At Lake Maxinkuckee V O L. V III. CULVER CITY INDIANA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1901. NO. 1 bass in considerable quantities with­ would seem to be less desirable for the com­ MAXINKUCKEE ASSOCIATION. , LOCAL BREVETIES. in the next sixty days- This plant munity in general than the Free Rural Route LAKE MAXINKUCKEE. which would reach all the people within a is made through the effort of Dr. Mrs. Ed. Houghton of Plymouth, The Executive Committee Hakes the scope of several miles. If, however, by is recovering from a severe spell of Following Report of the Association B. W. Everman, at whose suggestion reason of the remonstrance the Rural Rout* News CaptJped Around the Lake sickness. During the Fourth Year of the A application therefor was made by the should fail it is possible that a steamhoit1 by Specia. Oar Reporter. delivery at this, as has been at other resort? sociation’s Work. Association and arrangements have Mrs. Walter Brill and son Lou, may be supplied. The improvement < now been made for the reception of roads is an essential condition of the estab­ of Noble county, are visiting her Mr. Marmin Koehne captured a Excellent success has followed the the fish at the lake by a committee lishment of this mail route, but aside from sister Mrs. J. K. Mawhorter. such uses, the advertisement of the lake and four pound bass Tuesday evening. effort to preserve order and property of the Association whenever they added value to all property adjacent makes Harrvto Lamsou returned to Cul- at the lake. Much of the credit of shall arrive. The work of Dr. it advisable to build good roads as soon as T. Couzelman of th« ‘‘Roost” is ver Thursday, after taking a ten this is due to Mr. L. C. Wiseman the Everman and his associates at the practicable. Some of the township oncers, transacting business in St. Louis! week’s course at the Indiana Uni­ notably Mr. Bogardus the n4?w Trustee, are t Patrolman, who by his kindly yet lake can not be too highlv com this week. versity. co-operating in this work. All do not seem 1 firm insistance upon the well ordering mended. It was evidently a labor to read their duty that way, and your com­ Mr. and Mrs Theodore Stein of Piof. Hahn and wife, arrived in of the community, has gained the of love both in scientific and local mittee trust, that a change of heart will ap­ Indianapolis, are guests at the Culver Thursday. The professor good will of all. way, and all members of the associa­ pear in the lives of Fuch before very long, or that otherwise providence and the voters Palmer House, has been taking a coi^rse at the Mr. Wiseman has been very attentive tion should endeavor to preserve the A. of the township will cause their removal Mr. Carl Bauermeister of Terre Indiana University. to the wants of the community <aud benefits of Dr. E verman’s work as from their present place of obstruction to speres of usefulness elsewhere. Haute hab been a guest at Albrecht’s On account of the pastor’s absence has kept himself in touch with all long as may be. This may be done We earnestly recommend the increase of cottage this week. from home there will be no preach­ the good work in progress. his by encouraging obedience to the laws '1 membership by every reasonable method. ing services at Poplar Grove M, E* is the first full year of service for the of the state by example and teach­ If the whole community would co-operate Miss Mummenhoff and Mrs. W. F. in the work of this association it would re­ church next Sunday. patrolman and tho committee feel ing. It is wise to preserve the fish­ Kuhn of Indianapolis are visiting sult in much good. Advertisement of the Mr. John Frick, Mr. James Frick* that they can recommend both the ing grounds so that all may use them lake and its beauties, the building up of its at the Bohleu cottage. Earl Brill and Frank Sherald, came work and officer for continuance. in reason. Th^ abuse of the fishing physical surroundings, the planting and Mrs. Maning and son of Ander­ protection of fish, the care of public health on an excursion from Milford, 111.. The work of the Board of Health grounds by unlawful fishing, or by son, will be guests at the Palmer and an occasional entertainment by way of Sunday to visit the families of M. A^ of the Association has borne good the use of wasteful means should be House for two weeks. * regetta carnivals or like, are causes worthy aud J. K. Mawhorter. fruitage. Advisory regulations: for discouraged by all good citizens, of the best citizens in the community, and