15 Oct 70 See also 15 Dec 70.) THE NEW YORK TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1970 Congressman Lists 65 'Radicals' Despite Injunction questionnaire. It concluded that H. Rap Brown (7). 5. Socialist Workers party. By DAVID E. ROSENBAUM 6. Cited for contempt in con- Special to The New Ton Times "the campus-speaking circuit is William Bunge (8). Stokely Carmichael (9). nection with the Chicago Seven WASHINGTON, Oct. 14 - certainly the source of signifi- John Ciardi (3). conspiracy trial. Representative Richard H. cant financing for the promoters Jesus Colon (2). 7. Black Panther party (sup- Ichord, chairman of the House of disorderly and revolutionary Don Cox (7). porter or member). activity among students." Carl Davidson (8). 8. Students for a Democratic Internal Security Committee, Angela Davis (2). Society. The committee noted that 9. Student Non violent Coordi- released today a committee re- about 80 per cent of this money Rennard Davis (6, 8). nating Committee. port listing 65 "radical" David Dellinger (6, 10). had been derived from student Douglas Dowd (10). 10. New Mobilization Committee campus speakers, although a funds. Harry Edwards (7). to End the War in Vietnam. Federal court order had pro- 11. Spring Mobilization Commit- A.C.L.U. Entered Plea Richard R. Fernandez (10). hibited official Government John Froines (6). tee to End the War in Vietnam. 12. Youth international party publication of the list. Earlier, the American Civil Charles Garry (27). (Yippies). The committee, formerly Liberties Union asked Judge Carlton Goodlett (10). called the Un-American Activi- Gerhard A. Gesell of Federal Dick Gregory (4). Deirdre Griswold (.11). ties Committee, compiled the District Court to prohibit the Fred Hampton (7). list on the basis of a ques- committee from publishing the Floyd Hardwick (7). tionnaire sent out last summer, list, arguing that to do would Nathan Hare (3). asking 179 colleges and univer- violate the right of free speech Tom Hayden (6, 8). sities to report all speak- and harass the persons listed. Nat Hentoff (5, 8, 11). who Amsai Heweitt (7). ers appeared in the last Judge Gesell signed a tem- Abbie Hoffman (6, 12). two school years. porary order forbidding the Paul Jacobs (7). The questionnaire was re- Government printer, the Super- Michael James (8). turned by 95 schools. Accord- intendent of Documents of the Le Roi Jones (7). ing to the committee, only House of Representatives and Edward Keating (4). seven refused to answer as a the chief counsel of Mr. 'chord's Paul Krassner (12). William Kunstler (6). • matter of principle. committee to publish the re- Mark Lane (3). `Radicals' Listed port until he had held a full Claude Lightfoot (2). hearing. Staughton Lynd (11). Most of those listed by the But the judge acknowledged Stewart Meacham (10). committee as "radical and/or that he did not have the au- Charlene Mitchell (2). revolutionary speakers" were Jessica Mitford (2). thority to prevent Mr. Ichord or Carl Oglesby (8). members of the Chicago Seven, any member of Congress from black militants, leaders of anti- Linus Pauling (2). making the list public because Sidney Peck (2, 10). war organizations or acknowl- of Congressmen's immunity Marcus Raskin (8). edged Communists. from prosecution. Richard Rothstein (8). Among those not generally Mr. Ichord, a Democrat of Jerry Rubin (6, 12). considered extremists were Jes- Missouri, called the judge's or- Nancy Rubin (12). sica Mitford the author; John J. Mark Rudd (8). der "outrageous" and made Robert Scheer (7, 8). Ciardi, the poetry editor of The rough copies of the report avail- Bobby Seale (7). Saturday Review; Dr. Ben- able to newsmen. Mulford O. Sibley (10). jamin Spock, the pediatrician; Jerome Skolnick (11). The Rev. John C. Bennett, the LIST OF SPEAKERS Robert Sollen (3). former president of the Union Following is the list as Mike Speigel (8). Theological Seminary, and released by the committee. Benjamin Spock (10). Jerome Skolnick, the criminolo- The numbers indicate the Reies Tijerina (7, 8). organizations with which the C. T. Vivian (3). gist, Who prepared a study on Wyatt Tee Walker (3). demonstrations last year for persons on the list were said Daniel Watts (5). the National Commission on the to be affiliated. The organiza- Michael Zagarell (2). Causes and Prevention of Vio- tions are listed at the bottom. 1. Nation of Islam. Muhammad Ali (1). 2. Communist party, United lence. States of America. The committee said the 65 Herbert Aptheker (2). Robert Avakian (8)- 3. National Committee to Abol- persons on the list had received John C. Bennett (3). ish HUAC (House Un-American a total of more than $100,000 James Bevel• (4). Activities Committee). for their speaking engagements Paul Boutelle (5). 4. National Mobilization Com- at schools that replied to the Elaine Brown (7). mittee to End the War in Vietnam. .
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