10 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1895. money enough to go and come with and on E lineof Dolores street, 126:6 Nof Nineteenth, V PUBLICATION OFFICE: SITUATIONS WAiSTED-Contlnued. HELP WANTED— Contlnned. PERSONALS. try the experiment, but notwithstanding N26:6 by E 110; $20. M.Morsenthau Company (a corporation) to Mar- 625 Montgomery street, near Clay, open until 11 COLORED'GIRL AND FOUND, SEE MANUFACTURERS. that his going on such an expedition has o'clock r.\u25a0m. "DELIABLE WANTS~s7tuX •pUTTER-MAKER,> P^ATRONIZI3— HOME ON itin and Mary Gerashty, loc on W line of York BRANCH OFFICES— 7IO Market XV tion in the country as ladies' maid or a house- X boss here; gardener, private place, $35; veg- Enambled letters, signs, labels, etc., made only MININGMATTERS many street, ttreet, near midnight ; sur]>rised his friends. The fact is, I 310 N of Twenty-second, N27:6 by W 100; Kearny. open until12 o'clock keeper in a summer resort. Callor address 14% etable gardener, $30; married farmer for stock at 491 Haight st., BakerManufacturing Co. however, ifmany others withlittleor noth- $10. £f 9Hayes street, open until9:30o'clock ;717 LarkIn Sherwood place, oft" Thirdst. ranch, $20. C. R.HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. to dull Same to Louis >Jetz«rer, lot on NE corner of street. open until9:30 o'clock ;S"W. corner Sixteenth LEE'S BATH AND MANICURE PAR- ing do in these times would strike street and avenue, N and; Mission: streets, TF YOU WANT A GOOD SERVANT, MALE RENCH OR GERMANMEATANDPASTRY MCBSlor is now at Stockton St., room 1. regions Twenty-second Bryant 85 by open until 9 o'clock 2518 X or female, city apply cook, with references, private 110% PACIFIC COAST. cut for the minine and go to work E 100; $10. Mission street, open ;anil 116 Ninth or country, MME LEO- -E $65: butler fam- ALICE, THE until9o'clock Employment Office, open CO., Geary GENERAL 118 good thing. Muller, NW street, POLD'S 957 Market st.; ily C. R. HANSEN & 110 st. MANICURE^AT itwould be a Itwould add to Same to Wilhelm A. lot on corner open until Q;.".0 o'clock evenings. .^4O. MR-Sixth st., room 12. the producers and the product wouldlessen of Twenty-second and York streets, \V 25 by N . ANTED—FRENCH CHEF, $75 ANDROOM 100: $10. WANTED; waiter, $45 a month, restau- pUT IN PRICES THIS WEEK: CALLAND the number on the community who are Wadsworth.lpt OF PATTERNS CUT Vt carriage-painter; \J from $1; Frank Wadsworth to Emma on NOTICE 3IEETINGS. DRESSMAKERSto order. 25c McDowell Academy, 213 Powell. rant. MARTIN& CO.. 749 Market St. examine curly bangs, 75c ;switches either idle altogether or making a bare E line of street, Twenty-fourth, . scalp treatment; blackheads, pimples or finds of York 288 S of S OF *ig. cured no where the new living. 23 by E 100; gift. jiKkP YERBA~~BUENA "LODGE "WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS BUTLER FOR charge; lessons given. La Verite Hairdressing Perfection No. 6—Regular meeting 13; SITUATIONS WASTED-MALE. family in city; $45. Apply to MISS Bazaar, over Taking adventurous man can always a Thomas R. and Annie L. Turner to William THIS£7™ EVENING, 15, »» private Maze. Gold Are Pros- An make C. Hamerton, lot on S line of Twenty-fifth street, (FRIDAY') March at A PLUNKETT,424 Sutter st. in the mining regions one or 8o'clock.* D.4. GEORGE J. HOBE, -ifiSv, TTEADQUARTERS LONG DISTANCE TELE- living way 126:10 E of Noe, E 25 by S 114; $10. "-1-* WANTED BY TWO YOUNG Phones, pectors. Secretary. 1 men, recommended, & CO., EMPLOYMENT AGENTS, XJ. cheap; send prices. Electrio another, and there he has a chance for to Joseph L.Kehrlein, SITUATIONhighly as coachmen, gard- St., main telephone fur- \\orks, iM for Klein Boniface F. Kehrlein un- 3 Market No. 1849, Montgomery Francisco, making good never divided 1-28 interest in the following: lot on X line LA UNION LODGE eners and useful men around gentleman's place; MARTIN749 St., San Cai. a "stake" which he IIKSi^^*7 PARFAITE ft speak nlsh allkinds of reliable male help. 1 IN ( of Valpariso street, W of BCuon, W by No. 17, A. -Jg\- English and German; city or country. J, Y.; AIU>S 1 willhave working on a salary or for wages 160:6 23 X F. and M.— officers Ad- 1 . .' RAVED ATROBJBRT- 60: also lot on N line of fireen street. 68:9 E of and members of this lodge are hereby -otl- TKjJr dress M. J., New Atlantic Hotel, 207-209 Mont- COOK, COUNTRY RESTAURANT, BU.