10 THE RUN. SUNDAY JULY 30, 1911. MOTOR BOATIXG. J. Grossman, captain of Stuyvesant Hlfh Jdlled himself a few year later, became the PITCHERS OF THE THE CHESS PLAYERS' CORNER School and Mark Nave, CHICAGO LEADS IN PENNANTS eadlng catcher, with Charley (laurel and STAR LEFT HANDED TOPICS DIAMOND MOBLXM NO. I"7 HT K. FatTICS. Fred Lake extra backstops, rred Tenney Viva to Race for Gold Cop Programme Hack 7 Piece. had succeeded Tucker on first base and Annnal Jimmy Collin had supplanted Nnh at of the Carnival. CBAMPIOX LASHER TO VISIT TEN OF THEM WOX IS third, Lone played second and Long COMPARATIVELY FEW OF THEM The Viva, owned by Bear Commodore YOUTH ntEOOMIXATES ;,y short, the latter having Bob Allen us an J. Stuart lllockton Of the Motor Boat Club MA,IOR TEAMS. TlitS COVSTRy IX FALL. HHM HAM LEAGUE RACES. understudy. Tommy McCarthy had been IX THE DIG LEAGUES. LEAGUE replaced with Chick Hiatal, who later com- of America, has been selected a a chal m m mitted suicide, while the othor outfielder lenger for the Gold Challenge cup which :t InR Lecture and Exhibi- In Windy City Sharer! by Captf. were Duffy and Hilly Hamilton. This team Ilncker Appear to ne the Heat of the will be raced for on the St. Lawrence Itlver And a Majority of Them Hate Sumrirnt lie Intends Honor the won o.i gomes nnd lost :ui. Crop-n- Will under the nusnlces of tho Frontenac Yacht Young tions In ibc Principal :iub of the Anion and Chance notion Hm Cap- eighth wo won in tsos Modern ot Old Timer Material to Itetaln Present Boston's iiennant August 0 arid 10. The boat Is Countrj, A Setback for the Rice Eight Sine Organization Wa with the same infield nnd outfield. Iho Not Forget Wadded, Itanury, Kelroy, Club, 8, of Prrsonnrl With Few fbnngrs for sn. tured pitchers were Nichols, tho hydroplane type, 33 feet over all nnd Tarrasrh-Sehleeht- cr lHtO-Tea- mt' lwis, Klobedatiz lufflnton, Tatinehfll. rral Years All Ktar Ctimlilnailllu, Oanibit Games. I Founded In Makeups. Vbjtor Willis, and Aln- - t mtm and and Hergrn caught 110 Illdln is being built by the Emenona nf games with Yeager Melee's Champion Lnsker Intends visiting this Since the Inauguration of tho National his assistant. Lena than n doron first clnsa left handed ondriH, Va. She will be launched thin weok Whether or not the Giant win tV pennant men won 103 game nnd lost 47. year, country curly In September, ond ho Intonds League, in 1879, thirty-fiv- e championship New tork'a first National League cham- pitcher nre drawing anlarle In tho big ond put In readiness for a few preliminary thl nnd the results of last week y.ne giving lectures nnd exhibitions at the prin- H5 pennant have been won. Of that number pionship wa captured In Insn, James major baseball league. A matter or trial before being shipped to the thousand the National rnce n more ( ucacn cipal American clubs In the fall. Of con run m H H& the Chicago club ha captured ten: Boston, Mutrle was the nominal manager, but the record good southpaws nlways hove been Islands. Ish aspect, McGraw has n tenm wl u h i. n. credit for tho (Hants' success really belonged you may cup by thn Pixie well iiuallfled to be In the races for he really does not como to this country for Mill eight: New York, 'four: Pittsburg, four: to Capt. Buck Ewlng, This team was one carce, ho matter how for back The will be defended "own! yenrs to nny that purpose ulonc. Ills principal business mm llrooklyn, three: Ilalttmore, three; Provi- of the best ever seen In tho old league and go In tho history of the national game. IV., which has been loaned to the Frontenac come ns of Its rivals, inenmj will bp to superintend I ho ptibllrntlon of dence, two, and Detroit, one, with no uch was made up of stars. Tim Keefe, Mickey There nre numerous left handed thrower Yacht Club, the present holder of the that on present prospect the (iuhn W; aome hooks ho has been nt work on until honor for Phllndelohla. Bt. Loul and ('In4 Welch anil Htcomb, a left bander, were the and batsmen but comparatively few box- - trophy, by Commodore IT. II. Melville. continue to bo ns strong relatively ,i nnv iW ml boxmen, with Ewing catching In seventy-eigh- t lleck-sch- er recently He is especially anxious HUM Judging by the ctosenesa of this games. man. Frederick K. Hurnham and August of the others. All tenm will get m ,, iiulte clnnatl. Hill llrown and I'nt Murtihv to publish his latest edition of "Common