iKanirlirBtfr |(ral 1 5 ATfirac* Daily Not ProM Ron Thfi mmam For the W*eh Bndtaig The American "Legion Auxiliary The regular' meeUiw of the Dor­ The W.B-A. wUl meet tomor­ The next meeting of the Great Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Truex and row night at 8 o'clock at Odd Fel­ June 2, 1951 It la expected that about twen son, Jeffrey, of Rye. N. T., spent will meet this evening In the Le­ cas Society of the Emanuel Lu Today—partial eleartag and ty-llve of the members of the Books Discussion Group Is sched­ gion hall. .Mrs. Harold Belcher, ther^n church, the final meeting lows hall. All guards are request­ cooler. Tonight—fair and ea*l uled for Tuesday, June 1?. The the week-end with their friends, ed to attend for the last rehearsal 1 0 ^ 0 6 AlmntTowii Manchester Republican Womens Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Moore, of 457 chairman of' the^nomlnatlng com­ of the season, has been postponed er. Wedneaday <— geueraly fair. club will visit the Governor's man­ reading for this session Is Kant's mittee, will submit a slate of offi­ from June 6 to June 20. This final before the state convention. Mem­ iCuFuttlu itlFtUlfl "Fundamental Principles of the Adam I street. Mr. and Mrs. Truex bers planning g® to the state Membas of the Audit eeuMuuad «ool. sion and grounds tomorrow after­ are former residents of Brookfield cers for next year. Delegates meeting will be In the form of a UM«MMr Ii04p c< MMOIUI Metaphysics of Morals." convention In New London who Bureau of OOeulattau* M ancheoter— A City of Villa fie Charm noon, from four to six o clock, street. -• and alternates will also be elected prt-luck supper to be held at the « ■ V m sap«ei«l oommuBicatlon when the first lady of Connecti­ to attend the department conven­ summer cottage of Mrs. Emma have not yet contacted Julia Raw- ■t **»»«—<<• T«mple tomorrow night cut, Mrs. John Davis Lodge, will Pvt. Richard McCann, eon of tion In Bridgeport In July. Harris at Columbia lake. son are requested to do so. i t T^O. m « Entered Apprentice The D.U.V.C.W. will hold a be hostess to the Hartford Coun­ Mr. and Mrs. David MeCann of regular meeting tomorrow night (Classified Advertising on Pngn 1$) MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, JUNE 5. 1!>.51 (FOURTEEN PACES) PRICE FIVE CENTS d am e wUl be conferred on a claes ty Republican Women's Associa­ Maple street, Is at his home on a VOL. LXX, NO. 208 eCMndldatee end Worshipful Mae- at eight o'clock at the home of tion. ten-day furlough. He enlisted in Mrs. Muriel Davis at the Center. ter Albert D. Krause <»»■ the regular army January 10 of MOB to the fact that the small lodge Flag Day will be observed, and a Orford Parish Chapter, D. A. this year and Is stationed at Camp ^ wUl be used on that evening penny auction and refreshments 4 ft R., will hold Its final meeting of Carson, Colo. will follow. t o ^ d of the main l ^ e room m the season Thursday afternoon at has been the custom. There 'y*'* *1* 2:.^0, with Mrs. Charles F. Sum­ Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Handley. The joint vacation school com­ a toclal hour and refreshments loi- ner of Bolton. Tomorrow a num­ lowing the degree work. Miss Jean Handley of R o^rt mittee of the North Methodist ber of the members will attend Road, and Mr. Handley's mother, and Second Congregational s U. S. to Consult UN on Armistice the annual meeting of the Ells­ Mrs. Frank Handley of Oakland churches will meet tomorrow eve­ worth Memorial Association at street, left Saturday for Boston, ning at eight o'clock at the Sec­ one o'clock at the Ellsworth to be present at the commence­ ond Congregational church. I homestead In Windsor. ment exerel.ses today of Wheelock College at Harvard Church, Ilt‘miliiii*rM in DittriDtHioii of “ Prtihlvni'’ St. Bridget's strawberry fe.stl- Brookline. Miss Judith A ^ Spare The Rod— Troops Use HIGHEST val committee will meet this eve­ Handlev received the degree of B. WHITE PICKET FENCE ning at eight o'clock In the par­ S. In education. The speaker at the Allies Near Triangle ish hall. The group will formu­ was Dr. D. H. Andrews of Johns Low Cost of 40c Per Foot Spoil Principal PRICE PAID late plans for the festival Wed­ Hopkins University, •widely known Also Other Types Of Fence j Is Defended nesday, June 20. for his work In the field of atomic W. A. PARK COMPANY fmr For clean, used cars energy research. Dr. Winifred Nonvieh-New l.ondon Boad t'liMcland, June 5— iT)— A 40- The Regina d'ltalla Society will E. Bain, president of Wheelock. Montvllle, Conn. Allies Drive Toward ‘Iron Triangle’ *46 a n d u p hold its last meeting of the sea­ Roll Big Guns ycBr-iild ntiither gne. to court conferred the degree on the can­ today on a charge of grabbing a 'By Acheson son tonight at 7:30 at the Itnllan- didates. Mr. and Mrs. Handley Amerlcnn club on Eldrldge street. uooden paddle and Ihraahlng In attended the dinner given for par­ h i, offlee Janien B. Fenwiek, M, Refreshments will be served. Within Range HARTFORD ROAD ents, and Mrs. Frank Handley prlneipul of .XIIm tI Bii.hnell W'ashingtfui, June 6— {IP) vl.slted with cousins In Cambridge Hart Junior High fu-hiHil. —Scorotarv of State Acheson USED CARS yesterday. rfid umAust —r«uMRsn»'^ >lr». Bemlee Smey, who ap- said ttklay the Ignited States "On The Curve” SHOE Of Key Point |M‘an« in niiinlelpal roiirl, li> ae- eiiKed of whaeking Fenulek will consult the United Na­ h a b t f o b d b o a d TOYS with hi* own paddle lieesiine he REPAIRING Tokyo, June 5— (/P)— Allied tions l>efore making any Telephone 2-41fifi For thr Klddlo*. LIMITED TIME ONLY! LUMBER kieked and paddled Iter *on, armistice in Korea. He held AfAwortment Of the Better Kind troops rolled today within ar­ Danny, 14. Fenwiek say* he wa* diselpllning Danny after he to this staml despite insis­ OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. BVILDITSC SVPPUES tillery range of Shorwon, key Arthur Drug Stores TONI eaiight him panhlng yoiing*ter* DONE WHH.E to the Red “Iron Triangle" in tence from a Democratic in the hall. Senator that this country Home Permnnent YOU WAIT SHINGLES . ROOFING Korea. Fenwiek'* eye* were Idaekefi, slioiiUi hold itself free to act Refill— $1.00 Insnlatton a WaJIboarda • Doora But 6,000 battling Chinese Ywiqgu r,;'..'!' J Yangyang I hi* no*e *plit and hi* Up* eiit. PLUS A $1.50 JAMES' SAM YULYES Chl-Namel Palnta blocked the advance of other Unit­ on its own. HAIRSHAPING. 701 MAIN STREET Youngstown Kitchen Cabinets ed Nations troops trying to reach .Sennior f'.lllctic (D-Iowa) the triangle from the east. 38* PARAUa tangli'il .sliioply with Acheson lit A $2.50 Value! Most of the U. N. west and cen­ J ^ - Chumuniin ^ Expect Korea the Scniile’s .MiicArthur inquiry tral front surged closer to the liolh on the (|ue.Mlinn of an armis­ Communist aasembly area bound­ ‘.'f k^ngnuop^, tice nnd im President Truman's Both for $2 ed by Chorwon, Kumhwa and Peace Moves right in the first place to send Pyonggang. U. S. troops to Korea without (Plus Tax) The threatening Allied advance I 'ongrcssionnl approval. was made against diminishing Red At Coiiferenee I'nilcr f'.illi'lli's questions, resistance along the rain-swept Achi-son sHiil till' U H. comman­ JAMES’ Yonchon-Shorwon highway In the der in the filed has the right to 148 MAIN STREET Tlt€ J W . H A L C CORD west. U. N. infantrymen slogged 16 UN Onintries With "bring ahmit an armlstlee." But nearly two miles through mud, Allied forces driving north In Kormt yesterday (black arrows) he said other U. N. members MancHacna Cout. narrowing the 13-mlIe gap be­ battled strong resistance (open arrows) In drives toward the Red Troops in Strife May would lie consulted. tween AUled-held Yonchon and the "Iron Triangle” of the Pyonggang-Chorwon-Kianhwa area. Olher GllleUe .said he doe.sn't agree prize Communist city. drivm were developing east of the Hwaehon reservoir and along the Revive U.S.-Sponsored that 1« neecsaary. Gain 500 yards eastern neast. “ Declaration of Aims” "I may say that 1 deplore your Front line dispatches reported l*hnto by Robert Nauman Interpretation and repudiate It Allies on this route now are In Washington, June 5—(>P)—Dis­ Presentation of the grand prises In the Manchester DiWelopnntit Oanm'lsslon's "Your Manehes- personally." he told Acheson. position to turn their long range cussion of possible Korean truce ter__Today—Toinorrnw" contest took place at the Coiiiilry Club Inst night, and was followed by an Gllli'lte Insisted that the United artillery on Chorwon. moves was expected today at a o|>en dlHctisslon of .Manchester's n«*>d for “licilamM'" In Us Allure growth. .Slates, given wliat Acheson said Thirty-five miles to the eaat, D emocr ats Delay conference of the 16 U. N. coun­ In the group nlmve an-, seiileil, left to right: Hiils'rt .stone. niiinlcl|ml mnsiillant of the f'oanei-tlrut was "full command" In the field, the front boiled with action. Three tries whose troops are fighting Public Ex|*endlture Council, Mrs. Allan K. Ta>lor, winner of the second pri/e of $100; Klehard Marlin, could act "subject to a report to thousand Reds fought through the there.
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