iinSSininC the Sisters in Crime Quarterly Vol. 24, No.2 Reviewers unleashed by Molly Weston eviews of mysteries written by women— Award for Best Novelette for “Rearview Win- include women in an equal or disproportion- or rather the dearth of them formed the dow” in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine. ately favorable manner…For the subgenre…I foundation of Sisters in Crime. Our love best, hardboiled/noir, men still outnumber R Sarah Weinman (offonatangent.tumblr.com/) review monitoring project has remained front women. So when a female noir writer comes began her blog, “Confessions of an Idiosyn- and center for years, and authors talk about the along, this is a godsend…” cratic Mind,” in 2003, when “literary blogs were topic at every gathering. being noticed by book editors at various news- Speaking of subgenre To get a look at the other side of the subject, papers.” Since then, her reviews and columns Cogdill “gravitate(s) more toward hardboiled, we polled five well-known reviewers to ask have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, the but I love it all.” Taylor agrees. “I’m…as happy how they choose books, if gender bias in Wall Street Journal, the National Post, Maclean’s, with a cozy as with hardboiled or noir.” reviewing is real, and other questions. The Baltimore Sun, the Washington Post, the Ephron’s favorites? “Don’t have one.” Forbus Barnes & Noble Review, the Philadelphia Inquir- How they came to review in the first place puts confesses, “I like gritty; I like social issues: and erer, the Daily Beast, and others. pause to the disgruntled, jealous writer argu- I don’t always expect a happy ending. So, I ment fostered by many. Each of the reviewers How do you choose? think it’s unfair to both me and the author to take a book that doesn’t have a chance of being admits to a tremendous love of the genre. All reviewers except Forbus have some books the right fit for me.” Weinman’s views are assigned for reviews. For their newspaper audi- Wanting to add some writing to her work at widening from her hardboiled/noir preference. ences, both Cogdill and Ephron give weight to the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel, Oline H. “I am growing to love what I think of as local authors but added that additional factors Cogdill (tinyurl.com/4xlbwtp) offered to ‘domestic suspense,’ psychological novels about influence their decisions. Cogdill looks for review a “couple” of mysteries. Since 1991, she women…subtle, but scary books they are.” has written for other publications including what “sounds good or different—or if an Mystery Scene, Publishers Weekly, and author is new,” and Ephron added, “one where Cover influence McClatchy Tribune Features which often dis- there’s some kind of buzz building, a well- Anyone who has read the 2010 SinC Mystery tributes her work across the world. known author whose work I’ve never read, a Readers Survey knows how readers feel about great first page, a debut novel.” covers, but our reviewers are mixed. Taylor Hallie Ephron’s (hallieephron.com) bi- asks, “How can you not be influenced by monthly column has appeared in The Boston Weinman added, “if I’m choosing for a column, covers…an eye-catching cover certainly grabs Globe since 2004, when the book editor asked a common theme helps, and knowing the audi- your attention, makes you want to see what’s if she’d like to take over from a reviewer who ence and disposition of a particular publication inside. Sometimes you’re rewarded, some- gave it up. She grabbed it! Hallie releasedWrit- absolutely helps. What works for the LA Times times not.” ing and Selling Your Mystery Novel before her might not for the Wall Street Journal.” two novels of suspense, Never Tell a Lie and Because Forbus is an independent reviewer, she Weinman differs but knows who to blame. “Sub- Come and Find Me. can use other criteria. “First is time. I’ve had to consciously, I know a bad one when I see it, but I also understand authors get saddled with Jen Forbus missed talking about books with turn down requests because I’m simply over- crappy covers through no fault of their own.” others after retiring as a high school English whelmed…next is the story concept…I won’t teacher, so she began “Jen’s Book Thoughts” review books I can’t be mostly positive about.” Forbus answers with one word, “nope.” (www.jensbookthoughts.com) about three Given the opportunity to choose, Taylor gen- “Since many of the advanced copies I get have years ago. She also reviews for Crimespree. erally “looked for diversity—stylistic, gender, just a blue, green, or yellow cover with no pic- Although Art Taylor (www.arttaylorwriter. geographical, etc.