Whit- e- Pieces. rnmnslvn for the championship also drew pay us backstops, but they had Napoleon Burlier of the Brooklyns I of the Motor Bout Club of America, new blood ot the end of the year, but w vair'i chal- they will be strengthened Sense In Chess." White to play and mate In three moves. Chicago, New York and Pltlsbttrg have very nine n no, icogcr i onnor, nanny generally considered the best modern left the owner of the craft. Another nny tlictefroni u lllchardson, Whitney nnd I nt best, Ilerlin papers state that Prof Isnae L. rnosi.rM no. 178-- iit s. jrsraasiN. to Increase wnne ni. Arthur John hnnded curve arllet. If Hucker wn a lenger the Maple Leaf III., the property dubious the chances their total, Montgomery Ward were tho inflelder. McGraw now ha gathered together recently stayed forsomo time at Herlln, Ulack- -S Pieces. Lotil or Philadelphia also may finish on top while member of the Giant, Cubs, Philadelphia, of K. Mackay Edgar of the lloynl Motor n tesn. nice the veteran Jim O'ltourke. Mike most player of where at the principal chess resorts he for the first time In the history of the old Hlattery, George Gore, Elmer Foster nnd Athletic or Detroit he would probably 1 ncht Club of Great Brlntln, and the fastest of the which ought 'nHg(). '1 n yenrs n.rH( engaged In analyzing his gambit a (treat circuit. Mike Ionian were guardians of the out- win as many games as the best of the right gasolene driven craft In the world. for half doen inure of ,la field. These won H4 games lost least, It is deal, lie finally arranged a series of Two famous manager have contributed Giants and hHiiders. Hut handicapped by an Inferior The Viva probably will be the smallest playing nt the douhirul wlie.r & 47. a percentage of .811. although Mathewsou, Wlltse nnd two consultation games to be played by to tho success of the Windy City In the in issti, arior a sensational rnco witn ine team, he is compelled to plod nlong, doing of the real fast boat In the race, Hein thit leading llsrlln experts. Much to his League, A. C. Anson and I'rank iiostotis, New won ercono hi best ngalnst discouraging odds and there may be a few other of tho nunc over long, but all the others nte suTl leiitlr four m m m m National ine lorlts tbelr young disappointment the gambit was beaten In Chanre. A. (I. Kpaldlng woe also manager pennant. Keefo and Welch each pitched losing games that under other circum- all length: but no far they havo not given to do It. When tho time wiiim lor forty-on- e games and were aided by Cannon Mathewson to retire from bascbat it both names, that Is to say tho men playing of the penpnnt winning Chicago Id IS7, Ball Until Uwlnir stances should be recorded as vlctorle. promise of c much speed a C'ommodoro will m m Crane nnd fi'Dnv. eniiaht leave ft vacancy hard to fill, It ' likely black won In e.ieh oao. when he wa the star pitcher of the tem. nlnety-fourjtnm- and Hill Brown officiated Itucker ha everything that makes a star Blackton expect from hi new filer. lu a undor-han- d good a man will hn i!c Owmg to tho sudden indisposition of Dr. Deacon .Hm White caught Hpaldlng'a in miny. i no tnnciu was me sumo as in pitcher, speed, change of pace, sharp Announcement also wan made that tho that as found Inn m 1888. with Gil llntnAlrt nn evtrn tnnn. while but although the pitching stair neeils Tarrasoli ery little progress was made m m delivery nnd the infield wa looked curves, perfect control and n wise head. annual Bermuda motor boat raco for the strengthening more than nnv ilep.irt. Ho O 'Itourke.Gore and Tlernnn were t ho regulnr cup prize other In the match with Schtechter at Cologne. after by Cnl McVey on first base, outfielders, He Is pitching wonderful ball this year and Bermuda challenge and a cash ol ment It nvcrnges up with tho-- e ol it,.. n,Pr BR 181 Rh mR I Appended, however, era tho scores of the Homes on second, Anson on third nnd t llteen years elapsed before John McOra w is envied by nil of the rlvnl club owner. $1,000 donated by Jame Gordon Bennett club In ability and thero enough strength and seventh games of the aeries, both outfleldera being Blenn, brought the Now pennant Every team In the Notional league fear will bo started from Huntington Bay, L. in othor respects to make tho club futmld-abl- alxth Peter nt short, tho York' third the Giant nre likely record to the Polo Grounds In toot.
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