Planning Statement Construction of 4 no. new dwellings, new dedicated access from Gosfield Road and associated development Land north of no 17 Gosfield Road, High Garrett, Braintree, Essex On behalf of Pyrmont Homes February 2021 Our ref: C20020 270 Avenue West | Skyline 120 | Great Notley | Braintree | Essex | CM77 7AA | 01376 329059 | www.phase2planning.co.uk Quality Assurance Site Name: Land north of no. 17 Gosfield Road, High Garrett, Braintree, Essex Client Name: Pyrmont Homes Type of Report: Planning Statement Author Initials Date Matthew Wood BSc (Hons) MScTP MRTPI MW 5th February 2021 Associate Director Reviewed Initials Date Michael Calder BSc (Hons) DipTP MRTPI MC 5th February 2021 Director © Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd 2019 Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Site and Surroundings ..................................................................................................................... 2 3. Planning History .............................................................................................................................. 3 4. The Proposed Development ........................................................................................................... 4 5. Planning Policy ................................................................................................................................ 5 6. Consideration of the Main Issues ................................................................................................. 11 7. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 15 Appendices Appendix 1 Copy of appeal decision ref: APP/Z1510/W/3243946 relating to land east of Gosfield Road, High Garrett, Essex Appendix 2 Copy of appeal decision ref: APP/Z1510/W/20/3246355 relating to land at Gosfield Lawn Tennis Club, 6 Braintree Road, Gosfield, Essex, CO9 1PR © Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd 2019 1. Introduction 1.1 This Planning Statement has been prepared by Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd on behalf of Pyrmont Homes, hereafter referred to as the applicant, in support of a full planning application seeking the construction of 4 no. new dwellings, new access from Gosfield Road and associated development on land north of no. 17 Gosfield Road, High Garrett, Braintree, Essex. 1.2 The description of development is as follows: ‘Construction of 4 no. new dwellings, new access from Gosfield Road and associated development’ Purpose and Structure of this Report 1.3 The purpose of this report is to draw together the main planning issues in the consideration of this proposal. Page 1 C20020: Land north of no. 17 Gosfield Road, High Garrett, Braintree, Essex © Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd 2019 2. Site and Surroundings 2.1 The area of land subject to this planning application relates to land north of no. 17 Gosfield Road, High Garrett, Braintree, Essex. The extent of the application site is as shown by the land edged red on the Site Location Plan submitted in support of this detailed planning application. 2.2 The application site is situated in semi-rural location directly to the north of the Braintree and Bocking development boundary as defined by Braintree District Council’s (BDC) adopted Local Plan (2005) and as such would technically be within a countryside location for the purposes of planning policy. 2.3 The site itself is located directly north of existing housing along Gosfield Road and would front Gosfield Road from which it would be accessed. The proposals would also face existing housing on the opposite side of Gosfield Road. The site is served by an existing footpath linking it to the rest of High Garrett, Bocking and Braintree as well as an existing bus stop. 2.4 A mature woodland is located north of the application site separated by a Public Right of Way (PRoW) (Braintree and Bocking footpath no. 10) which runs between the two. 2.5 The application site is not within a protected area or would affect any asset of particular importance covered by para 11, foot note 6 of the NPPF. Page 2 C20020: Land north of no. 17 Gosfield Road, High Garrett, Braintree, Essex © Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd 2019 3. Planning History 3.1 The application site does have some recent planning history of relevance to these proposals as is detailed below. Planning application ref: 19/00141/OUT Description: Erection of 3 no. dwellings Decision: Refused (24/09/2019) 3.2 This full planning application for the construction of 3 no. new private housing dwellings was refused for 2 reasons as outlined below: 1. The site is located in the countryside outside of the defined village envelope. The proposal in this case would introduce an unsustainable form of development in this location which would have a detrimental impact upon the character of the area and would increase reliance upon the private car. The proposal is therefore contrary to the objectives of local and national policies to secure sustainable patterns of development and consequently would be contrary to the NPPF, Policy RLP2 of the Braintree District Local Plan Review, Policies CS5 and CS7 of the Braintree District Core Strategy and Policy LPP1 of the Braintree District Publication Draft Local Plan. 2. Insufficient information has been submitted to demonstrate that adequate visibility splays can be achieved in either direction when leaving the site. It is therefore considered that the proposal would have a detrimental impact upon highway safety. As such, the proposal is considered to be contrary to the NPPF, Policy RLP2 of the Braintree District Local Plan Review, Policies CS5, CS8 and CS9 of the Braintree District Core Strategy, and Policy LPP1 of the Braintree District Publication Draft Local Plan. Page 3 C20020: Land north of no. 17 Gosfield Road, High Garrett, Braintree, Essex © Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd 2019 4. The Proposed Development 4.1 This full planning application submission seeks approval for the construction of 4 no. new dwellings, new access from Gosfield Road and associated development on land north of no. 17 Gosfield Road, High Garrett, Braintree, Essex. 4.2 The proposed dwellings themselves would each have off-street car parking and private garden amenity space provision in line with the Council’s adopted standards in these respects. 4.3 The proposed layout solution for the site is depicted by the submitted drawings which shows that the proposals would follow the established building line and be in character with their immediate surroundings. 4.4 The 4 no. dwellings would each be of a 2-storey nature and set back from Gosfield Road in line with the prevailing residential character of the locality. Given its edge of settlement location the proposals would also be carefully landscaped including along its northern boundary where it meets the PRoW. A buffer will also be provided along this boundary to ensure the amenity of this PRoW is appropriately catered for. 4.5 It is also important to note that an existing bus stop and street lamp will need to be re- positioned as part of the proposals and this can be secured by condition. Page 4 C20020: Land north of no. 17 Gosfield Road, High Garrett, Braintree, Essex © Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd 2019 5. Planning Policy 5.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 states that, if regard is to be had to the development plan for the purpose of any determination to be made under the planning Acts, the determination must be made in accordance with the plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise, such a Government Policy or emerging Local Policy. 5.2 The statutory development plan for this area includes, most notably, BDC’s Adopted Core Strategy (2011) and Local Plan Review (2005). BDC is also in the process of preparing a new Local Plan which has been submitted to the Secretary of State (SoS) and undergone some Examination in Public (EiP) with its Part 1 and strategic policies likely to be adopted shortly. Further EiP in relation to Part 2 of the Plan relating to local policies is due to commence in the summer of 2021. Therefore some weight can be afforded to these provisions in the decision- making process. 5.3 Government planning policy is currently set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF3) (February 2019) which is an important and significant material consideration in the determination of planning applications. NPPF3 stresses the importance of up-to-date Local Plans in decision-making. The presumption in favour of sustainable development and ‘tilted balance’ principle contained within NPPF3 also makes clear that where there are no relevant development plan policies or the policies which are most important for determining the planning application are out-of-date, granting permission unless the application of policies in NPPF3 that protect areas or assets of particular importance provides a clear reason for refusing the development proposed or any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in NPPF3 taken as a whole. 5.4 Therefore, in terms of assessing the relevant planning policies applicable to the application site and this proposal, this chapter covers the following: Adopted Core Strategy (2011) – Identifies how and where the District will meet its needs for housing, employment, retail development
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