—and tried to represent a mix tures (or no cover if they come by e-book, the com) began reviewing all types of books, his of publishers…small presses as well as the big answer is no,” said Cogdill, however, “if the first love as a reader was mystery and suspense. New York houses.” publisher has put no effort into the cover, then His freelance review work for the Washington Does author gender matter? what is [inside it] probably isn’t worth it either.” Post moved him steadily in the direction of Everyone except Weinman was emphatic in Ephron takes a wider look at the whole book, crime fiction. He has published numerous short denial. Her response may surprise, “It shouldn’t “Of course, also the quality of the binding, mysteries and is nominated for the Derringer but it does, and I do try as best as possible to paper, and typeset.” See Reviewers, p 15 inSinc June 2011 1 Get a Clue Reviewers Unleashed Molly Weston . .1 inSinc Cathy Speaks the Sisters in Crime Quarterly Cathy Pickens . .3 The mission of Sisters in Crime is to promote the professional development and Editor’s Note advancement of women crime writers to achieve equality in the industry. Molly Weston . .3 Chapter Highlights . .4 SinC into Great Writing! . .5 Cathy Pickens, President Jim Huang, Bookstore Liaison The FOSS Cure Frankie Bailey, Vice President/President-Elect Mary Boone, Library Liaison Ramona DeFelice Long . .6 Barbara Fister, Secretary Nancy Martin, At Large e-Zine Seeks Submissions . .7 Kathryn Wall, Treasurer/Authors Coalition Liaison Val McDermid, At Large Briefly…from Beth Beth Wasson . .7 Sandra Parshall, Chapter Liaison Barb Goffman, Monitoring Project Another Loss . .7 Ellen Hart, Publicity Marcia Talley, Past President Who’s Watching Our Deaths? Kathie Felix, Public Relations Peggy Moody, Web Maven Jan Burke . .8 Laurel Anderson, inSinC Proofreader Molly Weston, inSinC Editor/Layout Writer Beware Beth Wasson, Executive Secretary, PO Box 442124, Lawrence kS 66044-8933 Victoria Strauss . .10 Phone: 785.842.1325; Fax 785.856.6314; e-mail [email protected] We Still Love Libraries . .11 Memories of Malice . .12 Edgars Honor Sara Paretsky . .14 Conferences & Happenings . .10 Presidents of Sisters in Crime Law & Fiction 1987-88 SaraParetsky 1995-96 Elaine Raco Chase 2003-04 KateGrilley Leslie Budewitz . .18 1988-89 NancyPickard 1996-97 Annette Meyers 2004-05 PatriciaSprinkle Deviant Addiction 1989-90 MargaretMaron 1997-98 SueHenry 2005-06 LibbyHellmann Katherine Ramsland, PhD . .19 1990-91 SusanDunlap 1998-99 MedoraSale 2006-07 RochelleKrich The Docket 1991-92 CarolynG. Hart 1999-00 BarbaraBurnettSmith 2007-08 Roberta Isleib Patricia Gulley . .15 1992-93 P.M. Carlson 2000-01 ClaireCarmichaelMcNab 2008-09 Judy Clemens Writing Contests . .16 1993-94 LindaGrant 2001-02 EveK. Sandstrom 2009-10 Marcia Talley 1994-95 Barbara D’Amato 2002-03 KateFlora 2010–11 Cathy Pickens Deadlines & Submissions • Deadline for articles for the September issue of inSinC is July 15. Legend • Include name, email and mailing address, and phone number with submissions. In 2008, the board of directors of Sisters in Crime implemented a new strategic • Sendcolumns, articles, high-res photos, ideas, plan. Three goals emerged from this plan. inSinc articles will be marked with praise, and story ideas via e-mail to Molly Weston icons to represent the appropriate goal. [email protected] 919.362.1436 Docket Advocacy, monitoring, and reporting • Members’ publications since this edition will be listed in THE DOCkET. Include publication dates when submitting. Professional education and career development • Honors, awards and events of great “pith and moment” should be submitted as short, sep- arate notices without publicity/ promotion of individual members. Membership growth, networking, and forums for members • Material for THE DOCkET is due July 10 and should be sent to Patricia Gulley [email protected] JuST THE FACTS • inSinC is the official publication of Sisters in Crime International and is published four times a year. • Dues are $40 for uS and Canada, add $5 for other countries. Address and all other changes can be made by members on www.sistersincrime.org. If you do not use a computer or need a username please contact Beth Wasson at 785.842.1325 or [email protected] • Information in inSinC is submitted and reprinted from sources listed in each article. Where required, permission to reprint has been granted and noted. SinC does not investigate each submission inde- pendently and articles in no way constitute an endorsement of products or services offered. No material may be reprinted without written permission inSincfrom Sisters in Crime. Sisters in Crime©2011 June 2011 2 Cathy Speaks isters in Crime has many projects in the our library liaison, is arranging for the booth works! Beginning with “The Mystery at the ALA meeting, where we will promote SBook Consumer in the Digital Age” SinC to librarians. We are located near both study (available on the SinC website, if you the mystery and food stages, which can only haven’t already seen it), we have been exploring help improve the draw to our booth! Let the ways readers and books find each other.
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