C. P. Bair, wife and daughter of we ask all to unite with us. We ought to Quincy Lee Morrow delivered an cieauliuess and the care of refuse not only the sportsman but the house South Bend are guests at the have one hundred members from Culver eloquent and instructive sermon in matter have been posted wherever holder who seeks food for his family, | and the country around it. The commitee Palmer House fora week. they could be left in the homes of or seeks to makeit easy to catch at trust that a larger membership will shortly the M. E. church in Culver, 3ast ours. members, making timely suggestion the proper time when fish are good be ours. The officers wf the association O. M. Williams aud wife of Sunday. It is always a pleasure f f , ., . n . , . 1 embraced in Executive Committe, take Indianapolis will be a guest at tho and a great benefit to hear such as to the best management for the for food, and this can all be done by j this method of expressing their gratitude Palmer House for a week* discourses. much vexed problem of garbage refraining from fishing in the spawn­ to the membership and to the public offi and waste of various kinds. We ing season by the use of such tackle cers, and the good people of Union town Mrs. C. H. Corbin^of Plymouth,^ P. O. Jones, trustee in bankruptcy ship for their uniform kindnoss in helping arrived this week and will be a for Oscar R. Porter sold are promised at this meeting a as the law recommends.. Dynamite, to forward the work of the association. the grocery consultation with Dr. Eley, Secretary spears and nets destroy ■ more than This work could not always be pleasant, guest at the Palmer House ^ for a stock formerly owned by Porter for of the Marshall County Board of they catch, and it is not good for the and there have been occurences which all week. 1352.75. There were only two Health, who has some further community to destroy that which doubtless regret. The committee suggest Mrs. Geo. Bushnell and sou of bidders, Mrs. Behrens, Porter’s that a new crop of officers selected from suggestions in this direction. To may grow into wealth for all. Dr. Denver, Colorado, are guests at the mother-in-law, and. Major Wm.. the membership, would avoid any past your committee some of these regulat­ Evermau’s workat other places than differences in the Association's work and Palmer house. They will remain Kendall who was the successful ions seem too stringent where Maxinkuckee is shown by his report would increase the interest of the associa­ two weeks. bidder. tion generally. We hope for the future new improvements are made obliga­ upon the > Porto Tican Fish and Sam Aurelius, of Elwood, who Wm. Swigert visited the show a t and ask the aid of the members for their * tory displacing those- already con­ Fisheries, a copy of.which is at this t mouth the . ether day, intend­ successors in thewrork projected and new has been a guest at the Park Cafe j structed well v kept and in good meeting for * examination. This ing to returu home after seeing th e plans to be made. Your committee re­ the past ten days* returned home condition. While recommending book shows the record of Dr. Ever­ spectfully submits this report., Wednesday. * parade, but so pleased was he w it h that the members of the Association man in the Porto Ricau waters and W . T. Wilson, the elephants aud monkeys that he F. H. Giddings' and wife, of should give their hearty co-operation is beautifully illustrated with plates Ed Morris, , missed the traiu. Wm. took in the ♦ 4 I J . C. Capron, Danville, 111,, are guests at the to the effort of the county Board of showing the fish and fisheries of A VN.Bogardus ) Executive Com. show in the afternoon aud r*turned * Palmer House. They will remain Health, the committee submit to the this new portion of our country. H. M. Speyer, \ home late at night to dream of through August. Dr. Everm-n is this season engaged in in­ J. G. Mueller, f Association and to Dr. Elev,w 7 whether elephants aud monkeys, vestigating the Hawaian waters, a letter Expenditures and Tax Levies for the Mr. A. Herz aud wife are now it is expedient that the Association from him dated at Honolulu received dur­ Culver M. E. church, August 4th Year 1901. sojourning at a famous health resort should be used for a literal and strict ing the present summer being in the hands 1901: Sunday School 10 a. nv, of this committee. Dr. Everman says that I IThe Trustee of Union town si hp, Mar­ in Black Forest, Germany.
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