\>, 126 Post «t. in a crowded city. Hundreds and hun- E 68:9; to gomery aye. ::; GAZETTE, 420 Montgomery, 22:11 by X also lot on S\V fled attend a special meeting for the first'V' . '\u0084 . FRENCH$45. HOTEL Kearny. PRICE PAID GENTS' dreds of young men with no families to corner of Leavenworth and North Point streets, S degree on FRIDAYEVENING, March 15, at 8 clothing. LADIES' OR W at 26 YEARS OLD, WISHES ARBERS FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL H. HIGHESTcast-off Bead potal. 15 Russ st. NOTIONS OF VALUE. support could do better than they are by 137:6, 137:6, H 74, E 25, N 63:6, X 112:6; o'clock Masonic Temple. AllMasons are cor- SCANDINAVIAN,O situation; thoroughly the SCHEUNERT.employment secretary J.F.. NEW $10. dially By understands manage- liarbers' invited. order of the W. M. ment of horses, carriages, cows, garden and gen- Association, st. ;\.:,T-r A DVICEFIU3E7pTvORCE LAWS ASPECIAL- seeking new fields where mining"workis Same to - JULLIEN, Secretary. 12 Seventh Oas dam; going on. In the case of the individual Valentine Kehrlein. undivided 1-28. P. DE ST. eral work; geod references. Address J. N., box HOWE,STiSrt a,S? ,' ''. wills,deeds, etc. G. W. same three pieces: $10. fltSgp OF. _7 40, this office. AMANHAVINGhad EXPERI- Att'y-at-law, Market., cor.Stockton. referred to, though he had no mining ex- Same toMary Seibel, undivided 1-28, same three REGULAR MEETING <C7 WANTED—ence as an auctioneer or hotel-runner. 405 1 pieces; $10. tf-* the Caledonian Club THIS JkiT^ RESTAURANT waiter, MIDDLE- Kearny st., 4;after 10. STATES DETECTIVE AGENCY,20 Through the Counties, Up perience, he went with those who had. EVENING, at 8 Hall,3^ room PvmX Ellis St.. rms. 1&2; telephone, All Joseph Goete to George G. and Louis Katz,lot on o'clock, Scottish sa^Tj^ GIOODVX aged, who can cook short orders, wishes situa- main 5506, S.F. There are plenty of men here with knowl- N of lllLarkinst. D. R. ILL,Chief. ''«_?* CHARLES, WAITER. CLARKE'S BAKERY, 612 and the line Sacramento street, 112:6 W of Waverly McNE 1515 Market st. ; T7HNE SUITS, $15; DRESS I-x- •* '* Down Western edge mining" to be had as companions 53:6; James H.Ddxcas, Secretary. tion^ GOODKearny st. call early. - Parlors, Geary PANTS.>Aa'' 54~78r of place, W 12 by N $10. pARDENER— BY' ACOMPETENT MAN,CITY Misfit 14 st. Slope of the Sierra. for such a trip. It is not by any means Same to Anna Goetz, lot on E line of Stockton !fT?S= SOUTH SANFRANCISCO LODGE ¥ LABORERS: 2 TEAMSTERS. 1004 MAR- /M.OAKS, street, Sacramento, 212, VX or country, with first-class -city reference. Ad- si., floor; early. • CAPES A.M. FURS RETAILEDAT of by E No. meets THIS call r . necessary to go so far off as "Alaska, how- 37 N X 22 45: efift. ---5' F.and A. M., dress J. S.. box 3, Call Office. ket first \ V> manufacturers' cost. 20 O. M.and Anita Goldaracena to J. Alexander EVENING at 7:30 o'clock for first degree. jxjf Sansome st.. upstairs. ever, forthere are fields for prospectors in Yoell, lot on of street, Eof Jones, Byorder of the /^^\ CITfATIONS WANTED BY "yOUNG MANOR BOY TO LEARNBARBER— FOR SALE; our X.live I'ost 175:3 Master wife, GERMAN AND X trade. Call after »a. m.,797 Mission st. \u25a0; PHONOGRAPH own State in all the counties in the E4O, N60; $10. E.C. HARE,Sec. O without children,- on a ranch: man un- KINETOSCOPESoutfits bought forcash. Baclgalupj,946 M'k't. Vanderbilt, San Bernardino County, our E. A. Haines to and Sarah A. Sullivan, derstands all kinds of ranch work and wife a good YEARSOLD. BON-TON;MlL- At gold belt. Some of oldest counties John F. ijJKSp A. O. H. O. 2 JOHN ABOUT15 AI.TZ IN THREE LESSONS; lot on S line of Golden (late avenue, 137:6 E of Eb~-*' DIVISION WILLftxR. cook. Address KATHGELEER. Napa, Cal. BOYlinery,183 Kearny st. '-'..: \y'» for parlor ARTISTIC 10-stamp mills are at work steadily have of late been showing up the greatest Hyde, S 57:6; hold their twenty-fifth annual dances or stage taught dally at. IR- two they j E20 by $f>. at Wolf's Hall, ball^fv "DELIABLE A VINE'S, 927 Mission St., operations are carefully watched number of new mines because are be- Martin and Margaret to Harriet L. 121 New\Montßomeryst., on »\•» GERMAN WANTS SITUA- A GENTS FOR TAILORING BUSINESS. 44 opposite U. S. Mint. and their O'Donnell St. Patrick's day eve, SATURDAY. \u25a0i-v tion: handy at any kindof general work about -ex Turk st. ing more vigorously prospected than ever Carswell, lot on E line of Gilbert street, 80 Nof Marcbg^^OL place; ORIENTAL—6I6 ST by mining men. One of these mills is built Brannan, 16.1895. Friends are cordially invited to*_t-jß_r a understands handling horses: can milk XSutter: furnishedTAYLOR NEAR before.
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