' Penlnsola, Wnshlngtoa, where n vancing Japanese. top hnndle &nd envelope etylee. requirementa on short sales came as ray 'issued a public sUtement re­ Provandle, 65-year-old deposed head wool chluliee, jersey and silk In a surprise to some traders. New Haven, O ct 28.— (A P )—A ports 0?er 28,000 Deaths 60-mlle gnie eaoaed the denth nnd Named As Assistant At­ Crowds of foreigners and (rsen, brown, rust and red. Reg­ Coats jecting our proposal without advis­ of the Windham county temporary disrupted oommunleatlons. The consensus appeared to be ing the conference.’’ Federal Indictment charging Harry ularly $5.98. Home for Children, guilty of inde­ At Johnstown, Pa., the Stonyereek Chinese had gathered on roof­ Regular 59c Ladies’ Double Woven For Juniors that the Reeerve S a rd 's dual ac­ B. Blssell, former United States Coats It spoke of "extravagant and tm- In T ie Last Nine Months. cent assault charges today and aen- river climbed toward a predicted torney General Today. tops, despite a shower of nut- tion would do much to restore con­ supported’’ C. L O. membership property and disbursing officer for tenced him to one year in the coun­ crest of 10 feet tonight, which would fidence in a market where $35,000,- claims and defended iU own peace chine gun bullets, to watch the FABRIC GLOVES Range In Price From 000,000 In securities valuea have the ConnsoUcut NaUonal Guard, ty jail at Brooklyn, near here. be within two feet of flood stage. battle along the Settlement’s at terms as affording “a reaaonable op­ Cailcago, OcL 38.—(A P )— The Weather experts predicted that $5 -2 9 $19.75 to $59.50 been washed away xecmtly under portunity of healing the breach." with conspiracy to defraud the gov­ Judge'Edward J, Quinlan dismiss­ Hartford, OcL 'S8.— (A P )— northern border when the 8Up-on etylee with pUln and fancy heavy waves o f selling. ernment was made public today by National Safety Council reported ed embeaslemant counts "beeeuse pt the Allegheoy and Monongahela Thomas J. Conroy, Hartford Dem­ cuffe. Colors: Black and Brown. “ No Baals of SetUement" lack of evidence.- riven at Plttabargh would be with­ Amerlcfln and British offer of paur For Manchester Day Only Until the board acted last night, Robert P.
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